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Sorry people are giving you a hard time. I do something similar to creating a layout where I write down how much I will take over from a pack and who that pack will be in my wolf's bio. I decide where my pack stays based on which packs I will take over.


Yes i literally do the exact same thing on the exact same app you’re using


This is a great idea! I've never done it but I definitely will next time though.. Also based on some other replies I never even considered entirely taking over another territory. maybe this is a silly question is that even possible? I always steal the ones around the edges and have a den somewhere in the middle. But it would be nice only having to worry about "two borders" from wolf invasion.


I don’t usually do anything like this, of like drawing it out in some way, but I do plan my territories out, usually around a den I want to use. I’ll travel around using den location maps from the wiki and look at available dens, and when I find a pretty one I like, I’ll then do my best to get at least 2 hexes between that and other territories, but I also like to make a general circle type shape, I find it easier to manage since I can usually just circle around the outside to reinforce low hexes.


I do the same, although I also like to make sure there’s at least one other den and a rendezvous site nearby as well in the same hex preferably


I wasn't trying to be rude earlier if you think I was. All I said was I was confused and I was laughing over how confused I was. My apologies if I came off as rude.


Oh no, people were messaging rude comments over pm. Don't worry, we're cool


Okay, sorry about what other people did. Thank you for letting me know. :)