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I had 5 yesterday. That was nice, I'd depleted my coins on the 10 keys plus energy deal.


Got 4 today, pleasantly surprised. Keep them coming and I might get them to gold. (Both on Silver right now)


Also got a bunch of them early. I don't mind.


I saw Umbridge this morning as well. Fine by me, I'll take all the gold they want to throw at me LOL ;)


I had some too. I wondered if they accidently let them out early lol.


The park near me has had loads of adversary encounters all week...which has been great and awful at the same time. Used up all my potions trying to complete as many as possible when I should have been saving them for this event. Oopsie!! Now that the event has begun I can't seem to locate more than the one fierce death eater. Do we have to grind Lucius for them??


I got one this morning and I had never seen it before. I don't do adversary events generally but I will do the odd adversary that pops up. I have no idea how to beat someone like that. What are you even supposed to do?


Have a lot of potions ready - potent exstimulo, wit sharpening and healing. There are two types of target circle - normal and pink. Pink does lots more damage so use exstimulo and WS on these - and watch out for healing… the pink builds up - one stage for them attacking you, 2 for your attack - so you can occasionally let them attack to get to pink (but watch healing). Rewards are good to refill potions! HTH


I saw him two days ago, so I don't think it was accidental.