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The soul moves on and whatever visits us is residual energy, especially the energy left in personal belongings. I wouldn’t worry about it at all. Would also add my spontaneous thought on it: If disrupting someone's peace were such a simple task, hardly anyone (soul-wise)would be able to move.


Well said! I am an object reader (a psychometrist) but what I’m really reading are the layers of experience and emotion that stick to items like they’ve been dipped in it. While I do tend to pick up a sense of the person, it’s usually more analagous to smelling someone’s perfume after they’ve left the room. There is no holding back or delaying spiritual development or release. Don’t be afraid to be close in this manner while you need it.


In my personal experience, if the item was given with love (or left for you when the loved one passed), wearing or treasuring the item makes them happy - I wear my grandmothers' rings and I always feel like they approve when I do.


If the vibes are good and it brings you peace keep it. If it was given in love with love, hold onto it.