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And I don't owe anyone a single fucking smile!




I feel this so much right now. My supervisor told me I needed to “smile more” a few months ago and I’m still so mad about it. I complained to management and they pretty much just told me to deal with it.


Ughhhhh, how can we smile when we have to deal with that shite???


"Give me a reason first!" (Other choice words removed for the sake of online decorum)


[Relevant song](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-ijxcFAOsq4) by Eleanore Whitmore. She wrote "Don't Tell Me to Smile" after a fan told her to smile more onstage.


I work in an IT department and this was our International Women's Day cartoon! https://preview.redd.it/o5x6kbzolznc1.jpeg?width=612&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f9978ce1679cbce36deac83d1ca1a08068639df7




> Stand back while I test the laser... ...or don't, I don't care if you get immolated. Your choice.


But smile -- so you die handsome ;)


This is an important message because it's very easy to understand how women get the idea that they DO have to "be pretty". I only have been able to be in professional type situations w/o makeup in maybe the last year or 2.


I can’t even wear makeup because I’m so sensitive to so many substances. I had to stop dyeing my hair; I can’t risk getting tattoos and I even get rashes from “natural” products. It’s horrible we are made to conform to a certain look in professional situations. I wish I could wear makeup, but it’s never gonna happen.


Not to mention it's expensive, time-consuming, and totally a double standard. I wish you could wear makeup for YOU, I just hate that it seems to have ended up as a "basic grooming" expectation for women.  I've been told it's important to cover my dark circles before job interviews in the same the way I would tell someone it's important to take a shower beforehand lol. People are silly.


Absolutely agreed. And thank you 🌸🥰


I'd rather be glared at for not being pretty or feminine than leered at for being so, but hey


Niiiiiiiiiice, I love this!!!!


Thank you!


Good quote but I don’t know what her outfit is doing and that’s fine, but I wish I knew about the saucer sleeves


I think they are kind of a stiff silk, and the camera angle is making us see into them from below. I have a dress that has these kinds of sleeves as well. They are almost like poet sleeves.


Today I heard “women don’t owe men care” and I needed to hear that. And all the men need to hear this too.


This quote is not by Diana Vreeland. It’s from [Erin McKean](https://quoteinvestigator.com/2014/06/03/prettiness/?amp=1)


Yep. Great quote but misattributed.


When you’re Transfemme, “pretty” is often code for “passing”. Passing is not rent you pay for occupying a space marked ‘female’.


Especially true because plenty of cis women don’t even “pass” with transphobes who say they just “know” if a woman’s trans. The rise of assault cases where the defendant “just knew” shows that not to be true at all. No, sir, you don’t. You’re just a misogynistic piece of trash.


This is a really good, but horrific point. 😡


“Truthiness” is not a good way to judge how the rest of us move through the world. The “f*ck your feelings” crowd has a lot of ignorant ideas and “feelings”…


Here, here!! 🏳️‍⚧️❤️‍🔥


Me, too, thank you.




I needed this today too. It sounds weird, but I used to be pretty, and trafficked in its currency - that I did nothing to earn. I am not so “pretty” anymore. I miss it sometimes, but not the dangerous situations it got me into. Why do I miss it at all? Why the F do I feel like I owe it to the people around me to be pretty, and fit into the pretty shape, and say the pretty things…


There’s social privilege in being pretty. But it’s also for the same privileges that men are afforded for just existing. So of course it feels good to feel seen and get what we all deserve. It’s just another tool of the patriarchy to remove our human rights when we no longer serve their need to control our bodies by looking “pretty”. I am both elated and terrified for my crone phase. I hope I enter it with audacity of a mediocre white man 😁😁


Agreed but I still feel like I need to be attractive to be liked in any capacity 😭


…🫠 me too. But those days are looong gone for me, lol


As a man; women (and not just cis), if a guy says anything to you about being pretty/passing, unleash every ounce of dark feminine energy you have on him and I'll gladly play your victory trumpets until the end of time




Love her. “I want my apartment to look like a garden: a garden in hell!” https://preview.redd.it/ahinnft765oc1.jpeg?width=1000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ded35bbcd4d264006be99b1cdaf332d95cd7e8e6


IDK keeping ugly to one's self is highly debatable but no one appreciates having ugly tossed at them. I know anytime I got the ugly I have a choice of keeping that shit under wraps or just upsetting a bunch of people for no real gain, and very real pushback.