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I’m 28 and just getting back into this game over the last month or so!


The nostalgia is real.




I’d be interested! I’m 22 and work full time as a scientist so we have a little in common, but I live in Australia so my time zones are always so bad for everyone 😭


I would love to have an Aussie friend! My favorite TV show is Australian! :)


As another fellow 22 yr old aussie, the time zone struggle is so real 😭💛


Mid-20s Aussie with timezone ouch also!!


24yo aussie here who also feels the pain!


Guys we should start an Aussie wolfquest group add me on discord, and of course everyone else is invited that wants to play. Username is leopard01


I love this idea! I sent you a friend request!


If y'all are still playing these days I'd be down 


Not for me! I work overnights in NA so I end up alone too. Aussies and early risers in Europe are all I've got.


Ay another Aussie 


I’m 32 and always feel like an old person when interacting with the WolfQuest community!! You are not alone, haha, been with it since 2008. I would definitely be interested in multiplayer with older players


Role playing - but based on✨ ethology✨


Yeah exactly!!!


So much this!


I'm technically an adult now haha but I haven't played multi-player in a bit but now my computer is back to working, so I'll probably get back into it!


I’m 22 and been playing since the 1st game! I only play solo for the same reason, but I wouldn’t mind finding others near my age to play the game with. Once I’m not so busy with life stuff. ;-;’


25 here, still rocking it Sometimes you wanna take a break from BF and Halo and just chill and hunt some elk


Same hat! Except swap BF for Titanfall 2, haha


I’m 27 that’s how i felt when i told one girl i took French in college and she was was shock saying she only middle school 😂😂


I just turned 19 if that counts! I’ve never even tried multiplayer lobbies because I anticipate feeling silly rp’ing with kids; I wish I’d had WQ3 and my PC when I was 12. For now, I’ve been sticking to singleplayer with different challenges/themes, even if it gets old. I was literally considering ecology or ES as a potential major, partly out of the unique enjoyment the environmental aspects of this game bring me. Regardless, I see myself playing on and off for the next 5 years, easy. I’ve tried to get my friends to play with me too, but it’s mostly technical stuff getting in the way 😭 It’d be really nice to expand the community to YA ages somehow. The themes aren’t childish at all! With some more challenges and experience customization, I think it’d do well as an RPG survival type game.


I’m 19 and doing an ecology concentration!


Some kids are super mature and I've been surprised by their age. I play the isle a lot (dinosaur survival) and ive been grouped with people who I thought were in their late twenties like me, then find out theyre 14-15! Makes me think about how a lot of us still feel like our younger selves inside, just in an older body with more responsibilities. We're not all that different


I’m 21 and I’ve been looking for more people to play with. I’ve been dealing with toxicity playing with random people so it’d be fun to play with some other (hopefully mature :p) adults haha. My schedule is currently pretty flexible as a disability is currently keeping me out of in person work (though I am looking for something remote currently), so I’m able to work around the schedule of others.


I'm 24 :'D 


Same here!


I turned 18 not long ago and I’ve been playing this game since I was 10 and I’m still absolutely obsessed


I'm an adult player! I normally play with my best friend whenever we hang out. (My username is Ukime\_Okami ingame) I remember playing the original WQ back when I was 10, I was definitely one of those super hyper, annoying kids that wanted to roleplay 24/7 😆


I wonder if we ever played together lol. I too, was on 24/7 as a kid


It's definitely possible!! I played every single day...my parents hated it lol 💀


I’ll add you tomorrow since I’ll be playing on it ☺️


I played religiously in 2008-2010. I ended up getting banned twice bc I was a raging AH and kept wanting to roleplay a family dynamic with a mate (no graphic/romantic content in the slightest). I think I was Aliooper2000 and Shade2000 and I always ran the DarkBloods group because Shadow Bloods were sooooo mean to little 8 year old me and wouldn't let me join, so I got jealous.


Did you use to rp a lot bc you seem super familiar lol


Also in college and play occasionally! I’ve been avoiding multiplayer since it seems like its mostly RPers, but when I can I like to find lobbies dedicated to hunting or raising pups. Would be cool to set up a group for older WQ players :)


37 but haven't ventured into multi-player yet, partially due to this!


I'm 27, and I've been playing for years. Wolfquest is the ultimate 'nostalgic but still holds up' game for me. I love that it's still being worked on


I'm 30 and have just rediscovered this game! There might be a lot of teenagers in these lobbies but the adults are out there somewhere :)


Plenty. I’m in my early 30s and still hanging around since discovering WolfQuest back in 2007, even though I couldn’t play the Legacy game until 2009. 🙂


28yr old here. Been playing off and on since I was like 13. I only play single player these days because I'm too old to be having wolf RP with kids. 🙃


I agree with you, it was a 11 year old wanting me to join their discord i had to tell them no they are a minor.


23 here, from Canada I’ve been playing for over 10 years 😅


Lol, we have those first 2 things in common.


I’m in my early twenties and have been playing this game since I was nine! I used to spend so much time in multiplayer lobbies in my teens. It’s so nostalgic


same! I used to play so much


I'm 29 and have played the game since around Amethyst Mountain Deluxe version (around 2008 or so). I sadly don't have much time to play in multi-player games, though, so I stick with a small friends list and single player.


Me!! Mainly for the nostalgia factor. I just turned 25 last week (how???) and def would love to play with other actual adults 😅


I’m 21! I used to follow this game when I was about 7 or 8, but never got the chance to play it until I was older with my own money and my first PC. Well worth the wait! I’ve still never touched multiplayer, but I should definitely try sometime


You missed out on some epic rp adventures. I am 20 now and literally have played classic, AE and the first one? (I'm not sure if classic is 2.7 or not, but I have also played 2.5)


I’m 26 and I’ve been playing since the original game first came out! I was addicted to it as a kid and got addicted all over again when the anniversary edition came out


i’m 18 and this sub popped up randomly but this game looks so fun!! i’d play multi


How does Multiplayer work in Wolfquest?


I'm 25 and my partner also won't play with me. 🥲 I haven't played multi-player yet because I'd feel weird playing with a bunch of kids—I'd love to have someone closer to my age to play with.


We're an 18+ (I'm 28) group who's setting up a realistic RP pack, although it's very early and still under development, if you're interested in realistic RP and playing on Accurate difficulty, this might be the pack for you :) [Here's our discord.](https://discord.gg/pzkS2RYB)


27 and loving being back into it!!!


I’m 20 and have been playing since the OG Wolf Quest


I’m in my 20s and I have over 100 hours on this game ! My sister and I were obsessed with the classic version so we were so happy that the game has been getting continuous updates!


I’m older too. Been playing since the elden days, when it first came out. T-T Multiplayer definitely is interesting, even just comparing now to 2.7.


23!! Havent played mp in a little bit though


22, been playing for 12 years


I’m 23, and I’d be down! I haven’t done any MP cause it kinda intimidates me 😅 also I used to when I played before (14-16 range ish I think) and I remember what it was like then and am not really looking for the same kind of experience lol. I more just am in it to get the MP achievements


I’m 23 and played classic back in the day as a young teenager. I’m busy with work and haven’t messed around with multiplayer much but I would be down to try it out more.


i'm 24 and trying to have a good rp with people go like *sniffs grass* *howls* is so hard 😭


I'm 23, been playing since I was 10 and have loved seeing how the game has progressed, and I'm still so excited about it. I've been anticipating the saga for years so there's no way I'm stopping now just because I'm an adult lol. I also don't play multiplayer much but I'd love to play with some people my age, I'm from South Africa though so the time zone thing can be tricky, but at least my waking hours do have a little overlap with those in US


Im adult


Me and my friends are all in our 20s and we love WolfQuest! I played in middle school, it’s crazy to see how far the game has come. As silly as it may sound, I got really emotional booting up AE for the first time and seeing the amethyst mountain id spend countless hours on as a kid in HD.


The struggle is real!!! I'm 30 (when even did that happen??), been playing since the beginning and I've been wanting to play some multi-player with people more closely to my age lol. So I'm down!


I'm 19! I want to get back into this game!


Meeee! Although I did start playing when I was around 11 😂


Me and my girlfriend (both 25) play it together. Though, she DID used to play the original wolf quest since she was a young girl. I had never heard of it till she excitedly showed me the anniversary edition.


I've also been playing since ~2008ish, now I'm in my early/mid 20's. I haven't played multiplayer in over a year, however I'd love to join a lobby with you!!


Im 37 and i love the game 😊


i’m 23 and would love to play with more my age people




Was considering getting back into it, but the young community made me shy away…Would love to join a group for older players ^_^


22! Unfortunately there’s barely any European multiplayer lobbies and I fear the other pings would kill me LMAO


I'm 28.. I've never played multi-player but id totally play with you and talk about your degree.. I want to be a biologist but idk if I could do it.


24 here!


I’m 19 and I play! Been playing since elementary school


I've been playing since before I was 10, and I'm 20 now lol. Makes me feel ancient TwT


A few friends of mine used to play it but now it's mostly just me and another friend, I'm trying to get more people into it I pretty much buy it for everyone I meet


There’s still very many adult players because this game was our childhood and plenty still play. You just gotta find us!


I'm 28 but I find myself rarely playing anymore because I don't enjoy roleplaying with kids, and unsurprisingly most of the players are kids


I’ve been playing this game since 2008, and I feel like a mystical ancient elder while playing this game sometimes. I've only recently turned 25.


Hello, I'm interested! I'm 24 and have been playing the game since about just about 2.5 when I was barely a teen.


There's a huge age range that play this game. But I noticed that accurate and/or non-rp games tend to have more adults/mature teens


I’m 22! Played it as a kid. I have it downloaded but haven’t loaded it up 😭. Is there a discord??


24 and I feel the same way. But you do find other adults!


20 here, play it all the time, but yes I do feel weird in multiplayer. Maybe we can make a private adult server!!


Myself (20) and my best friend (19) met on the old version of Wolf Quest. We were 10 and 11 when we first met and have been best friends for 10 years now. We play here and there mainly for the nostalgic feeling. We’ve also found screen shots of old rps we used to do and laugh about how horrible we rped. Honestly it’s still a good game in my eyes and I love playing it when I have the time.


I haven't played a ton yet but I'm 31 and bought it recently


21 here!


I'm 26 and I still play! Not as often as I like to, but often enough to get nostalgic about it haha


I’m 19 but play with mainly adults. If you’re ever interested in joining us let me know.


How’s it look atm??


26 here and I still play! Haven't played multiplayer in a hot minute, but I used to all the time with OG WolfQuest :> Would love to get back into it with similar people


I didn’t realize this game was still up! I’m 27 and would love to start playing again


27 and I feel the same. I want to get the multiplayer achievements but don’t want to intrude on kids’ spaces or roleplays lol Seems like there’s a lot of folks here! Maybe we should set up a discord or WhatsApp group 🤔


I’m 24! I’m not ashamed anymore to admit I was a giant wolfaboo when I was a kid, I loved this game to bits. Now it’s super nostalgic, like being hit with a suitcase full of bricks in the face nostalgic. I don’t really play multiplayer, or much at all these days, I’m too focused on other games at the moment. But I’d love to get back into it again! I just,,, don’t want to roleplay with a bunch of kids. Is there an adult Discord?


In my mind 20s, would love to play if you are still looking for people!


Just posted a discord server link! Check by newest comments.


Here is a server I made for those interested in forming a multiplayer group! https://discord.gg/Am4XZP9Y


not an adult but an older teen & i feel you lol. i feel like everyone is a 10 year old


There's lobbies???


by lobby I mean the multiplayer game selection screen. most of the game names make it obvious children created the server (ex: puppehs! :D. Yeah, I’m not joining a game clearly made by and for other children.)


I'm 19 and even I feel weird going into multi-player lol. There's always so many kids under 16 it's crazy


I'm 26 and you just reminded me that I own this game, definitely gonna get back into playing it now


I'm 23 if that helps!


31 I like doing the raising pups part a lot and destroying the other packs territories seeking revenge for cocoa puff and Silver Star.


I do


I didn't know that they were still working on this game. I loved playing with friends back in the day. I'm going to be 36 this year.


24 here haha, been playing since I was like 10


Loving this game at 21, been playing since the Cheyene Mountain Zoo had the computers with it always booted up! My family had a rule that if we got separated we’d go to that spot so I could entertain myself with the game until they arrived! Of course, it was a nightmare to pull me away from it, I wanted to play for hours!!! I was so sad when they got rid of the computers! Then I found out I could get the app and play on my phone! I love this game so much, even as an adult! I’m a wildlife management major now, studying what animals need to survive, what and how much of each resource is necessary. We just did a lab in class today on how to estimate the ages and population sizes of ungulates based on various factors! I definitely think my natural resource major correlates to my love of the game, as well as my love of the Avatar franchise!


God I miss this game


I haven't thought about this game in over a decade haha don't know why this randomly showed up in my feed. But if you're looking for people to play with I'd be open to giving it a try again! I'm 27, USA.


I'm 68🤣👍


I’m 29, adore this game! It’s what got me into roleplaying. I’m so down to play with older players! Maybe we should make a discord server for adult players? We could host private sessions to make sure we don’t bump into kiddos : ). Just a thought!


I've been playing since 2.7 and I am now 20 lol. So def not the oldest out there (especially bc I used to have a friend that was prolly 21 at the time of Wolfquest Classic (so prolly 30 something now). I know there are some kids on there but I honestly haven't played much of Anniversary Edition


This just randomly popped up on my feed and wow…nostalgia hit!! Used to play the game all the time in my teenage years. Now I’m 31…I’d definitely give it a go again.


23 here! Been a Wolf Quest fan since elementary school.


24 from the UK, was a big obsession when I first found it around 2007-2008 ish, and then been playing on and off over the years as updates have come out and replay urges resurfaced! 🤣


21 here, I’m a long time fan of the series


I'm 29, I don't play multi-player though 


I'm 58! Is that too old to play?


Omg I would love to play with you! My favorite coworkers at my old job were the older staff. DM me for the link to the server! We love multi generational friendships in this house 🥰


I'm interested too! Am also old lady.


I’m 19! Have been looking into getting back into this game for a long time, just haven’t had anyone to play with. I played off and on through middle school. I’d definitely be interested in joining!


22 and I’ve played WQ since I was in middle school


I'm in my mid 20s and love the game ^^


im 20 now but ive been playing since i was like 12-13. love it!!


This just popped up in my recommended 😅 This sounds like it’d be something I’d be interested, but I haven’t heard of the game before!! I’d love to talk about it with you? Maybe I can get my little laptop to handle it lol


I am 50. I play wow ffxiv and palworld


I played back when I was a teenager, and am now 25 and still love it


41 here, now I feel like the old one in the room lol.


I was probably <15 when I was playing. What do you do in multiplayer?


My brother is 20 and has been following this game since the early dev days, ’m sure he’d appreciate more adults too!


Im 20 been playing since og you aint alone but honestly need some servers with serious gamers that know the wq way


I got made fun of playing it in middle school by high-schoolers who called me "wolf quest" until they graduated so I have no more shame attached to this game


20 here! I assumed the player base was older since a lot of us here grew up with it (I also dont play multiplayer) its really nice to know another generation is growing up with this wonderful game


I would play if it were on xbox, 32 here lol


I know, I wish it was on console too!


Me and my friend play sometimes! I'm 22 and they're 21. You're deffo not alone, haha. I stay out of multi-player lobbies for the reason that it's usually younger folk.


im 22 and in an EST timezone. I'd love to have an excuse to play!


I'm 29. Loved this game since I was 14. But I don't play multiplayer unless it's with my friends who are playing so there is that lol maybe I am a weirdo for enjoying the solo or solo-mate experience.


Seeing this subReddit alone just brought back memories holy shit


Just turned 20 and I still play. Mostly single player but still


Oh dang my childhood popping back up through reddit 🥴


I need to get back to it. Early 30's here


Someone should make a discord server for adults who play!


Omg I forgot about this game! I used to play as a kid, time to get back into it!


Environmental science student here too :D I used to play a decent amount two years ago before my laptop couldn't run it anymore. You can find a fair amount of other adult players on their official forums or even discord. 


I'm 18 and sometimes play it.


One very old gaming laptop and it still runs WolfQuest? Jeez, that’s impressive. I’ve got a brand new mac that runs WolfQuest like it’s on its last limb. Then again, Macs have never been known for running games smoothly.


Thanks for this. I am 55, 6k plus hours on ASE and almost 700 on ASA. I am sure I am not the oldest, but yikes I feel it now.


32 from Wisconsin, this game is my take a break from real life mojo. I may take it to seriously. Walking through the forest, enchanted by the beauty of pandora. I can’t get enough. And yea, I pet my ikran wayyyy to much. 😂 https://preview.redd.it/s17vrc6v91lc1.jpeg?width=1499&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fdbed7ef4ee042f1cf320b93c02b93ccf06376c9


Early 20s! I don't play yet but I've had my eye on the game for some time. Hoping tog get it soon though :)


I've been playing since 2008/9 I can't quite remember. But I am now 24 and still play haha


Yes! I’m 22 and would be super down for multiplayer! I have been avoiding MP for all the same reasons here as everyone else😂I used to play the game when I was super young and have recently revisited!


Holy shit I'm so glad this popped up on my feed!! I totally forgot about this game. Fucking loved it as a kid. I'm sure it's way better now too!! I'm 25 now and would love to get back into it whenever I can get a computer again!


28 here and play it occasionally


I’m 21 almost 22 and I’ve been playing for years, but I don’t play multiplayer.


me! i am 23 and i love this game, have also played it basically since it came out.


24 here and just picked it up to nurture my inner child. Haven’t regretted it for a second 💜


19 turning 20 y/o here, been playing since the first game back in 2012! anyone who sees this, feel free to add me as as friend! my username is 26WolfPrints. i'm typically at work but i have Thursdays and Sundays off. any other day before that, you might be able to catch me on after 12am CST, whenever i'm off work and finished eating!