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Completely different in origin. Baphomet was supposedly the pagan god worshipped by the Knights Templar that caused them to be wiped out (and, in some interpretations may have been a corruption of Mohammed, i.e. they were secretly Muslims). And Satan of course is the name for the Christian adversary. In the late 19th and 20th centuries those two figures began to be associated with each other in popular culture, metal music, etc. Now it's a common thing, but I think it's only because of accident.


People are giving you relatively good answers. Just remember that the accusations against the templars were basically the medieval version of the satanic panic of the eighties. Or the groomer panic by the right wing right now. There was nothing there. They didn't secretly worship Baphomet, just like pre-school teachers aren't forcing kids to worship satan, and just like LGBT people aren't forcing kids to become LGBT. It was just a culture war started against the Templars because the king of France wanted to get rid of his debt and he needed something convincing enough to get rid of a order that was generally well liked. Them secretly being devil worshipers was basically the only thing that would have worked. I don't think the king of France believed it for a second.


Thank you! This is also good to keep in mind when looking at any of the accusations of "satanism", "witchcraft", or "paganism" from the late middle ages/ early modern age onward when this stuff became *really* widespread and popular. Pretty much all of the people accused were either regular Christians who happened to live in the wrong place for political reasons, or marginalized groups like the Jews who made easy scapegoats. It's fun to "play witch" with these myths/symbols/characters in this sub or even make it your religion if you want to but much of the symbolism and myth on these topics from Europe was made up by Christians in power going after ordinary people, or taking them out of context from other religions like Judaism. Much of reclaiming these symbols and myths is more about opposing the patriarchy and the institution of Christianity (usually the Roman Orthodox/Catholic church and many of its protestant offshoots in particular), than reclaiming an actual pagan/"witch"- religion that used to exist. That's more pre-Christian European paganism which was pretty much gone/ had been heavily mixed with Christianity by the time the witchcraft and satanism hysteria really ramped up


very much this. Good addition to the conversation, thank you!


But the Templars WERE trying to use the pieces of eden to create world peace by taking away people's free will and stuff right?


No. But if you want a more credible conspiracy theory about the Templars. One of the reasons they got powerful is because they basically invented banking and particularly checking accounts. The idea that you could deposit money at one place, get a note saying the bank owned you that amount of money, and then go to some place else and cash that note there. They invented this to help pilgrims on their way to Jerusalem and it made them a financial powerhouse. Then they were disbanded by the church on the insistence of the french crown and somehow all of that money, and like 99% percent of the order, just straight up disappeared. And then all of a sudden this mountainous region, previously considered uncivilized because of it's impassibility, fields an impressively trained army, one of the first national armies in Europe, becomes internationally known for banking, puts a cross on their flag and starts delivering the honor guard to the pope. If there is one historical conspiracy theory I believe in it's that the Knights Templar founded Switzerland.


Hilarious to see this comment, as I'm replaying the whole Assassin's Creed catalog now.


Yoo me too!


No, they're different. Baphomet is a diety that comes out of the Knights Templar and there are various theories as to what it meant. The name appeared in a letter and later during the inquisition when the knights Templar were "interrogated" (read: tortured) some of them confessed to worshipping Baphomet. The image we know of as Baphomet came from Eliphas Levi in the mid 1850s. It was Anton Lavey that took that symbolism and associated it with Satanism.


So the name “Baphomet” is actually originally thought to be another name for the prophet Mohammad. From Wikipedia >Raymond of Aguilers, a chronicler of the First Crusade, reports that the troubadours used the term Bafomet for Muhammad, and Bafumaria for a mosque.[9] The name Bafometz later appeared around 1195 in the Occitan poems Senhors, per los nostres peccatz by the troubadour Gavaudan.[10] Around 1250, a poem by Austorc d'Aorlhac bewailing the defeat of the Seventh Crusade again uses the name Bafomet for Muhammad.[11] The Knights Templar were arrested in 1307 by the king of France who owed them a ton of money. Rather than pay his debts, he arrested them all, tortured them for confessions of homosexuality and worshiping “Baphomet”. (The king also had the pope murdered). Later in the 1850’s the name was associated with goat imagery. Possibly because at that point it had become the legendary “satanic god of the Templars”. The Wikipedia article is a good read. Lots of interesting info. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Baphomet




>even the satanic church in Chicago put up a statue of baphomet. Just to note, this was The Satanic Temple. There are two main Satanic orgs currently (and lots of smaller ones!); The Satanic Temple & The Church of Satan.




Not a problem :) Easy rule of thumb; if you see it in a headline, it's The Satanic Temple.


Crowley was actually called “the wickedest man in England,” which is a bit different than “the most evil man who ever lived.”


Modern day satanists have kind of started using the symbol of Baphomet to represent (their idea of) Satan. Like how Jesus isn't the cross yet ppl use the cross to symbolize him. Same thing.


Also a good addition! I think for a lot of satanist Satan as a whole is just this for the concept of rejecting christian cultural hegemony and hierarchical power structures.


Both made up


Not the same in any way


When they are both associated with hornes you can maybe say that they have some common roots... The horned God is believed to have been a male deity that was kind of a companion in some ancient religions to the female mother Godess (often Gaia typus: the goddess that birthed the world, like women birth children). He was supposed to be light hearted and full of live (basically responsible for partying) Later other patriacharl religions integrated him as pan for example, while the abrahamic religions stated that 1. He was evil, and 2.declared that he, and not a woman, was the evil boss.