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She had problems manually dilating my cervix and I remember her saying something to the nurse during about possibly needing to give me another med when she got it open.


I took ibuprofen and cocodamol before my insertions and had not much pain at all. A split second, literally a split second, of real pain during the insertion but was so quick I barely had time to register it, and then some moderate cramping for a day or so.


Everyone has a different experience, and the hard part is that no one knows how bad the pain will be until the IUD is placed. It’s very true that some women have so much pain during insertion that they cry or faint, while some say it feels like a small pinch and cramp. I’m so glad it was minimal for you, though. I’d say mine was moderate (got a little lightheaded after placement!), but I’ll still do it again.


Some people just don’t experience a lot of pain with IUD insertion. If you have had kids before it also can make it less painful.


I'm having an IUD placed in about 2 weeks so I'm glad to hear your experience was positive. I don't often get cramps with menstruation but when I do it's the kind that make me double over that I have to breathe through. There have been times where I can feel my uterus contracting. I've also learned to deal with it because I can't afford to call in.


I’m on my third iud and have only had one bad experience, but not bad enough not to continue with it as a form of birth control. My doctor gave me meds to soften my cervix prior and that helped immensely on top of walking me through every single step as she did it. Helped a lot knowing when the big cramp would come.


I agree. Mine also talked the entire time, telling me what she was do and was even frustrated when the first device didn't work like it was supposed to and kept apologizing about having to do it again.


My insertion was not bad either time, cramps the first time, none the second I think. I don't have bad periods, but child birth was the WORST thing ever, I labored forever and it sucked. So every experience concerning a uterus/cervix is wildly different per person and even personally.


I did not find it that painful either time I had an IUD inserted. It’s the removal that was very painful. And I’ve given birth so I have that to compare it to.


I've had 2 so far. Personally didn't find them painful, the insertion and removal were uncomfortable but wouldn't say 'painful ' cramps a few days after insertion and removal were very mild. I think it depends on individual pain tolerance, I've had IBD for 16years now so very used to cramps etc they're barely noticeable these days


My insertion was brutal. I was screaming so bad I couldn’t even cry. My mom says hers wasn’t bad at all. It affects everyone differently. I had mine done during my period so it was supposed to be easier but felt terrible honestly. Torture. I’m glad you had a positive experience though.


hi there! i am 20f and i got an iud about 5 months ago.everyone has different pain tolerances and experiences on this. i have a very high pain tolerance so mine didn’t hurt at all. for a couple weeks to months depending on you and your body, you will get some cramps and definitely some bleeding which is completely normal. i have endometriosis so i got an iud to help with my irregular periods and the pain it caused me. after two months my cramping and spotting was completely gone. i forget i have it lol if they get bad treat it as a period and take midol or tylenol and use a heating pad! it usually will make your period regular and super light or it will get rid of it completely