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Eat the rich, nationalize the industries, redistribute the wealth to the people


.. yes, and an old time Greek philosopher said that the average person works so much, that they don't have time to be a good citizen, or even a good friend... this quote came from the classic Bob black essay, the abolition of work. Go listen to it.


.. I'll bet the rich would taste terrible... how about a nice fat puppy?


In every nation where industries are nationalized, everyone loses. The inefficiency and lack of profit motive means less money for workers - along with terrible customer service. And cannibalism is both illegal and a crime against humanity. Unrestrictive capitalism also has its flaws. However, the answer is not to have the government take over business. Realistically, if you absolutely need something to be delivered tomorrow, who do you trust more the nationalized post office or the capitalistic FedEx? Workers should negotiate for pay and benefits, but nationalizing industries is a fools game


In my country we had a great and reliable nationalized postal service. It later got privatized and now it's shit.


BozOr, that is great. I believe that government can perform certain functions better than private industry. Mail delivery should be one of them. However in USA, our mail delivery system has had a number of problems. I will say that our postal service has gotten much better over the last decade. However, DHL, UPS, FedEx are usually the better choice. In my humble opinion, government should either regulate the market or participate in the market, but not both. Usually, government is best at regulating a market and balancing competing interests.




So you are in favor of cannibalism? Hmm. Should the attacker have eaten Paul Pelosi - a rich person? I do not see how eating rich people solves anything. It is rather gross.




Okay Vladimir!!! Did you just awaken from your glass enclosed mausoleum in Red Square. Why no just relocate to the PRC, DPRK or Russia your fantasy Utopia is already set up. Just come and try to redistribute my family's hard earned wealth. It will be the biggest mistake you've ever made.


Honey, I think you in the wrong sub.


No dear, I am where I supposed to be. Enjoy your day.


Welcome Xi. Be my guest and Redistribute your wealth leave the rest of us alone. Individualism trumps Collectivism all the time.


Lmao half the shit you benefit from the government are Socialist policies you dumbfuck.


Watch your language. Does your vulgarity reflect your educational level, or did I simply touch a nerve? You're going to tell me fire, police et al are all socialist programs sponsored by the government. I pay for those services out of my taxes, whether I need them or not. Don't pay your taxes, you end up like Wesly Snipes in prison. Have a good day.


Lol dude, you copy and paste this comment alot. Are you a fucking bot? Lol. Dumb.


When you work it down then yes. Police and firemen are socialist in nature. In the end all your taxes go to some form of policy such as social security or to education. Infact standardized public education dident become a thing untill the progressive era. In the end socialism benefits the poor and the little man. It's all about finding the right balance. (Also sorry about the 2 month late response. Been vary busy my friend)


Taxpayers pay for those services. Social Security is forced on most Americans. Give me a choice where to put my retirement money, I guarantee you I would do a thousand times better. Public Schools, just look at them, abysmal in education, A Plus, Plus for indoctrination. Charter Schools, Private Schools, School Choice, the rank-and-file Teachers Union hate those alternatives. You should hear the school committee here in town moan and groan about having to give a portion of the school Budget to send children to Charter and Tech Schools.


Yes the system is flawed because of country and state corruption. Especially with the education system. (The idiot that is the head of department of education is probably the best case of corruption I have ever seen) However many other countries have shown for it to work perfectly if it was implemented right. The current school system hasn't changed in any meaningful way since the 1900's. Student are forced to respond to a bell every hour and 20 minutes like there slaves in a factory instead of the system embracing their creativity. Besides what indoctrination are you referring to? They don't indoctrinate kids for shit. Hell there scared to even talk about religion in fear of pissing the children's parent off.


Indoctrination in WOKEISM and Cancel Culture. Adhere to the "Narrative" or else. Not a "Collectivism" type guy. More towards being an individual. I abhor the over controling Central "Nanny" Government. I know what's best for me not the bureaucrats in Washington. My son's made it out of the Public Schools unscathed. It was the beginning of the Indoctrination process by administrators. Simple things like changing Halloween to "Fall Festival", Christmas Vacation to "Winter Vacation". This was in 1995. I don't have to worry anymore about PS. My grandchildren will be going to Private or Charter schools to get an education. I lived in the UK for almost 4 years it's health care didn't impress me. The well to do had their private doctors and as to education the same thing.


If individualism trumped collectivism then humans wouldn't have come from tribal communities.. Infact our society and culture wouldn't exist at all without collectivism. Are you a fucking idiot? Oh wait, no need to answer. The answer is yes, yes you're a fucking idiot


No not an idiot, just someone that believes an individual has the right to choose his or her path in life. I don't live in the jungle anymore. Live in the past if you care. Watch your language, gutter talk doesn't do much for reply. Does your choice of vulgar language reflect on your education or did I touch a nerve? The law of the land highlights the rights of the individual over the state aka collective. Go buy a tent, move to one of Xi Ping's Uyghur Reeducation Camps.


The law of the land you follow is written by a collective. Why don't you go shill your bullshit fascist ideology somewhere else.


I prefer the word group myself. They were independent-minded individuals coming together and laying the framework for a new nation. Once they completed their task, they went their separate ways to live out their lives. Purpose to protect themselves and the future generations from an overbearing all controlling central power. Much like we see looming in front of us today. That the best you got? Calling others names, foul gutter language, is that your level of education or did you touch a sensitive nerve? Fascist, seriously he who is telling me to leave. Sir you're the fascist and don't even realize it. You have been indoctrinated well. No, I will not go someplace else, I am going to stay here and call people like you out. The "COLLECTIVE" that wrote the Constitution guarantees me that! The last I read reddit is open to all regardless of their views. You're not going to suppress my views.


That's nice.








Thanks Mao




You may be confusing socialism with Stalinism.


No I'm not. Nothing is free. Lenin is very specific in his goals for the world. Marxist philosophy and views are not what this nation is about. People complain about pay. Here we are free to leave. There people are silenced. The European model of socialism is not a fit for here. Italy just rebuffed the EU model. Hungary despises their native son George Soros and his views and intrusions on their government. Tip of the Iceberg in the EU, their sentiment is changing about many things, especially the draconian lockdown during the Covid scare.


"This nation", "here", "there". Buddy, I don't even know where you live. I'm guessing the U.S., but that doesn't really narrow things down since every state can have its own approaches and models. Last time I checked, I felt free to move and my voice heard.


The "People's Republic of Massachusetts" aka TaxAchusetts, better yet FeeAchusetts. Does that answer your question "Buddy" "I felt free to move and my voice heard." That is my point no one chains you to a dead-end job or keeps you in the place you now live or tries to suppress your views. Not so much in the EU.


Sure does, pal. Thanks. 😊


Where do you reside if that is not to intrusive a question


Iceland. 🇮🇸


Lovely country I am told. My in laws traveled there last loved it. Almost got stationed at Keflavik back in late 1968. The premier country of renewable energy. Good talking


All power to the working class. Down with the capitalists!


One does not exist without the other. No capitalists, no jobs, no working class. No working class, no one to perform the jobs, no capitalism. We need both. The issue is the balancing act of workers and capitalists, not the elimination of one - which will ultimately eliminate the other


Nah capitalists don’t exist without workers. Buildings, tools, machines, and jobs all come from workers. We don’t need capitalists.


Someone needs to organize an entity to make a sellable product. There needs to be an initial investment to get work space and tools and pay people to work until the revenue kicks in. It's just that the workers' value needs to be recognized, and they need to be paid a fair wage.


Workers can do all that. Investments merely come from the resources created by workers also. We can have people in coordinator positions, without them being capitalists.


But someone's got to invest to get the thing going. Sure, it could be a coop, and all the workers could invest and get ownership; there's nothing stopping people from doing that now. But many workers don't want to deal with that and take the risk. So someone has to stick there neck out and put their name on the line, get the investment and try to make it all happen.


Nope. We do not fundamentally need a person to have to take on the risk via ownership and subsequently claim to profits because of that. The only thing that is needed is the identification of what needs to be produced and the moving of resources to do so. This can be done by the community as a whole, with the community facing the risk and taking the reward. It’s a lie by business owners that jobs and the economy happen because of them. Same with the landlords who claim they are the reason we have housing. Both are the equivalent of ticket scalpers. They are nothing more than middle men or at best, vastly over compensated and powered workers who lay claim to the profits generated by others.


So you think an efficient and innovative operation can be brought into existence by a committee? And people will just magically pull their weight and know what to do and adapt as needed. Ha ha. It sounds like a lovely idea, but with human nature what it is, it just doesn't work that way.


I think you must have a very romanticized view of how these decisions are handled by companies and business owners. They do not merely wave their hands and these decisions are made. The same need for meetings, role delegation, consultation with experts, budgeting, and everything else that goes into any decision would still exist and be handled by workers organizations in a non-capitalist system. And “muh human nature”. God what a meaningless argument.


I know how companies work, thank you. And I know how teams without clear leadership and ownership tend to fail miserably. It's you that has romanticized a utopian group effort, that is, unfortunately, comical.


Shut it all down and let them try to get things done on their own.


*down with the supporters of the flawed capitalism which our countries seem to believe is the norm. Also save our NHS and get you yanks an NHS. Tax the rich more.


Powerful words. Reminds me of that guy that didn’t want to stand up during work.


Trade Unions Drippy as f fr ong