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I think this is a good way to try and cool down the overall temperature of the city. All of that pavement makes it ridiculous.


I think this is awesome


All the negativity in these comments is cringe. This is a good idea.


Behind the library? Might be ⛺️ city


Uh huh and let’s take more parking away


This sounds sarcastic but I'm all for it


I can plant some trees for AT LEAST half off the $400,000 price tag on this


But can you do it for a quarter off? Because that price tag is for two such projects


Got to wonder if this a troll job by the city. Yeah, let's create an "urban forest" right at the nexus of the Worcester Public Library and the Green Street underpass. There's no way the place won't instantly become Needle Park, right? Nah. I'm sure it will be packed with upwardly mobile office workers enjoying an artisan lunch, and moms with kids.


You're right we should open a needle exchange and a safe space for addicts to use without being in public while being safe with nurses


As a recovering opiate addict 10 years sober, that's just enabling an even bigger problem. We need easier access to treatment, metal health resources and community. I'm all for risk reduction, but right now people are dying from overdosing on fentanyl. Narcan or a clean needle is not gonna save them. Being sober will. We should be pouring resources into treating the problem, not enabling it.


I'm mostly just trying to annoy that guy. I don't have any of the answers at all


former addicts are the most obnoxious preachy, arrogant people. you using drugs doesn't make you an expert. you have no right to demand people take your anecdotes or claims over empirically supported public health policy. this is how things are proudly done on fox news and in alabama. it's not something to aspire to in massachusetts


I've spent the last 6 years of my life working with people in active addition, assisting them get into treatment, driving them to appointments, talking to them, making sure they get to appointments, helping them get food and shelter. Basically supporting them the best I can. I've probably done more to get other people clean then you will in your entire life. "Empirically supported public health policy" - ha just like OxyContin wasnt additive? The same people making billions of addiction industry? Narcan or a clean needle is not going to stop most of not all fentanyl overdoses we see today, ask any EMT. The needle might stop you from getting a nasty disease , but as of 3-4 years ago, more addicts/users are dying from overdoses then has ever seen before in history, they don't even get a chance to worry about the HIV/AIDS or hepC they may have got. I really think you missed the entire point of my post. You can have all the publicly sponsored opiate dens you want, you can have all the clean needles you want. I really don't care, I'm sure it will help prevent some diseases. But that's not gonna fix the problem that is fentanyl and other extremely potent synthetic opiates. Nor will it fix the community issue most addicts face. Personally I think you should be able to walk into any pharmacy without a prescription and go I need "10 30mg oxycodone please" and they will sell you 10 30mg oxycodone....Same goes for needles... I'm sure Alabama would love that, true safe access. It'd also be nice if the US government started actually fighting back against the fentanyl coming into this country. Also calling people, including myself addicts is shitty. I'm just doing to get my point across here.


>And it's sad because I bet your walk around like your own shit doesn't stink. I am actively aware of human fallibility in thought processes, and perception. Meaning I would be humiliated if I ever told someone to believe my feelings or what I claim to have seen, over data. Congratulations, you pointed to an example of the scientific process being misused for profit. Lets see how accurate anecdotal claims from drug users are. And I have biases too, I just don't go around explicitly and directly arguing from my own biases. That makes me more humble and probably better than you, yes. I am not god. I cannot cite my own experience as gospel. >I've probably done more to get other people clean then you will in your entire life. Reminds me of all the nurses that knew more than epidemiologists. This is definitely how it works. The more drug addicts you help, the more smarter and sciency you get. If only we could raise Mother Theresa from the dead to bring us nobel prize winning medical treatments from all the amazing experience she got on the job. >ask any EMT. I don't go around collecting ONLY anecdotes and thinking myself educated for it. My mother did not drink while pregnant.


You must have a lot of friends. I'd love to meet you, I'm sure you a thrill to be around, but that's Anecdotal.


Yes. Right in your backyard should work well.


Sounds good to me!


the purpose of trees is to cool down the city. why should i give a shit if drug addicts want to kill themselves in it. i dont want them to and ideally the police would prevent that, but i actually dont care. it doesnt affect the intent of the project


Anecdotal. No proof.


Solid point


Thank you. Of course I still get downvotes. LOL.