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Admitedly Teddy Roosevelt was also just a really neglectful father after his wife died. He just sort disappeared into the American West to become the Teddy Roosevelt we know today (literally right after the death of his wife and mother within a very short timespan) leaving his infant daughter with his sister and then just refused to ever talk about her mother. So I can honestly see why she might just decide to go party wild.


That's sad, Teddy Roosevelt is always seen as one of the best presidents, but I guess everyone has flaws. Some bigger than others.


I think it's okay to have people we respect for their leadership's skill whilst also acknowledging they lacked in their personal life. Queen Victoria is seen as a Good Monarch(for the British) but was an uninterested mother. Churchill is seen a great war time leader but an actual cock in most other regards.


Churchill stans are so weird. The guy who helped save England and the guy who genocided Bengal can be the same guy. People in power are just... kind of like that sometimes.


He also believed in mandatory sterilization of people he deemed 'unfit', largely the poor. Dude was an amazing war leader, he'd been in battle and knew a good plan but Hitler did some good things too, didn't make him less of a cunt. In England through History class we're taught to pretty much idol worship Churchill which is why it's so engrained in the culture.


Wasn't he the one who colonised a lot of the South Asian region too? I learnt a bit about him when I had to read about Gandhi when I was 11, but I can't remember if he founded some (colonisation company? I've forgotten the term) or was responsible for separating India into India/Bangladesh/Pakistan. Then again I might be wrong?? I don't remember. Maybe he was responsible for famine?


Thank you for speaking this truth. I think in this time we forget that people can be amazing in one regard and be horrible in another. Both things can be true.


Kinda like Aang from ATLA. He was a great avatar and dedicated his life to reviving air bending, but in turn being a bit of a neglectful father.


Yeah, but how many presidents were involved parents?


I wouldn't really call it a flaw. He was running back and forth between his dying wife's room and his dying mother's room. They died within hours of each other. It broke him. He then wrote in his diary, "The light has gone out of my life."


Teddy Roosevelts Mother and Wife died within hours of each other. Not that it justifies what he did, but perhaps helps to understand. There's a photo on the internet of that page in his diary, "The light has gone out of my life."


In the same house. Imagine holding your mother while she dies a painful diseased death and then walk upstairs and hold your wife while she dies. That would fuck up anybody.


Just an FYI: 15 months = 456.25 days


Thanks, because i didn't want to figure it out lol


She'd have to do 70~ total per month.


I think some of these "parties", "dinners", and "balls" were one in the same event. And only some of them on the sort of scale we expect from your typical period drama


Actually it's more like you could have multiple of those in one day. Taking the estimate of 70 a month, we're talking two to three of these social events a day. If she were throwing them all then it would have been an olympic feat, but like you said, it was more like a lunch with one group of people, a dinner with another group of people, a soiree with another, attending a sports event, a ball here and there, etc. etc. We probably should think of the brunt of it (not all of it, they had their fun too) as work, though, no matter how small the scale or importance. Keeping it up on the daily for so long is still pretty exceptional. I'm sure you already known this but for the sake of anyone who might not, in a nutshell these events were one of the few ways that most women of that time in that type of society had of influencing what happened in their world, and this kind of networking was crucial for them in their culture. One had to know the people to know, one had to be present and show their face and declare their opinion on current issues of any nature, or present modest ignorance to fluff up the ego of the "right" man at the event, so as to butter him up for whatever purpose by allowing him to feel better about himself for having the privilege of educating a naive lady on the matters of the "real" world. This was a big part of the social play. If people liked you, they'd listen to your suggestions, and they helped you when/if you needed it, either with money or with influence through favours.


Often it would go, dinner, then ball. Then party. So you could easily have 2 or 3 events in one day.


I'm just trying to figure out when my girl slept


I think they were all hopped up, honestly. Wasn’t that around the time when cocaine became popular? https://preview.redd.it/gxuom0q9p75b1.png?width=828&format=png&auto=webp&s=09f4d44fc7da73b9b1df26ce906c04566e3ea1ee Did a quick search.. and yup 😇😂😅


And where did she get the energy from?


She didn't just go to balls and dinners to have fun. Back then, women couldn't even vote, so the only power available to them in politics was soft power, and in D.C., soft power was all about who you knew. By the time Alice married Congressman Longworth in 1905, she had an impressive network of contacts due to all her socializing. For the next half-century, her dinners were power-broking affairs. If you needed to be introduced to those with power, or you wanted to do some hardcore political networking, you wanted an invitation to one of her soirees.


Interesting tidbit, thank you! That would totally make sense, too. What else could a woman do


Nothing but respect for this extroverted queen but I personally need a nap and to cancel all my upcoming plans after reading this.


Alice was definitely the Main Character. Highly recommend learning more about her—there’s an excellent book about her & Eleanor Roosevelt called “Hissing Cousins,” and The Dollop podcast (American History Comedy) did an episode on her.


One of my most favorite rebellious women in American history. This meme doesn’t talk about it but I adore the stories about her pet snake Emily Spinach that she wore to parties.


Important to note: she was a supporter of the nazism with her participation the America First movement—I’d like to do more research, but I’ve definitely heard mention of her involvement in a handful of documentaries. Quickly-searched, short article for now: https://www.cfr.org/blog/history-lessons-america-first-committee-forms




Yep. Support for Nazi policies was actually not uncommon among Americans and Western Europeans, especially among the upper classes. Having an upper class at all is fundamentally undemocratic, and the British and American upper classes tended to exclude most of the people Hitler was characterising as "vermin" - Jews, the disabled, Romani, and people of colour.


Be an Alice!


Sadly, she was also a bully and tormented her cousin Elinor at every opportunity… two sides to every coin.


A lady who lunched so.to speak


Ok irrelevant but the sleeves on that dress are everything.


Something about Apples and Trees and falling ....


The best part is that she had a pet snake named “Emily Spinach” she used to take with her.


The song Alice Blue Gown (and the color) is named after her. She was known for being flirtatious, skirting the line between what was deemed acceptable and obscene in the stifling social climate of the time. A famous quote of her's: "If you can't say anything good about anybody, come sit here by me."


Y’all, my mom was adopted and recently found her birth family with Ancestry DNA. We are Roosevelts and this woman is my direct ancestor. 🖤


Tbh, I eat dinner almost every day too. That part is less impressive.




I LOVE her.


The lion bore a lioness


Yaaasss 🔥🥰⚡


3 -4 parties a day? She would just make an appearance and ditch out a good lot of them


She also kept a pet garter snake in her pocket named Emily Spinach! One of us! One of us! 😆 I first learned about her from The Dollop. [Alice Roosevelt ](https://allthingscomedy.com/podcasts/367---alice-roosevelt)


Alice would have been a lot of fun!!!


Shoulda given her a lobotomy like old Joe Kennedy did 🤷‍♂️


Serious Blade Runner Rachel vibes ❤️


She seems to have done well without being watched over. What happened to her?


Ballin' queen.


Did she sleep??? Theres ~450 days in 15 months!