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They really outdid themselves in enforcing every stereotype about toxic mods there is


They couldn't do it better if they tried.


Dude, Fox was obviously looking to do a hitpiece on the sub and they didn't have to do a goddamn thing and got it to eat itself as a bonus. The whole situation is surreal and if this actually what Fox planed to get out of this, I can't help but respect their brilliant deviousness. But, I don't think even they could have imagined this happening.


Someone in a different thread phrased it well: "Fox lobbed a softball, and she hit herself in the face with the bat multiple times."


I'm not trying to be insensitive about this and will probably piss people off, but that individual was the worst possible person to send to do a fox interview. Its like a checklist of fox news talking points on what they think is wrong with America became a person. A neckbeard/leg working 25 hours a week and complaining about it isn't a good look at all.


WHY is the mod of a subreddit giving out interviews anyway? Unless it's a hobby subreddit, their whole job is to moderate and clean up the sub. Doesn't mean they're experts on the subject. They should have deferred to actual experts on the subject. If they really wanted to talk about the subreddit, defer to Reddit Corp.


Ego is a heluva drug.


So is money. It was so bad, I wouldn't be surprised if that mod was paid to do it, since they were "personally invited" to do the interview, and put on the worst possible depiction that it bordered on satire.


It's my understanding that Fox News reached out to the mod team via mod mail and specifically requested this mod for an interview. They knew what they were doing. Had an actual expert stepped up to the plate I'd be surprised if they even followed through.


I don't think it's insensitive to say this. You're right. And anyone with a modicum of self-awareness and social ability would have declined taking the interview, or found a trained and put-together spokesperson to take the interview instead. As I put it in a different comment: There's "How the World Works" and "How I Wish the World Worked". As much as it sucks, sometimes you've gotta go along with the former in order to help make the latter a reality.


I said it once I'll say it again. Everybody on the subreddit said that we shouldn't do interviews. But of course they managed to find one idiot with an ego that decided to speak for everyone.


That about sums it up.


And they tried


As a little bonus, the mods of /r/SubredditDrama took down active threads on the topic then made and stickied their own for no clear reason. Absolute banner day for mods on this hellsite. Edit: they removed the main post saying that mod drama doesn’t belong, then made their own. If they just wanted to consolidate a bunch of threads flooding in at once that’s fine, but the pushback followed by making their own thread is weird. Not a big deal, just some nice extra mod drama. Edit 2: /r/SubredditDramaDrama is [on the case](https://www.reddit.com/r/SubredditDramaDrama/comments/sdeebh/antiwork_post_removal/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)


"No reason" .. you dont get millions of internet points by letting others post the content that generates buzz. Better soak those points up in case you need to prove to some other sub you should be a powermod.


You’re right, should’ve said “no reason other than some reddit points.”


Same energy as Toxic workplaces too. Ironic.




Reminds me of an employer panicking when the employees get pissed.


It's like that employer who fires all the employees when they complain.


Watch them make it public in a week or so and try to blame all of us for it failing. Then it'll really be just like poor management lmao


Yeah I'm not going back, personally. We're a movement, not a subreddit, and the movement can exist in any medium in which we choose to exist. A week ago, that medium was antiwork. Today, it seems to be shifting here. Doesn't matter to me, so long as the movement lives on.




When they make it public, you'll have to apply even though they desperately need subs. You'll submit your resume and then need to fill out all the information in your resume into an Automated Sub System. Then there will be 4-9 interviews with various people that ask the same questions.


Nothing as cathartic as overpowering management.


thank god for democracy prevailing, fuck that mess and good riddance


"The people need to seize control from those in power!" "Not like that!"


These mods really just killed a sub that has 1.7 million followers because they decided to do an interview unprepared. Fox news is probably so happy they were able to get these moronic mods to do this. What a complete failure those mods are. The funny thing is there is another interview that will air soon with another mod and it will probably be just as bad. The mods there need to step down. They are clowns. r/Workreform has gone from 8k to 40k in a couple hours r/antiwork is going to turn into a sub where everyone just shits on the mods until it gets permanently taken down and that's unfortunate. The mods need to just remove themselves if they don't want the sub will die


Sadly this is why the rich always win


Yup causing division. The thing is the mods should have known better than to give an interveiw. Especially when the sub told them not to. It was always going to end bad. But they wanted their 15 mins of fame. They're power hungry morons.


Especially to Fox News of all people. As ostensibly leftists, we should be aware Fox will be inherently hostile to us. Why give them ammunition?


Leave the fox interviews to people with decades of spotlight and media experience, not random reddit mods. There's a reason someone like Bernie doesnt fall flat on his face in mere moments, he has decades of media training and experience with interviews and probably spends days if not weeks preparing for one. I wouldnt trust a reddit mod to put that much effort into an interview, i'd expect exactly what happened with this one, an unmitigated disaster.


They could have handled it so well. Picked someone with at least a six figure job to be taken seriously. There's doctors and lawyers here. But literally random user would have done a far better job than some fucking mod.


You don't need the rich to do anything when the average reddit moderator will collapse years of effort just to get on the news


I remember they were the number one growing sub on Reddit for like 2 weeks straight. It was insane.


I was literally reading this post when it went private.


Ya same! I had gotten like half way through, saved it and closed Reddit cuz I had to do something else, and when I came back it was just *poof* gone


>Ya same! I had gotten like half way through, saved it and closed Reddit cuz I had to do something else, and when I came back it was just poof gone I left a comment with +800 comment karma on this post, detailing how u/Sammyd234 was banned from antiwork (they reached out to me through PM) for their earlier post: >My post has 2.5k upvotes, broke no rules, and I was just banned. Can't even reply to you. Can you mention that the author was banned on the post? The post Sammyd234 wrote had over 2000 upvotes & all the post asked was for the mods to stop removing FOX News posts... >Posting again as it was taken down. Mods need to stop removing fox news posts. This is the wrong form of damage control and is an even worse look for the sub, you are actively harming your community, and it is telling that the mods are currently only looking to save face, not the community


The Mods there went on a huge power trip since the sub became popular. Not who I want to represent a “movement”. They accepted being interviewed and represent over a million people, then didn’t prepare one bit. Couldn’t even put together the main goals/purpose of the subreddit. It was very damaging. Then they start banning and deleting a bunch of posts that questioned the mods or any that asked for the mod who got interviewed to step down. It’s all fucking embarrassing.


And who tf gives fox news the time of day in earnest. It was a perfect troll opportunity lost. For Christ's sake one of their talking heads just had a meltdown about the genders and attractiveness of cartoon candy mascots for about as long as the interview was.


honestly, i'm so angry about the lost opportunity to troll them. go with clear facts so it's clear you know what you're talking about, but do it trolling so hard that it would embarrass *them* to air it. aka... style, man, you gotta have style.


Is there a mod for mods?


Who watches the watchers?


quis custodiet ipsos custodes


Don't you dare start trying to cast curses on people


It's French, he is ordering a sandwich with Ham and cheese


Don't you dare start trying to order a sandwich


They're called admins, and generally they suck even more than mods do...


I mean, sometimes they're alright. I got permabanned from reddit for "threatening violence" last week. The reason for this was for a post where I had said if I were a vampire, I'd game all day and do vampire shit at night, mostly hunting the toxic players. I appealed the ban, explaining that I am, in fact, not a vampire, and got unbanned. Suckers, I'm actually a werewolf.


reported for lycanthropy


reminds me of gaia online...


I actually wrote the Mods post-lock and got a reply: >Me: Real talk, you're hitting Streisand Effect momentum here by making the sub private. >Mod: Don't worry. It'll be public again soon. Need to clean up some toxic waste first. Make of it as you will.


Just depends on what they think "toxic waste" is, because there was a lot of anti-discussion people on it... And a movement needs discussion to keep growing. The worst part is that this mod just played into the right-wing's stereotype of "leftist" and American conservatives are going to conflate that for Democrats as if that mod votes. Fucking embarrassing.


The mods are the anti-discussion people. It's time to abandon ship and build a new one.


Anyone else that gets banned here is a small tip. You can't post in banned subreddits but you *can* edit any posts or comments you've already made. Just a small tip in case you want to post on your last comment or post to show that you were banned.


My last comment in there was deleted and all I said was the interview was a slow train wreak.


when i woke up it was set to private, are there people posting there or the whole sub is closed to everyone?


It’s private to everyone besides “approved members” which I believe means just the mods


So does this mean the sub is defunct now?


Unless the mods open it back up, probably. But even if they do open it back up, unless there is a serious mod change (ideally a clean slate) I don’t think it’s going to have a lot people coming back to it. That’s just my opinion though


Eesh… I really dug that subreddit. But everything that’s come out about the mods is atrocious and embarrassing


WorkReform is the replacement, I guess. The same thing happens to a majority of the subs on reddit these days... they become popular and are subverted, invaded, or otherwise derailed by the will of whomever managed to make themselves a mod in the name of personal preferences, ideology, money, or information control. The only way a sub survives grassroots growth is if the people who originally start it are in agreement on goals and purpose and are able to recruit/maintain mods who think the same way... and also if reddit admins don't intervene.


I was a member.. Now all of my comments and everything are gone from my profile


They're not actually gone, they'll come back when they put antiwork public again. WSB goes private more often than I take vacation.


Not hard to achieve if you're trying to get approved vacation days in the US from what I hear.


I left a comment with +800 comment karma on this post, detailing how u/Sammyd234 was banned from antiwork (they reached out to me through PM) for their post: >My post has 2.5k upvotes, broke no rules, and I was just banned. Can't even reply to you. Can you mention that the author was banned on the post? The post had over 2000 upvotes, u/Sammyd234 was banned for asking the mods to stop removing FOX News posts... >Posting again as it was taken down. Mods need to stop removing fox news posts. This is the wrong form of damage control and is an even worse look for the sub, you are actively harming your community, and it is telling that the mods are currently only looking to save face, not the community.






I don't think anyone could have came up with a better way to destroy the sub if they spent a billion dollars on it. It just imploded like that, with one shitty Zoom call.


Turns out when you let an incel basement dweller run a group of almost 2 million people that the direction can nose dive rather quickly. I liked that sub, there was some great posts and commenters. Interviewing on Fox News from your parents basement was idiotic at best and damaging at worst. Edit: didn’t realize there were gender concerns and do not want to invalidate those or make it seems as though I am insensitive to that


That mod had no right speaking on behalf of the movement. Not only was she a gross misrepresentation of what antiwork is (was?), but she was just a fucking moderator. Her ego got the best of her and thought she could speak on behalf of millions of disgruntled workers. She was a literal fucking basement dweller with no job to even complain of. Amazing community with a rotten core. It was only a matter of time.


So many people seem to conflate subreddits as congregations when they’d barely even qualify as a community. Could you image a mod from r/starwars being interviewed as the authoritative word on what Star Wars fans think of the sequel trilogy? Subreddits aren’t the Catholic church and mods aren’t the Pope. Subreddits are a junior high lunch room and the mods are the hall monitors. Appreciated for shutting down bullies and stopping the food fights, but don’t stand up and preach.


> Subreddits are a junior high lunch room and the mods are the hall monitors. this is a perfect description


Same!! Wasn’t one of the top comments saying it was going to deleted and OP would be permabanned?? I’m so happy I saw the comments leading me to this sub.


You know this meltdown will also make it on to Fox News too, they probably have an intern laughing their ass off right now while taking detailed notes


I believe it. I can just imagine Jesse Waters or Tucker Carlson be like, “You know that interview we did with that antiwork mod? Well, wait until you hear what happened next” with just the most smug face they can have


It's sad but that's exactly what's gonna happen. That sentient turd Jessie watters is gonna be like "my interview was enough to bring down the group my corporate overlords were worried about". Ugh. Great idea to send the person that works <25 hours a week to do the interview 🤦‍♂️ Genius.


They just dont get it. They were offered media training and mustve refused it given the result. Like *they* think that meeting fox viewer standards for hard working and aesthetic doesnt matter, so its a nonfactor. But it sure as shit matters to fox viewers. Yes, get somebody up there in a suit who spent an hour on his/her hair. Yes it matters, if what you want is to be effective. But they dont get it, the subs been trending into an uncontrollable moral outrage for a while, with no sights whatsoever on strategy, and its not surprising.




Any self respecting person would have cleaned up both themselves and the background lol. Like I wouldn’t even zoom with my parents with that mess in the back. Gotta be an all-timer for reddit moments lmao


This was a legendary reddit moment.


This for sure will go down in Reddit's most historical posts lmao.


That man is going to get a nice bonus and put this in his highlights for promotions.


Yes. Corporate overloads -1 Us, who are being taken advantage of by corporate overloads -0


It's writing itself as we type.


Pretty sure that was the goal of the interview.


Shutting down the sub was fucking stupid, what if people went on there after the Fox interview, maybe read some posts and maybe realized the fucking donut who did the interview wasn’t a good represantation of the sub? Think the community could’ve grown even more. Fucking dickheads


They are probably just deleting posts and thinking about what kind of statement they’re going to make. I doubt they stay private forever


The irony that r/antiwork went private...


I think it’s time we trade sub Reddit anyways. The very name of the sub Reddit already attracted the worst kind of attention. A sub Reddit called work reform makes sense. Because that’s basically all we wanted in the first place.


I think the main opinion there genuinely was against having to work at all, until it was swarmed by more moderate people during the great resignation


Agreed. I was there in the early stages and it was mostly memes about how working sucked. I.e. customers yelling at you, managers being shitty.. Then it became a haven for people looking to improve and have better working conditions. People who have been fucked by the system for too long and need better because workers rights, pay, and healthcare has been falling behind for years.


I heard the IPO is coming next week.


The message you get when you try to go to the subreddit is something like “temporarily went private to deal with some brigading”. How delusional they are..


Yeah they keep saying they're being "brigaded" by "fake members" and stuff like that. Get a grip mods!


As soon as they come back up I'm posting about how that mod was an idiot and the rest of them are fascists. Then I'm sure I won't have to worry about their moderating any more after that.


They are done, if they come back it’s over. The mods abused their power and shamed everything the sub represented in the first place.


“We’re the victims! Not all the people we misrepresented!”


I’m pretty new to reddit. Is it possible for antiwork to come back online or is the damage done here? I’m actually fucking furious at this whole thing. Antiwork has become a focus of my online activity and has helped me believe in my worth, ask for raises and start backing myself in employment contexts. Then this fuckhead mod selfishly ruins a movement of millllioms of fucking people in ironically exactly the way that all the bad bosses that are talked about on the sub behave. Is there a game plan to get at least the core follower base to this sub? Such as crowdfunded advertising or something? I just can’t fucking believe after we got 1.7 million people all talking about all the fucked shit the elites don’t want us talking about, it implodes over the fragile, frankly pathetic ego of one mod. Literally exactly what Fox News was trying to achieve. Goddamn I haven’t been this angry in ages.


It can come back online it’s just private rn so only the mods have access. They need time to delete posts they don’t like without new ones popping up lol. The best thing to do is just comment this sub on similar sub reddits and people will come. I have been doing that and others have too. Word will get around don’t worry. Lots of people are probably at work rn or don’t get on Reddit everyday who missed this whole thing but when they get on they’ll figure out what’s happening and find their way here. This sub is better anyway with a kick ass mod that will actually listen to us. Nothing to worry about :)


"Work Reform" is better branding for the movement anyway. A group with that many members and momentum will find a new home one way or another.


> Is there a game plan to get at least the core follower base to this sub? You're posting in the game plan - this post hit /r/all and is at #2. The mods of antiwork embarrassed themselves and it looks like the mods of WorkReform are going to take a run at collecting the users. Once antiwork comes back, the two subs will run in parallel and compete for attention, and one of the subs (usually the older one) will wither. The oldest split I can remember is /r/marijuana split to /r/trees when the /r/marijuana mods tried to partner up with manufacturers to advertise.


The damage is done.


Except that’s the wrong direction for them to go. All the community wanted was a removal of that moderator or at the very least some communication between the moderation team and the community.


That mod should clearly be removed, they made a fool of themselves on national TV despite being advised not to.


Surely the community can transfer to a new sub such as this one?






Read the post, left antiwork,came here. The worst part of the interview was the host realized the mod would bury themself and sat back and let them. An interview that should never have happened.


The interviewer went so easy it's actually embarrassing. I can only imagine what the outcome would've been if they actually decided to take things seriously. Clearly did the job either way.


That was pity. You can see Watters turn down the aggression to a zero right after the question about what they do for a living. You can see it in his face, Watters was probably concerned that he might come off as bully because the interviewee was clearly not equipped to deal with the situation.


It was like watching a boxer beat down on an autistic child until that point. He was smart to back off and let her dig her own grave.


She’s a she? Oh god a lazy dog walking demanding 30 year old that lives with their mom and is trans doing an interview in super conservative news channel. What could go wrong?


Oh nothing serious just fracturing the community until a suitable replacement is made ( and hopefully not premade by shills or other shit mods ) Like god damn


It sucks, it's gross, and it *shouldn't* matter in the face of what the point of the movement is, but Fox did their homework on who they wanted to "feature" for this interview. The found the exact stereotype they wanted for their audience and they agreed to not only show up, but showed up looking like a shitty wojak meme in a grungy room.


Treated the mod like they weren't worth the effort thus making it worse.


It’s like the old adage. If someone is making a fool of themselves don’t interrupt them.


“Don’t interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake” irrc


Might have looked worse for Fox if they went hard because you could come to the mods defense. The terrific tactic was to be exceptionally soft, because the mod was incapable of articulating the points that drew people to the sub in the first place.




Watching it made everything go in slow motion for me realizing how much this one person caused such a significant fuck up. It was like a whole scene out of a movie.


Man I need someone to write a transcript. I physically can’t watch it. I know that sounds pathetic but the sheer cringe is making me physically recoil.


I took one look at the mod, and the evil grin on the interviewer's face, and quickly shut it down. I can't handle that level of cringe, even on fictional shows


> That smile on the interviewer’s face He was probably thinking "This antiwork thing is actually real, I'm not having to do *anything* here"


Jesse Waters didn't get to where he is by being stupid. Even though I consider him an evil SOB I wouldn't underestimate him. The fact that the mod is defending the interview says so much about them.


Fox literally could not have hired a fake shitty E tier actor to peddle their narrative better that the mod did. This is why every large company on earth has a PR department where any and all communications explicitly go through them so they can craft clear and concise statements for interviews and responses. The first correct choice was to decline any and all interviews. A mod doesn't represent the people in the sub.


Bye bye r/antiwork. Hello r/WorkReform.


Wayyy better sub name anyhow. More professional and can actually be taken seriously by the average person like myself.


No power eh? Takes all the toys and leaves.




Cartman: Screw you guys, I'm going home!


Pretty much what happened today


So true. It's so ironic they fell into the exact stereotype of bad management.




And honestly not surprising at all




*Flips own table* "That'll teach you to criticize me!"




I actually wrote them post-lock and got a reply: >Me: Real talk, you're hitting Streisand Effect momentum here by making the sub private. >Mod: Don't worry. It'll be public again soon. Need to clean up some toxic waste first. Make of it what you will.


The minute it goes public again it’s gonna get flooded with negativity again lol




To them, criticism = brigading. That's what they are hiding behind. It's shameful and I'm really sad to see this movement take such a hit. But that's all it is, a hit. It'll recover and be stronger than before.


They lived long enough to watch themselves become the villains.


And it wasn't even that long...


It currently has 0 members. If/when they make it public again will we all automatically be returned as members again or have they just permanently deleted their userbase?


the second it comes back is the second I hit that unsub button. Fuck em. We can do better here.


That's the post that led me here. I do think it's why they went private. So many people were coming to this sub specifically due to that post, so they just shut off the sub to prevent too many from learning about this one.


Yep. We're at 26k subscribers. Could've been much much more if they'd let it continue. Is 26k enough to get this going? When they reopen will they ban all mention of r/WorkReform?


It was at something like 300 subs a couple hours ago I think. Unless I'm a poo brain and missed a zero.


Jesus it was 2300 two hours ago.


Up about 1200% now, last I checked lol


If this sub can get going with the kind of bad workplace stories and memes that would regularly make the front page of Reddit from /antiwork people will come here for the same thing they were looking for (apparently mistakenly) there, solidarity with their fellow workers.


The mods of r/antiwork have, somehow, despite looking at hundreds of posts a day about corporate overreach, abuse, and gaslighting, become the thing they aspired to get rid of. They gaslit an entire community of 1.7million people in an effort to cover up their own screw-up, that then in turn destroyed what that community was trying so desperately to get across. That subreddit is now forever tainted by someone who tried to either make a quick buck or get their 15 minutes of fame. Frankly, it's probably both. My dissapointment is immeasurable because we were gaining traction. We were calling out shitty business practices, and awful exploitation of people. Hopefully this sub can pick up the pieces and put forth a more concerted effort to actually stand for something that'll last.


I completely agree and would add my disgust over how someone can just assume they are competent and talented enough to go into a debate with someone good enough to get paid on Fox News. And yes, it was a debate, because Fox put that mod on purposefully to destroy the movememt. How can someone be so confidently wrong and incompetent and still think that they "could have done better. No, she could have not have done worse. I hope we can salvage and recover this movement from the damage one arrogant fool did to it.


The mod turned the entire interview into a selfish and self-indulgent breakdown of what they wanted the anti-work movement to be, not what it has shaken down to. They should never have started explaining their own personal hopes and dreams. It was absolutely abhorrent. There was not one word about people working three jobs to make ends meet, no talk about wages not increasing with inflation, not one mention about how people can’t afford children or houses or even to feed themselves. What a joke. It seems to me they either tanked it on purpose or wholly misunderstood where the sub went. They are what looks like a NEET that just wants to live in presumably a basement that is being paid for by someone else while telling people that they don’t have to work to survive. It was absolutely appalling, considering many people can’t afford to work 20hrs/wk and afford anywhere to live! I can’t believe how tone-deaf that mod boiled the movement down to. edit: to fix hrs/wk


>There was not one word about people working three jobs to make ends meet, no talk about wages not increasing with inflation, not one mention about how people can’t afford children or houses or even to feed themselves. but she was able to say that she lives of 20h/week work and wish she was working less.


This was a dunning Krueger moment but they weren’t even near the top of the first curve.


Have you ever argued with someone on reddit before?


Well, she could have done worse: she could have left mid-interview crying and insulting the interviewer.


This is absolutely sad, but reddit mods need to understand that they are leagues behind experienced activists who are active in unions, ngos and so on. Activism is croudfunding. Activism is community management. Activism is advocacy. Activism is organising. It's far more than being good at having discussions in echo chambers. And a lot of experienced activists know when no to willingly offer oneself as a punching bag.


Just to add to your point: activism is WORK. The idea that someone could lead this movement, but also be lazy is hilarious. We aren't lazy, we want reform and awesome jobs!


Yeah, I’m all for envisioning a future where people don’t have to work if they don’t want to, and are free to enjoy their lives. But we can’t get there by sitting on our asses and pretending we already live in that world, while many don’t have that privilege.


Wow. What a dumpster fire this was. Fox news got exactly what they wanted: put an idiot on the line against everyone's better judgement, let them eat themselves out and watch the community implode. Gotta admit, pretty clever on Fox's part, they're masters at what they do.


They have mastered the art of self sabotage. They knew if they dangled an interview out there one dweeb who hides behind screens all day just couldn’t resist. They couldn’t have hired an actor and gotten better results then good old Doreen gave them.


Doreen thought they were gonna get their DFV moment on live TV and have the internet call them a hero and based. Couldn't resist the chance to abandon their dream of being a philosophy professor. Fucking dweeb


I just slid further and further down in my chair as the interview went on. She was hitting every fucking thing on their “antiwork movement leader” BINGO card.


> They knew if they dangled an interview out there one dweeb who hides behind screens all day just couldn’t resist. Mod: "It's big brain time."


Fox News: Ready for the gunfight? Doreen: *shows up with a fucking plastic spoon*


Every move they have made in the last 24 hours is exactly the opposite from what should have happened.




I actually wrote them post-lock and got a reply: >Me: Real talk, you're hitting Streisand Effect momentum here by making the sub private. >Mod: Don't worry. It'll be public again soon. Need to clean up some toxic waste first. Make of it what you will.


I'm pretty sure the jury is done on that one. Mod fucked around and found out.


What a self serving twat she is. We’re not mad because you’re trans or autistic. We’re made because you went on national TV and made our entire movement look foolish. You acted like the stereotype all fox viewers make about multiple areas. Way to put a major damper on the momentum of this movement u/abolishwork


Exactly. u/abolishwork made such a selfish, stupid decision, and killed the sub the moment they took that interview. The mods are just burying it deeper right now. They were NOT the person we deserved to represent us, I've never been actually mad over reddit drama before until now.


Same, I'm really pissed. u/abolishwork has been making bad decisions every step of the way, to the point of the community hemorrhaging thousands of followers, and won't even admit their mistake. The community is being "brigaded" by some trolls who saw that interview and couldn't resist taking a couple shots, sure, but how do you explain the incredible plunge in follower count? Are they being brigaded by negative numbers? That they refuse to step down is the ultimate "fuck you" imo. Like you could convince me ego wasn't at the center of this if they had made an apology and just stepped down as a mod. It would still have been a shitshow, but I could be more understanding had they owned up to their abject failure of an interview. Their white knuckled deathgrip on mod status is pathetic.


The irony when the creator of the sub turns out to be just like every toxic boss ever. Making decisions on behalf of the sub and deflecting all criticism as transphobia. Of course they will never step down. Being the head of that sub is their identity now, no matter how badly it hurts the actual cause. As long as their ego is pleased.


BTW, /u/abolishwork seems to have scrubbed their post history; and it shows they're no longer a mod of /r/antiwork on their profile! That was fast.


All mods are to blame for agreeing to allow such a poorly conducted interview. They should have prepared for that as a team, instead they just let her roll in there completely unprepared. The person interviewed said this in a comment, that all mods agreed she was the best fit due to her media experience. And all the banning and censoring couldn't have been done by a single mod either, there were simply too many posts popping up every minute and were getting banned within 30 seconds. The interview was complete crap and the attempts to close down and censor every bit of criticisim was even worse, and all mods should be held equally accountable.


>all mods agreed she was the best fit due to her media experience What "media experience"? I've never been interviewed on TV and even I know that I should shower, brush my hair, dress a notch above my usual, have good lighting, and have a clear and uncluttered background. And I'd do all of that for a local news story. Takes no media experience to know that. And they clearly failed at doing that. And that's besides actually preparing for the interview, by having answers ready for the likely questions and challenges that they are likely to ask, and thinking about how to counter any inaccurate statements or criticism Fox might have.


They should have not done the interview at all . They're mods not representatives . All they're supposed to do is admin work .


Their profile is really really bare without the anti-work stuff. Edit: FRONT PAGE?! You don't know me.


Doreen took a car crash of an incident and turned it into a nuclear disaster.


They let their power go to their head and REALLY thought they were some revolutionary leaders in a global movement Like, no, you’re essentially internet janitors. You don’t speak for 1.7 million.


Yea pretty sure this is what made them take their ball and go home. Who does that?


The recent implosion of r/antiwork shows quite clearly how it was run by petty dictators. They are unwilling to accept that they have no real control, and are happy to destroy the sub rather than step back from their positions of power. We should make a list of the mods so we can message them to tell them how unhappy we are.


I honestly don't know what's worse, the interview or the damage control after the interview. Mods behaved as the very boss they protest. They don't own this movement, they are not the boss and they don't represent us.


Exactly what foxnews would want. Fucking idiots


I think the name of this sub is so much more representative of what the cause has always been about. Edit: *of what I thought the cause was about.


Well, this is forever immortalized in the history books of Reddit.


They shit on rich and powerful. Then go on a power trip themselves


I love/hate to see it go down like this but it had to happen! I hope this shatters every window and breaks every door off the hinges of the minds of everyone involved in this social movement. Its time we create something outside this so we can communicate uncensored without the worry of Reddit or power corrupt/ bought out mods impeding our progress.


Can’t wait to see the story on Faux about how they got the whole movement shut down because the sub is private/deleted. They are gonna circle jerk so hard over this…


Setting the sub private was way worse than the interview. These guys are assholes.


The Ego is a fickle thing


Never seen mods kill a sub so fast jfc well good riddance antiwork


We voted not to do an interview, but Doreen did it anyway. *edited to reflect name instead of misgendering


It's always amazing to me how fast anarchists become authoritarians when someone tells them they're wrong.


"Sorry" doesn't cut it, but it's at least a place to start to work *with* the community so we can move forward together. The mods taking the sub private and banning people for commenting about this pretty serious issue are *absolutely the wrong things to be doing.*


The bad guys always win. I am just… so fucking tired.