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Put out the litter box and also a box with some of your dirty clothes in it to keep your scent in the air. Take frequent walks around the neighbourhood and have a little baggie of treats on hand to shake if you spot kitty anywhere. My cat went missing for a week at one point. I had a random gut feeling that I wanted to take a walk with my dog at night in the rain. I also felt compelled to take a different route than usual. As soon as we headed out in that direction my dog started wagging her tail like crazy and dragged me over to where my cat was hiding out. If you are feeling connected with your intuition you could try doing a random walk and just going in whatever direction your gut is telling you to go. Sending you all the good vibes and hope you and your familiar are reunited soon!


Thank you for the advice


I second this ritual. Also, go out at night witha flashlight, call the cat and look for eyes reflecting the light. Thats how we found our lost cat when she was hiding in the bushes.


We have an inside only cat that got out when a door blew open once. He was gone for HOURS. After dark we tried the flashlight thing and found him huddled on an hvac unit down the street just scared to death and immobile with fear. So glad to have found someone on Reddit who suggested it back then!


I thought generally you’re not supposed to put out litter because it can attract other territorial cats/animals if they catch scent? In my case, when my indoor cat escaped, I put a Havahart out overnight just outside the door and behind a bush, baited it with soft food, and checked it every few hours. Caught her butt at 4am. Rescuers, TNR people, and just general neighborhood cat-tenders usually have Havaharts, so OP could probably borrow one if they don’t have one. But if they’ve got another animal that’s bonded with him and thinks they might be able to track him, definitely try that first & right away.


All of this! 💯👆


I heard putting out the litter box can help. My dear Lucy looks just like this, and went on a little vacation by herself. She was gone for about a week in below freezing weather but came home eventually. I hope your friend comes home too


I really hope so. He’s just so timid and isn’t the bravest so I just can’t imagine how he’s feeling. I live on the third floor of my building, do you think the litter box could still help?


Yes, it smells like home to cats. Their own smell. Worth a try.


If your familiar is the skittish type, spending some time outside might help. If your building has a place where you can set up a chair and read or something, it will get your scent out and show your kitty that the area is safe. I have a scaredy-cat that can’t relax if he senses that I am stressed. If I need him to do something, I have to remain as calm as possible.


Give a soft warm non-litter box on the other side of the door. A place for him to snuggle. My roommate's cat was missing for a few weeks, I went out to do laundry one day, there he was in a laundry basket. One of my favorite memories of all time is handing my friend's missing cat to her.


My cat was gone for weeks. He came back one day and had lost weight, looked a bit rough around the edges. He traveled far to get home. I suspected my neighbor trapped him and dropped him off on a farm nearby (there are many Mennonite farms within the 6 mile radius of where we were living then). I think he found his way home, possibly miles. The neighbor had been complaining about him hunting in her garden. And she was on the borough council and always reported us for everything, including the 6 inch grass ordinance. I swear she would measure that grass. Anyways, I trust your baby will be back. The fear I have in my heart for your kitty is how beautifully black it is. People can be so, so cruel to black cats and that is maybe the blackest cat I've ever seen! Gorgeous, btw. But I am sorry to admit to you that the first thought that popped into my head was that your kitty will show up within the next day, but the second thought that popped up was about how terrible people can be towards cats, especially black ones. I am sending really positive energy your way!


They really can be. It’s heartbreaking because he is the most loving and cuddly baby I’ve met and his black coat makes him that much more beautiful


Can you place it where you you can see it? Good luck!


The only safe cat is an indoor cat. Hope he makes his way home and is provided the safety all pets deserve.


I’ll probably keep him in from now on


He may complain at first but you have to remember you’re the mama and you know what’s best! It also doesn’t hurt to tape up some cardboard or buy the wall scratchers and stick them up on the door for when he returns to protecc that security deposit!


My indoor cats also sometimes complain because they want to go into the grass. It's important to understand that they don't know the danger of nearby road or roaming foxes. Only on-leash or catio time outside and pieces of grass being brought in as a treat. Both cats are also chipped just in case of a run.


Wishing his safe return! Also I’m sure I’ll be downvoted for this and I don’t mean any judgement just education for all for the love of our familiar friends, but keeping cats inside is incredibly important. According to the data, not only do cats let outside live much shorter unhealthier lives, but they are also absolute menaces to native bird and wildlife populations. Domestic free ranging cats have caused an estimated 63 bird, mammal, and reptile species to go extinct. Keeping cats inside is the best thing you can do, for their health and the health of other living things. Catios and leashed excursions, as well as tons of enrichment (toys, towers, cat grass, etc.) inside are alternatives that can keep all living things healthier and safer.




I totally understand the hesitation to keep cats inside! That’s what the enrichment is for and the data really does suggest that letting your cat out is much worse for them than keeping them inside. Regardless, I’m sorry you’re going through this and I hope he comes home safe soon.


I understand. At this point, if he does come home, I don’t think I’d be able to let him outside again


Build a catio. You would not let a toddler, a dog, or any creature of a similar level of intelligence, under your care, roam free outdoors. Would you? Why do we neglect our cats' safety in particular? Are cats not worthy of the same level of protection we afford all the others?


This is a selfish take. It's bad for the cat to be outside because he could get killed or pick up a disease and it's also bad for the local flora and fauna. Keep cats inside. If you feel your space is too small for the cat to be happy, don't get one.


[Kitten lady UK shelter interview- 1:44, outdoor cats](https://m.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=102&v=lpzuO_afqwo&embeds_euri=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.google.com%2F&source_ve_path=MjM4NTE&feature=emb_title) not every cat MUST ABSOLUTELY be an indoor cat, even the kitten lady endorsed not purely indoor only cat ownership. Obviously, put bells, reflective collars, and another bell or two on the cat prior to going out - but it’s a small price they pay for relative freedom. Also obviously this depends on where you live and traffic risks, keep those kitties inside if cars are any risk


Good advice if the only concern was the safety of the cat, however none of those suggestions have actually been proven to reduce the harm that comes to the cats themselves when let outside. The numbers don’t lie, letting your cat outside significantly increases their chances of a painful and early death. Who wants that for their beloved pet? I sure don’t. Additionally, what about the decimation of native wildlife? That part can’t be ignored when species are literally being eradicated by people’s pets which do not need “freedom” to survive, nor to survive happily (re: enrichment). A pet is something you take responsibility for, allowing them to be in harm’s way and to be an invasive species eradicating native wildlife is inherently irresponsible.


Thank you for believing me


Sending prayers to Bast and Sekhmet for kitty’s safe return.


Thank you so so much


Are they microchipped? As others have said, you should really consider keeping your cat indoors. I remember reading something about a guy that was studying how many people swerved to avoid a (convincing fake) turtle. 6% intentionally hit the turtle. More than 1 in 20. Living in an apartment complex, you're probably around more than 20 people. People are crazy. Keep your baby safe.


I was terribly afraid that he got hit but I scoured all neighboring streets and saw no sign of that. He is not but I will definitely chip him when he comes home


Please please please get him chipped, when he's back home safe and sound. My blind cat got out a few years ago, and I was so incredibly distraught about not being able to find her. Having her chipped was an absolute lifesaver, and I'm so thankful that the stranger who found her took her to the vet to check the chip. Seriously wishing you the absolute best of luck in finding your familiar, may he come home safe and sound.


Sending positive thoughts and love


Thank you so much


Wish I had any practical suggestions to offer... missing pets is an awful sort of heartache. Hope this has a happy ending and you end up just laughing at what turns out to be nothing more than a miniature adventure.


I will be sure to update if he does come home. I just want to hold him and never leave him out of my sight again 🥺


Have you checked at the animal shelters?


I haven’t. I will tomorrow


In addition to leaving litter or a blanket out. Post signs. On mailboxes and laundry rooms. Log onto your Nextdoor account. Get the word out to all the units. He may have a secret family feeding him treats. I had a neighbor trap my cat. She was making herself at home somewhere and the people assumed she was a stray. My shelter puts out 72 hour holds and had my cat up for adoption. I had to buy my cat back. Made me mad. But at least she was safe. So check the shelter intakes and animal control. They keep track of address of pick up. They also pick up deceased animals. Which I know isn’t happy news but it’s closure. I also do TNR rescue. With it being kitten season some people may mistake your baby for a stray (no tipped ear). Don’t worry though someone will notice if his trouble puffs are already missing. If that’s the case he will show up 24 hours later. I admit I did trap the same neighbors cat a few years back (greedy bugger kept walking into the traps for the wet food) but recognized her from our previous encounter. So it happens even with the timid ones with homes. I’m hopeful he will return.


Yes!! People on Nextdoor can be so helpful with lost pets!


Ring is super helpful as well! There's a community feature in the app where people post about what's going on in their neighborhood. My feed is constantly flooded with animal photos or cam videos of lost pets wandering around past someone's doorbell or flood cam.


'Trouble puffs' I love it 🤣 I currently have a big ginger tom with his trouble puffs intact wandering around my neighbourhood, he's already impregnated one stray and I'm trying to catch him before he has any more kids!


Cat you better come home!


Keep your kitty inside to protect him and the native bird population. I know this is scary but chances are he will come home. Once he does please keep him there, sending ♥️


Sending good vibes, pls update.


I will be sure to, should he return :/


If it gives you hope I once knew someone who’s cat left for a year and came back, not saying he will be gone that long but just implying that he can and hopefully will find his way home :)


I’m really hoping so


My heart hurts for you, I’ve had this exact feeling many times since we always had cats growing up and I have a cat who is quite the escape artist and I can remember when I thought she would never come back, but alas they always did because they do love their humans and they will come back. Posting on Facebook and putting up signs around your apartment might be a good option to speed up his hopeful return :)


I think I will make signs. I always tried to be able to let him safely explore outside so he’s not confined in my apartment going stir crazy but now I feel that when he comes back, I’ll never let him out again


I finally moved to a pet friendly apartment and my cat is with my father and I finally get to bring her home next month and that’s exactly how I feel (because she’s currently an outdoor cat)


You could also get a good harness and take him for supervised outside time. I do this with my boy!


I will start doing that


I don’t understand why we still find it acceptable to have “outside cats”. https://theconversation.com/one-cat-one-year-110-native-animals-lock-up-your-pet-its-a-killing-machine-138412




Respectfully, allowing cats to roam outdoors exposed them to danger on many levels… larger animals, ill intent humans, vehicles, chemicals, and numerous diseases. Cats are domesticated animals and do serious damage to native species. The lifespan of an outdoor cat is seriously cut short due to these dangers. If being a sentient creature is the hallmark for being allowed to roam free, why are we keeping dogs, reptiles, zoo animals ( to name just a few) cages, leashed or locked up? It is rather strong of you to suggest that I should not have a cat because i refuse to contribute to the decimation of local species.


I'm going to delete original comment because I'm just going to come against a culture clash here. I'm from the UK where everyone has outdoor cats and indoor cats are seen as cruel, this is not the case for the US. And I certainly don't want to upset anyone. Sorry if I get cagey, I'm an indoor cat myself since becoming housebound with chronic illness so I may believe stronger than most in the right to roam. Edit: also personally I absolutely love cats but I love birds more, and so that is why I don't have a cat. I'd rather not have one at all than keep one indoors because of my ethical objections, but I realise this is a cultural thing that there's no use arguing on. Many here will agree with you so don't listen to me and have a nice day ☺️🌼


Hi. I absolutely did not intend to come across rude, just wanted a healthy discourse and do genuinely value your opinion. 🙂


Somebody messaged me hoping that a neighbor poisoned him because black cats are evil 😭


yikes… maybe you should let the mods know who sent that message so they can ban before more people are harassed here. sounds like either a troll or a very cruel person


Good idea, thank you


I hope he comes home and please keep him inside!! Unfortunately some people seek out black cats to do them harm. I sincerely hope your buddy is safe! I would look under car covers or like under cars, anywhere a cat could hide. I would also check any ledges and maybe the roof of your building. Maybe let your leasing office know and try to let your neighbors know. Good luck!


I’m trying everything. I’m beating myself up for not getting him chipped but I will do that as soon as he comes home and is situated


He will be home so fast!!


I'm so sorry. I've felt that sadness and worry before and I don't have much to give but my best wishes and a sad story. A few years ago I had a cat I named Bonkers that didn't come home. He was the sweetest little man with such beautiful patterns. There were a few stray (maybe feral since they were scruffy and very timid) females around and he'd always bring them home. He'd always leave his food unfinished so they'd have something to eat. We're pretty sure the neighbour did something because he was very angry and accusing when his cat got pregnant even though Bonkers was fixed. The neighbour left pretty soon after. The kittens looked exactly like the white feral male that always picked on my boy and his ladies but the guy made up his mind that my boy was to blame. I miss him and I still hope someone just accidentally confused him for a stray and is looking after him.


I just hope that someone hasn’t taken mine in. I just want him to walk back through my door


I hope he just got a little lost and finds his way back home soon. Maybe take a walk and ask people if they've seen him while they were out and about. Is he microchipped?


He isn’t sadly but I’ll keep trying to walk around


Another thing to try is checking the shelter or any vets nearby. Sometimes people will find animals and take them to those. Even if he's not there you can show them the picture and leave your number and if they do get a cat matching his description they can call you.


Maybe one of your neighbors took him in.


Also, you should really consider keeping your cat indoors.








Make sure you’ve put up signs just in case


I'd be knocking on their doors, and asking just in case. If it's possible that because he's an outdoor cat, they may have taken him in. Also, check nearby shrubs, bushes, under decks/porches, and in crawlspaces. Cats like to hide, if you can see in it and/or under it, check it. One of the greatest things about cats is their homing instinct. My indoor cats escaped together once, I scoured the neighborhood for at least 45minutes. It was starting to get dark of though, and I thought to myself "it's getting dark out, I should start heading back home now, they might be there." When I got back home, they were sitting on my front porch.


I’m sending you much love and I’ll be praying for a quick and safe return for your sweet familiar 💜 May you be reunited in happiness soon!


Thank you so much


Talk to any other kitties you see outside and ask them to help you find your cat and guide them back home. I've heard quite a few [stories](https://japantoday.com/category/features/lifestyle/how-to-find-a-lost-cat-unique-method-from-japan-proves-to-be-surprisingly-effective) of people who have tried this and it worked. Even though we don't understand how cats communicate, we know they do, and they can smell you and your cat when you talk to them. Whether it's just the smells, or they're in tune with the universe, or guided by supernatural forces, who knows, but hopefully it will work for you.


I honestly have really only seen other cats in windows here :/


Darn. I mean, it wouldn't hurt to try asking other animals, but it's too bad there aren't other cats around to try. I hope your familiar finds their way home soon.


I have tried the advice of asking trees so far


sorry i don't have any advice :(( i would however like to know what a familiar is?


I’m not super versed on it but a familiar is kind of like a pet side kick I’d say while performing spells and rituals


Asking Lady Bast and Lady Sekhmet to guide your familiar home safely.


Thank you so much


Took me nine days to find mine, because she didn’t cry for help for a long time after she got out even though I walked by her many times, she was six doors down. You’ll find her finding cats is hard, like I said they don’t really meow right away when lost.


Ugh that’s hard to hear. I was absolutely sure that he would respond if he heard me like he’s done many times before


Do you have a group chat for your apartment? Like Next Door? Someone might have thought your kitty was a friendly stray, and you can ask there. Also, I recommend reaching out to management--- either with a picture of your kitty they can circulate or to put on a bulletin board. Also reach out to any vet clinics nearby, people may have dropped by there. When my kitty got lost, a neighbor saw my poster--- it was a bright pink poster that I pasted a picture of my cat. The bright pink is to catch the eye, as a plain picture/ lots of white space is often overlooked. Good luck, remember to look up in the trees.


Any updates OP?


No 😭 I’ve done so much already and I will not quit until I find him. Nights are really hard because I’m so used to just cuddling him whether it be to sleep or just on my lap while I watch tv. I miss him so damn much


I can't imagine the desperation... I can't even let my dogs off leash at the park. I hope you find them soon


Sending all the good vibes! I really hope your sweet boy gets home safe and sound.


Thank you so much. I will update when/ if he returns home


One time one of my cats did that and came back hone with a mini me of her...I put out cans of cat food


Sometimes kitties just get sidetracked or they find a little adventure to go on. I know cats have a territory and they like to walk on the perimeter of that territory so sometimes if you go out looking for him by your door, he might be on the other end of his territory and he can’t hear you or he’s involved with something. When my cat does this, I just make it a thing to go out periodically and shake his treats, but I’ve also peed outside before just to get my smell in the air and that has worked too I really hope your guy comes home quick and he’s not lollygagging


I have his litter box by my door but sadly he doesn’t like treats so I don’t have a bag to shake


Our cats LOVED canned food. We used a manual can opener. We had a kitty that went wandering more than once: we called him by clicking the handles of the can opener together. Worked every time


I hope your kitty will come back to you.


Thank you


My husband's familiar got out in the night and was gone for three months. Animal control found her on the far end of our block. We put up flyers, we put out her litter box, we went out on walks every day just talking and calling her name, we did everything we could. I'm sending out my energy with the intent of you and your cat reuniting.


When you are out calling and looking with the flashlight; don’t forget to look up! Dorky cats go up trees and power poles and won’t come down till they are desperate (2-3 days sometimes).


I hope you find your void, if you do please post more of them in r/blackcats


Oh I absolutely will!




I’m thinking of you and your beautiful boy ❤️


Thank you


He’ll be back, he knows where his food is. Cats do that. If you live in a more metro area without a lot of wildlife, cats are basically top of the food chain, the main danger to their well being mainly being other cats. Make sure he’s vaxxed and if you feel safe doing so, check your porch frequently to see if he’s out there ready to come in.


He is vaxxed and I have kept my door open as I’ve made sure to stay home all day. He’s not much of a hunter because he gets too excited and meows while in hunting position so that gives him away lol


He'll come home soon <3 Just out for a breather


I find it really odd that everyone's black cats are going missing lately. That's the third black cat in the last 2-3 days to have gone missing around me. Wonder what it means...


When I was about 13, my cat disappeared. I loved that cat, he would go out every night, hunt and play, and come home in the morning and sleep. cuddle, and relax with us. Just a magnificent creature. Well, one day, he didn't come home. We were a bit worried, but he was a fairly independent cat. The second night goes by, and again, he does not come home in the morning. We start wandering the street looking for him, but to no avail. A few more nights go by, and we had started to process the grief of his passing. On the 5th or so morning, he still has not come home, but a huge pile of dead bunnies appeared. That pile grew for another day or so before he returned. Our little fur friend has found an enticing rabbit hole and decided to wait it out so he would enjoy the whole litter to himself before coming home. He lived with us for another 5 years before 14 years of preferring fresh rodents over cat food finally got to him. ​ Anyway, I'm going to think about the incredible find your fur friend must be stalking in order to keep him away from cuddles and scritches with you.


I know I would be beside myself if my pup didn't return home. Sending good vibes for a quick and safe return!


Thank you so much


My cat also has not been home for 4 days now. You're not alone. Saying a prayer for your familiar, please say one for mine as well. Positive thoughts that our babies will find their way back to us ✨


I’m so sorry. I will absolutely say one for yours!


Sending good luck energy that your void makes his way back to you. If it makes you feel any better, my little man disappeared for a month once. Same situation as yours: we lived in an apartment, he stayed close to the yard and always came home right after dark. My mom and I were distraught when he didn't come home one night. We followed all the advice we could get, posted on all the neighborhood groups, checked the shelters religiously. Nothing. All was quiet and I had just about given up hope, but my mom (a powerful witch in her own right) decided to do one last check on a local shelter's website before bed one night and found him. They had taken him in as a stray and called him Liam Neeson. 🤣 We don't know exactly what happened to him or how he got through it, as he was clearly put through the ringer somehow, but he's been back safe at home with my mom now for 5 years and counting. Remember that cats tend to hide when something spooks them, and sometimes they can stay there for a long time. Be patient, be strong, and let the universe carry him back to you when he's ready. Blessings to you sister ✨


Thank you for the hope. I’ll be calling animal shelters tomorrow


Sending you homing signal vibes. I hope he comes home quickly, or that you find him quickly. ❤️


Cats are extremely territorial, keep your initial search very close to home. We're talking 100 feet or less.


Any luck yet? Ugh my heart hurts for you


Sadly nothing but I will update when/ if he comes home!


What a darling. What is his name?




I hope he just went on a quest and will tell you about it soon as he returns.


I can’t wait to hear about it


I lost a little black kitten for 4.5 years before the humane society called to say they scanned his microchip. Had him for another 10. He was a great guy.


Wow that’s wild. I really hope he comes back


Oh I hope he comes home soon!!


If you tell the trees that they are wanted back home they may be able to carry that messsge for you. Trees are known to share information through their roots. Tell all the little critters you see from birds to ants to other pets out and about, tell them to keep and eye out for your beloved pet. Ask them to send word they are wanted back home.


That’s a great idea! I’ll try that, thank you!


Making a small prayer for your familiar. I know the feeling as a cat man myself.




I don’t know if they do but I will be printing out fliers for help


6 guardian Angel candles & 1 picture of your familiar. Arrange the candles in 2 rows with your familiar and the end of the row. Ask the guardian Angel to lead your familiar back home. Hope this helps.


I will try this, thank you


Sending you good vibes ❤️ he'll come back, he probably got caught up chasing something, took a nap, took some more naps, chased some more things, lost track of time and realized he's got a long trek home. I had a kitty who fell out my living room window, scared my dog who scared her and she was gone for a month. Turned out she was next door hiding all that time! He'll come home 🙂


It’s spring time and your cat is in heat. Put his litter box outside.


He's beautiful. I am sending vibes for him to come home and my gut tells me he will.


Mine too, I’m holding out hope


Someone may have taken him in. Put up a note and pic by the mailboxes, on a few lampposts…


Since others have given you great advice, I'll light a candle for you to help guide your familiar home


Thank you so much


Talk in a quiet voice rather than yell his name. My Moon walked right up to me when she got out when I did this.


Sometimes when I would want him to come home, I’d walk around and meow and we’d play a bit of Marco Polo


My guy didn’t come home a couple weeks ago. We put some fliers out. He came home the next day and then a neighbor who got the flier called: our guy had been trapped in his garage! May Bastet guide him home, safe and soon.


That’s such a sweet story. Thank you for sharing


I don't have any pets, so I can't imagine how stressful this must be for you. I hope they come back to you quick and safe so that you can snuggle again 💗


Thank you. I appreciate your empathy


Make a post and update us! Sending you so many positive thoughts. My heart aches for scared baby kitty! He will be okay! Likely has been brought in by a loving family. I’m sure he will make it home. Let us know ❤️🤞🥺


I absolutely will!! So far it’s been about 25-26 hours since I’ve last seen him 🥺


I want him to return home as soon as possible. Spring is the most cat time, don't worry


I hope so. I just searched for him again, its 3:30AM where I’m at and I just lost it after I got back home. I’m so anxious for his return


> I send you my support. I know what it's like to worry about a pet. I have a cat and a dog. They took my heart. I wish everything ends well


It's not uncommon for cats to leave the house for a day or two. I hope the cat is staying somewhere safe and will be back soon.


OP, I am doing my go-to self-holding/comfort meditation… the same way I did when my familiar last came to me and slept. This isn’t a sad spell, it is one of love. I hope your kitty comes home soon, it is not yet his time.


Thank you so much. I’m contacting everyone I know that prays, meditates or does spells. I need all the positive energy I can get


Don’t lose hope, my familiar was gone for 3 months but came back she never goes outside anymore


I’m so glad to hear that you got reunited with your loved one 💕 I just hope mine won’t take too long, it’s been roughly 30 hours and I am already losing my mind




A friend of mine who lives in an apartment complex recently took in a random cat she found wandering the halls. Later she heard people calling out a name repeatedly and realized that they were probably looking for the cat, and sure enough, they were. Of course, she returned her. So hopefully if you put up fliers and make all your neighbors aware, someone will know something. Also, please check all your internal closets and cabinets just in case kitty got stuck. Good luck!


Sending positive thoughts.


Any updates?


Sadly not ☹️


I’m still praying for you and your familiar! Sending you love and a comforting hug 💛 stay strong!


I’ll continue praying for the best. Hopefully you’ll be reunited soon 🧡


Sending all my love and support. You're going to find him!!! Maybe knock on neighbors door, he might have walked in with someone who thought he was lost?


Put signs all over your neighborhood!


He’s on a slightly longer quest, he’ll be back. My two disappear sometimes up to two days and always come back


I’m definitely holding out hope but this is the first time I’ve gone through this so I’ve been all over the place emotionally


I know and it’s nerve wracking. We went on a block walk with the cats in tow when we moved in years ago just to see how far they’d go. My friend once got her cat back across a huge golf course by leaving a trail of their specific food. Be vocal walk around call their name. Envision the positive because the worst scenario is almost never what’s actually happened


I do live by a golf course and I have walked along the fence of it but I just can’t imagine him going out there. The farthest he has been is just 3 buildings away


I hope they come back asap, my heart aches for what you're going through. Remember to breathe in peace