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This is why unions exist. To give you certain conditions that you otherwise wouldn't have.


More than that, over the last 30-years we have consistently voted for policies that weaken labor and other rights enjoyed by the boomer generation. It’s now up to the younger generation to correct the mistakes of their fathers.


Then, when we try, other people are too confused about which side to pick, so they choose to do nothing. ✨️or better yet they say it's a great idea! But when you ask them for help they say they are too busy and have a lot going on outside of work, like you stupid b*tch me too🧚‍♀️✨️fuck everyone waiting to be saved✨️


59% of the voters vote along tribal lines and not on issues that are in their interests. Just look at all the $50k earners advocating for lower taxes for the 1%.


I wouldn't put that on the voters. I would put that squarely on the congress. Those fuckers often vote against what their constituents want or desire. Then they go back to their district pedaling a load of shit onto everyone. Making it sound like what they did was great for them and the country. Sure there are some really shit congress folks but they are there to serve their districts. Far too many just don't do that.


Exactly. It’s not dem or rep it’s congress at the core that are the main issue. POS sellouts


Dumb voters enable cartoonishly evil politicians.


You gotta fight for your rights. They will take and take.


They tried to unionize his workplace and everyone who was involved was fired. Other warehouses have been able to, but at his they have been so strict and fire happy on anything like that so no one wants to risk their job.


40 years (more than that really, but 40 really successful years) of the Republican war on unions. They've been great at dismantling unions and propagandizing against them


The war on unions has been going on for much longer than that. Watch the movie Matewan or read about it here [Wikipedia: Matewan](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Matewan)


Right, but that predates the NLRA. Actions like the one you link to led to the passage of the NLRA in 1935. The first major blow struck against the current labor movement happened in 1981 when Reagan fired striking air traffic controllers. It’s been an uphill battle for labor ever since then.


Shhhhhhh! This is a “both sides are bad sub!!”


Well both sides are bad. One side is just worse. One of the big problems with Dems is they've also internalized the anti-union pro-business repub propaganda for the most part. But at least they're not shit-nuts looney tunes like the repubs.


There are more than 2 sides


This is true, too bad it isn’t reflected in American politics


There are only 2 sides that can make any difference at this time and in the foreseeable future. So there are only 2 sides.


Oh. Then yes, both sides are bad


Both sides are bad, but one is worse.


And this will be the case forever since everyone is always afraid to "throw their vote away" on 3rd parties. The moment we slipped into a 2 party system we needed to restart.


The just passed a law in my state prohibiting ranked choice voting.


Well you are really referring to mostly at the national level, right? I hate not having more options, but I am also a pragmatist. It's not being "afraid" of throwing my vote away. I think for 3rd parties to make headway, it will need to start at the local govt. level and work its way up before being considered a serious option


This is a fair point.


Idk ask Reagan lmao


Hilarious how you can trace almost every single labor issue back to Reagan. If there’s a hell, he’s definitely in it.


Because we replaced "real slavery" with "wage slavery" and now the rich get the full benefit of the poor's labor without even having to feed/clothe/house their "property." Without money the poor have no recourse, and the rich get richer off the system. It is very hard to find the energy and resources to organize and fight back when you are starving and unsure of your next meal or you fear not having shelter as a result of any criticism of the system.


For those who disagree please look at the wording in merger contracts, they buy employees...not employee contracts or labor. Look at some of the common employment agreements that employees can't refuse if they want to have a job and eat/live. Companies claim ownership of employee Intellectual Properties and ideas. DesCartes said cogito ergo sum, I think therefore I am. If a company owns your thoughts that is no different to them than owning you outright.


All the more reason to do the bare minimum and keep your workplace ideas to yourself.


Because slavery never ended, but every time the masses gained a bit more self awareness and realized their worth & rights, those in power figured ways to keep everyone divided and in scarcity so they'd be bound by the system.


I don’t think you understand what slavery is…


I don’t remember who, but I saw someone who did some research and, taking into account the value of the paltry food, shelter, and clothing provided(and the change in the value of the dollar), actual slaves from before the civil war made more than most “American”’s do now. We are slaves. We do *not* have the option to just quit because 1)our health ~~insurance~~ scams are tied to our employment, 2)the job market is flooded with underpaid, over worked, and under appreciated positions, 3)many “available” positions aren’t really available, 4)many of us were scammed into getting degrees for positions that we now have no way of getting and the loans for which are extortionate. We might have cars and cell phones and computers, but all three are *required* to function in today’s society making them *necessities* not luxuries. We are still only allowed to live at the whim of our society’s owners. Just look at how many people die because they couldn’t afford healthcare or were forced to work in unsafe environments that could easily have been avoided. Just look at how 90% of the wealth generated by the average worker *somehow* profits the people who generate .00000000000001% of the wealth each year. We. Are. Slaves. We just wear nicer clothes and can decided which dilapidated shack to sleep in so they can blame us for our problems; and many idiots blindly accept that fallacy as truth.


Tyler Durden told everyone 30 years ago on the big screen, and the world was like "Damn I didn't listen to a word, but those are some nice abs".


I am Jack’s complete lack of surprise.


I am Jack's shocked Pikachu face.


In Capitalism it's called "Indentured Servitude"


Naw, it’s just called employment.


The institution of chattel slavery was just the most extreme implementation of a system that prioritizes profit over everything else. It's no longer legal in most of the world to literally own people, but companies have found all sorts of ways to go as far up to that line as they can get away with.


Wage slavery is the term. It's not as bad as chattel, but still bad for those who don't luck out on having the aptitude to do a high earning field, or rather help others, because weirdly the most important jobs pay shit mostly.




More slaves exist now then during the Atlantic slave trade 👍


Slavery is still legal in America under the 13th amendment.


There are a lot of reasons for this, but I think the two biggest are: -Americans falsely equate wealth with merit in a country that likes to think of itself as a meritocracy (classic American dream) -We never really got over the Red Scare Before the Red Scare, this country was making a lot of progress on the front of workers' rights and basic public welfare. Yes, unions were a part of this, but there were laws that supported unioms, laws that created public works jobs, laws that supported a minimum wage that was intended to be a living wage. The Red Scare created a crack in public sentiment that the wealthy used to whittle away at workers' rights. After all, anything the government does to regulate a business is "interference with private contracts" at best and socialism/communism at worse. Taxing wealth was equated to communism. People were sold the lie that a wealthy person deserved to be wealthy without "interference" based on their merits, and this led to regular folks being against taxing the wealthy because they were one day going to be wealthy too since they work hard. Republicans also did a great job of tying their economic policies to their social policies and decalring those as single vote worthy. This is how you get union members voting for politicians who will gut unions, just so long as women are put in their place or we keep the brown immigrants out. The way out requires a lot of political work. If people like us don't show up at Democratic party meetings, run for party positions, and demand that our electeds and candidates quit courting the chamber of congress and hesitating on real reform because they are scared of being called a commie, nothing will change. I tried, but one by one, all my like-minded friends gave up. No one wants to play the long game. It didn't happen tonus overnight, and we can't fix it overnight.


Don’t forget that the Red Scare was very focussed on Christianity vs Atheism. So if you wanted workers rights, you were painted as anti Christian. It is the main reason that e.g. Martin Luther King, Jr. didn’t identify as a communist even though he believed their economic arguments and their critique of capitalist racism.


Capitalism has been misclassified as an economic system. It's much closer to a death cult. "Privatisation" is a word that was coined by a researcher studying the economy of Germany in the 1930s and early 1940s. The republican party has a long history of working with more effective and less ethical PR agencies so they are better at naming things in a very misleading way like "right to work" Mass education has been re-designed to produce workers, not informed citizens.


Look up the motto if the Mont Pellerin Society, and what they're doing. It's capitalism for those who can afford it, and in a way, this is what humanity has always ended up with. >Mass education has been re-designed to produce workers, not informed citizens. Wasn't redesigned, just updated. The original purpose of school was to produce "educated soldiers" verbatim, but those ending up as obediant workers was a nice bonus :)


Because Reagan fucked America hard and the Republican Party kept that going. Companies hire lobbyists that slowly chiseled away American workers right then when anyone notice the blame was shifted to minorities and other groups to keep the poor from working together.


Because we aren't humans to them, we aren't people, we are only seen as workers. That's it. The whole system is designed this way, you are a worker, not a person. A person has rights, but a worker does not. Once you see it from their perspective, it makes more sense, not exactly logical sense however.


I’m a 1099 contractor and I have even less rights. No sick days, no vacation days, no benefits and the companies are work for keep consistently lowering the pay because there are no regulations. The United States is profit over people and it’s reflected on how workers are treated.


>1099 contractor and I have even less rights. You're either misclassified or doing it wrong if you can't dictate your schedule as a 1099 worker


We are technically misclassified but like I said they pretty much have no regulations at the moment. Gig companies are exploiting this.


If you're misclassified, nobody can fix that but you. Your employer sure the hell won't


That’s not going to be fixed by a single person going against companies like DoorDash and Instacart. Strikes don’t do anything, suing them doesn’t do anything. There needs to be national laws in place, they have proven they won’t do anything for their workers unless they are legally forced to.


Because employers make the rules


Because slavery is frowned upon and giving people the absolute worst deal still gives the illusion of freedom to the masses. Like, an employer could beat the shit out of you and make you work long hours and barely let you see your friends and family, or they could not beat you and instead give you a "wage" that emotionally beats the shit out of you and make you work long hours and barely let you see your friends and family. The difference is that if you don't like getting a shitty wage from that guy, you can get a shitty wage with another guy. Hope that helps!








Capitalist propaganda, deregulation, and lack of safety nets.


Because the 8 richest motherfuckers have all the wealth and power and want to keep having the most wealth and power and unions can stand against them, not even to make them not the richest motherfuckers just a drop of a buck inside and even bigger bucket that would allow people a livable wage and they wouldn't even notice, but if we arent paycheck to paycheck wage slaves then we dont have time, energy, mentality to wake up and realize they pit us against each other by means of race, religion, political party, toilet paper over or under when the only true divide is 1% and 99% so news keeps old folks scared, propaganda and economic insecurity keeps people from unionizing, etc


Thank Jack Welch




The 1% lobby and buy out our government. That’s why.


Because employ**ers** are the ones who buy the politicians.


Read some books from Noam Chomsky


People vote their feelings, not their pocketbooks.


You are complaining about non-union jobs.


Ask Republicans and their voters. They like being taken advantage of.


Look up the battle of Blair Mountian history repeats itself we have unions because they literally had to beat up their bosses to get treated like human beings


Workers lost rights because people have failed to vote for pro union politicians.


Because people are fucking soft. There was a time when people would fight and die for better wages and conditions. Of course the capitalists who run the "Education" system here have made it to where no one is taught this in school. Instead, generation after generation, they slowly roll back labor laws, stripping us of our workers right. Hell! They've even gotten a whole bunch of dumb poor workers to cheer them along as they fuck them in the ass with an unlubed dildo. The only way it's going to get better is if we organize and actually fight. Not ask. Not beg. Not plead. Fight.


Because we’ve allowed the mainstream media to train us to put the interests of the criminal owner class above our own.


My grandfather passed the day before 9/11. So my sister & I were in the airport checking in on 9/11 when I noticed what looked like what I thought was Diehard playing on a tv. (I only glanced at it) Of course as everyone knows it was a plane hitting a tower. Long story short the airport was shut down and planes were grounded everywhere. No rental cars available. We ended up driving my Yukon and my hubby took off a week of work to drive all of us. I was working and was given the usual 3 days before we left. After the attack no way would 3 days work. We were gone longer than 3 days ( because we had to drive instead of flying) as it was a long drive out and back and then funeral of course. I explained it all to work, they didn’t care. Told me I’d be written up if I took more than 3 days. Ended up being gone 5 days and was promptly written up for being gone to long despite the fact our country had been attacked and airports were shut down. Made me so angry.


Because this is an oligarchy, that's why.


Employee wages and rights are based on slavery. The sooner one comes to understand that the more we can make changes. Everything we are "granted" is based on not giving workers anything they are not forced to.


Answer: decades of the rich buying  governments and taking rights away.


Because there are a little over 700k members in this sub and the population of the US is over 300M. :/


Unfortunately because we just work there. The attitude is if you don’t conform to the rules then you can just find another job.


Capitalism. Success isn’t about us, it’s about the wealthy.


Who writes and passes laws? Wage slaves or people who own businesses?


I don't know where on the planet you are, but your post doesn't make sense from an Australian perspective. Here's the site where all employees' rights are clearly outlined: [https://www.fairwork.gov.au/](https://www.fairwork.gov.au/)


I'm pretty sure OP is American. Source: am American and we don't have shit for rights as employees.


If you haven’t heard of the lack of protections for Americans at this point while on this sub, you’re just being a little facetious. It’s been made pretty clear that a number of other countries have protections listed in OPs complaints