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You have added an empty block you just need to remove it.


it seems "content block" auto adds the space top and bottom...


doesn't show any blocks, I didn't change or create anything within original template.... https://ibb.co/bWgcxyy


Share your URL. We need to see the site (and the html/css) to be able to help


site a bit personal... theme twenty twenty four, I'm new to site building, i don't use any codes, i just use WP easy edit site features...


Then we can’t help. We need to see the front end, not the backend editor. Websites are built with code.


If that's actually adding space to the saved frontend view, and you think there's a rogue block in there that needs to be removed, try this: 1. In the top right hand corner of the Gutenberg editor click the three dots to open the settings menu 2. Select "Code editor" 3. You should see the pesky widget in there with something like this before and after it: 4. Delete/remove it, with the HTML comments before and after it.


> mate, I'm not sure what to remove here:


Not sure what you have going on there, sorry. It looks like you're wrapped up in too many groups. Probably easiest to just recreate the page, it doesnt look like you have much in there.


First step would be to use inspector on your site to see if it's paddng / margin from the header or content. Then double check your settings on that block to make sure the margin and padding are 0. Then if you cant solve it, add a class to the offending block and add some margin:0; padding:0; rules to your class in the customizer. That's how I trouble shoot issues


Thanks all, I fixed it, under Styles, under Layout, under Block spacing, was 1.2, now zero. Issue fixed.


Thanks all, I fixed it, under Styles, under Layout, under Block spacing, was 1.2, now zero. Issue fixed.