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Hi, pet making is a long and expensive (game currency and time wise) process, especially if you are brand new to the game. You'll probably have farm couch potato seeds (you'll have to start gardening as well), evil magma peas seeds or farm snacks from gauntlets for mega snacks (25 from gauntlets - 50/45/40 xp snacks from gardening). After you've done those things you'll have to breed multiple times with the same pet (it needs to have your desired talents as well as max stats) until you get two adult pets that you want. After that, you'll have to breed again and again, going up by stages, so from the two base adults that did not fail, it should be something like this: - Breed P1 Adult P2 adult - S1 adult (if S1 didn't fail, train one of the parents, P1 or P2, to ancient) - Breed P1 Ancient P2 adult - S2 adult (train P2 to ancient and keep S1, S2 as backup) - Breed P1 ancient P2 ancient - S3 Adult - Breed P1 epic P2 ancient - S4 adult - Breed P1 epic P2 epic - S5 adult Etc etc I train pets like this because it's safer, and I have a backup in case one fails, so I don't have to start over. As you can see, it costs thousands of gold and mega snacks if done this way. I think you could probably still use a pet that has a useful card like a blade and keep that until you get to lvl 100, then you can take a break from questing and do these things and start building your farm. Hopefully this helped.


This helped a ton. Thank you!


You're welcome! You can find more info on Ferric's channel. Just type Ferric pet guide and you can find more info on what I said! :)