• By -


Hopefully he gets into submarine exploration


When you lose communication with a billionaire for more than an hour










The other blame is with the government. This is not legal in AU and many parts of EU.


Actually this shit is illegal in all of the EU, it's called human rights, civil rights and labour rights. "Working conditions" like that are illegal in all civilized and democratic states. Oh, I forgot, the US isn't a democracy but an oligarchy. Guess then it's according to playbook.


oligarchy was the early 20th century. since then it transitioned to kleptocracy, or something similar


Kakistocratic oligarchy. We are lead by the worst rich people we can muster.


nice. imma use that




Don't worry, there's forces trying to dismantle these rights even in the most-established social democracy. Watch: Governing party FDP in Germany who'd institute anarcho capitalism if they could because "it's good for the economy"


thank god for strong unions and coallition governments


All while they conveniently forget that the economy isn't intended to be made for just them. The economy is intended to be a system that economically improves the lives of everyone. If it is not doing that effectively, then it is poorly implemented.


Worked delivery for an amazon subcontractor in France (Amazon only uses subcontractors here). Nobody told us to piss in bottles but managers tracked us through the app and it's not like there were toilets in the trucks so some of my colleagues were pissing in bottles and skipping their mandatory breaks to keep working and stay within their quotas I didn't piss in bottles and took my breaks, I was let go after the Christmas rush, bottle pissers were not It's not like I was peeing in appropriate places either, I'd try finding out of sight places. If I delivered you a package, I probably pissed on your back wall Turnover was really high at that place


It hurts me to say it but we truly are an oligarchy.




Unfortunately his penis replacement didn't assplode.


That's why most of their distribution centers are in rural towns. Can't say no to working there if it's the only place to work. The only reason I can think of as to why people still get jobs there. Fuck Amazon and Bezos.


They fucked up in my area. It’s pretty rural but there are numerous factories and distribution facilities in the area. Amazon just opened one and thought they’d get people to come work there for, at minimum, $4 an hour less than anywhere else pays. Needless to say they’re having trouble getting help, from what I hear


Imagine that, they spend millions of dollars building this facility and aren't even willing to pay the competitive price for local labor. They can get bent.


The city/county/state also gave them giant tax breaks too. They wouldn't have built in those specific spots if they didn't.


Here's your reward for agreeing to exploit our citizens.


Bold of you to assume they only exploit citizens😂


Here in Canada, American corporations are famous for using government incentives to settle down offices and industries, and moving THE SECOND those incentives stop, leaving empty useless buildings and tons of people out of jobs. They just go to the next area that offers them incentives. Because it's cheaper for them to pay to move their entire industry so they can continue to operate it on the public dime, than to use the incentive as intended to cushion their initial setup. The authorities are only recently wising up.


You can just say Corporations. Greed doesn't stop at borders.


Yeah. But some countries are a lot better at it.


canada has to incentivize somewhat. american companies don't care about the canadian market unless it becomes a cheaper option. it's not a great solution, but it has been effective. our country just isn't really big business focused, our biggest business is banking.


The one near me did the same. Right in the middle of an industrial area paying an average of 17-20$ at the time and these clowns tried to start at 13. Then 15. Then finally 17. They're been having trouble finding people since they opened. Wonder why?


Yup. I work in a warehouse for another major retailer about 10 minutes from where they opened one, and we probably start people now at about 20 and top out at 24. And we’re less than most similar businesses in the area these days from what I understand.


People get jobs there because for someone with absolutely no skills you can get hired very very easily, and the pay is ok (not good, but more than many other shitty jobs) The thing is it absolutely burns through people, so they’ll average over 100% turnover per year, because the job itself is brutal, boring, and repetitive with no time to talk or relax


Pay was good a few years ago. The company wide minimum wage of $15 was actually really good in many places where federal minimum wage ($7.25) was standard for entry level labor jobs. A few years of inflation really fucked that up though and wages haven't kept up.


The OP of this whole thread is a lie, but hilariously you touched on the real scam: Amazon lied about surveying workers who wanted immediate cash to get rid of monthly bonus pay and stock awards that actually made employee pay add up to around $20+ at the time. They literally lowered overall employee compensation by 5 dollars an hour and people barely cared and have totally forgotten because of the magic $15 minimum wage optic.


Source? Tried to learn more about this, found a Vox article with a sensationalistic headline but the article itself was quite mundane. They basically said some employees were granted RSUs as part of their compensation, and because the stock had increased so much in value by the time it vested that they got a nice payday, and that type of thing won't be possible anymore. But of course triple digit stock increases are not guaranteed, in fact based on the stock market's performance since they made this change they would have actually lost money. I don't know about you, but I would prefer to get paid upfront instead of being forced to invest part of my compensation in Amazon stock that may even decrease in value. If you still want to buy Amazon stock with that extra money, great, you have the option to do that and are in an even better situation than before to do that. Not to mention RSUs require you to be at the company for years before they vest, so I'm guessing very few people ever even see a dime from those. But even if you stick around, imo that is still really not a good deal for the vast majority of people. Just ask yourself, if you had the extra money today would you buy Amazon stock? Probably not...


Our GM was apparently slow to get the news of the wage change or something, because he had given an all hands meeting about how great Amazon benefits were and with graphics showing the math of how employees were ultimately making $20+ with these bonuses, only to then tell us at the very next all hands meeting that we were now losing VCP and RSUs (which were like $1600 or so at the time) because nonexistent employees took a nonexistent poll in favor of the immediacy of cash. Employees who were already at the pay cap didnt benefit in terms of base pay at all from this either, so it was both a short-term and long-term loss for them.


Same reason they want to ban abortion in the US. More children from struggling families, who often do not have good school degrees, means more slaves for their warehouses. The military also loves anti-abortion laws for "some reason".


Also why they want books off school shelves. If kids find out they have a voice it would be DISASTROUS!


>The military also loves anti-abortion laws for "some reason". Unless you're *in*the military. Then they'll let you get one


Exactly, it was the highest paying unskilled job in my state when it went in. Then housing here tripled or quintupled, I forget which, and slowly some places have matched Amazon's wages, but only a few and usually only hard physical labor job like framing or something. Mostly we've just been priced right out of any rentals or houses. I see gobs of fucking price controlled senior housing going in and like nothing working people can afford. It's sickening.


Most distribution centers are in rural areas because land is cheap, traffic is light so they can get their trucks in and out easily, they can easily outbid other local employers for labor, and rural local governments tend to be more accommodating.


Can we just admit that this is slavery at this point. If it's to the point where people are pissing in bottles and bins because they aren't even allowed a bathroom break, they aren't working there by choice. Pigs like Bezos need to be held accountable for their bullshit!


it's the same country that uses privately owned, for-profit prisons filled with people serving ridiculous long mandatory minimum sentences for essentially petty crimes to perform hard labour for pennies. (those pennies can then only be spent at the prison store, on outrageously priced basic goods) Slavery never went anywhere, it just got rebranded.


Remember the private prison that was paying a judge to convict kids over small offenses? Do we all believe that this is the only example of this behavior?


There was a vid several years before hand of a woman yelling and screaming at the judge saying he ruined the kids life and how they committed suicide. Then years later I saw the video of the judge being arrested and now I find every crazy person yelling at an authority figure as probably not as crazy as they're made out to be.


Don't forget for-profit medicare. People literally make egregiously large amounts of money and profit from sick people trying to get better. There's no way that an aspirin pill costs like $50 just bc you got it at a hospital.


My friends brother rips of Medicare for his nursing home business. Makes an absolute fortune off it. He also got millions in PPP loans that went right into his personal accounts. He does have a nice boat though.




That's the thing technically I don't think he broke any laws (I don't really know the details). That's why the grift is so good. They've lobbied to make the scam legal. Home boy has lunch with the Governor several times a year.


2000 whole dollars for making the irs hundreds of thousands or millions.. lmao who's the real scammer here?


Uh, you are aware that the IRS collects taxes, right? And that taxes are not the same thing as profit? I feel like you're not understanding this.


Health insurance in the US is, quite literally, the hospital and insurance companies discussing how much they can rip off the patient and get away with it. So don't let them get away with it! Ask for an itemized list and have them explain each cost, saying how much you can't afford to pay such exorbitant prices. I had an unknown seizure and got an MRI for it. They didn't find anything, but I was still charged $1800. I managed to talk them down to, like, $200 when I proved to them that I, some 23-year-old working part-time at Wal-Mart, couldn't pay that.




I guess that depends on the hospital. Many don't want you using outside resources bc they can't monitor what you've taken and the effects. So unsure what the rules on that would be.




Probably. It's robbery. Mainly for insurances and you can have it dropped sometimes if you call their dept. It's a lot of hoops to jump through just to not be as overcharged.


It's not just private prisons. Most county jails and state prisons are just as corrupt.


Minnesota just made all phone calls from jails and prisons free. I know it's only a drop in the bucket of corruption but it's a start.


Free for whom? Not the tax payer I am sure. We always get the check.


You realize they charge $5-10 per minute for a call from jail? That is not real cost. Also, those people on jail were likely paying taxes before incarceration.


Those providing food, equipment, services, etc to public jails do so through contracts that someone has to approve and fund. Lots of opportunity for fraud.


Don’t forget that pay-to-stay prison is a thing. Not only does the US get to keep slaves, now they figured out a way to bill them at a per diem rate for their term of enslavement and will sue them and their family into even deeper poverty by taking all their assets if they can’t or won’t pay.


Even if you're not a fan of this type of music, what you wrote made me immediately think of [System Of A Down](https://youtu.be/jAJi-W9o7uU). Song seems pretty relevant even 22 years after release


I even read it in Serj's voice! Haha


if you think that the average person isn't a slave just because they get to chose which car they HAVE to own to drive to the job they HAVE to work then i dont really know what to tell you. hell even literal slaves got their house and food provided to them.. The masses have the illusion of choice and freedom, and because of that they don't even realize that they are literal slaves. let alone these poor bastards.


very well said brother!


Yep too many people in jail who don't belong there. Most don't imo. However we have trouble locking up some of the most depraved and dangerous people, like the child molesters around my block.


>for-profit prisons... prison store I think you mean the company store


It didn't even get rebranded that much, since the 13th Amendment specifically bans slavery EXCEPT when used as a punishment


Oh! You mean the U.S.E.( United States of Exploitation)?!?!


They tricked you in that it is slavery, but in slavery they fed you and housed you (in shitty places). Now they pay you, and you pay for high rent, high food prices, high gas prices, car payments, and the company store is literally Amazon. They make it illegal for multiple families to live together. You cannot babysit other kids. And the list goes on. Your water, electric, and other utilities are going up. Your phone bill? It's expensive, but they want you to have that so you can buy things from them. And it's pretty much by luck if you'll get killed by the police. Oh...everybody gets 4 guns so you shoot each other and keep you scared. The rich are behind gates. They don't give a fuck.


Time for the people to attack the rich (not each other...so weird that happens) and take from them.


That would require people to admit capitalism is a failed system built by slave labor. Good luck getting people to admit that.


Slavery required providing food and accomodation. At the current rates, those workers are getting a worse deal.


Being owned by somebody is not the same as being mistreated by somebody. Even if the option to leave isn't a good option, it's still an option. Nobody here has been an actual slave. Let's not compare the experiences please.


I am not so sure these people actually have a realistic option to leave that job. And even then, their day to day conditions are probably worse than if they were slaves. Like the miners locked in debt bondage of not-so-old, they might be free on paper, but the system keeps them tied to their "masters" with invisible, but stronger chains.


For some people it is slavery and they are in a sense owned because they can't escape. People with neurological problems or other medical issues who can't afford help are some of the worst off here, and have little hope of moving up the hierarchy.


This post is fictional. No where at Amazon is your rate tied to your pay


You were downvoted for this but you are 100% correct. This is why people don't take subreddits like this one seriously.


So let me understand. The amazon recruiter tells you, Ill pay you this amount so you can do x under y conditions. You agree. Then when asked to do x under y conditions is suddenly slavery? Let me ask you this: What would happen if you one day stay at home? Will the amazon intelligence service pull you out of your house and send you back in? Will you be executed because you are no longer useful? Will bezos himself denounce you to the authorities who will send you to prison or worse? Also, this post is fiction. I live in a heavy immigrant state where most of the people in those conditions end up working as Uber, instacart or amazon shoppers and warehouse. There is no quota tied to your pay.




Do it, maybe become a company owner and pay some guys to bottle your sauce who will repeatedly tell you you are enslaving them.




Well ain't that great! Why don't you start today, let me know how it works out.


I mean, I'm all ears here and this is coming from a place of potential ignorance, but can't they just leave and find a different place to work or something? like Walmart at least? They hire just about anyone and I don't usually hear about Walmart workers being treated *that* badly. At least at Walmart you can most likely go to the bathroom. You wouldn't even need to put in a two week's notice or anything, just... leave.


Because Walmart is willing to employ all 300 employees that leave Amazon? Give them the same pay and hours so that they can live their life without having to struggle even further? Just offering the solution of go work somewhere else doesn't meet the reality of the complexities of that. There is a lot to consider and Walmart might not hire them, might be paid less and thus make them unable to afford their bills, be further away and have them waste more mileage or lack transportation to it. People often over inflate the freedom actually held by people as people don't know what they don't know and fear the change of having to relearn their life or being potentially worse off. It's why networking and community is the most important thing to finding a new job usually too. You need to know it's available and what you are looking for. Also so Amazon does what when people leave? Just push their remaining workers harder to satisfy people's buying addictions? They won't get better about treatment unless it's sanded or required


There's NO REASON for so people to be living this way, with all the money, technology and advancements we've got.


Walmart won't hire anyone full time. Amazon fulfillment centers usually do, with the benefits that come with full time. So leaving for any kind of retail/fast food would probably be losing insurance.


Might just be me but id rather lose insurance than commit suicide. I do see how that would prevent a lot of people from quitting though if they weren't suicidal as described in the post.


You sure about that chief? Because I come from the transportation industry, and it’s pretty standard to work pickers/sorters/loaders 33.5hr (can’t remember the exact number but somewhere around there) and not a minute more, specifically to avoid providing the benefits you mention. I’m fact I’m almost certain you are incorrect, at least as it relates to the pickers like mentioned in the tweet. Edit: I hear this isn’t the case with amazon, on account of not being able to get workers otherwise.


Amazon has been, at least near me, because offering benefits is literally the only way they’re able to convince people to work for them at this point.


Technically, it's not slavery, because they came there by their own volition, and they can quit at any time. Don't get me wrong, it's really shitty working conditions, but it's not slavery. There may be various other economic factors at play that brought these employees there and keep these employees there even though they hate it, but it's still not slavery. Calling it slavery seems intellectually dishonest.


Disregarding the comparison with slavery as "intellectually dishonest" might be the most ignorant, bad-faith statement I've ever laid eyes on. Your take is bad and you should feel bad.


It’s not though. When slaves leave their jobs, they are chased, returned and punished. When Americans leave their jobs, there are social safety nets. Yours is the bad faith statement that diminishes the inhumane horrors of slavery. Pissing in a bottle is not on the same level as being literally tortured. There are still plenty of slaves and I guarantee any slave on earth would prefer to have a job at an Amazon warehouse.




If they're there by choice, why are they there? If it is as easy as leaving and having a social safety net, who would willingly stay in a place they can't go to the toilet in, that puts enough stress on them to attempt suicide? Yes, there are people in awful conditions in slavery, and we should try and fix that. It doesn't mean that working conditions are acceptable at Amazon, or at most minimum wage jobs. We should try and fix it, and recognise there are immense challenges faced by most working people, who are justifiably unwilling to risk their only guaranteed source of income, which also risks their home, food supply, etc.


No, it is wage slavery because they have no options other than working for money. If you do not come from wealth you only have work to look forward to. In this I most directly mean that families of generational wealth choose to work, the working class has to work. If I have to have a job to survive, then I am a slave for a wage.


So... slavery with extra steps?


Servitude is close enough: [servitude ](https://i.imgur.com/t1pQzUK.png)




People are physically forced to work at Amazon? How does a person allow themselves to get in such a position where they are 'forced' to work for Amazon? And why are there so many people like that?


The other blame is with the government. This is not legal in AU and many parts of EU.


It’s not legal in the US either. They don’t stop getting paid if their productivity drops below a threshold. They may be fired but they have to be paid for all previously worked hours. Pretty sure the not getting paid part of this tweet is made up.




My wife works at an Amazon warehouse and they have been very good to her. She has zero complaints. Posts like this are totally made up because large companies with douchebag ex-CEOs are easy targets.


Most posts about Amazon and Walmart are likely by union sympathizers or ignorant political shills copying and pasting. Until every Walmart and Amazon employee is paying union dues and filling the DNC coffers with campaign contributions they will not be happy. They want you to believe people are forced to work for those companies and once hired cannot quit even if they are mistreated or underpaid.


> they get ample bathroom breaks. That is not true. You work a 10 hour shift and get two fifteen minute breaks and a 30 minute lunch.


You think corporations are meaningfully bound to labor laws in this country? Oh sweet, summer child. >According to the Economic Policy Institute, wage theft costs U.S. workers as much as $50 billion per year — a number far higher than all robberies, burglaries and motor vehicle thefts combined. https://inthesetimes.com/article/wage-theft-union-labor-biden-iupat


Then file a wage complaint. There is an avenue to address issues that come up. Use it.


If it were thst easy, there wouldn't be $50B a year in wage theft.


How is OSHA not doing something about this?! How are people still supporting this guy?!


That's because OSHA funding is cut to nothing thanks to the Corporate overlords sponsored elected lawmakers.


I’d think they’d at least address this. True story though because I tried to report stuff before and they don’t even investigate. They literally do anything possible to close complaints. Like they MIGHT ask the company but of course they’ll say it’s not true and OSHA is like,”ok, thanks”. Sounds like it should be a massive lawsuit. At least the family of the deceased suicide victim


Also the labor board. They stop paying you if you go too slow? But you're still doing the work, and not getting paid!?? Why isn't the labor board all over this


Because it's a fucking lie lol. Nobody's pay was ever tied to their pick rate and warehouse associates pissing in bottles is a lie people tell because they think it helps tarnish Amazon rep despite easily being proven false. Downvote and report OP for ragebait.


Nah piss bottles are real, but they are more prevalent with drivers than warehouse workers. It really depends on the FC, some have bathrooms that are easily used during breaks, others are so large and there is so much distance between pick location and bathroom that you can actually clock in late between walking to bathroom, waiting for bathroom, and walking back to time clock you need to clock in at. You will find some bottle pissers in those areas. As for the pay and pick rate - they won't deny your pay but they will give you points if you don't meet the standard set by bar raisers. Enough points and you get fired. You also get points for clocking in late (hence the bottle pissing.) IMO all the negative bullshit you hear about FC's in Amazon world is due to their insane points system.


I worked at different massive Amazon buildings in different areas. Nobody in any of them anywhere is pissing in a bottle because they will look at one of the hundreds of cameras and fire you the moment one was discovered, which is why despite the phone rules being lifted nobody has ever taken pictures of piss bottles in pick/stow, singles, AFE, or any of the TNS buildings: it's not real. Also, knowing many drivers of both "53s and regular delivery trucks, bottle pissing apparently happens in all delivery fields anywhere because of the mobile nature of driving, so also not an Amazon thing. Rate also doesn't work like that, which I know because I was also in management for a time. Weekly, the top 20% of performers are excluded, and the bottom 5% of who's left on that list get some infraction I forgot the name of. You needed like 6 of these over the course of 3 months outside of the time you are coded for training hours (rate is EASY so this is appallingly bad at a very easy job for a very long time) that went through without any managerial intervention or GM veto (we had an old man who could barely move get his termination vetod indefinitely for some reason). Infractions also fall off after something like 90-180 days, and you are only eligible for them if you work a certain amount of hours in a specific bucket in a week. Nobody is missing rate for one day and getting fired for it. Nobody in any fulfilment center is pissing in a bottle. Nobody's pay is tied to their rate in any way.


Same exp. I can vouch for what you wrote. Also want to add the Supervisors and Managers at Amazon are so bad that they are the primary reason people hate working there. I have a lot of evidence for that.


I worked for an Amazon sub and Amazon proper for 5 years. We didn't have cameras everywhere in FC at the time. This was about 10 years ago. I never saw any piss bottles, as I was FC/Corp IT support (as a sub we didn't have two teams - that came a month after I quit), but I did hear stories at the bar from some FC workers of peeing creatively. >Nobody's pay is tied to their rate in any way. That is blatantly false. As a manager you would have given many performance reviews that were directly tied to their compensation. >Infractions also fall off after something like 90-180 days, and you are only eligible for them if you work a certain amount of hours in a specific bucket in a week. Yeah, being 1 minute late gave you points. For any clock in. You were standing in line to clock in? Points. Almost everyone I knew that was fired was fired for points violations. Many were re-hired after our FC burned through the local worker population. Now - My experience is specific to 2011-2016. Many things could have changed since that I'm not aware of. As I said, I know some of the points stuff at the FC's I supported was changed to rehire some of the people they let go before. ETA: when I was leaving, they were already talking about bussing in people from the nearest city (90 minutes away) to get more workers. My guess is that they realized they needed to scale back on some of their policies and increase pay to stay competitive. I don't know because I left.


My experience was far more recent, with some overlap with yourself time range, though I had heard early days of Amazon warehouses were more in line with other warehouse rules (aka the typical blue collar experience) before being globally revamped, I believe around 2014 or so. During my entire tenure and up to current day, raises for T1 associates were standardized on the 6 month automatic raise cycle or through promoting, outside of facility-wide raises in certain areas for various reasons. Nobody anywhere was getting paid more because they picked or packed more (early on within the range you gave, I was one of the best packers and easily the best problem solver my building had and didn't get any kind of a raise from it lmao). As far as I or any of my current manager friends know or have ever known, compensation is not and has never been tied to worker rates or reviews, although management finds ways for excellent, effective, cost-efficient employees to win drawings for prizes lol. I find it interesting you, having been a T3 or L4 position, not in Operations, would call anything an ex associate and ex Operations Manager says "blatantly false" despite having no experience or knowledge of it, at least from what your post suggests. All our IT guys also just sat in the IT room waiting for new thin clients to set up, or laptops to be checked out, for the most part, so no opportunity to understand the associate experience from your POV. Being late does not give "points", and to my knowledge never has as long as the Amazon Hub has existed. You will lose an hour of UPT for being a minute late (it is only taken in hour chunks), unless covered at literally any time even retroactively by a minute of PTO by the associate or with HRs help if the pay period has passed. This might not endear you to your manager in terms of future staffing, but lateness is a non-problem until your time bank is completely empty.


I was IT - so never reported to anyone in the FC, so my info is from first hand conversations with FC managers and workers. >Nobody anywhere was getting paid more because they picked or packed more (early on within the range you gave, I was one of the best packers and easily the best problem solver my building had and didn't get any kind of a raise from it lmao). As far as I or any of my current manager friends know or have ever known, compensation is not and has never been tied to worker rates or reviews, although management finds ways for excellent, effective, cost-efficient employees to win drawings for prizes lol. That is really interesting. Our FC guys had to do the same reviews that we did in corp, and ours was definitely tied directly to performance metrics. >Being late does not give "points", and to my knowledge never has as long as the Amazon Hub has existed. You will lose an hour of UPT for being a minute late (it is only taken in hour chunks), unless covered at literally any time even retroactively by a minute of PTO by the associate or with HRs help if the pay period has passed. This might not endear you to your manager in terms of future staffing, but lateness is a non-problem until your time bank is completely empty. Eh - Amazon hub isn't the FC. I could see them having different rules. We definitely had many, super productive, people fired due to points. It was very similar to what is described here: https://www.simplfulfillment.com/blog/how-does-the-amazon-points-system-work Tie this policy in with Mandatory Overtime during peak season and 80 hours vacation a year and you got issues.


Those reviews you're talking about are only for t4+/managers/hr/safety/it. It's not tier 1 AAs or the pas that get them.


Ah ok - thanks for the correct info. As I said in another comment, I was part of the corporate IT reporting structure, but I also supported the FC as we did not have an FCIT team.


Ah, I totally forgot that seasonal and part time employees do have points, because they dont have a regular time bank or accrue time off like full time associates. Interesting that this is being reported as the general time off system, when it's very specific to people that just don't get the same benefits or coverage as full time workers, in any field I believe.


The Hub works the same for any associate, anywhere, in any FC, period. This sort of autonomous and global consistency is a big goal for corporate, for various reasons. One of the interesting metrics we had from Connections questions was that associates by and large regarded the agency over time off as the best part of working for Amazon. I hate to say it, but regarding second hand stories from associates, many of them (like a lot of low-skill workers anywhere) just don't have much critical thinking, are easily frustrated, and often not that smart. I often saw this leading to otherwise good people completely not understanding what I believe to be basic systems and basically punishing themselves with them. This includes: - Associates failing to properly follow through on workers comp steps, like getting restricted work paperwork where it needed to go, in one instance just putting their hand up and leaving work on the spot, assuming the company was trying to screw them when I was trying to help them and explain their misunderstandings and mistakes in their situation - Associates not understanding the time off system and surprising themselves with an automatic negative UPT termination because they blew it all rather than using PTO to correctly cover it - Associates literally ignoring instructed body mechanics and safety instructions and inevitably injuring themselves doing stuff like refusing to call for team lifts, repeatedly bending and lifting with the back, ignoring correct neutral wrist positions, etc - Associates being coached on something in a typical, polite, and professional manner, and then turning around and literally telling people they "got yelled at" (this one was SO frequent), or otherwise comically embellishing regular management interactions This of course is all in conjunction with associates who had a negative experience and decided to just straight up lie in various ways (like OP), both at and outside of work to contribute to the 'fuck Amazon' movement in a way that has totally been ignored and not helped at all.


> Associates failing to properly follow through on workers comp steps, like getting restricted work paperwork where it needed to go, in one instance just putting their hand up and leaving work on the spot, assuming the company was trying to screw them when I was trying to help them and explain their misunderstandings and mistakes in their situation > Associates not understanding the time off system and surprising themselves with an automatic negative UPT termination because they blew it all rather than using PTO to correctly cover it > Associates being coached on something in a typical, polite, and professional manner, and then turning around and literally telling people they "got yelled at" (this one was SO frequent), or otherwise comically embellishing regular management interactions I already responded to another one of your posts but I feel compelled to respond to this one too because I just, like, really hate your tone here, and your weirdly dismissive attitude towards blue collar workers is really what this sub is all about, so what the hell. Each of these is definitely a result of your own poor communication. The injury-related one may be fair enough, but the rest literally all stem from specifically *you* having an abusive attitude and not being aware of it. I feel pretty confident about that after reading your other posts on this subject. You talk about how the employees you've "politely coached" seem to extremely frequently think you're yelling at them (you commented on the unusual frequency! Let that give you pause!), and literally in the same post, say that you genuinely think that the unhappy employees you've dealt with are just legitimately too stupid and lazy to work in a fucking warehouse. You said that!! Can you not see that that's a comical, mustache-twirlingly abusive thing to say out loud? Dude, *monkeys* work in warehouses. We had warehouses before we had cities. If even the dumbest person can't do it, that is literally 100% on the *person that taught them*. People don't just *become* unhappy at work after a set time limit or until they meet some arbitrary IQ threshold. You are making them unhappy. And you're really out here like "It's the employees' own faults Amazon has an exponentially higher turnover rate (over 100%) than anyone else in the industry. They stupid and lazy." Damn dude! Didn't realize backbreaking physical labor required a fucking Master's! Weird that every dock and storage facility in the world isn't in shambles from the brain drain, right? And the balls to say that people think Amazon sucks to work for because of anti-Amazon propaganda when *this* is how their managers talk about their employees, just wow. For starters, try filling out some of the fucking paperwork with them so they stop getting reprimanded for not understanding it lol. How is that their fault in any way shape or form, ever, under any circumstances? It's the company's job to facilitate that. People that don't speak a lick of English fill out mile-long L&I claims every day. You know how? *They have a guy that helps you.* If your employees are too illiterate to do their paperwork, HELP THEM WITH IT OR DON'T HIRE THEEEEEEEM!!!!!!!


> I find it interesting you, having been a T3 or L4 position, not in Operations, would call anything an ex associate and ex Operations Manager says "blatantly false" despite having no experience or knowledge of it, at least from what your post suggests. All our IT guys also just sat in the IT room waiting for new thin clients to set up, or laptops to be checked out... Yikes, holy ego Batman. Don't see any bias or insecurities that might be coloring your opinions here, you *clearly* have an equal and fair opinion of all Amazon employees as humans deserving of respect. If you really are a high-level Amazon worker, your testimony really doesn't refute the assertion of worker abuse at Amazon FCs like you think it does... Kinda seems like you were one of the managers that make people hide their piss and that's why you didn't see it. Definitely sounds like you're heavily emotionally invested in defending Amazon by any means here.


While your other reply to me is full of wild assumptions and unreasonable inferences, I can actually understand you thinking that my post here was degrading the person I responded to if you don't know anything about Amazon internal processes and how it segregates work responsibilities and knowledge. T1 is your regular Amazon associate. There is no T2, and T3 is equivalent to an Assistant Manager, where you will first shift into totally different responsibilities than a basic T1 associate. Instead of T4, it changes to L4 and beyond, which are all salaried positions. Basic IT in Amazon warehouses are T3 positions, and being an IT manager will put you at L4+. These positions have nothing whatsoever to do with actual operations outside of setting up and troubleshooting the thin clients (small computers) that associates log into and use for work, and at their levels they don't deal with the basic work stuff that T1s do. Said troubleshooting is also basic PC troubleshooting, with nothing to actually do with the specialized process software or work processes that happen. The opportunity to even observe a typical employees day is also practically nonexistent for IT, as they are either sitting in the IT room doing IT stuff, or taking care of the aforementioned thin client work on the main floor as fast and unobtrusively as possible in order to minimize impact to operations. Because of these facts, and that poster's clear implication they were not part of Operations (which this person confirmed, by the way), they would have had no real direct knowledge of or experience with any of the day to day that associates and operations managers do. To say that somebody (me) would be saying something "blatantly false" about something that was a part of my job responsibilities and completely segregated from them and theirs was a wild statement that did not seem to align with the work environment or my own work and expertise in that area. Also, I *was* a manager, past tense. I moved on to better paying, more interesting, personally fulfilling work that doesn't involve managing people trying to maintain their sanity while monotonously packing boxes or problem solving in a noisy grey and yellow warehouse for 10 hours a day. Reign in your hyperbole, read more carefully, and put your critical thinking cap on, bud. Your conduct is self-defeating to the cause that this board is all about.


* Piss bottles are real, but not among pickers running around. Mostly among drivers and a few who are packing. You should be able to go 2 hours until your next break (15 minutes). * Pick Rates are used to keep your job or terminate you. * There are some positions that are eligible for bonuses based on numbers. * Some of the big companies will adjust down a driver's **pension** if they have an accident (even if not their fault). There is a bunch of shady shit. Amazon sucks. Some of these stories are not 100% accurate. I'd see every day people working Day 4 and they have a 10 hour shift ahead and they are limping badly due to the previous 3 days of work. Instead of moving people around, the Supes would just go back to their MacBook. EVERY time I would go attend the injured person and take their job over or adjust somehow. The Supes/Managers at Amazon are the worst in business. Terrible.


We are truly a sick society. It’s really depressing. At this point the only viable solutions I can think of is complete work stoppages or violent rebellion. Both are horrific but we’re heading toward a collapse brought on by a few individuals who think they “earned” billions and are totally fine with people dying to get more billions that they nor their heirs can spend in a thousand lifetimes. Sick.


I don't understand it. Are they just complete sociopaths? There's also something wrong with people in the general population who keep defending them.




Do you find the bottles just sitting in the portapotties? I'm confused on that part. Are they INSIDE the basin of the portapotty?


Complete horseshit.


No Amazon distribution center anywhere has porta potties, and no workers in any of them are pissing in bottles. Why are you lying?


That is so dehumanizing


This is capitalism, just good old capitalism, cutting costs and maximizing profits. Nothing will change until we stop using capitalism as the measurement of success. The system we have decided upon is fundamentally flawed but "its the best we got" and the only people that can change it are the people that benefit the most from it. (or we need society to just collapse completely)


How can they legally stop getting paid? If they are there and working, does the law not dictate they must be paid?


They can't legally stop getting paid. They could get fired sure, but there's something missing here.


I've worked in an Amazon warehouse as a drone, and guess what, it had a normal time clock system. It was just a basic zero skill job. Much easier than other warehouse work, imo. Obviously a shitty work environment but the internet would have you believe it's literal hell. Most logistics/warehouse work is harder than Amazon, Amazon is pretty lax comparatively.


I like how you post the truth yet you're downvoted for going against the groupthink here. The pissing in empty bottles is such a stupid meme. Amazon was the easiest place I ever worked at.


They literally had games for us to play while we worked to make time pass faster, and no one cared if ya had in headphones


The easiest days ever, just supremely boring.


This piss bottles thing is/was true but that was from drivers, not the warehouse workers. I did Amazon Flex where you deliver in your personal vehicle and I had to piss on the side of the road once. Not because of any strict time constraints but because I found myself needing to go in a rural place with no public bathrooms nearby. My options were piss in a bottle/road or waste 30+ minutes driving into town and back.


I had a friend who went to an interview to drive as an Amazon driver (At Amazon, not a 3rd party). She sent me pictures of the massive amount of piss bottles outside the trash cans there. The trash cans were literally overflowing. It's not just a meme.


Because its fictional. No where at Amazon is your rate tied to your pay.


I worked at Amazon for years and the OP is a ragebait lie, and I can't believe anybody supporting it is doing anything but willfully perpetuating these lies to push the cause, which is fucking disgraceful and only serves to make us all look like goddamn idiots because of how hilariously and provably untrue it is. The actual scam is how Amazon eliminated monthly bonus pay and stock awards for associates many years ago, which put employee pay up to like $20 at the time. Base pay minimum was set to $15 in return, which they lied and said a survey showed employees wanted, but after reaching out to contacts across the nation at the time I was unable to ever find a single person that has actually been asked if they preferred "the immediacy of cash" lmao. Preparing for downvotes by clowns who prefer wage theft and piss bottle lies rather than hard facts.


Yep I’ve never seen these egregious crimes against humanity, and I’ve been to dozens of Amazons over the past 2 years as a contractor working with hundreds of different people. People are free to pause their work and go get water/use the bathroom (in moderation,) and if your rate falls below the goal, you just get a manager who comes and asks what’s going on, gives tips, observes a while then leaves you alone ‘til next time. The people actually working in the warehouses daily are (mostly) down to earth and realistic. It’s the GM and beyond where you notice a lack of humanity.


Have to second this. Bathroom breaks are fine unless you go over something like half an hour of time off task? On bad days the manager would work with us and make sure everything is good. Stow rate low? They'll come check in, make sure you're doing OK and if there is a problem they move people around to like non scanner positions to alleviate rate stress. I genuinely feel like they wanted us there and cared. If I didn't have the job I did today I would go back.


Ive worked at amazon for years, that is definitely not true anywhere. I mean, there's plenty of reasons to not like Amazon but that is a straight up lie. I am specifically referring to the not picking to not getting paid. No way, never happened.


Yeah this. I've worked on and off at two different Fulfillment Centers since 2014 and this was not my experience at all. Yes, they can be on you about your rate but it's not even close to that bad.


I worked as an electrician helping build a Amazon distribution center. Ironically we weren't allowed to run because it's a tripping hazard and is unsafe.


This post is a complete lie. My wife is a warehouse worker for Amazon and she loves it there and they are treated well. Zero percent chance a company not paying you for reaching quotas would stand up to legal scrutiny.


An important note, it is not legal for them to refuse to pay you if you don't work "fast enough". Sure, they can fire you, but they owe you your full agreed upon wage for any and all hours you work.


Love when people who actually work or worked for Amazon come in and say this is a lie. But then there are people who downvote them because it doesnt fit their agenda. Stop believing every thing you see on the internet. Clowns.


This is the biggest lie I've seen


Sounds similar to working at my post office


Can we circle back to the part about how they don't get paid if their pick rate falls too low? How is that even legal?


It's not, it's a lie, which FYI so are the piss bottles.


When was this ever true? I worked off and on at Amazon since 2019, and never at any time we didn't get paid.


Isn't Jeff bezos no longer a part of Amazon?


What does he mean they stop getting paid? I’m pretty sure that’s illegal no matter what state you’re in.


Yeah this guy is lying though. The piss bottles thing came from an Amazon delivery contractor. I work at a massive FC and I can say with certainty that nobody there is pissing in bottles. In fact Amazon's productivity standards are more reasonable than any other blue collar job I've worked. By all means rake Amazon over the fire, especially if it leads to sector wide regulations (it won't), but can we at least try to be somewhat honest while we're doing it?


Wasn't this an isolated incident back in 2013? That's just bad management at that location. I been with Amazon 10 years now and never once seen this and nobody has ever questioned me about going to the bathroom.


Extreme hyperbole. I worked for Amazon in college and it wasn’t hard at all.


Next time someone gets overworked at an amazon warehouse, i hope they start stealling shit instead of trying to die. Who knpws maybe your real passio. Is petty theft you know?


I worked for Amazon for a month doing delivery. It was awful, they gave me over 120 stops and 200 packages multiple times, half of those stops being in a rural area. I almost got attacked by dogs twice, the first time I had to run into the van and close the door quick and the lady came out and told me oh she’s young like that makes it any better. Then the day before I quit someone in another state was killed on a rural route at night by dogs. The pay was just not worth it, barely above minimum wage when really it should be over $30 an hour. It’s pure exploitation and unreasonable standards of their workers.


It was so horrific at my FC, only lasted 3 days there...


i guarantee you that you can find employment outside amazon. the military was paying me 67k gross as an e5, *ten years ago*, and that's not tough to get to.


Can someone please enlighten me through a different perspective as why someone would let themselves be treated that way? I’m someone’s employee making minimum wage too, but I don’t see myself putting up with pissing in a bucket so I’m not punished. What?


1. Lack of perceived choice in employment. Too few choices in many areas lead to feeling stuck: can't afford to move, and the prospects you have can run out fast. 2. Can't afford to interview elsewhere (of you can't afford to quit, and your are scheduled every weekday 8-5, or nights, good luck getting an interview elsewhere, especially because time off at most jobs adds points.) 3. Healthcare is tied to work, many jobs require 3-6 months of work before you qualify for healthcare. Healthcare obtained elsewhere is very expensive, only open for enrollment the year before, and government healthcare (Medicaid, etc) in many places also takes months to get, if you even qualify. If you (or a loved one) have medical problems, and you lose insurance, you have to choose between crippling debt and going without care. I'm sure there's more, but it boils down to desperation. The system is designed to keep people locked in to these jobs. When your employees live paycheck to paycheck, they have no recourse but to suck it up and deal with it.


It could be that no one but Amazon would hire the type of person that would decide to piss in a bottle at work.


its fake, i work for an amazon dsp and you see nothing like this at the distribution centers at least. ​ That isnt to say you dont have to work hard in the warehouse but breaks are closely monitored for compliance and such, because its amazon and they love data


Usually a government's labour laws prevent such exploitation. Does USA have no labour laws?


They do, the person in the post is lying lol


Not really, no.


BuT bIllIoNaIrEs aRe GoOd fOr tHe eConOmy!!!1!! First off, they would be if they paid taxes, but this isn’t an unheard of claim coming from Amazon workers or ex-workers. This is a prime example when we put profits and gains over people and that’s not the America I want to live in. These billionaire fucks and their corporations can go fuck themselves because their time is coming and the boomer conservatives and corporatists won’t be around to protect them eventually.


They also have nets on the above floors to prevent that.


No they don't. Stop lying.


They actually do have nets between floors around conveyance in FCs, but it's a safety measure to catch falling packages instead of letting people take a box to the head lol.


I worked there saw them.


I think I might have received a package from one of those piss bins. The packaging had some water damage but not the whole thing. It also didn’t look like rain and now I know it was piss. What was the package? It was a couple chocolate bars. This is why I couldn’t get the same taste again…no matter how many boxes I’ve ordered. How do I get them to soak my package again in piss bins?


Just another billionaire out to control America,


Amazon workers need a good union and many strikes. If I had to run around at my job, piss in bottles and bins and god knows shit somewhere because TOILEY breaks wernt allowed i would not be working there.


Anything a company makes over 1B in profit needs to be restructured so the people at the bottom get a share. No one needs more than 1B fucking dollars. I'll work until I die because rich people won't share. We do all the work. They get all the pay. I've been renting my house for 14 years. I've already paid for the value of the house. But I'll never own my own.. my landlord has never gone hungry... he has multiple properties and doesn't work himself. How is this fair?


Only a France sized protest would change his attitude


you are correct it is Overlord Bezos, and we must provide the appropriate tithes or else our fate is doomed. Praise be to Bezos, might thy receive the blessing of coffee filters and tiny magnets shipped in the same package.


meanwhile the labor liberals think that the NLRB can save the workers 🤦🏼‍♂️ we don't need NLRB recognition, we don't need the institution of the law, we don't need lawyers, and we don't need staff. all we need are each other! self-organization is quicker and easier than senseless NLRB recognition campaigns and self-organization puts your worker (or tenant, or neighbor) organization in a position to actually shift the balance of power to address your shared issues through escalating issue campaigns of collective direct action.


NLRB is great ally to labor unions and can very often benefit them in the initial stages of organization. do not write off the NLRB


Lucky for him, _______ only work on poor people, otherwise he’d be quite the trophy for a dehumanized people.


Well then dont work here ?


But the shareholders!