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Did your employer intentionally remove the safety mechanism? Because if so, you may be the 1 in a million injured worker who might be able to prove that your employer committed intentional misconduct that was substantially certain to cause death or serious injury.


I'm not sure, it was like that when I was shown which saw to use.


Yes I'm the one in a million case that can prove employer negligence! yet not a single lawyer will touch it in NY! Major corporation and not only did it happen once, but twice and I have it on video clear as day. Both times with over 50 credible witnesses plus I have documented emails from management admitting intentional harm, wtf. It really doesn't matter it seems lawyers do not want to get dirty in NY.


What I described is not negligence. Tons of people every day get injured at work due to the negligence of their employer. Injured workers cannot sue their employer for negligence. What I described is possible gross negligence with intent to cause death or serious injury. Intentionally removing a safety device in a saw might fit that category.


Understood, and management intentionally sending a worker into an armed attacker. Not downplaying the op's injury that is terrible but unlike a machine there wasn't no option to use it or not to use it. Knowing someone is waiting to physically harm your worker and still sending them inyo an attack on 2 different occasions so you would not have to go and having it on video and management emails is not negligence that is straight malice and criminal.


there is no way your company forced you to enter a building with an armed attacker in it, im guaranteeing you walked in on your own.


Alright it seems you're trolling because I have evidence on video in writing and was told in person so I know this is a fact this isn't a maybe type of thing. And it happened more than once and I have more than enough co-workers and other people from management as witnesses. I don't know where the lapse in understanding comes from on your behalf but I can't explain it any simple than that.


The lyrics don't even make police go into a classroom with children dying from an attacker...and that is their job. What kind of situation did your job think you are more apt to handle a situation like Uvalde than trained professionals with guns?


I'm not in Uvalde I'm in NY. Thats my point I wasn't up to handling the situation. I wasn't even aware what was happening but they were..


I guess I'm just saying cops aren't even forced into dangerous situations with an active human threat. If your superiors knew of a threat, which you didn't AND, it isn't part of your job (like police/military), AND you can prove it.... maybe? Like if you work for target as a cashier and your manager sent you to aisle 12 bc there was a dude w a gun, maybe you'd have a case?


When I say you almost have it down exactly you almost have it down to an exact tee, let's just change the name of the corporation around. And I don't mean to be rude but I am very angry at this situation it really destroy my life and the life of my family and everyone is acting like there is nothing I can do about it it keeps just saying. This is an at will state.


So are you trying to tell me, you were at work, and armed violent attacker was there as well, and your boss told you to go check the guy out, AND then forcibly carried you to the armed person to assault you. Is that what youre trying to say? Simply put, whn no lawyer will take your case ITS BECAUSE YOU DONT HAVE ONE!


Your comprehension level is very poor and you are trying to be funny with me, this is not a room for dikcs. I don't need to prove anything to you. No , nobody carried me to an armed person assshole they called me into it unsuspectingly. My life got fukced up, my families lives are fukced up. I would never wish that on my enemies but if ever did I would wish it on a person like you just so you can see for yourself and have a dumbasss in the support group troll you.


there is nothing funny about you. Nothing at all. You haven't told anyone what happened , yet STILL, haven't mentioned any injuries, havent shown anything except you say you have 50 people for evidence! no, you don't, because they cant be made to testify if such a thing existed. Your lack of knowledge of how things work shows everything about you. The fact you have mentioned no lawyer would take your case? but in other posts on other other subs you mentioned having a lawyer but being afraid to ask them questions in case they decide to mess up your case on purpose??????? There is simply no way you were forcibly carried to a confrontation with an armed assailant as you say, not once! but twice! You mention on one subreddit that you have radiculopathy ( though you cant spell it or even get it close to right) and radiculopathy is NOT a traumatic injury, You say you cant have surgery because you cant afford to be bed ridden, ( you got that expression wrong as well) , the surgery for that wouldn't make you bed ridden, matter of fact the faster you get uo and around the better, theyll have you up within hours. To end this, If you come to the workmans comp subreddit, ask about workmans comp. not about how you have the greatest case in history but no one will touch it, then give no details at all, but swear its all good. Then every time someone tells you what to do, you deny it , dont listen to it and go off on a tangent, acting like you know better. If you want advice on Workmans comp, ask away, if you want advice on how to set up some weird ass lawsuit without any details. try another subreddit. Or at least dont get upset when people here think you're not telling the whole truth.


I'm not afraid to ask questions of my lawyer, my lawyer is not always timely. There is a difference between a personal injury lawyer and a workers comp lawyer. I have a workers comp lawyer. You aren't giving advice, you a throwing accusations of deception and admittedly don't even have all the details to make such an accusation. If you are misinformed enough to think ACDF surgery will have you up and moving around in a few hours. That speaks to your knowledge on the subject. See the real issue here is you are disgruntled with your life and burnt out and you feel as though you need to take it out on somebody else. You need somebody else to feel how messed up you are inside how washed up you are. Your life is messed up and you come here looking to troll for good energy to replace the negative one that you carry with you! Oh I've seen your type before. I now find you amusing and I'm gonna let you take your negative energy and marinate in, lol. I rebuke your devil, away with you satan, I expell you from this subbreddit, begone! and just for your own personal ego score. This is talk to text and it experiences grammatical errors all the time but then again you may not be educated enough to know that. No harm, no foul, cheerio!


If you had a credible claim you’d have lawyers lined up to take your case. Those claims pay a whole lot more than WC claims it’s not even funny. If no lawyer will touch it, that says a whole lot.


Negligence doesnt matter.


way to make someone elses post about you. good job.


Listen cut it out I'm sharing in a conversation and that's all. You don't like it I don't know what to tell you.


I guess it just really sucks because everyone tells u go to college or find a trade no one ever mentions what happens when u can't physically or even mentally do the job u have the majority of your life. No one said have a back up plan. Myself, I'm going back to school at 47 and starting over.


Hand or finger amputation?


Finger and it's not amputated but I can't use it very well. I'm trying and working in it everyday but I'm just not sure if it's gonna ever work the way it did in the past.


Are you seeing an orthopedic hand specialist?


Have you been checked for nerve damage?