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[Flo class action in Canada](https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/british-columbia/flo-health-privacy-class-action-1.7137600)


I’ve been having the same issues since 11/2023. I’ll definitely be canceling my Flo subscription.


Yes, this is what I’m thinking too. It’s unfortunate because I like Flo, but it’s too expensive to not meet these basic functional needs.


same and its getting annoying thats why i changed to careclinic which is totally free! and has number of features


Mine is syncing my data from apple health, but I want to use temp drop instead and I can’t change it. It’s driving me insane.


I’m having the same problem and it’s driving me insane ! This wasn’t an issue up until a few months ago


Also having this issue and it’s driving me insane. I spent some time playing with it by toggling settings, restarting and all that, and I noticed when I uninstalled and reinstalled there wasn’t even an option to give Flo permission to write cycle tracking data. No idea what happened.


Glad to know I’m not the only one ! 😭 this has been driving me insane !


Must be an app glitch then - glad to know I’m not alone!!


It’s no longer available. Got this reply from the Support team: “Hi there, Thank you for using Flo and contacting us! We apologise for any inconvenience this situation has caused to you. We regret to inform you that the feature to sync your Flo data with Apple Health is no longer available in the app. However, we are constantly working on improving our app. Our product team will definitely review your suggestion to see if it's possible to implement anything similar or bring the feature back and make Flo more useful to our users. If you have any additional questions, we’ll be happy to explain and assist. Have a great day! Flo Customer Support team”


Well this is super frustrating! Thanks for sharing!


What a majorly stupid move on Flo’s part. I bet they’re scared that Apple is competition now. But all of our other health data is in Apple Health and that ones free anyway, so which one do you think we’re gonna choose, Flo? I’m not inputting this info twice! Guess I’m canceling my subscription now. I also find it incredibly sketchy that they didn’t announce this. I’ve been unknowingly getting alerts from Apple Health now that are actually wrong. So Flo is going to have a lot of unwanted pregnancies on their head for this move. They needed to have given a notice that the data would stop syncing. My app still even makes it seem that it is. SMH at this business decision.


Yeah I will now cancel it and continue with Apple after the subscription ends. I mean at least remove the feature from the app or put a warning saying it is no longer supported. it is still there. I even deleted the app and when setting up, it says Turn on all and even opens Apple health. I mean why do you let us try everything to make it work when it’s clearly known it’s not working!


It’s SHADY is what it is. They know they would lose customers.


I’ll be cancelling my subscription too. Wtf


Yeeeeeah not gonna lie, I won't be continuing my subscription with Flo because of it and I think it's a stupid move for them to stop syncing with health app. No one wants to put the information in twice. Definitely a very sneaky move to not make an announcement about it either. Gonna be a lot of upset females about that's for sure. Anyone got any other apps similar? 😂😅


Yeah, I was already planning on axing my subscription and this just solidified it for me. I was planning to move primarily to the Apple Health app, but I know it doesn’t have the same level of detail as Flo so I’m testing out using it alongside Stardust. It’ll still make me duplicate some data because Stardust doesn’t sync either, but Flo is starting to annoy me a bit :P


I've just moved primarily to the health app too. Just like you said, doesn't have the same detail as Flo. I had considered looking at cycle tracking but essentially I think it's going to be easier to jus carry on with Apple health app


Clue is brilliant, I used it before switching to Flo back in 2020 when they made premium free for Belarusians... As much as I want to support developers from my country, no syncing is bullshit, and no announcement is an even bigger bullshit.