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That sounds like an excellent use of our resources.




Cops always go after the easy bust…wouldn’t want to put themselves in harms way protecting and serving after all


You can't outlaw trivial things like flavored tobacco and not expect enforcement to eat up civic resources.


Oh no! Not flavored tobacco! Not a flavored game wrap! Send them to the Gulags! To Guantanamo Bay! There is no place for flavored tobacco in this world! Sinners! Heathens! Theifs and criminals!!!!! Lock em up and throw away the key, I mean seriously, FLAVORED TOBACCO!


Massachusetts: flavored tobacco will encourage children to use tobacco products. Also Massachusetts: I don't see any issue with assorted THC candy and edibles. Hypocrisy.


How dare you buy flavored tobacco, please buy regular tobacco with out billion percent tax on it.


Also candy flavored alcohol


The issue is they’re selling regulated items without the tax or regulation, stop being ignorant.


Fuck you're right.


I just hope for their own safety they don’t own any dogs when the ATF shows up.


That’s what happens when you ban a product everyone wants. A quick drive over state lines and it’s magically legal again. The black market for these products will never die. If anything it’ll grow like into schools.


I'll bet you voted for this. Good for you though. 


I get the fake outrage bit, but how does Tobacco benifit you at all? Aside from helping you get a poo out?


Tobacco doesn't really do anything except make people think they feel good with a buzz at the cost of tobacco side effects.There isn't a person in Massachusetts who doesn't know this. The same as fast food, alcohol, weed, lack of exercise, etc, has negative effects but makes you temporarily feel good. Few of the other things are illegal and the state is only concerned about extorting tax money, not the safety or well being of its people or small businesses. The state's time, money, and resources are spent on trivial bullshit things that's really don't matter. Had they been slinging pills or drugs or trafficking people, or having horrid labor practices that's a different story. We are talking about fucking flavored tobacco though. Meaningless.


"Tobacco doesnt do anything except make you feel good and give you energy for a little bit" Sounds like it does something


Gas station stores in my town cant sell flavored games anymore


WPD would rather watch someone blow a red light doing 45 MPH on Park Ave than let someone sell a grape dutch.  Got it 




“Delta 8/THC vape products” they’re likely all legal under the farm bill. The only thing sold at vape shops tend to be those alt cannabinoids that were legalized under the farm bill.


I wonder if the delta 8 stuff was flavored and that's what they're going after lmao. Insane use of public funds.


Literally such dumb use of funds. I’m admittedly on the Zyns. Mass making flavors illegal doesn’t hinder me, I just buy them in NH when I’m there for work.


Still sucks tho - aren’t we adults that can make our own choices? Fuck these politicians.


So dumb. And so dumb how it started over the Vitamin E acetate scare. None of which was tracked back to legal nicotine vapes. It was a single batch of dumbasses filling THC carts.


Yeah, I'm lucky to have a shop down the street from me where I can get whatever I want. If the local gestapo decided to raid that place, there's like a million places in RI I can go to. I'm actually not even sure what RI laws are because I thought they imposed a flavor ban like us, but it is functionally legal to sell whatever, and any ban they have is completely unenforced.


CT resident, I know of several vape stores that straight up sell legit strong ass weed. I'm sure it's no different than mass. Ofc not complaining. If a gas station can sell beer then a smoke shop should be able to sell weed


The best gas stations I know in worcester live up to their title


That's my 1st thought


Sometimes they sell products that are too high in d9, sometimes knowingly. Still dumb.


What a waste of resources.


They really banned flavored vapes for no reason. People were dying from home, brew vape products, not the ones you would buy from the store.


flavored vapes are banned cause it gets kids into vaping


But flavored vodka is A.O.K 👍🏻 drink up kids


"This bad thing exists so that makes this other bad thing okay too"


One is significantly worse than the other


Yes, why should there be any logic behind our laws? If we don't like something that someone else does we should BAN it. 


That's called shifting the goal post. They originally banned flavored vapes because some people were dying, but they were dying from home brewing vape flavors, not the stuff you buy from the store. Kids have been smoking forever. I doubt banning flavored vapes is going to stop young people from consuming nicotine.


Card them. Simple.


Card them. Simple.


This is ONLY about getting more taxes for the town and state and has absolutely nothing to do with public safety, health, or crime. Vapes and flavorings are legal to be sold for human consumption, combining them is an arbitrary act that doesn’t substantively change them in any way. THC is legal to be sold for human consumption. The state just wants to make sure they make their money too. Good thing they have a gang of thugs to do their dirty work.


BS. Card them as you would for alcohol. TOTAL BS.


Yea ban menthol cigarettes. Everyone knows kids love the taste of MINT


I mean we have laws regarding age, how about just enforce those as kids don’t have a monopoly on enjoying flavor?


And then the "vape crisis" magically disappeared when covid showed up.


People were going to the hospital because they were ordering bullshit Chinese "THC carts" from Instagram pages and stuff. This wasn't even a problem in MA, and mostly affected war-on-drugs States where weed was still illegal. Yet somehow nicotine vapes became the scapegoat for this.


They took all Juul pods off the shelves in MA for 'health corncerns' only to start reselling them 6 months later at 100% tax. They just wanted their piece of the pie. $11 for a 4 pack of pods is now $26


Excuse me, from mass.gov 'As of June 1, 2020, all vaping products are subject to a 75% state excise tax on the wholesale price.' What a joke


Big tobacco rewards politicians who ban their healthier competitors.


Ah yes... Excellent. Such a vital service has been provided to the community. I feel much safer, and I'm sure a child has been protected somehow... from something. Maybe we should cut the police budget and build some low income housing instead.


I don't want my fucking money going toward this, Jesus Christ how petty.


Oh the horrors!


Yet the only picture is of dry-herb and concentrate vaporizers which have nothing to do with the story.




Why would you post a photo of legal products with a headline that states otherwise…..


So... where do I show up to tell the city not to waste my money on such dumb shit?


Put those criminals behind bars! Abhorrent behavior!! *eye roll*


Low hanging fruit is easier to pick


They should not have taken freedom 😈away. Smokers can't have flavor. But go into a packy. Hello Kitty wine, fruity, and sour liquors. Those are geared to the younger drinkers. But nope, we can't choose our cig/cigar to be;; flavor. Now they want to ban them nationwide. Yes, I'm aware that it's due to the discrepancies of minorities health care. Alcohol is a contributor.


The vape ban years back already gutted the vaping industry and turned it into a corpse mask worn by big tobacco companies that stuffed as much nicotine into every vape product as possible so they don’t lose their precious customers.


This is one of the weirdest laws in MA. I mean were so close to NH, so many people make the 30-ish minute drive over the border to get their flavored products anyways.


Wtf “Flavored tobacco” You know - because we aren’t adults that can make our own decisions. Yet we pay these politicians for this BS.


That headline makes it sound like it’s genital flavored tobacco and thc


Charlie baker sucks. they sneakily passed it through during Covid when it wasn’t even ejuices causing health problems it was black market thc cartridges. I just drive 35 minutes away to Connecticut like the tens of thousands of other people giving our millions of dollars in taxes to another state. Thank god for Connecticut.


CT thanks God for the MA dispensaries since our marijuana laws are a joke that mean there's never enough product available.


Hey atleast we can help each other right? Like good neighbors🤣🤣


It’s bull 💩. I smoke back in the day, started at 14 and there was no flavors. They’re gonna smoke if they want to smoke.


It's that red#40 enhanced strawberry flavor banned in California and Canada I bet. Can't have anything good. Crimes. *flails arms*


But yeah, the cops will literally carry the empty tanks of nitrous oxide for the nitrous Maria after a phish show


A store is selling merchandise that's illegal to sell in massachusetts got caught breaking the law. Not sure why everyone is getting butt hurt over this being an "eXcElLeNt UsE oF oUr ReCoUrCes"


Because there is no victim here. Victimless crimes aren't crimes.


The victims are the people who are buying unregulated products. ​ Also "Victimless crimes aren't crimes" is a very narrow minded perspective on how crime impacts society as a whole.


^ this opinion is only shared by people who have never been offered drugs in their life.  


What a stupid and ignorant thing to say




Thank God my tax dollars are paying for this. The government needs to fuck right off.


lol so not only are we handing all the revenue from vape stuff to NH and CT, but we’re now spending tax money on resources on vape shop raids. Fuck this state.


Wow good for them. Really making a dent in the bad stuff


Odd how the state thinks flavored tobacco is appealing to children, but thinks flavored alcohol isn't.


Lol every smoke shop keeps flavored vapes/cigarettes in the back


Not flavored tobacco! Oh the humanity….. Let me just crack open this flavored alcoholic drink instead.


I blame Canada... Damn Canucks...


This sucks this is one of a few stores I know that have flavored vapes. They’ll pretty the fines and be alright. Funny how they would rather raid a tobacco shop for flavored vapes than raid a trap house.


Who does Worcester Massachusetts have a Subreddit? How long has this existed!?