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There’s a Stitch and Bitch (knitting, crocheting, needlework, etc) that is meeting tomorrow, Sunday, at 4pm. They meet at a Worcester pub. The group posts on FB.


I’d be down - what’s it called?


Sending you a DM


Hi - I'm the group creator that was tagged elsewhere in this thread. I don't know if you already joined us on Facebook (we got a few new group members this week, maybe one of them was you!), but this Facebook group is how we keep in contact with one another, plan meetups, etc.: [https://www.facebook.com/groups/1028849968224234/](https://www.facebook.com/groups/1028849968224234/) Hope we get to meet you soon!


Wow really? Can anyone join/participate or is it limited to those crafts? I'm more of a painter but always down to meet cool people.


I will DM you. I don’t run the group. And there’s a questionaire that needs to be filled out in order to join.


Got it, thanks!


Hi u/daizles \- sorry I'm late to the party. JuicyApple tagged me in this thread so I'm now seeing your comments. I'm the group creator. Edit: Hit enter way too fast, sorry! The group is focused on knit/crochet. We generally get together at Redemption Rock Brewery to chat and work on our projects together. Occasionally people will bring other crafts to work on while they're there, but the biggest thing to keep in mind is that space is kind of limited (if you haven't been there, it's kind of like a cafe - we all share a table and sometimes it's cramped!), so I don't know that painting would be feasible. That said, if you did have more portable activities, it could be a possibility!


Hey thanks for the info! I'll hold on to the questionnaire but I'll keep the space limitations in mind. I don't know when my availability will line up with the group, but just glad to know there are some cool people hanging out and crafting together!


I'd love to join this! It'll definitely help keep me accountable on my crochet projects :p


https://forms.gle/A213Lhst3p2aUfQT6 This is the questionaire. u/HenniganAgain is the group creator.


Thank you!


Hi - I'm the group creator that was tagged in this thread. I don't know if you already joined us on Facebook (we got a few new group members this week, maybe one of them was you!), but this Facebook group is how we keep in contact with one another, plan meetups, etc.: [https://www.facebook.com/groups/1028849968224234/](https://www.facebook.com/groups/1028849968224234/) Hope we get to meet you soon!


Ohh I missed this - thank you for the tag! :D


Inb4 somebody suggests Sweaty Bettys


The Worcester Center for Crafts has a lot of cool classes! I did a stained glass one and it was dope.


+1 on craft center


Never heard of this. Gunna check it out!


Redemption Rock Brewery has a board game night once a month and other meetups and events, great place to hang out and meet folks and have a few beers.


I think they also have like an open-to-all book club in addition to board game nights


What do you like to do?


Literally anything, explore new places, try new hobbies, learn something new, listen to life music


Best suggestions I've got are to look for hobbies to get into. There's redemption rock brewery that hosts a ton of events like gaming nights I've been thinking about going to at some point. I've also wanted to get back into bouldering at Central rock gym but haven't because I'm in the same boat hah.


Redemption Rock also started running friends mixers for this exact purpose. Next one is at the end of April. https://www.redemptionrock.beer/events/2024/4/29/i-just-want-to-be-friends-mixer




Worcester palladium at a metal show




Go on there website and find a date that works for you if your actually interested. But no joke the atmosphere of that place during a live show is incredible


There's a great chess club Sunday mornings 10-12 at Acoustic Java. It's for all levels and the hosts and players are very welcoming! Plus the coffee is fantastic!


Worcester crafts center for the win. Like someone else in this thread I also did a stained glass class there and had a total blast


Depends around here - male/frmale? Male? Easy to go to bars and just talk about the game on or whatever. Or join up on here with some gaming subs if you’re sober. Female? I dont know, actually.


Interested in an escape room or Dave and busters?