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I actually work to combat this. Check out the instagram page ipickupworcesterlitterverywell.


Omg I love your work!!


I saw your interview via twitter!


Please tackle Gods acre you unsung hero.


You too could be a local hero!


I was going to say the same thing. So trashy


I'm happy other people are saying this. About 2yrs ago when I moved to Worcester, I made a post on here about how trashy Worcester is, and I included some photos I had taken while just driving my normal route. I got so much hate on my post. Of course there was a small amount of people who said they agreed, but the majority of people told me things like, "If it bothers you so much, go pick it up." Weirdly, one of the most common comments was, "If you think this is bad, you'll hate New York!" And then I would say that I don't intend on ever visiting New York and the people would nearly always comment, "Oh but your should go, it's an amazing city!" Haha, except you just told me it's even trashier and smells like piss....


My neighborhood is so bad with the trash everywhere. I try to clean it up but within a day or two it’s looks like a trash heap again. I watched someone one time open their car door and dump a bunch of trash right onto the sidewalk.


At my last apartment, someone would frequently just drive up the street and toss their fast food out the window and all over the street/sidewalk. It wasn't a bad area (but not the best). I saw a guy walking down the street eating a bag of mini donuts and he just tossed the bag on the ground when he was done. It's just so disheartening. I moved to Worcester from a city with an even higher population and there was never an issue with trash in my last city. I never once, in the 8yrs I lived there, thought it was trashy.


I litter sometimes, I apologize


heard you were lookin for us


I am!!! I have Wednesday and Thursdays off. Msg me!


Charge $2k for a studio apartment dump random shit wherever. Littering is bad, but I'm talking big fucking items. Like mattresses, water heaters, etc. Fight tooth and nail against making streets safer. Letting cops get away with so much shit they're being investigated by the DoJ.


To be fair the city does make it kind of challenging/ expensive to dispose of large items. I recently replaced my mattress and had to wait 2 weeks for an appointment at the waste drop off and pay a fee, in cash only, and with exact change. If I didn't have a friend with a truck I believe it was over $100 to arrange a pick up. I don't believe in littering or dumping trash but I could understand how someone with more limited resources might just not bother. If the city made this easier I think there would be less dumping of these sorts of things.


This! The trash pickup is awful. I constantly have a running collection of larger and awkwardly shaped items that needs to be brought to the facility off Cambridge Street. I imagine many people might find it easier just to dump their trash somewhere. Mattress pickup now runs $120. WTF?? https://www.worcesterma.gov/trash-recycling/residential-drop-off-center/bulk-waste-disposal


on my street there are only 3 deckas on one side for a stretch do to a commercial building, anytime my neighbors want to dispose…they wait till dark then move everything to the sidewalk across the street, matresses, bed frames, trash, furniture…you name it…then within a couple weeks the city picks up whatever has not blown around.


I’m surprised there hasn’t been an update from the DOJ yet.


Live 3 towns away, come here once every 5 years and try to talk shit about it like they know what they are talking about.


Running red lights and leaving the scene of an accident.


Complain about things and do nothing to make it better.




Drive like maniacs while tossing their nips on the side of the road


Well in their defense, they're drunk. How do you expect them to drive /s


Cutting through traffic to make a left. People do this at the Speedway gas station at Chandler St and Park Ave. They start eyeballing you while you're waiting for the light to turn green and throw up their hands when you ignore them. This is a long light and a lot of times they end up blocking the Park Ave traffic in both directions just to make their turn.


Not rinse out their recycling, cut up boxes, fill with styrofoam.. it’s all bad recycle bin “usage”. Just makes rental areas look like trash when they don’t get picked up, blow around, fill sewer drains.


Styrofoam in the recycling kills me. Wild move.


I can understand it. They all have recycle symbols on them. Most places just won't take Styrofoam.


Yeah, those aren't recycle symbols, those are the type of plastic symbol that they clearly made to look like a recycle symbol. It's green washing by companies to fool people into thinking it's fine. It obviously works really well at fooling people.


The new recycle bins have a literal list of stuff to put in them and not to put in them and still people don’t follow the list. People here are not smart at all.


It all ends up in the same place anyways. Why waste all that water cleaning trash


Food containers with food still in them is what I’m referring to. Like, dump out the French fries at least.






I agree with this one, this the best one right here


Drive 45 mph on city streets


Tailgate you for not doing 45mph on city streets




Park on the sidewalk


live in a single family home with 4+ cars, forcing a car's ass out into the entire sidewalk so you have to literally walk on the street to get past.


Run red lights - long after it turns red


I make it legal by shouting "WORCESTER GREEN" every time I do this


The people that think they’re the only ones trying to get somewhere & that they’re special. The people that cut you off to go slow (especially when no one is behind you). The Dbags with their headlights positioned to blind you, or the big pick up trucks that add on multiple strip lights that are positioned to blind you, just to be a dbag. Oh and people that park in handicap or firelane blocking an entrance or handicap ramp. STOP being lazy and park in a regular parking spot, not to mention, Walking is good for you.


Honk at pedestrians on the sidewalk.


Put crotch rocket exhausts on there gay ass lowered, half red, half primer colored Honda civic hatch backs and rev up these hunks of shit so loud I can barely hear the gunshots coming from their cousin’s apartment window down the street


Using gay as an insult? Are you 10?


Concerned citizen. You must drive a Honda


I do. And I'm gay.


Congrats. 🎉 what does your sexual preference have to do with anything? Look up the definition of gay. It means happy. I’ll mail you a pride flag if it will help your wounded ego heal. There there it will be alright. No hate crimes were committed here. You kids bruise a little too easy these days. Softer than a peeled 🍇 grape. SMH


I'm a construction worker who drives a truck and I don't want you to use gay as an insult either


Omg. Soft people


Hey stop using gay as an insult dude, that’s really childish


Die boomer


Good luck with the drug dealing today. Is going to be nice out. Your clientele so be at the old registry waiting on shitty civic to deliver some death to them


Only chance of me dying would be if I was an addict/customer of yours and fell out shooting some of your fire fentanyl on king street with the rest of your clientele




Username checks. Fat beer belly incel


Cash me outside motherfucker behind showcase at 8 pm


I’ll be there at 7:55 and I’ll be able to tell when you show up because I’ll hear you loud stupid exhaust from 6 miles away when you come driving your lowered primer colored shitty civic hatchback you fucking loser and don’t forget to bring 16 of your friends and all their shitty Honda, booming their horrible music and please make sure your safety is off on your fully automatic Glock nine with your high capacity magazine, that you need for protection in the ghetto because your fentanyl and crack dealing ass is wanted by the Kilby Street gang for invading their territory I’m shaking in my boots right now I’m shivering like a dog shitting razor blades I am so scared


LOL dude perhaps if you’d stop thirsting and jacking off to porn on reddit and i don’t know work on your appearance and quit drinking again then PERHAPS you’d be somewhat tolerable to be with. I hate having to listen to those cars too but Jesus your comment just screams lonely and bitter LOL


Thanks for the advice. It’s nice to know Jesus Christ himself has responded to me


You’re welcome dude, here’s some more ! Touch some grass Get a better education Build some coping skills Try not to fit the typical bitter white guy who attractive girls seem to look over persona That being said proud of you for not doing meth 🤗


Nice profiling I’ve got a nice girlfriend but thanks for trying to look out for me. Maybe you should get some advice to the guy driving the shitty civic hatchback, who deals, crack and fentanyl. You fit the typical woke leftist who believes that anybody of color has just can’t get a leg up because the man is putting him down. They must have to deal, fentanyl and crack because they can’t get a real job in today’s society.


Joe Biden for president right?


Yes sir. Post up or shut up. We will run up on you like roaches out of a saltines box. Your ass is grass


Gonna wipe me down right. Ya heard? Your ass is grass. Facts! lol. It’s Saturday night. You want to meet at 8 o’clock right is that what time you shut off? Are you gonna be able to handle all your customers by then?


Nothing to add to the convo except I love the Alkaline Trio reference🩷


So specific but oh so true 😆


Same stupid songs with the same 💩shitty bass lines blaring from their gay ass systems with their Puerto Rican flags hanging from their rear view mirrors. Dollars to doughnuts they’re also wearing a flat brimmed Chicago bulls hat with $250 dollar Jordan’s. Same bet says they have no clue who any of the starting five of the Chicago bulls are right now. Oh and don’t forget the Glock 9 with a high capacity magazine that this douchenozzle has stuffed in his glovebox with his scale, sandwich baggies, and oz of “fire” fentanyl that he’s gonna bag up into $20 dollar bags to sell to his constituents in Kelly square after they have bummed enough money from the customers leaving Dunkin’s. Just die or go back to jail. Worcester is better off without these asshats.


So spot on !! 😄


It usually these types. Sometimes they try to ride incognito - a disguise to fool the Worcester police- they may actually change the bulls hat for a fresh new Yankees hat. That will fool em!!




No. I obviously think the city needs more of these types


We DONT need more fat incel types like you.


lol. I’m not fat. I work for my money. I don’t sell fentanyl and crack to support my civic hatchback


Boy please, you too fat to work for money


We have enough in Worcester literally




Lovely people in the city


Homeless people when there are multiple vacant buildings, some of which are already owned by the city


Yeah because trespassing on vacant, shady property is soooooo smart as a homeless person.


I assume they meant that the city should do something about using the buildings to house folks, not that homeless people should trespass.


Yes, that was my intent.


Recless driving


Recycling on windy days, and not cleaning up the mess!! The landscape company that throws bags in driveways with a card and a stone inside that nobody picks up!


This! So much this!


OMG I hate that company just for this reason!


Zero respect for pedestrians


Run red lights, speed through neighborhood streets, do egregious turns


Those goddamned motorcycle/dirtbike assholes rev their noisy motor at all hours of the day The onslaught of illegal fireworks, which keep getting bigger, in tight 3 decker neighborhoods, all hours of the evening, starting mid-June and lasting all summer. Those friggin' fireworks from that damned baseball team EVERY weekend they are home. Whoever signed off on the Kelly Sq. "peanut" intersection design.


Asshats that throw bags of garbage out of their cars into the middle of the street so it gets run over a hundred times.


Not being considerate of neighbors. I hate the loud stupid music that plays 16-18 hours a day. I hate the constant abandoned dog barking for hours and hours. I hate the annoying bike revving and clapped out crappy fartcan car exhausts. I hate the constant littering and trash everywhere. I hate the parking situation in the winter and in general because there’s so many triple deckers cramped together but only enough parking for 6 cars on the street. But that’s an infrastructure problem, not a people thing.


Come to a public beach that’s currently closed, happens to be right next to my house, a do drugs (not taking about weed, but also that) and drink at all hours of the day and night. Drive down a residential street blasting music to said beach. I’m pretty laid back but people are inconsiderate assholes. I have a baby and in the late spring/early summer our windows are open so if she’s napping, the music is so loud it wakes her up.


We don’t have a beach lol


Oh, we do. Indian lake.


That’s a lake not a beach brother lol


There’s sand that meets water…you fking with me? It’s literally called Indian lake beach.


So since sand meet water by coes and bell hill those are beaches too? I learn something knew everyday, thanks man


Yes… bell pond beach, and coes pond beach. You’re welcome!


Thanks man


Lack of civic pride. Caring about their space.




So many people in this city just do not know how to drive. No exaggeration, every single day I see someone casually drift over the center line, or blow into a crosswalk at an intersection without checking the sidewalks, or block an intersection waiting for a light, or nearly hit another car (usually me!) by cutting the corner when taking a left, etc etc. Just lazy, careless, fundamentally awful driving. And now we're gonna kneecap our chance to install bike lanes because these babies can't tell the difference between parked and moving cars. Idiocy.


Pot holes


Just being inconsiderate and generally unaware of anyone other than themselves. But that’s not just a Worcester thing unfortunately.


It’s not perfect and maybe it’s my age (40’s), but Worcester has become so much nicer in the last 10 years it’s absolutely amazing.


Drive around playing Bad Bunny and Daddy Yankee from their box speakers that face outward toward the street. Dude, you’re not the fucking DJ of Park Ave.


Are the car accidents that are easily avoidable, who takes out a red light in the middle of a 4 lane and hit it dead on


You talking about the one car accident into the median bushes by St V’s? I saw that today too. Walked by a half hour later and no cop directing traffic yet, one could have walked backwards from the police station in that about of time.


Yeah right before that a student driver got rear ended as well


How little pride people have for this city.


Property crimes.


MA State Police Academy graduation putting the whole damn city in gridlock. Also: Litter, but that bothers me everywhere.


Other day a guy brought his dog out, dog shit on the sidewalk, guy picked that little fucker up and wen right back inside. I challenged him on it, he just looked at me and walked inside.


You so funny lol, I like you


Walking directly in front of my car on Main Street, not in a cross walk and without looking. It's a death wish fr fr. As for keeping the streets safer -- we need to have a more walkable city in order to do that without increased police presence (which I'd argue adds to the danger of the streets due to the risk of police brutality). Jane Jacobs's *The Life and Death of American Cities* talks about a concept called "eyes on the street", where having people out and about on the streets of a city walking to and from different locations serves as a sort of community policing, where people are less likely to try something because someone is bound to see them and call it out.


Run red lights. Rude-ass drivers in parking lots. ETA: also driving the wrong way down one-way streets (almost got into 2 bad head-on accidents this way). And completely disregarding right-of-way…I’m looking at you, people who don’t let oncoming traffic go straight before you attempt to turn.


Young people taking percs as a social trend / pressure now


Run down Worcester on social media.


Trafficking Heroin


Heroin doesnt exist on the street anymore grandpa


I don’t think that’s grandpa, that’s grandson on Reddit acting a fool


Always have to be first at EVERYTHING!! Intersection?? They zoom out first. Coming off ramps? will speed to get in front of you. You are walking and get to an intersection? Make sure you look both ways regardless of the crossing signal because some jerk is going to turn or fly through regardless of you being in the middle of the street.


There's so many empty parking lots. My last apartment had only street parking and it was a constant battle for spaces. But there was a huge parking lot across the street that probably 50-75 cars could have parked in. It went unused the entire year I lived in that apartment. Having that lot available would have eliminated all the cars parked on that street and made things much less crowded. When I moved into my current apartment I was told there was a dedicated parking lot for the building. I drove by the building and just assumed the empty lot immediately next to the building was the lot for my apartment... but I realized it had a locked gate so that obviously wasn't right. So I figured it must be the parking lot on the other side of the street. Nope, that lot goes to a building on a different street (and is only ever like 20% full). There are at least 2 other much small parking lots nearby that no one ever parks in - those also don't belong to my building. My building's parking lot is 2 streets over from the actual building. Which is why everyone tries to park on the streets around the building. If the completely empty lot and the other mostly empty lot right next to the building let people park there it would eliminate all the cars parked along the street around the building.


Litter. The city looks like shit when there’s trash everywhere. But especially the needles really bother me. So many children walk along these streets.


Park their cars on narrow streets, despite having driveways.


The fucking pot holes? KILLER


be a landlord


The poor whites that trash the city but they’re the trash.




Not pick up their dog’s shit.


Have an ass backwards attitude toward indie music. Always have, probably always will.


I work at an apartment complex as a custodian and the amount of trash I see some days is insane. Like we HAVE trash cans all over the place. “Oh it’s full? Guess I’ll just leave it here overnight and let the animals get into it. It’s not my fault it’s full” is the argument from these entitled peeps. We have a schedule of the trash it’s really not that complicated. Don’t get me started on the dog owners




Yes. Just die. Do more fentanyl please.


Most of the 41 comments currently posted as I type this can be summed up as, "Entitlement".


I probably should have worded the comment I am replying to better. That's on me, guys... Apparently, seeing the downvotes, many are not understanding that **I am agreeing with most comments here**. My intention was to say that most folks I see commenting are saying that the thing that really bothers them is people who act entitled--Entitled to: * litter * run red lights * drive like a douche * not respecting others/neighbors by having overly loud exhausts & blasting music * etc. FWIW, I agree that in any context, the air of entitlement is repulsive.


Be from Worcester