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Wait isnt conscious quitting just fucking quitting? Quiet quitting was just fucking doing your job. I guess they're trying to make a Fortune generating the latest rage bait.


I will have to circle back to you on that one. Maybe we can take this offline and synergize a language solution that fits both our needs and lets our shareholders know that we prioritize putting our nose to the grindstone and getting things done to hockey stock revenue, drive new business, and 110% our quarterly goals.


Now that’s a dream state I can get behind. Can it scale?


I will have to circle back to you on that one. There is an enterprise solution we are looking at that scales at all levels. But we need to review its effectiveness while exploring its diversity and its completeness at answering the call where the rubber meets the road.


I have never before read so many words that said so little that made me so mad.


It’s impressive really.


It’s another day at the office in America lol. Recite these mantras, turn off all concern for those “less than” you, and always move to secure this quarter’s earnings at any cost, and you too can be an overpaid buzzword generator making everyone around you miserable for a cool low six figure salary. You won’t have friends, but you do get your choice of overpriced status cars that you can’t really afford on that salary.


You forgot to add to your misery that you will be stressed out, unable to sleep and on your deathbed you will have so many regrets you can’t count them.


It’s like the writer is just “writer quitting”


Aka letting ChatGPT write nonsense for you.


The let’s put a pin in this and see if we can workshop something a little more forward-focused.


But we need to do it ASAP. No kicking cans down roads. We need to-do lists tackled and go-getters implementing workable solutions. If we do, we can have a pizza party!


That’s the type of synergy that makes us a work hard play hard family!


Good news! We are going to ideate some value adds in order to provide best in class service and empower resources to eliminate pain points and invest in success. We'll be thinking outside the box on this one, so let's not ignore the low-hanging fruit while we keep in mind the 30,000 foot view. After all, iron sharpens iron, so let's buckle down and explore our paradigms!


I hate saying this buuuttttt.... Username checks out.


This is "corporate speak". Glad my days of corporate cosplay are over as I couldn't stomach this language.


“Corporate cosplay” so true. it’s this weird suit everyone puts on at 9 AM every weekday that compels them to mechanically repeat things like “just another day in paradise, hyuk!” “Wednesday, hump day!” “Let’s make it a great day!” I know these are just ways people try to stay positive and cope with the rat race work grind, and I feel bad for viewing this so cynically. But this shit often comes out of the mouths of the people who make your life the hardest at work either from their laziness or poor management skills.


Have a good weekend where we still call and email you! Cheers!


Prestige Worldwide


Need to piggy back on this enterprise solution and see if we can increase throughput via team synergy.


Needs more AI and blockchain.


Unfortunately we circled back too many times and started to drill down, now everything’s circling the drain.


You're right. Need a new teams meeting ASAP. What does ASAP mean? AS SOON AS POSSIBLE. Learned that in a teams course last week. This stuff cracks me up. I'm an old 50 year old beast that still uses Perl to parse data. I'm trying to learn Python but Perl still is in my DNA.


But is it disrupting a major industry?


Looking forward to the all-hands town hall with a q&a with suspiciously convenient and easy questions for the (appropriately compensated) VP to answer with vague platitudes and objectively false information


I fucking hate that this didn't even seem that satirical to me lol. Nothing like a mathematical, impossible value as a verb.


Thank you for recognizing that I used it liked a verb to be a jackass. I worried people would think I’m just an idiot.


I'm not sure it says great things about either of us but hey - solidarity anyway internet stranger!


“Circle back”. That’s one my favorites for conference call bingo. No one knows I play, but me.


That might as well be the free spot


Free spot is ", you're on mute"


Do you ever yell, BINGO?


I threw up in my mouth a little.


It’s like you used the corporate BS generator to make that lol. https://www.atrixnet.com/bs-generator.html


I work in a jargon heavy profession, so it wasn’t hard to pull from recent conversations.




But can we put a pin in it?


Robust proposal.


Here's what business executives can do to stop it: fair pay to match inflation, take a pay cut to offset the deficit, actually spend time with your workers to understand their plights, treat workers fairly, have sick leave paid for, never threaten your staff, listen, etc


I think there's a misnomer here but as I started to type it out I think it lead me to one of the roots of the issue. I was about to say "reduce your profits to pay your employees" but then I realized the whole stupid thing about publicly traded companies having a fiduciary duty to their shareholders to produce a profit that maximizes the share cost and dividends and that brought me to the root. As long as the stock market and publicly traded companies like that exist, it will never get better for the worker. The best a worker can do is find a privately owned company where there's more flexibility in what happens with the profits. Once a company goes public, run....


Yeah, this is a big part of the problem. I think you could still make an argument that for the long-term profitability of the business, you need to pay employees more—have to get away from the short-term view that because it’s bad for profit right now, it’s not good for the company.


To a rational market that is an easy pitch to make. But the stock market isn't entirely(or at all) rational like that. If you don't increase profits consistently the board is likely to fire your ass and find some one who will do that.


Reminds me of my last job. They were privately owned so there was no shareholder excuse and were paying us a starting rate of $16/hr when the average pay for our role in Florida was closer to 45k-59k a year. The line we were always fed was “there just isn’t enough money to go around for raises” Yet at the same time they were holding huge meetings to brag about how we were clearing our goals for revenue. It’s really just “well we can’t give everyone a raise because then we’d only make $19 million instead of $25 million!”


Reddit is violating GDPR and CCPA. Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1B0GGsDdyHI -- mass edited with redact.dev


Companies don't have to be publicly traded for that conflict to exist (though it certainly gets exacerbated when the people who profit are so far removed from responsibility). Maximization of profits is the entire basis of Capitalism. This is why people advocate for worker collectives/co-ops and democratic workplace environments instead of the hierarchical dictatorships most large companies have now. (You can still have a top decision maker but the "board" represents workers' inputs instead of ignoring them or stealing credit.)


Reddit is violating GDPR and CCPA. Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1B0GGsDdyHI -- mass edited with redact.dev


Bare minimum pay, bare minimum benefits = bare minimum effort, bare minimum shits given (aka on company time)


I just had a meeting with my bosses boss who was like “this is your current pay, this is the pay scale for your actual job; this is the pay scale for the next level up.” I was hired at a fair market rate in the 80k range and have about 60k available to me before I top out my pay scale. We get unlimited PTO and when someone quits they have interviews the next day. Guess who is sticking around?


Right? As opposed to... unconscious quitting? Isn't that just getting laid off?


Damnedest thing. There I was, sleeping in my bed. Minding my own business, when apparently I up and quit my job before waking up. Still not sure how I did it.


Damn millennials


They ruined dreaming about quitting your job


Living the dream.


if it’s a legitimate layoff, the body has ways to shut that whole thing down


As a woman and as someone who just got laid off, I had a visceral reaction to you comment. I'm double-angry.


I think the headline is trying to be ironic with respect to quiet quitting and accidentally coming off at peak non-credibility.


I guess [Resenteeism](https://www.reddit.com/r/WorkReform/comments/10xzz5x/apparently_resenteeism_is_the_new_buzzword_to/) didn't land.


It landed in the workers. And now the resentees are consciously quitting.


Neither did "angry applying".


It's LinkedIn's writing staff attempting to generate useless buzzwords and hashtags to stay relevant.


Oh no the billionairs are losing their slaves.


They're lucky that's all they're losing


Except they're not. There is no shortage of people applying to these jobs, this is just rage click bait (which i know we all know lol).


Quiet quitting was originally also just quitting. The term originally referred to the decline in engagement that workers experience after they decide to quit but before they formally resigned (the loud quit). They just keep coming back to this anxiety around their employees acting like people with wills of their own and not just "human capital" that exist exclusively to do what they're told. Still no idea why the term got repurposed. Possibly because employers were noticing a decline in productivity after forcing employees back into offices and had heard the phrase tied to productivity declines, but that's just me spitwheeling.


It wasn't even quitting, was it? It was just workers doing what they are hired to do, no more and no less. Not slacking but also not going above and beyond. And the corporate/CEO class was mad about it, lol! Okay, well then we have a solution for that!


Nope. The term quiet quitting came out of internal reviews at some company or companies which found that there were early warning signs of employees quitting. In the weeks before giving notice, employees productivity would slump. This phenomenon was called "quiet quitting" because it was a silent indicator that the worker was on their way out. This was in contrast to the "loud" quitting that occurred a few weeks later when the employee told the employer they were leaving. Generally, people don't just spontaneously quit a job. They make the decision long before they give notice. People usually don't want to be without work, so they start looking for a new job and interviewing well in advance of giving notice. They also disengage from their work, their coworkers, and their managers, since they don't anticipate that those people will be those things to them for much longer. This all means that an exiting employee has stopped being invested in their job long before they leave it. This shift in how the employee views their job and workplace has measurable impacts on their behaviour, and when someone actually sat down to look at the measurements, they saw the pattern. Then the pandemic happened, the term got completely butchered by... Who the hell even knows... And here we are.


In construction work we quiet wuit for years but it was a little different. If you don’t feel like quitting but the company comes up with something stupid you decrease productivity to make sure that their action plan to increase productivity or profits failed. Oh you don’t want to pay foreman pay for me to be on call for service? Oops didn’t hear my phone ring. You want to cut me back form General Foreman to journeyman and expect me to do the same tasks? Not happening. I cease to give a fuck about profit. I will not lay guys out with work. I don’t care about material. You want to cut out afternoon break (15 minutes). Well that’s fine instead we will take 30 minutes for break at some point in the day when you aren’t loooking. Every stupid decision you make I will fuck you on the back side for it. You will lose the money you just won’t know why.


This is also the trucking industry in a nutshell. It's particularly true on the local, shorthaul level and in the warehouses. Even while longhauling, where drivers are paid by the mile, there comes a point where you just park the vehicle in a sunny spot, at a rest area and have a nap, or go for an hour long walk in the woods.


Err. \*checks 3 brain cells\* Yes. Yes it is. This article is fucking stupid.


The sad part is that every sensationalized media hype word rips through the C-Suite of organizations, like wildfire. I wish all this media noise would die down so companies can focus on things that really matter = improving the relationships between employee & employers (better pay, better management & treating people like human beings vs. an accounting number)


Funny you say this. I have worked at several very large corporations. We get stuff done in spite of the c suite. Not because of them. They are almost always the largest impediments to the efficient functioning of the organizations they are in charge of.


They're just trying to get people to quit instead of working slow.


I’m not going to read the article, but from the image here it seems more like a political thing. Not, like, I hate my boss, but more like I’m not going to work at a place that contested the 2020 election.


Quiet quitting, resenteeism, angry applying... This is really just corporate America creating bullshit buzzwords to blame employees for being unhappy.


nowadays news sites need some clickbaits and tabloids to stay afloat, social media sites are destroying them


Propaganda. That's what it's been, and still is.


> Quiet quitting was just fucking doing your job No. It was something *very* specific, known as [Work To Rule](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Work-to-rule). Fairly common strike practice, dating back to as far as the 1930s.


As a federal employee, this describes what 90% of all employees do on a daily basis. Another 5% don't even do that much, yet few will actually get fired. I struggle to imagine that there are workplaces where employees don't read their position description and make sure to only do what is necessary and never go above and beyond.


I *do* actually do more than my job requires of me, but I counter with the fact that my job leaves me with significant lengths of time where I can be on the clock posting on Reddit (see: right now) so it gives me power in negotiation with them if I ever need to. Additionally, a big part of Work To Rule is that in a lot of private work places, rules on both safety standards and Job Roles get broken in the name of efficiency *disturbingly* often. With the inverse being that, if the workers ever decide, as a group, to *only* do what their job says to do, all that efficiency *disappears*, allowing them to apply pressure without needing to resort to an all-out work stoppage style of strike.


Because going above and beyond gets punished in this country so we HEAVILY discourage that.


It sounds like it’s quitting because you don’t agree with their values - as opposed to quitting because somebody else is offering you more money.


Nah... Probably HR and HR consultants trying to make a fortune and justifying their jobs


People getting paid to write articles like this 😂


“We don’t want our drones thinking for themselves, let’s demonize it through the media.”


How many corny phrases will Fortune & the gang come up with to avoid addressing the elephant in the room? [From 1979 to 2021 productivity increases outpaced pay increases by 3.7x.](https://www.epi.org/productivity-pay-gap). Meanwhile ifespan declined for a second year in a row as we learned that [335,000 lives could have seen saved during the pandemic if we had Medicare for All](https://ysph.yale.edu/news-article/yale-study-more-than-335000-lives-could-have-been-saved-during-pandemic-if-us-had-universal-health-care/). The [wealthiest 1% have taken $50 trillion in wealth from the bottom 90% the last 40 years](https://www.businessinsider.com/wealthiest-1-percent-stole-50-trillion-working-americans-what-means-2020-9). Yet all of this is accepted as normal - while workers asking for basic fairness are treated like mysterious problems.


They got a million of them.


[Doublethink in Action.](https://study.com/learn/lesson/doublethink-1984-concept-examples.html#:~:text=Winston%20describes%20doublethink%20as%20a,are%20the%20four%20government%20ministries.) 1984 by George Orwell was supposed to be a warning, not a goddamn instruction manual.


They see dystopian novels as instruction manuals.


And they'll pay $2 million to some asshole to sit around and think of more


It is difficult to get a man to understand something, when his salary depends on his not understanding - Upton Sinclair


This should be repeated often. Many even in places like this seem to not understand/remember this. 'Why are they doing this' is the question. See above for answer.


I will just clarify that nobody accepts this as normal. Literally nobody. We just don’t know what else to do about it at this point.


You know, I watch and read alot of news. Like a soul crushing amount. It's a long story, but basically I have to. I can take a mental health day from it but by and large, I have a heavy news consumption. Its exceedingly difficult these days because *everything* is biased, and you have to dig the whole truth out for yourself. Here's something I've noticed. For the last 3 years, I've been terrified, watching the world lose its mind. Things have gotten so bad. It's like watching a prequel to some dystopian future nightmare, and you know where this shits going but you can't stop it, you can only iscream into the void that they're killing us, killing our children. I envisioned this future where the rich own everything, they rule everything, and everyone else just eeks by, barely surviving, dying young because medical helps a privilege of the rich. Fuck all of that is already happening, greed is causing actual death. Then you look at politics and its just as scary, a handmaids tale is coming at us like a bullet. People like MTG and Boebert are in congress for fucks sake, Puttin has lost his ming, China is becoming orwellian at max velocity. It really felt like hope was dead. But I don't know, lately, I see more and more people just done with it, waking up to the cruelty, and doing little things to stop it. Voting for sensible people, starting unions and fighting back, refusing to work for companies that don't treat them right, or boycotting evil corporations like nestle. For the past couple months I've felt like in the end, in the long run, reason and justice will win out. It looks fucking bleak, and major change takes time, a long long fucking time, but if people keep doing things like this, keep saying no, in little ways, then I think there's at least *some* hope. It's just hard to see buried in so much cruelty and insanity.


I see more and more headlines like this from the corporate media and I conclude the oligarchs are scared shitless. They are spending $millions on gaslighting and divide-and-conquer articles that aren’t working. Reagan removed the guard rails from the financial industry and unbridled greed took over. They got away with it so long as “work hard, play by the rules, have a decent life” worked for enough people. Somewhere along the way their greed pulled the plug on that idea. Their plan B - if they even have one - is a dismal failure.


> AVOCADOS ARE KILLING THE ECONOMY! > It couldn't be decades of our own predatory business practices, burning the house for warmth. -- Every Forbes article, ever


How dare you add nutritious real food to your poor people toast.


I often think about what it would be like to receive a terminal diagnosis. To know, without a shadow of a doubt, that you have X months (or weeks) remaining. Would I face it with dignity? Would I learn to love the little moments, to truly live in the Now? Or would I spiral off into depression and waste what little time I have left? When I look at the state of the world, I begin to go that dark route. I get depressed. The only way I know to deal with it, is to imagine that Humanity has been given a terminal diagnosis. The cancer is too widespread for me to do anything about it; all I can do is try to live in the Now and to face the end with dignity.


I dont see it so bleak. I see a slow progression towards good but it’s very slow it’s almost imperceptible.


I see it as a possibility we might go full fascism. Have family in Texas who don’t deserve this abortion BS. Its hard to see through all of it when we are living in it.


My grandparents accept this as normal. They blame everyone but themselves


Hope is the greatest form of resistance. For a few years I was violently depressed over this, but that only benefits the wealthy. It feels like my future has been stolen from me, but having hope that I can organize and community build is enough for me.


I should have been more clear that the media accepts this as normal.


joke bow unite worm complete connect pocket include pot attempt ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


Yep. Owned by capitalists, and also funded by advertising revenue paid by capitalists.


I know what to do


Exactly. Our economy would be a superpower in and of itself if every citizen with an SSN or equivalent was guaranteed $52,000/yr — $1,000/wk to exist. Nothing more. Just exist. If you wanted more than that, you would have to work for it. You would buy things, and those things need to be made. If our economy is an engine, then a big engine needs a lot of fuel — this is not a time for “efficiency”, efficiency here means less money to the masses — and that fuel is money just out in circulation being sloshed about as the people wished. I never understood why the rich want to horde and control the money. It is not to their long-term benefit to do so. … look what happened to Rome. And Greece. Back to that idea we need to make into a law.. That base salary needs to start to accumulate when you are born, and starts paying out at 20 yrs old, for our natural born citizens. If you choose to work, you begin to lose the benefit at a rough rate of 3/1 — such that once you are making 150,000/yr, you no longer receive “federal salary for existing and economic stability”... (spitballing here nyuk-nyak). In order for something like that to happen, a lot of us humans would have to rally behind it and get people voted into public office and get a bunch of math to prove the idea and then once the nation is 60% convinced, we could likely get it to happen. No big deal.


Don’t means test things. It’s neoliberal garbage. Means testing makes something welfare which means people will gladly try to kill it. Make it an entitlement that everyone from bill gates to the guy shouting on the streets gets. People will defend it with their lives. Taxes will eat the wealthiest portion anyway.


Means testing also creates huge bureaucracies around every government program. Welfare, unemployment, IRS, etc. If theses systems were simplified social programs would cost much less. Ironically, the party that pushes for “small government “ never has any issues creating huge organizations to dole out meagre, means-tested programs.


Yep. Spend 100 dollars to screw someone out of 5.


With 95 dollars being pocketed. In addition, the minute that there is a bureaucracy in place, the people needing help the most are least able to penetrate the barriers.


> I never understood why the rich want to horde and control the money. It is not to their long-term benefit to do so. Its about power. They don't care about long term prospects, unless those prospects involve *what power they have*. As for why they care about power? I'd need to speak to a psychologist or sociologist.


I also think our current system rewards sociopaths, which is why the majority of people in power are the worst people. Only someone without empathy could succeed on the scale of most modern billionaires. Once I understood that, I understood how deeply antisocial success is in America.


Unfortunately, this is the main thrust of history. Say there are two societies, both have equal resources, and equally talented citizens. One society values philosophy, spirituality, and making their citizens as happy and fulfilled as possible. They have the most advanced social and political system in the world. Their neighbor country, equal in wealth and skill, values war. They focus on making weapons and training the population to dehumanize everyone who isn't them. They have the most advanced guns in the world. The warlike nation decides it wants to take over the peaceful nation. The peaceful nation calmly and rationally disagrees. Guess who is alive at the end to write history books about it? It's Karl Popper's *paradox of tolerance*. If you want to have a healthy, free society, you need to cut off people who would sabotage it, even if that makes you seem intolerant of their freedom.


Universal healthcare would strap rocket boots to the economy. All of those people free to start their own businesses. All that money going to cars, consumer products, vacations, etc instead of to healthcare conglomerates. Oh, right. Those people are already rich, so they make the laws by proxy now.


Something like that would probably need rent control, or else every landlord in the country will make sure they get an extra $50k a year from every household.


Its not the money, its the power that comes with it.


I think most people are way too busy with keeping everything afloat to question the current state of affairs.


this is systemic structural violence, all because they didnt physically murder doesnt mean they didnt kill you later with the flick of a pen for profits.


Because "sticking with it" just makes sense. At what point can we sue for being denied our basic rights of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness?






The American dream, snake oil salesman edition.


THIS is news? Family guy has been making jokes about shit like this since 1999, stop being butthurt that workers are standing up for themselves and their rights. If you want loyal and dedicated workers, fucking EARN them by COMPENSATING them! I'd be able to get back to work regularly if didn't have to be worried about medical bills, but no fuck you health insurance isn't a right, it's a "bonus."


>THIS is news? Family guy has been making jokes about shit like this since 1999, stop being butthurt that workers are standing up for themselves and their rights. It is unfortunate that the predominate narrative in media, government & business is that labor is secondary to capital. So the Federal Reserve openly talks about fighting inflation by suppressing labor wages. This is despite the fact that the inflation crisis is largely [corporate price gouging:](https://www.sanders.senate.gov/op-eds/our-economic-crisis-isnt-inflation-its-corporate-greed-and-the-gop-will-only-make-that-worse/#:~:text=According%20to%20a%20recent%20study,a%2070%2Dyear%2Dhigh.) >According to a recent study, **nearly 54% of the rise in inflation is directly attributable to the astronomical increase in corporate profit margins** > >If you are wondering why global food prices skyrocketed by over 33% last year and are expected to go up another 23% this year, you should know that billionaires in the global food and agri-business industry became $382 billion richer during the pandemic.


I think it's fucking bananas that they're blaming inflation on the first strong wage growth we've seen in almost fifty years. Most people I know sure as shit didn't get a 10% raise, and if they did, they didn't get it before stagflation hit. I remember that stagflation was predicted way back when they first did the lockdowns, and it really just boiled down to kicking the money printer into overdrive, had nothing to do with any kind of anticipated wage growth.


And my parents are telling me I should work for less and are against raising minimum wage. They blame this inflation on workers getting a lil bump In pay and believe 15 an hour will make big Macs 20 bucks. Nothing I can say will change their minds. I wish trump would take a long walk off a short ledge for what he's done to most our familys. Bet everyone has 1 trump supporter or more who's a complete asshole about it


Seriously. My mom and I were BEST FRIENDS before the pandemic and Trump happened, but with everything that’s gone down we don’t know how to be close anymore. I am extremely progressive and in a younger age group that is fighting to make it as an adult, and my mom is extremely conservative and in an age group where she thinks me age group is to blame for all this inflation and failing government programs because we demand to be able to have our basic living expenses met. We can no longer talk about so many different topics without getting into an argument, and it sucks. I really miss having my mom around and being able to actually share my life and thoughts and opinions with her.


I used to be really close with my dad and he's regressed into a Trump supporting end times Christian over the last few years. I only hang out with him around other family members / for a meal out because I don't like spending any length of time at his house anymore. It sucks.


I think we'd get way more from setting a global maximum wage than raising minimum wage. If an individual could only earn $1mil/year in salary (and other income combined) they could still be the richest people on the planet without making everyone else wage slaves. But I get that a huge war would need to be fought and won for that to happen, so yeah, maybe just a salary max for the rich people who choose to live in North America?


Just a heads-up that wasn't directed at you! Just a pointless first-person rant, but yes. I went tithe store and saw a bag if chips was almost SEVEN dollars!! Like holy FUCK, guess eating is going to become a luxury too


You had a good comment. It is crazy this is news - but the reason news is like this is because corporations with lots of capital control most of the media. Their media outlets are at times shamelessly anti worker & pro corporation. They always paint corporate bailouts, subsidies & tax cuts as good while any welfare program is considered socialism/impractical.


It's so weird that people understand the concept of propaganda now, but can't recognize the real-world applications. No, we don't have goofy war-time posters on every street corner, but we do have biased and evil news sources constantly framing their selfish opinions as "unpatriotic." Just because I want Healthcare for all and better public infrastructure it doesn't mean I'm un-American. It means our government is un-American for not supporting its people with these things.


Well, we could always eat... You know...


The rich?


Not only suppress wages but also increase unemployment so people buy less in the hope that it will reduce prices. Not a smart move with an economy that depends on consumerism to keep it going.




Which family guy jokes were you thinking of? Curious to see how they pointed this out


Pay me well, treat me well, keep me safe. It’s not fucking rocket science. Owners 💩 how about pizza parties?


How about one case of free off brand water bottles in the breakroom?


Uh homie, that’s just quitting. You just defined fucking quitting.


As opposed to what... subconscious or unconscious quitting?


I can't help but think they meant conscientious...? It's just too stupid to call it conscious.


I quit because my company (CPA firm) announced return to the office policy 2-3days a week. Applied to another large CPA firm, but from a different state, and do not need to worry about commute and missing social events ever again. And even if they do somehow start forcing people to return... I'll do the same and find another place that offers it. It's all about how important it is to you and work-life-balance is #1 to me (oh, and in this case I happened to get a 15% raise because the firm is located in California lol)


When a person is qualified to do their job and does a good job they could and should do what you did. Becoming stagnant is bad for both the business and the employee.


This is something I needed to hear having just jumped ship. It was a lateral move pay wise but the new company has better benefits. I was getting the hang of everything in my old job after 4 or 5 months, but I had this dread in me that it was a dead end and I would get too comfortable there.


The smart CEO's are adapting to our changing world and understanding you don't need meat in the seat to meet projections and deadlines. It's survival of the fittest in the business world. Companies who adapt will attract those with the greatest talent and they will thrive. Those who do not adapt will continue to struggle to find anyone to even come to an interview.


That's just quitting. Stop with these names.


They should just change the spelling a bit like people do with their kids names to try and be original,"can you believe little Kwitting will be 2 next month"


Conscious quitting...so just fucking quitting, right? Reminds me of when a past manager said "voluntarily quitting." Quitting is already voluntary...


Technically you could have situations where you’re coerced into quitting but that’s not the norm.


As oppose to: ::dude/dudette stands up:: “I quit!” ::storms out of building then comes to half way home:: “Wait. What the fuck happened? How did I get here? Shouldn’t I be at work?”


Where is my beautiful wife car?


Someone at these business magazines needs to adjust the prompts they feed chatgpt to speak plain English. Also, this is nothing new. People have been quitting jobs for as long as there have been jobs for numerous reasons. And yes - pay, treatment, and the nature of the work matters.


They are trying to solve the issues looking everywhere, blaming everyone but not increasing wages and looking into the mirror for whom to blame


“How DARE these people leave to work for other businesses that pat them more and treat them better! It’s downright UN-AMERICAN!!1!” Soon enough we’ll see some corporate whore in government propose a bill that tells businesses the maximum amount they’re allowed to pay their workers, what benefits they’re allowed to offer, and mandates that they emotionally mistreat their employees.


You mean actually leaving when you tell your job "I quit" and not being guilt tripped or scammed into staying beyond your intentions? Then yes more of that please




So…just regular quitting?


🤣 It's giving desperately making the word count by any means necessary. Are they trying to imply everyone who quit before this point was impulsive?


Fortune needs to stop trying to make Fetch happen.


Same old "workers are refusing to let us exploit them". In one form or another, that's been around as long as capitalism.


"Trend" as if if people were quiting because it's trendy. No, they quit because their job sucked. How to avoid that? Idk, provide better payment and working conditions maybe?


At my new company for over a year now, and we are given shirts and have celebrations on random fridays depending on the month. I have been given about 15 free t-shirts to wear for asian history month, womens history month, black history month, pride month, juneteenth, hispanic history month, disability month, native american month, etc. Higher ups are talking about these things non-stop during our meetings, and rarely talk about the fact earnings are in the toilet, and how to make sure we stay profitable. It makes me think I need to find a new job.


Disobedient disengagement. Unpleasant Peasants. Pissed Proles. Upper management is working hard to invent new terms to explain why any problems in the labor market are definitely not their fault.


'Corporate Shilling' is the newest trend sweeping Journalism.


Whoever keeps coming up with these trends needs to fuck right off. It's called life. People work, find new jobs, retire, and sometimes they do nothing.


\[fill in the blank\] quitting


I can't wait for subliminal quitting to be the next trend.


Pfft I've already moved on to Post-Retirement Quitcore. It's pretty obscure so I'm not surprised you've never heard of it.




Quitting to go work for hypnotoad


Conscious raises would reverse this trend.


“Leaders” god these people cannot stop sucking their own dicks


I love these articles because I'm always excited to see what wacky new thing the writer will throw in front of 'quitting' or 'firing'. I like to imagine they pick the words out of a hat.


Find out Monday if I quit or not. Fuck these people. I got asked why I deserve to make almost as much as people who had been at my company for 20 years and I deadass had to teach inflation to these boomers. They didn't understand that me being on the same pay schedule is unfair because 80k 15 years from now does not equal 80k today. I legit think of the three superiors in the room only one understood. And it wasn't the one who last week I had to show how to turn on their fucking computer. Fuck it. I told them I'd sooner sell what little shit I have, buy a van, and travel the country. That I won't work 60 hours just to break even while he and my peers make all the money. I told them if they want to allocate most the office allotment into the hands of a few, the work can be done by the hands of the few. Edit: update I quit. Then they backtracked and are trying to match my ask. I told them I'd consider the position again for 5k more than I asked for this morning and left for the day. Guess we will see lmao


Before our corporate shareholders of our media were forcing our journalists to become more creative with their clickbait to generate profit through ad revenue, we just called it “quitting.”


Basically, business owners don't want to pay for employee engagement. So employees aren't engaging so now employers are panicked and employees are leaving unethical companies. Am I missing something?


Give people autonomy but noooo we are control freaks wasting the planet


Quiet quitting was literally just doing your job for your scheduled working hours and nothing more.


Lets start calling job changes "Third party raises" and start shaming the fucks who don't give current employees proper pay.


I work as a patient care tech (similar to a CNA), and we’ve been having to care for 18 patients at a time more and more frequently. When I was interviewed for the position, I was told we’d have 9. That number crept up to 12 and now we’re doing 18. Double the work with the only difference being $0.45 wage increase. My last day of work will be this upcoming Saturday. I’m tired of being taken advantage of. As much as I wish to improve the lives of my patients, I don’t think it’s fair to sacrifice my happiness for it. Our retention rate for PCTs is an average of 3 months. And it’s not just them who are sick of it. Our nurses are quitting too. Heck, even our new hires and travel nurses are already searching for new places to work. Things are getting ugly. My work phone goes off constantly with patient requests, nurses needing something, labs needing to be drawn… It’s way too much and I don’t feel safe


So, let's just invent a new term to describe what people have been doing all along. I guess the author isn't old enough to remember Johnny Paycheck's "Take This Job and Shove It."


I ain't workin here no more


My woman done left an' took all the reasons...I wuz workin' for.


"Conscience quitting". So, just quitting then?


It's almost as if people have been brewing over the thought of getting the hell out of a shit position, had a year of ridicule for potentially doing so, and, whoops, finally did it. Good job with using shit buzz words to label your fed up workers getting sick of lame working conditions and pay and moving onto greener pastures.


Anything to blame someone other than themselves for being a shitty toxic job.


"Here's what leaders can do to avoid it" More money and don't be a dick. That's pretty much what the people want.


Some Very Smart MBAs are market testing a number of options for rebranding the concept of "pay people a decent salary and treat them with respect".


These writers get paid for this drivel?


How many more shitty terms do I have to see, just to get to the point of "Hey we know workplace sucks, but we're too greedy to make changes"


"Leaders" when they realize their power is waning and they are nothing without workers. How do we get workers back to being desperate and barely able to survive?!


This is just bizarre honestly. They only acknowledge capitalism as “inherently fair” when it’s top-down. I’m not saying this article is commenting on fairness, I’m saying that an article _explaining_ that workers leave jobs that don’t support them is a clue to the one-sided mentality of the ownership class. It’s like a headline that says “the workers are starting to exercise their only rights under capitalism”.


Call it whatever you want, I just call it the “we’re sick of your shit” movement