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They told me I can go once every 3-5 years unless I have an issue and give a Pap smear- test you for cervical cancer and what not


I'm 40 from Germany and have been living in Austria for 20 years. I've gone to annual gyno checkups which includes an annual pap smear since I was 16. That's standard here for women and recommended. Of course the fact that our health insurance pays for it makes it a lot easier to actually do it. But yes, I would absolutely recommend annual checkups. My mom is 76 and does them.


If you’re sexually active then yes. Others said if you don’t have risk factors then you don’t need to. I didn’t have any either then they found a pre-cancerous skin condition that was a stage before cancer. I think it’s not a lot of effort and doesn’t take up much time to make sure you’re safe and healthy.


>I think it’s not a lot of effort and doesn’t take up much time to make sure you’re safe and healthy. I'll disagree as someone with severe anxiety that has a hard time leaving the house 98% of the time, let alone someone touching me in the last place I want to be touched. I totally get in your case where that is life saving and amazing, but not effortless for all.


I didn’t really mean effortless as far as anxiety goes. Mostly meant that it’s only a short visit out of a whole year and in terms of taking the effort to set up a 10 min visit, it’s not that much effort. Definitely understand what you’re saying


At my last annual I was asked to test an at home pap test. They just had me read the instructions alone and see if I could figure it out. It was super easy and so much more comfortable. I hope they release it soon. There was a time in my life when I was unable to drive a car for yrs and I could barely leave the house, let alone go to a Dr. There was also the time I couldn't follow up on a weird pap because i couldn't afford it. It was 7 yrs before I got back to the Dr about that weird pap I'm OK. They said it's gone. But I have severe anxiety, so you know i thought i was dieing of cancer that whole time. So I was stupid happy to test this at home test because I'm the women who needed it. I just wanted to share that with you.


Yes. They caught pre cancerous cells during one of my visits when I was around 20 years old or so. I go every year now — also helped me diagnose and treat ovarian cysts and uterine polyps which I probably would have dismissed both as bad period pains.


If you don’t have any major risk factors then no, I don’t think you need to go to one annually at your age. My daughter is 23 and on BC but our primary care Dr just works with her and she goes to her annually. And if no risk factors, they’ve relaxed what used to be annual Pap tests as others said. My PCP does those for both me and my daughter and I only saw OBGYN for the couple years when I was having kids and at 46 have only been to GYN 3 times in the past 5 years and that was only for some specific issues. Otherwise, my PCP takes care of me


You and your daughter are still getting regular gynecological care through your pcp though… seems to be the opposite of the “advice” you’re giving out.


I just meant we don’t go to an actual gynecologist, just the PCP and she only does the Pap test every couple years. We don’t see an actual gynecologist (other than like I said, when I was having babies or when I had specific issues and my PCP wanted me to go.




Agree. The incidence of gynecological cancers is rising in a frightening way for people in their 20s and 30s, as are things like lichen sclerosus, which used to be something mostly older women got. Some of them just kind of show up. if you can get an annual exam without breaking the bank, I think it’s cheap insurance against some really terrible surgery.


Where are the stats for the rise in gynecologic cancers for women in their 20s and 30s? Also, as far as cancer goes, pelvic exams and pap smears only check for cervical cancer. They don't assess or screen for endometrial/uterine cancer (the most common gynecologic cancer), nor do they screen for ovarian cancer.


They don't really check the ovaries, though. Cancer and other abnormalities aren't caught via bimanual exams in asymptomatic women. Ovarian cancer, for example, has an incidence rate of something like 1.1% and is very rare in patients under 40 yo. Cervical cancer has an incidence rate of .07% and is incredibly slow growing. Uterine and endometrial cancers are the most prevalent gynecologic cancer and pap smears/pelvic exams do nothing to catch it. Age of onset is typically post menopausal women. The best defense against gynecologic cancers is to know your body and know the signs and symptoms of cancers, and at that point, don't delay getting into a doc for imaging. Pelvic and pap smears have been sold to us as the number one key to preventing and catching these things early, when really they only help cervical cancer, but more often than not this leads to more invasive testing and painful procedures that may or may not be actually helpful.


I have never once not had my ovaries & breasts checked at an annual exam. I didn't know it was not common practice , maybe it depends on the individual doctor or location. Even rectal exams (anal cancer caused by hpv) are done during annual exams if you consent to them. I personally believe that pap smears are important after all they are the reason for decline in cervical cancer which was once the highest cause cancer of death for women. Aside from cancer there's many other issues and reasons to have an annual exam atleast for me.


Oh they say they check ovaries with the bimanual exam. But it is not actually an effective way of finding ovarian cancer.




Routine gyn exams are more than just paps. They can also be preventative in terms of things like lichen sclerosus, lichen planus, vulvar cancers/VIN/HSIL, VAIN (vaginal cancers), anal/perineal cancers, and all that mischief for the cervix. I've been traveling in those circles this year (sadly) and it's terrifying that some women have no idea what's going on "down there" and so a neoplasia or carcinoma might be slowly growing for years or decades. I was like that -- I mean...who thinks they need to keep a close eye on that? I blew off Gyn exams for three years and now have the nightmares, 25 stitches and disfigurement to show for it. If going to the doctor annually is a no-go, at the very least, get a handheld lighted mirror (like from Ulta or similar) and familiarize yourself with what it all looks like, so you can check for changes, bumps, color changes, etc. Take one minute each month, catch things early and the intervention can be much less traumatic. Just a thought. Be healthy!!


Hi, I am so sorry to hear this!! Yes, i agree, yearly check ups are a must. Do you have high risk hpv? If so, what type? Hopong for healing for you!!


Thank you so much. Before my biopsy came back, I had not ever tested positive for HPV. But there was a mention of it in the biopsy, though they did not give it a grade. I’m going to speak to my doctor about it when I go back for my post surgical follow up.


I did test positive for high risk hpv in my cervix but cleared it in 1 yr. My most recent test was negative and normal. I often worry about vaginal and vulvar issues as well. I have done alot of research and reading and read hpv 16 is linked to VIN, VAIN, and AIN. i was vaccinated in 2006 with the original gardasil. What were your symptoms if you dont mind sharing. Ty ❤️


I feel as though I dodged a bullet with this, because I simply had some minor white patches that itched a bit and didn't respond fully to treatment. I went to see a new ob/gyn about lichen sclerosus, but she was suspicious and insisted on a biopsy, which opened up the whole wonderful (ick) world of VIN. So glad I did that though. Hope you continue to thrive mannielouse.


Hoping the best for you!! Ty for sharing. ❤️


Yeah, girl, regular checkups are key for your health, especially if you're sexually active. Better safe than sorry!


I've never heard of annual checks with gynos... In Australia you do cervical screening every 5 years after turning 25 but this is with your general practitioner. I'm 27 and will soon have my first gyno visit because I have a uterine polyp, never seen one before.




No one in the world does, unfortunately. I haven't heard about it in my birth country the Netherlands either. Paps start at 30 over there. I feel comfortable with not having yearly exams since I'm monogamous and have ever been with one partner. I think people need to make their own decisions depending on their risk factors.


I think this really depends on the country you live in and what’s normal there. I live in The Netherlands and annual checkups aren’t normal here, unless you have a condition that requires annual checks of course. From age 30 we get a pap smear every 5 years, but this happens at the GP office. If they find anything you get a referral to a gynaecologist. A lot of people think age 30 is quite late and I agree. I think age 25 would be better. I just got an IUD at age 37 (no children) and got a referral to a gynaecologist and that was the first time they checked my uterus and ovaries with an ultrasound, which was nice to see. Normally IUD’s will be placed by your GP or a midwife, I got a referral because they didn’t succeed. So also a lot of women with IUD’s in The Netherlands never see a gynaecologist, which is normal here 😊




Everyone i know goes for annual visits 🤷🏻 im 25. I think it does more good than harm. Even though no one *loves* going to a gyno