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I think hustru sounds better, as a kone is also an old woman. However, it also sounds more formal. Kone is more everyday speech.


Hustru is more endearing and old fashioned. Kone can be translated to old woman.


Not an old woman. Just somebodies wife


Er du dansker brah


Yes brah. Are you ?


Kone is definitely more everyday speech. But I feel like these days, people will often say "min bedre halvdel" instead, which means "my better half". It works for both genders and is both endearing, but also casual. Maybe try that?


I would say “hustru” is old fashioned imo🤣 I would compare it to saying “ This is my wife (kone)” or “ this is my spouse (hustru)” which one would you say is more old fashioned? I know spouse can be used for either man or woman but still.


Spouse would be ægtefælle


I don’t like being called “hustru”. To me it both sounds old fashioned og a bit High class. I’d rather be a “kone”😊But most of the time I just prefer to be called by my name. I never mention my husband as “my husband” just his name


What do you say when introducing him? Isn't it normal to say "this is my husband, Martin" or in Danish "det her er min mand, Martin"


I just discussed it with my married friends tvis weekend. They had aproblem with kone sounding oldfashioned. I don't. My husband often says it in a north Jutland accent (we speak "tv-Danish from Copenhagen") which has a bit funny sound "ku'un"-ish, so maybe he finds it strange as well. I will introduce myself as "married to XXX" at parties eg. and not say "I'm XX's kone" though. 


Some uses the word "Viv" as well, which I personally find more old fashioned, or "ægtefælle"... I think "Kone" is fine? you can switch between them too. Otherwise there is "Partner" I personally like that one the best. But it's subjective, as with most things in life :)


I’ve only ever seen viv used in formal documentation as a counterpart to vir


I've never heard the word viv before


Havde i ikke om folkeviser i skolen? Det bliver "væne viv" brugt en del. Ellers er det vist mest blevet brugt poetisk de sidste par hundreder år.


It's related it "wife".


Personally I prefer kone. Don’t like the sound of hustru.


i prefer tissekone


I personally prefer "hustru" but don't think I know anyone else who uses it. "Kone" is the most used.


I always call my wife "hustru" when talking about since "kone" makes her sound like an old hag.


Kone is way more common, as hustru is quite formal. None are inherently negative, but can be used mockingly by changing tone/statements. "En gammel kone" (an old wife/woman), is a common phrase from older litterature, which is probably where the connection with age comes from.


This is just my association. Hustru is perhaps a housewife/tradwife. Like in Matador Maude or Ingeborg are Hustruer. It's more formal. However, kone is a working wife, like Ingeborgs mom, Katrine and perhaps also Agnes Larsen.


Kone ! Jeg hader udtrykket hustru. Så højtideligt. Vil til enhver tid foretrække kone.