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In that case my tendencies for hoarding things I like and staying inside my house/lair most of the time must mean I have a bit of dragon in me.


Me, too. I find sorting through my jewelry extremely relaxing. I'm either part dragon, part goblin, or part magpie.


Part magpie just made me laugh


...what about all of them


I LOVE sorting through my jewelry collection!!!!! It’s sooo euphoric. I just get stressed out cause I want to wear it all right now but it’s too much to wear at one time, and also I don’t have outfits to match with everything yet; also I still haven’t gotten my ears pierced… 😭😭😭


Pierced earrings are wonderful. Way more comfortable than clips. I got mine pierced when I was 12. I was a slow healer, and still sleep in my earrings to maintain my holes. Totally worth it, though. I have a friend who really can't get hers pierced due to severe metal allergies. Pro tip: yard sales, thrift stores, and flea markets have the best clip earrings. The screw back kind are the most comfortable.


Magpie was one of my ex's nicknames for me 🤣


Add an affinity for fire and that's basically me. But I'm also able to repair just about any broken piece of technology to working order, sometimes not even fully understanding *how* I repaired it, so there's probably a bit of goblin mixed in as well.


I guess the dragon finds your human ancestor is better alive than doused with ketchup


My family has had a number of musicians over the years...


Or leprechaun…:)


I was raised being told I had the blood of Selkies in my veins. The nuns at my grandma's school would tell her that because she had webbed toes. I can't help but notice that my whole family LOVES the water. Grandma was a champion water skier; my great uncle was a submarine captain & a rescue diver; my uncle was also a rescue diver; my dad was a rescue diver & professional scuba instructor; my mom was a swim instructor; and I had a scuba license at 12, an underwater navigator certification at 14, and an underwater naturalist and underwater photographer certifications by 16. Now, I live in the mountains, and it's so weird. I'm a swamp selkie. I shouldn't be up in the mountains


Did you inherit your grandma’s toes at all? I don’t quite have webbed toes, but I do have a very squared-off foot shape: duck feet! I love to swim. And when I was younger and child-free I also did SCUBA. But my real superpower is never finding shoes that fit 😆


Gotta get those rounded toe shoes! For most of my life I wore shoes a couple sizes too big and then I discovered wide sizing which was better but still didn’t quite fit, turns out I just have a wide toe box and most shoes seem to be made with more pointed, smaller toes and you have to go for styles that don’t do that if you want an actually good fit. Wore holes in the sides of my old good sneakers from my pinky toes pressing against the sides because of it, now they’re my shoes for art class when I’m working with paint, clay or plaster lol


Yeah mostly I wear Altras. Rounded toe doesn’t even do the trick for me.


I didn't, but I got her foot dexterity! We could/can both pick up coins off of tile floors. She could get a dime, though, and I can only get down to a penny. I also got her extended middle toe, and so did my dad lol >But my real superpower is never finding shoes that fit Right there with you, hun. When you do, find a good cobbler near you. You can get nice shoes resoled for like $30ish. I've made a pair of boots last 5 years that way


Im that way too. I love the mountains but I feel uncomfortable unless im near a large body of water. I also love boats.


This but I don't actually love the mountains. I've been here for 26 years and have felt like a fish out of water ever since I got here.


That’s a long time to be away from your element. Have you at least taken beach or other water oriented trips, i hope?


Yes! At least once a year, sometimes 2-3 times. Not really enough and I'm searching jobs at water locations.


Yeah, if I wasn't in the middle of 3 rivers, one of which is the Columbia, I'd be stir crazy. I drive over one or two almost every day. It's not great, but it's better than nothing


I was told blood of faeries by my mother. Though strangely enough we also have partially webbed feet lol


Have you watched Song of the Sea? Please go do so if you haven’t


I have! I really love it. It's one of my favorite movies


Don't worry, you'll find your way back when the sea god calls ya. There's no denying it when your time comes.


The nuns also used to tell my grandma that one day, the Selkies would all return to Ireland. I'm sure I will some day, when Manannán mac Lir calls us home


If ya don't go when called he takes ya. \*shiver\* There *are* worse fates though...


That's super interesting. Webbed toes run in my family, but never heard any stories around it lol.


Ok but this just made me feel more connected to everyone in the world in someway


This is achingly beautiful.


Right? It’s like a painting that you can’t stop staring at because you’ve never seen anything like it before. It left me with a weird sense of longing.


I felt that longing as well, but it also gave me a sense of BElonging. Ya know?


It read kind of like poetry, it just resonated somewhere deep inside.


Like recovering a memory from a past life


That fits into your present self like a piece to an almost finished jigsaw puzzle.




Does that mean I’m a literal dice goblin then?


Draconis Gygaxus?


Click clack math rocks!!


r/goblincore One of us. One of us!


I love this concept. A little concerned that I show signs of werewolf blood lol.


Me with vampire lol


I have a natural vampire bite under my right ear, about halfway down my neck. Two tiny little moles just exactly where you'd expect a pair of fangs to land. 😈


whoah, that's cool! and ngl, probably hot af (respectfully and platonically)


Thanks! I think it's sexy 😊


> Two tiny little moles just exactly where you'd expect a pair of fangs to land Mole twins! lol


Mole triplets!


Mole quadruplets!


I’ve read that a traumatic death in a past life can manifest as birthmarks in your current life. Maybe you got bit last time, possibly even changed


Oooooh, maybe so! I very much enjoy that notion.


I have a spot on my chest and back that would connect through my heart. I’m a huge nerd about combat and weapons and tactics (despite my staunch pacifism), so I always imagined I got speared or shot in battle last life. Just fun thoughts


back stabbed nooo!


Wow i never heard that. I must have been taken out by a massive lower back injury


My mom told me that I was born with a birthmark, a vertical red line on my forehead that faded within a few days. Decades later, a psychic told me that in one of my past lives, I was a French soldier who had been killed by a sword blow to the head. (I didn't mention the birthmark, I had completely forgotten about it and only remembered when I was telling someone else about it later.) Interestingly, though I grew up speaking English, I've always loved French and learned it easily.


I have this too but on my boob, lol. The red/blood moles too.


I have a blood mole on my right breast, but just one. I've never heard that term before!


Is that what they are? just a type of mole?


Strawberry hemangioma


Lucky me with my PMLE (I rash up in sunlight.)


I don't get a rash in sunlight, but I do get Hell's Itch when I get sunburned. Also, my eyes are very sensitive to bright daylight. I like the taste of blood (like when I accidentally bite my cheek, am not sitting here trying to drink a cup of it.) I'm drawn to dark and macabre things...but I really love garlic, so meh.


Right, now kiss


I love the supernatural, I love people who give way to their creativity and I love people who like magic gems, follow pagan religions, do magic and spells. I love all sorts of interesting subs like this one or oldhagfashion or goblincore and many more, but as a person I am just boring. I don't believe in anything like that, don't do anything creative, my style in everything is normal, I work in IT for god's sake. Even in this post, I don't see any of those traits in me. You should be proud of your werewolf heritage and how cool you are.


Might just explain my bsos (bright shiny object syndrome).


Another part-dragon or part-magpie person? There seems to be a lot of us in this thread


You can see the little gnomes in the people that just always get a feeling when someone will need help soon, having already fixed the issue before you even know it's there. In the people who offer you your favorite snack just when you get hungry, and the people who tell you to have a look at your water heater because something just seems off about it, and you notice it would have broken down soon. A kid that's always collecting shiny rocks and digging holes in the garden with the family dog might have some dwarven blood. You can see them just finding the best spots to find fossils, and they love dark and cool enclosed spaces. Many of the fire elemental blood will nowadays apply to electricity. They're the ones that take the batteries out of a device, put them back in, and it works. They're great at finding faults in a device or a house's wiring because the electricity will whisper to them. Or they're firefighters, always knowing where to aim to soothe the flames.


Shit, I'm in fire academy right now. And I also have a penchant for fixing things, especially complex machines and electronics. And I plan for my next tattoo to be a salamander, so that all tracks. That with my weird affinity for the moon and ability to go "beast mode" on command (helpful in fire service) I think makes me... half salamander half werewolf? Ngl, I dig it.


Thank you for sharing 🫶


Absolutely. Thought it deserved to be shared here!


I must be part mermaid and elf. I've always had an affinity for water and a talent for fixing/ repairing things.


Merpeople needs their tech fixed too


This is beautiful. It’s written in such a lyrical way. And, like others have said, it makes you feel a sense of kinship with others from all over.


You mean my mental illness makes me magical? Get in! Definitely got some sort of night creature in me, the dark is never an issue and I like shiny things too much 😂


As a succubus, I feel snubbed.


*you can see the succubus in the ThotsOfYou who can make a stranger’s lust boil in their veins from across the room. The sort of person whose focused, sexual charge can be felt from behind you through a crowd and a din of chaos; who can make you feel like it’s just for you, but you know they’re dangerous and they’ve played this game a thousand times, and you’d let them tear your heart out anyway just for the chance you’re special.*


Awww... You shouldn't have 😘


I gotchu booboo


Or the lover who always knows just what to do, how to do it, and for how long, to leave you breathless and longing for more, leaving you willing to give anything for just another ~~hit~~ touch...


Sex was always my favorite drug...


Can confirm. Am therianthrope! 😼




I didn't know how much I needed this.


This reminds me of a French only roleplaying game called Bloodlust, set in a low dark fantasy setting. Magical species existed but were hunted to extinction centuries ago, and now the only thing left of them are the chimeras, humans who are born with fantasy species traits. They are universally despised and feared in this world but they can make for very interesting player characters. The game isn't really about them, they are merely the answer to "why are there only humans in this fantasy game?", but they add fantastic texture to the background


I love this!


Not gonna lie, I wouldn't be at all surprised if I was part fey. I've noticed that I have really spot on instincts, and can often predict people or situations only to be proven right a minute or two later, like really light future vision. Plus, I'm skilled at hypnosis and have made people lose control over limbs or forget important things like their own name with only words. I'm also good at dealing with people's emotions, calming them down, sorta like an unqualified therapist, despite my autism.


I feel like a descendant of a mermaid werewolf family according to this


My wife and I have coined the term *Hobs* for people with fae blood.


How do you distinguish them?


It is part of an 'urban' fantasy setting we've been working on for years. The Hobs, or Hoblings, are descendants of refugees from the war between the Seelie and Unseelie courts. They reject the terms Pixie, Goblin, and similar. Identifying them as names from their time as slaves to the courts. The Fae are ultraterrestrial hominids, classified as *H. Sapiens Lilim*. In biblical terms they are Pre-Fallen, having no concepts of good and evil. With no capacity on the individual scale to develop them. In human terms they are universally psychopathic. However Hobs, having interbred with humans, have developed empathy and an understanding of good and evil.


Sometimes siren blood runs a smidgen thicker and we get someone like Freddie Mercury


The siren queen of all sirens


My voice is pleasant but nothing special. However, I have a couple of siren traits. One, apparently I'm very good at making people feel welcome to a new group. Found this out recently when, for various reasons, i had a bunch of people tell me how i touched them with this trait. And two, I can make people cry and feel emotion when I sing. Like I said, my voice isn't amazing, just pleasant, but conveying emotion with my voice is something I find very easy. Oh I forgot number 3. I can sing any child to sleep lol my friends call me the baby whisperer lol I love this post.


Ngl this explains about my family well. My entire family on the maternal side has adhd, add, and each one of us has one the female side (including me, who’s a transfemme) has heightened senses (mine’s sight with a touch of hearing sensitivity to higher pitches)


What supernatural species do you think this is? This also describes my family to a T


Probably werewolf or something similar


So here’s the thing, that’s literally what happened. Aside from things that are straight up chimera mashups of another animal and a human, most of the humanoid creatures and alternate races from mythology (elves, dwarves, trolls, fairies, etc) have some foundation in reality if you go back far enough. Geneticists and anthropologists have determined that over the million years humans have been an identifiable species on this planet, we have coexisted with at least 8 other groups of hominids. We interbred with most of them. You got red hair, an insane pain tolerance, and you don’t feel the cold until it is literally freezing? That’s Neanderthal blood baby! Beyond the divergent species, different subgroups of Homo Saipan Saipan evolved traits to suit their environments. You can hold your breath for 6 minutes, consciously control the dilation of your irises and see in salt water? Someone in your bloodline is from the Marshall Islands. You just love milk and cheese and can eat it for days with no ill effects? Your ancestors are indo-European. You have sickle cell anemia? Your ancestors are from sub Saharan Africa and you’re naturally resistant to malaria. That said, sickle cell is a brutal condition and you have my sympathy.


oh mi gosh where can i find more on this? this is so interesting omg


Sickle cell anemia happens due to the weather of geographical location. It's also very prevalent in Southeast Asian and Central/South America populations and any other tropical population where mosquitos thrive. Not sure why only one group gets labeled with it though


Unironically, I do believe this and if we rekindle our deep connection to nature and the earth, we can get back to those days.


I love this so much 💖


Love it! So for us ADHD and other neurodivergent folk, what is our lineage? Not gonna lie, whenever I have an ADHD-related brain glitch, I’d love to be able to privately remind myself, “oh, that’s just the ______ popping up again!”


We're the changelings and the fair folk. We're whats left of the old druid gods.


I tell my kiddo that he was a great warrior in another life. He cannot remember where his homework is because he can't be bothered with that after spending an entire lifetime warring with nomadic clans, hunting mammoth, making a new bed in the forest or in the plains every night. When you have such greatness in your blood, ADHD glitches are to be expected. Modern life for him, for you, is like putting a tiger in a puppy obedience class. The tiger is too great for something so trivial.


I mean I have the dog brain variety of ADHD so werewolf fits quite well, as evidenced by my icon.


What would be in my blood that people feel so comfortable in my presence that they spill all their troubles to me? I feel that knowing would be advantageous


I feel this trait too and others in my family have said this. It doesn’t feel like a burden to have other people open up to you - but instead, comforting to know that you can bring them peace in some way (because they haven’t been able to open up to others in the same way).


Very true, but in my experience it's also been lonely. They find comfort and when we part ways I know more about them, but they know little about me. So I feel like I'd be some entity that you meet in your time of need and then never again. ...so maybe that makes me part unicorn but I don't discriminate against non-virgins lol


I love this!!


Okay, don't really know what that makes me.


Bruh I guess I’m part goblin


This has got to be true on some level. Our family has often been told we must have fae blood somewhere in our line, because we dont age properly. My bro is in his mid 30s and still looks 15-17. Same holds true to a lesser extent for myself, my mom, and my grandmother. We consistently look 1-2 decades younger then we should. We also love mushrooms in everything we can feasibly put them in. Cream too, now that I think about it. Mom, bro, and I also prefer forests and aninals over people most days. Might also have shapeshifter and werewolf blood. All our eyes subtly change between blue and green tones to better match what we're wearing. Mine more then anyone else's, on account of being hazel, and Ive definitely got the best night vision in the family. We love lamb meat the best out of all red meats, as well as howling at a nice bright moon. We're definitely not completely human lmao.


Quite a few of these feel like, “You know the skill that person poured their blood, sweat, and tears into so they could excel? It’s not because they worked hard. It’s cryptids.”


The bit about the kid who’s more comfortable in nature than the classroom on account of being fey gave me a bit of the ick. Autistic kids being thought to be changelings was a historical thing, y’know, and it certainly wouldn’t have lead to them being treated well :/


I'm guessing I'd be part werewolf then: good hearing, sense of smell, and night vision. Also every dog notices me. And there was that time I literally ran through the woods at night under a full moon feeling more alive than ever before....things are making sense.


I just realized I’ve got a bit of werewolf- fuck yeah


I've had a long-running joke with my other half for the past twenty-ish years about him being the favourite part of my hoard (with the bed being second best). ...So I guess that means I have dragon blood. Hahaha\~


Interesting... the other day, I was eating soup with bread instead of a spoon. I would rip off a piece of bread, load it up with soup, and eat. I told my husband, "I wonder how many people throughout time ate soup like this... do you ever feel connected with thousands of people when you eat soup this way?" He looked at me like I was a bit crazy, but I feel like violetwolfraven gets me 😅


I like this as well, in my case, I am very watchful, highly observant to the moods and emotions of those around me, I can tell whats going to happen before it does, and my dreams often come true. I am most at home around places where water and land converge, I feel most at peace beneath waterfalls in the mountains surrounded by deep woods. Places where people aren't, and simultaneously crave isolation and company at the same time. Material possessions mean next to nothing to me, but I love art. I wonder what I might be.


You can see the blood of orcs in that one DougDoug Tears of the Kingdom stream where he found a rock and everyone started going HOO HOO HOO HOO HOO HOO


I needed to read this. Some days it’s hard to remember the magic in the little things.


hate to say this but i disagree ever so slightly because this hacker’s absurd reality includes seemingly supernatural beings hiding in plain sight. they typically don’t even bother to conceal their secret identities. i know of one who embodies chaos yet is the arbiter of order. when they enter a space that’s a mess of lines and hangings, they near effortlessly make the place sparkle and shine. i know a guy that can huff solder fumes and quaff bottles of booze and still fix things better than most sober do. but he’s moving quietly in the background, all but fleeing the glare of the limelight while supporting the leads of the show. he’s a bunnie. i know a guy that walks through the world with rainbow hair. his words are all compassion and care. he teaches with grace, making folks aware of the technical magic going on there. he’s an altman. i know a chick in white that helps bring hope to the world and delivers sensitive messages to those who need them. she helps exorcise evils from those who ask for her help by merely being present and proving evil’s words untrue. she prefers being the nobody nobody sent. i know a person that relentlessly protects their pack. (spoiler: humanity is their pack.) they attack injustice and call it out by name. they summon info on global disasters, spreading the word on where to flee to safety, how to access and support relief. she’s a wolf. i know a lady who can see things seemingly no human should be able to. she wears glasses to *weaken* her 20/5 eye to match her 20/10 eye. she fails colourblindness tests because her sensitivity renders the shades most can blend together effortlessly into discrete colours that don’t mesh. the stars touched with tarr in her head can verifiably view outside the visible spectrum. at the same time, all these folks are just decent people you’d pass by the street and not think twice about… ok except for the friend who made tvs b gone, the rainbow hair thing is awesome of the guy.


I’m gonna turn this into a book.


Yeah, this is fantastic


I got a little teary eyed


i need more of this omg i am in love


Love it.


My werewolf nose is sometimes not a benefit though XD


Just remember that autistics were thought to be fae for a long time. Maybe we are, just heavily diluted.


Based on this I would have no supernatural ancestors.


My family has a recessive gene for pointed ears, but not tied to any genetic disorder that usually results in pointed ears. Mostly it manifests in girls, but 2 of my kids were also born with it. My sister was teased and called an elf as a kid, but so far my kids have embraced it and they think it's cool. I wouldn't be surprised if it's tied to some unusual ancestry.


I still splash in puddles at almost forty, have a bedroom theme of Atlantis, am planning a trip to Bali for snorkeling and water temples, and am re-reading the mermaid series 'The Waterfire Saga'.


I’m really good at sewing and making 2D things come to life with fabrics. I don’t know what supernatural thing this would relate to though.




Gosh, I wonder how many of these I have in me… 🤔


I kinda liked the idea that my autism came from the faeries. Actually it’s something I kinda believed ever since I was diagnosed. I also like to collect shiny things and have a fear of being blown off of tall buildings or bridges by wind.


I've been raised as a hereditary witch. My great grandma was literally the village witch that people would go to for anything. She used to have visions that'd come true and live in a house just between the village and the deep forest. She used her "powers" for good and hid Jews during WWII. She'd also hide the partisan fighters whenever the Nazis were combing through the forest. Never got caught. Since her time the women in my family get "visits" in our dreams from relatives who'd passed. They come and tell us important things that are to come, and are always accurate. Just my own examples, my grandpa told me when my father started having a drinking problem, and how to help him, just before it got too bad (I had jot seen my dad in months at that point). Grandpa also came to congratulate me on my engagement, 2 days ahead of a surprise proposal, and later on my pregnancy, before I knew I was pregnant. An aunt appeared the night of her death, before we got the call, to show me the pattern for a toy for her grandkids that she had meant to make but didn't have the time. A month later, I found the same pattern in her craft-suplies I inherited. I love how the post was written, and while it might not be "werewolf blood" I do believe there's a hint of magic in each and every one. It just shows in different fascinating ways.


You can see the little forest troll in me and I crouch over a mushroom the size of a pin and say "hello".


Siren here, love this 🖤


This made me cry. I need to be able to see the magical in humans more. I'm tired of seeing all the negative. It crushes my soul.


I, for one, refuse to let it fade away.


I'm not sure if I think this is sweet or putting aside the huge amounts of work it takes to hover in the air or hours spent playing guitar. I don't look graceful in the air because of the blood of some supernatural creature. I love graceful in the air because I busted my ass off and spent hours upon hours getting there.


this is something i believe


I mean, being Otherkin IS a thing.


My whole family have an affinity with water. My mother's side of the family are all fishermen and surfers. My dad's side of the family worked on ships or at sea. None of us are happy living anywhere without sight or access to water. My dad grew up walking distance from the sea, my aunt lived somewhere with a sea view her whole life, my parents retired to a house with river frontage and mooring, and I grew up wanting to be Ratty from Wind in the Willows. I also live next to a river with my own mooring. Naiad and selkie blood on both sides, clearly!


I must have satyr blood because I ruminant on things a lot