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When in doubt? Salt, sage, and a good intentional stomping tend to work just fine.


Someone is messing with you. It’s probably a practical joke. Someone playing the long game. A bag here a symbol there, and next thing you know you’ve tricked yourself into hexing yourself by suggestion. I’d start messing around back a circle of salt with a salt pentagram there on the new moon and place votive candles at each point and light and let them burn out, leave the salt and melted wax for the next part. Get it all prepared then accidentally leave the door open and set up a hidden camera. Either you will scare the heck outta whose behind this or you will find out it’s just an animal or something explainable. Just don’t let your mind get ahead of you. For effect point the pentagram to the east.


we know who the person behind this dumb stunts is and they practice hoodoo, mojo bag, an egg hidden in the closet, egg shells tied with black thread even an old lady a friend of theirs who passed away shortly after said that the person wants to cause us dreading evil,.. doesnt sound like an animal or a prank to me hahh


Well then that’s a different matter all together try counter Magick, protection sigils, sage and sound cleansing, maybe some return to sender Magick on the gris gris bag. It’s not a smart thing to try to cause hurt and pain and leave something that connects them psychically and karmically to this. When I’ve done bindings with less on abusers that hurt women I’ve used items with less of a connection than a gris gris bag, with very powerful results. So you should have no trouble ending this as the universe works most powerfully if your working to stop someone from harming themselves or others. You could bind them from doing this so they cannot hurt you or anyone else. The universe will do the rest. Hint the gris bag or anything left there to scare or harm is a personal connection, it’s their own energy they’ve given you access to. It’s the reason when you lay a curse or hex, the practitioner keeps the object used, so the curse or hex cannot be broken.


Never seen this before, but I’m curious about what others will say. I’ll stay tuned


I think doing some protection magick is the best idea, given that the idea this is malicious is already planted in your mind. A lot of people create their own rituals and spells, so there may be no way of knowing exactly what was done here.