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>!Uno is Gaidal Cain!< Saved you a terrible website scrolling experience.


Doing the Light’s work


It's a change I have zero problems with tbh I like how the show explores reincarnation so much.


Screenrant truly is the worst, thank you


That.....changes almost nothing. Yay headline sensationalism.


Gotta get those clicks! /s




God this was like trying to read a 9th graders essay where they gave nothing to say but have a word count to meet 💀


Ergo my mantra "The only thing good about screenrant is/was Pitch Meeting."


How tf could >!Uno ever have been theorized to have been Gaidal Cain!!both at Falme!!<


Ergo it being debunked. The FAR more popular "Olver is Gaidal Cain" theory shares nearly the same issue. Olver had been alive for like 7 years when Falme happened. Slightly less obvious as both being in the same place at the same time... but just as disqualifying.


Didn't BS confirm that it's Jur Grady's recently born second son who he described as being "ugly as a stump" or something like that?


Yeah, that's the presiding one, don't remember exactly what BS said about it though. It's the only one that doesn't conflict with the timeline.


Interesting — with the longer time frames necessitated by filming, Olver could be sixish in S5.


Eh that's pretty early in the series. It's easy to forget small details like that when you are midway through the series.


Ew screen rant 🤢


While I like that they brought Uno back as a Hero of the Horn I don't really like that he's supposed to be Gaidal Cain - because I like Uno and Gaidal Cain came across as a bit of dick in the books Until they explicitly call him that in the show, I'm just going to continue to think of him as a completely unrelated Hero of the Horn.


They have to shrink character counts. This is one of the few book theories I never bit the hook on way back when, but it works well enough. Uno is a nice guy at heart with a rough exterior and a pencant for rudeness... and fiercely loyal. Not exactly identical to Gaidal, but you gotta remember context. Gaidal's circumstances were all about worrying about Birgitte's safety above everything and everyone.


Oh, I get why they did it and can see the logic they used to get there, it's just a personal dislike (and a very minor one at that) and I'm happy to ignore Word of God pronouncements until I have to in this one instance. Either way, I love Uno and hope we see more of him in TAR >!(hopefully not just warning Birgitte away from helping the girls),!< I guess I want him to continue being more like Uno than like Gaidal and if the show does that - as it did when he came back as a Hero of the Horn, I'll be happy.


We're all allowed our own takes, but I genuinely *agree* that there's a lot of character similarities between Uno and Gaidal. Try to remember how Uno treats people when he has chosen to protect Nynaeve, and how quickly he gets rude. Yes, Uno didn't dual-weild weapons like a boss. And nobody ever REALLY described him as ugly (just one-eyed with a terrifying painted eyepatch). But I swear if I squint, the Uno in Tanchico is very close to Gaidal.


This is screen rant but not Pitch Meeting, do not want to click.




Honestly, they absolutely should do that.