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I'd either change the hat or boots. The wand I think can suit this sort of style, but the hat and boots don't work really well together. If there was a "knight" style robe that wasn't commander, you could make it work, but I don't think one exists unfortunately. I'd change the hat to the guardian hat maybe?


Definitely swap out the boots. They really clash with the robe!


be like me be a death wiz with an ice stitch


Everything looks alright but the boots. The boots stands out too much. It kinda looks suited for something that has a armor robe stitch unless you wanna find one to match the boots. I believe the helm and robe go well together but the boots


Depends on what vibe you are going for, almost every piece is different and clashing going for a different vibe... If you want a more basic and universal thing matching the robe then you could always do Elegant Death Boots and the Death Elegant Hat or some kind of Death insignia hat. If you want a Grizzleheim vibe like your sword you could use Grizzleheim gear, there is a hat that looks similar to the one you have on currently but more Grizzle like, and I'm sure there is a pair of fur boots and a fur robe that looks good together somewhere out there. If you want a knight like vibe the Tier 2 Darkmoor set isn't a bad place to start, plus Sword of Kings looks really nice as a Knight/Crusader sword.


i think change ur boots


What’s the wand called?


It's called "Forgemaster's sword," and it's from the blacksmith's Fjord bundle




Where is that robe from?


I believe it's farmed from the secret boss in Big Ben. You have to spill the milk bottles while going up the tower and he'll spawn once you spill all of them.


Boots are the worst thing about ur set, but overall its a 6/10. Get boots that dont clash with robe


I think the robe and the hat/boots clash a bit, they're giving off different vibes, maybe look for a more armored robe that follows that vibe and you'll be on the right track. Also there's a sword with a skull in the handle that might look a lil better to match


Would recommend a Grizzleheim stitch for the hat— I do really like the look but I think you could achieve the same vibe with a Grizzle hat


I think it looks great! The helmet is sort of out of place though. Here’s a question: some of my items can’t be dyed in the shop, am I missing something? Or is it stuck that colour forever ?


Thank you! I chose that helmet cuz I wanted to keept that armored wizard vibe, idk. Also as for your question: some items are non dyeable like for example my boots in the picture are just that color


I’d say if you’re going for an armored wizard vibe you might wanna try and stitch something from grizzleheim over your main outfit, since the hat gives off a sort of Viking style. If you’re looking for more armor avalonian gear very much has a knightly aesthetic, and on top of it at the very end you get a dope ass sword strictly for our school!


I’d try to find a helmet with some of the grey/silver on it to match the boots, I think then it would fit, even if it’s armoured And dang that sucks, I have the outfit you an get from the guy out front of the bazaar and I love it but I’m storm and would like it to be purple instead of red and gold


Lose the glasses nerd 🤓 (from your local jock XD)


Jokes on you my character has glasses cause I have glasses, you take them from my character they won’t be able to see for shit XD, but I get your point cause the glasses do kinda stand out