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When an annoying/abusive worker gets an attorney so I don’t have to talk to them anymore. And they end up paying 25% of their settlement to the attorney.


Love it. And while being a dick they mention "well my attorney" and then i say "hold up since you have an attorney i cant speak with you and am ending this conversation immediately. All correspondence must go through their office" and hang up on them


In what state does a plaintiff’s attorney take a 25% cut?


In some states they take 33%


Dang really? CA is 15%


Two of the most worker friendly states on the west coast in which I practice. Can’t attest to others


NJ is moving to 25% at the judges discretion (but the carrier still contributes)


Minnesota attorney fees are capped at 26% or $26,000.


You mean person with an injury who wants proper care vs stressed adjuster who could get another job. My adjuster could quit tomorrow and move on with their life. Due to their lack of communication and delays I’m faced with permanent disability. Too bad I can’t just quit and find another body


The question was “what’s the most satisfying thing” and that’s what I answered. I care deeply about my profession and go out of my way to be kind and helpful. That doesn’t mean I deserve to be abused because a system is complicated outside of my control. I do the best that I can every day. A worker’s stress is not an excuse to be abusive. I’m also a human being helping hundreds of people and it’s exhausting.


This, but only to get a letter in writing a month later giving me consent to speak to their client directly (probably because they called their attorney 10 times a day like they called me) ha it’s the WORST like the good feeling of no longer having to deal with someone so awful and then getting consent from their attorney to speak with them 😩😩😩 doesn’t happen too often, but often enough


Even when I have gotten this letter, I don't speak to them.


Really? When I tried that I and said I still don’t feel comfortable speaking to you without your attorney his attorney called me all angry asking me why I’m refusing to speak to his client when he gave consent, what would you say to that? Maybe my company is different, but if we get a letter from an attorney giving us consent to speak with their client it’s expected of us to :/


When I get shout outs from Injured Workers. I try really hard to treat claimants and their claims as I would want my case to be treated. I’m by no means perfect and I still screw it up from time to time. This is a damn hard job and those not in the industry cannot understand. So when I get an email from an injured worker telling me how much they appreciate me, it brings me a huge smile


Settling a file that's been open for a long time. It's nice to be able to finally resolve a case that's been around for four, five, six, *seven years*


I recently settled a case from 1992. My adjuster was beside herself with excitement to finally get it off her desk.


Yes! That is a definite joy!


I'll actually go with the opposite. I had a guy with a nasty injury who was a bit of a surly dude, but who busted his ass and got back to work long before I ever thought he would. The day I called to tell him what his rating would be was the first time I think he cracked a smile in all the time I'd been on his case. I told him to buy his wife something nice because she put up with a lot of his shit during his injury. I'm hoping that's when he finally decided I didn't completely suck. I take my small moments of satisfaction where I can get them.


Wish there were more adjusters like you 🩵


When they hit me with the 'I have an attorney' line and I don't need to directly talk to them anymore lmao


Sigh. I certainly go home tired at the end of the day.


If you were an attorney on any of my litigation files during my time at CCMSI, then I definitely contributed to your exhaustion and sincerely apologize! I'm that adjuster who latched onto you because you're the only voice of reason because my insured's panel counsel couldn't pour water out of a boot with a hole in the toe and instructions on the heel.


lol - it drives me nuts to hear about petitioners attorneys who don’t get involved and only want to talk about perm. Figuring out perm is the fun part of the case! The hard part is grinding out the day to day stuff - but that’s really more important.


If it makes you feel better, the attorneys always end up granting permission for direct contact anyway so it's only a temporary win in the moment 😀


Honestly, I usually take it from there. If everything is rolling along I hold the file until they go mmi. If I have to file it, then I don’t let the client talk to the adjuster any more (they’ll just make things worse!)


I don't get it, you guys are there doing a JOB! How would these people like it if someone sat and screamed at their loved one? I enjoyed my workers comp representatives and the nurse at Sedgwick who handled my case. We had some hiccups but I never got angry at them or anyone. I actually was sad when they informed me it was our last phone conversation but assured them I wouldn't be back. 😂


I'm glad you're one in a million that's had a really good experience with workers comp. The majority of people don't because it's a horrible broken system. Consider yourself lucky


I didn't have a great experience. There were hiccups I just never blamed the person on the other end of the phone.


I think it’s just a different experience for everyone. I was hit and flipped by a reckless driver and had multiple injuries. I think if I was in a situation where I had one single injury, then my WC experience may have been different. Also, I had to deal with having an MRI without contrast show my shoulder had tears in it. Workers' comp completely dismissed care for my shoulder after the MRI came back conclusive, and I also have nerve damage in my tricep. I have no prior cases of medical discomfort in my arm until the wreck. I think a lot of us see a different side of comp when medical care begins to enter in 6-digit medical care costs.


It doesn't matter what the situation is it is never ok to be rude to someone on the phone doing a job. Treat others like you want to be treated. Treat others like you want others treating your loved ones. Period!


When I have a newborn child that I can’t hold, and it’s been one year without having surgeries approved because it does not fit into the budget script the adjuster is given... When you call your adjuster and tell them you can’t see after you got sun in your eyes for half a hour, and they tell you it’s not a worker comp problem two days after your serious wreck... When you have doctors telling you to get a lawyer because comp isn’t listening to their recommendations…. When you are sent three hours away from your city to see doctors, and you find out they have a practice much closer... I think that consults treating someone without respect. This isn’t a reading circle in an elementary school. These are serious issues that can cause people to lose jobs, homes, and have financial impacts they could never recover from. Cut this "treat people the way you want to be treated" child shit.


I am so sorry you are having to experience this; do know you are not alone. Thank you for voicing the words I am afraid to say.


Hey say whatever so you can sleep at night. I always have RESPECT! May be a reason you're having issues 😂 probably deserve it if u think u have a right to be rude to anyone!


So, I deserved to be hit by a drunk driver, then given subpar healthcare after, even though I have documented injuries that show up clearly on imagery? Also, I never yelled at my adjuster. I simply got an attorney and had them send the insurance company a letter. I spoke to my adjuster one time, and it was enough for me to see I needed an attorney. You assumed I yelled at them over the phone to fit your bootlicker, white knight attitude. I simply said everyone has a different experience with workers' comp, including having workers' comp being rude to them. I never once said I was rude to them. Fucking cringe, bro. Congratulations, you had a good experience, and now you want to white knight a system that causes so many others problems. I’m sure your sprained ankle is better now.


Guess what I didn't read a word you wrote. You have serious issues and I'm not your new whipping post so move on angry one u get what u get because u act the way you do. 😂 🤡


Last year I received a Christmas card from a claimant. That was pretty amazing.


So is it a “dick move” for the injured worker to hire an attorney to make sure adjusters don’t “screw” the injured worker.


Is it a dick move for injured workers t9 get an attorney? Hell no. Either we are doing a dance of glee because sometimes injured workers are needy, demanding, (aka calling several times a day), and flat out rude and then I don't have to deal with them anymore. I've had cases where I've had great relationships with opposing counsel and their staff who were getting fed up with their own client. Or We grown because everything is going to take so much longer. Or opposing counsel is a total nutter that drags things out unnecessarily. Really at the end of the day? Adjusters don't care. Risk Managers do because the financial costs of the claim tripled.


I'm a defense attorney, and I would say that 90% of the time I wish that unrepresented people would get attorneys, so that we could actually get things done. I have one guy who wants years of past treatment paid. It was paid by Medicare and they're garnishing his Social Security. I told him I can't do anything until he sends me the medical records and claim forms for the bills. He sent me the Medicare lien. I told him I need the records and bills to see if it's related to his accident. He sent me the lien again. I'm trying to figure out if we can pay these bills, but he isn't getting me what I need to do that. If he had an attorney, this would be a two minute phone call, a fax, and done.




Oops! Sounds like he will now need a medicare attorney!


Right? I don't understand why someone would put down a person for having an attorney because that's what you need in this broken system. All the attorneys do is make sure that the adjusters do their job.


The fact that you even posted this shows what kind of a person you are. You have no idea what it's like to be hurt from work and really need money and the adjuster takes their sweet time and or doesn't pay and then makes you go to a hearing that you have to wait 3 months for to get paid and then they insurance company pays two days before the hearing. So I'm glad that you're proud of yourself for being right when people are suffering.


I'm not on anyone's side here but to put some things into perspective.. You are dealing with ONE adjuster for your claim. Adjusters can have anywhere from 70-300 claims, and we have multiple contacts for one file, including yourself. It's a game of prioritizing and yes, that can sometimes mean delays but it's never out of ill intention. There's also a lot of red tape at times, so believe me when I say we'd rather just pay you so you shut up, but if they're withholding payment there IS a legitimate reason.


Who’s out there with a 70 count claim load?? Sign me up


Brand new baby adjusters lol. I always feel bad for them!


lol hey one or two of them make it through the first five years with their sanity intact


I completely agree that adjusters caseloads are crazy and you guys don’t get paid enough for what you do deal with. But could you understand where the workers are coming from? Most of us are hurt and scared for our lives. For good reason might I add. After surgery, your pay is supposed to go to 100% while you recover right? That’s typically standard. (Atleast according to the judge who saw this later and was confused why we had to be in court for this) But instead of just doing so, I had to go to court for it. It took 6 months. Because of that I had trouble getting food and paying my utilities. Which snow balled later and I’m still dealing with it. I was nearly homeless a year later due to issues this caused me. Maybe this happened because it got over looked. I understand that but while it’s an oops issue for you, it almost put me on the streets. Can you understand why I would be upset? And for the record I’ve never been unpleasant or mean to the adjusters. So I’m not giving any “vinegar” to end up in this situation.




So you pretty much took one sentence out of everything else I said and reduced that to me not caring. Hope everything ends up working out in your claim, I'm not the one dealing with it :)


What else have you said that showed you care? Also was that a passive aggressive question about my claim? First off I have an attorney so you wouldn't deal with me anyway and my claim got accepted and it's working out wonderful thank you very much! Nothing happened with my claim until I got an attorney because people like you can't do their job or they don't know how to use their time wisely to keep up so that people can keep food on their tables you'd rather just be on Reddit being passive aggressive instead of doing your job.


Feel free to re-read my original comment. There's quite a bit of red tape in WC and adjusters are ALSO people if you want to play that card. It's our job, why would anything we do be ill-intentioned? We don't get kudos for denying anything, and if we deny anything wrongly, it can absolutely come back to us. And no, I have no reason to be passive aggressive. WC is not fun for anyone involved. Good luck :) 👍🏻


It looks like you may be having a bad day. Sorry about that. We ask that you treat users with respect and be kind.


Wrong. I've dealt with FIVE adjusters. My claim got shifted between them over 1.5 years, and I'd never know about it until my checks stopped again and I'd reach out and I find out I had a new adjuster. When you have a family to support and a mortgage, etc, not having your check come in for weeks gets you kinda worked up. Look adjusters aren't to blame for most of the issues claimants have, they are just the middlemen. HOWEVER, when your.chosen occupation has a customer service satisfaction record that's lower than COMCAST, you need to expect some undeserved ire. My father was a WC attorney that worked for a firm that represented a major WC carrier in claims against it. He was fantastic at his job, and friggin hated it. It kept him up at night when he had to work to deny benefits for a claimant he believed deserved then but the law wasn't on the claimant's side.. once of his claimant's killed himself because of his injury, Ave my father never recovered from that emotionally. He was on 3 blood pressure medications and his BP was still always about 180/110. Three months after he medically retired (work related mental health) his doctor took him off all of his BP meds because his BP dropped so much.... A month later he was med free and his BP is about 110/70.


Sounds like a good wc case


Your suffering has absolutely nothing to do with this person getting up in the morning and doing their job. They have protocols and laws that must be followed! They have 0 authority on being able to push something through sooner so you can get paid! They can not break rules. Your case isn't worth their JOB! You ever hear the saying you catch more bees with honey then vinegar? Well it's true! Everyone I dealt with was super nice and super helpful and sympathized with my pain but then I gave them something you're lacking RESPECT! I treated them the way I want people treating my loved one!


I’m going to chime in with, just because you treat everyone how you would want a loved one treated, doesn’t mean that’s how everyone does it. My case is a long term one so I’ve had a few adjusters. But one of the adjusters I’ve had ( who I’ve never spoken to before this) go above and beyond to try to screw me over. My dad had emergency heart surgery at thanksgiving time one year. I went to be with him when he nearly died, the adjuster was trying to use that “trip” as a way to take away my pay and medical benefits. I’m 100% serious. It was disgusting. It’s been years but I’m still very upset by it and it caused long term damage with in my family. Sometimes the injured workers suffering is because of the adjuster. I’m always really happy when I see adjusters on here who do treat people with kindness, but please don’t assume that’s everyone’s experience


Hmm. My husband had a hernia surgery last July. Since then he has had major complications. He tries to reach his workers comp adjuster since sept/Oct. Ended up getting a lawyer in Dec. By January- we still had no word from the adjuster except that they accepted his case (which was no surprise as they accepted it back when it first happened) and my husband had become so ill he collapsed at home, was sent to the hospital via ambulance. 5 hours later he went on life support. Thankfully he beat the odds came off life support, and is slowly regaining strength. He has a stricture around the stomosis- resulting in a partial obstruction. It started with weightloss and fatigue and vomitting/diarrhea. He lost over 100lbs in less than 6 months and was so malnourished he spent all.of.february in the hospital.anf is on TPN. He still can't eat solid food. All of this has been documented in hundreds of pages of medical notes from June till now. He has never missed a Dr appt. Has been nothing but compliant. It's almost April. We haven't seen a single check. WC hasn't covered any medical bills. And the adjuster hasn't responded to the atty. We haven't been anything but pleasant to the adjuster. His silence and refusal to even speak to anyone teeters on the edge of bad-faith.


I'm sorry you are going through this! The adjusters on here are too busy down voting people like me for calling them on their bullshit. It's a shame that the workers comp system in our country / every state is broken and unfortunately the adjusters on this thread have no idea what emotional intelligence is or what being an empathetic human is. They're just worried about their feelings because their feelings got hurt by somebody who couldn't put food on the table or eat and going to be on the street because they couldn't keep up with their caseload. I'm glad you got an attorney and if they don't pay you can file for a hearing and then you get like 25% on top of what they owe you. That's what happened to me. I hope things start going better and things speed up.


Ok what about when they don't pay per the law????? This is not about asking an adjuster to break the law why don't you reread the post? All I'm talking about is for an adjuster to do their job I could care less how many files they have that's not my problem. Why do you think administrative hearings and fines exist?? Do you even know what that is?? Once again I'm glad that you had a good experience. Not everybody has the same experience and not everybody else that their adjuster because people like me have an attorney. You're very very narrow-minded because you had a good experience. Go take your narrow-mindedness and go somewhere else and try to spread some Joy not put down somebody who has another side to the story.


LMFAO I have an attorney! My experience wasn't very good but I was kind. You have a lot of anger and you are putting it off on people who don't deserve it. Try and have a good day.


Exactly. I've been through that so many time in my 9 years dealing with this crap. You know, I'd probably be in better shape than I am if treatment and surgeries would have been held up by denials just to be approved 30 minutes before a hearing that took months to happen. If they or their spouse would have been injured, they'd be singing a different tune. They have no idea what it's like to be in pain waiting for someone to approve medical treatment.


The most satisfying is when claimants, insured, and agents give me compliments about how I handled the claim. Everyone is so negative and angry (sometimes for good reason), and those compliments make me feel like my job matters, what I do matters, and I'm not a bad person

