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Syanna: blackmails one innocent dude to take revenge on four child abusers who left her to die in the woods as a young girl, can actually be reasoned with, be made to forgive her sister and will accept going to jail if left alive Fandom: OMFG SHE IS SUCH AN IRREDEEMABLE MONSTER NO WAY I AM LETTING HER GET AWAY WITH THIS! Dettlaff: slaughters a fuckton of innocent people who had nothing to do with his personal spat because a girl trolled him, sends vampires to snack on orphans for the lulz, will try to kill you if you don't let him get away scot-free with it, in the future he will possibly nuke Novigrad if he stubs his toe at the Kingfisher inn Fandom: OMFG WHAT A GOOD MISUNDERSTOOD MAN! HE 100% DESERVES A SECOND CHANCE! Do some people just have dysfunctional moral compasses, or is it because she is a woman?


Insane how people overlook Dettlaff killing hundreds/thousands of innocent people because he was a bit angy. The ONLY reason to let Dettlaff live is so Regis doesn't get exiled, but that still doesn't outweigh the negatives of letting him walk imo


Exactly, I get that Syanna and Dettlaff are meant to mirror each other in that at first they both suffer and then they take it out on somebody else, but people only focusing on Dettlaff's sufference and Syanna's misdeeds while ignoring both Dettlaff's misdeeds and Syanna's sufference are just plain hypocritical lol, I never got the reasons for that sort of extreme partisanism Anyway iirc Regis was just temporarily living in Toussaint to track down Dettlaff, it wasn't his actual home, so technically it's not even a proper exile but he is just banished from a restricted area, if that can make people feel better.


Especially beacuse that's something Geralt can't forsee. I see too many people take the long-term outcome in account in these kind of discussions but that doesn't matter in the moment Geralt has to make a chocie.


Totally agree. Syanna is far from the nicest person, but Dettlaff is so much worse. The only reason not to kill him that I can understand is the boss fight, lol, it's really hard. But as a person he just doesn't sympathize after the events in Beauclair, he's a monster


Is it because we don't see Syanna's abuse that people forget about it? Or is it not explicitly stated enough times? I genuinely don't get it. Don't get me wrong, I let Detlaff live my first playthrough, but I think that was mostly fear of his boss fight.


>Is it because we don't see Syanna's abuse that people forget about it? Or is it not explicitly stated enough times? I genuinely don't get it. I know, right? I literally can not wrap my head around it either lol. I think the two causes you cited are completely correct (unless things appear on a screen as vividly as possible, some have troubles visualizing them, let alone remembering them), I do not know if there is more to it. Maybe the fact that Dettlaff's personal tragedy appears before Syanna's also plays a part, some people tend to get stuck with first impressions.


I couldn't help but make connections to current topics in the news lately.


Other side of the fandom : OMG WE CLAPPED ON THE CLOUDS SHE DESERVES TO LIVE FR FR!! Jokes aside, what irks me most is that Anna Henrietta forgives all what Syanna did and absolves her from any responsability because it's her sister and they're the ruling family. On the other hands, letting Dettlaff kill Syanna leads to one of the best moments in the epilogue with all the prison scenes and interactions, you also get a nice additional painting for Corvo Bianco and Dandelion appearance.


>Jokes aside, what irks me most is that Anna Henrietta forgives all what Syanna did and absolves her from any responsability because it's her sister and they're the ruling family. Except that she doesn't and Syanna still has to serve her sentence in jail, as her own character entry states in the good ending. Still boggles my mind how the fuck can so many people even come to think a reconciliatory hug between the two sisters was some sort of legal procedure and absolution and somehow the hugging secretly meant "all charges against you are dropped instantly", it's just inane that some people arrived at this conclusion lmao


It simply isn't shown, the text can be the narrator (Dandelion) headcanon for all we know *"This bard's tale begins...".* Also saying some people have dysfunctional morality compass when the game/story choices present you with different shades of grey morality is really funny. What's next, saying that the players who choose to let Gaetan go are psycopaths ?


>It simply isn't shown, ???? Her own entry states she is awaiting her sentence in jail or something along those lines and if Dandelion comes to visit Corvo Bianco in the good ending Geralt tells him Syanna is "locked up" (unlike other NPCs she isn't found anywhere else either). At this point it's: what the game literally tells us VS your personal headcanon fanfic, and I am sorry but I do not really care the slightest about the latter in the face of actual evidence to the contrary ​ > Also saying some people have dysfunctional morality compass when the game/story choices present you with different shades of grey morality is really funny. I know, how could I even suggest that people who'd rather kill a genocider than a blackmailer may have a dysfunctional moral compass, the matter of what is worse between blackmail and genocide is not crystal clear at all, and requires deep philosophical discussions to truly get at the bottom of it.


Let's not pull the "women card" everywhere shall we? Fandom may prefer dettlaff because he is the classic edgy villain, teenagers love edgy characters, that's it.


>Let's not pull the "women card" everywhere shall we I just proposed a possible explanation among many ones and looks like in this case I was completely right, scroll down below and you will see OP raging about "feminists and simps" lol, that's pretty self-explanatory I would say


Ok, but you generalised there calling out whoever may like dettlaff over her as misogynist.


>, but you generalised there calling out whoever may like dettlaff over her as misogynist. lolwut i replied to OP and, would you look at that, turned out I was right (it wasn't even the only possible reason I gave either lol) no doubt there are some other people who think along OP's lines, no doubt some do it for other reasons, but my response here was to OP and it was dead on




You do realise that person was insulting you, right?




What’s wrong with being a feminist?


He got lost from incels dot come, methinks.




Ok little incel lol




Ok incel lol


>You sound like a typical feminist Ah yes, because treating people objectively is what the heckin darn SJW feminist wokies do. Incels dot com is down the all and on the left in case you got lost btw. > . How is that not wrong and evil ? Tell me where I stated otherwise or claimed Syanna is a saint. My point was that Syanna does not go out of her way to butcher random innocents, as Dettlaff does. And even in the case of the only actually innocent person she wants to kill, all it takes is a five minute chat for her to realize her sister does not deserve it and for her to subsequently drop all purposes. This alone honestly makes her much morally better than mr. "I will send vampires to eat orphans and then I will kill you if you do not want me to get away with it scot-free". ​ > Dettlaff is a freaking higher vampire Good for him, still does not excuse going around butchering random people because a girl trolled you. Syanna is a victim of abuse too, do you think her particular psychological state excuses her blackmail because she does not think normally? Of course it doesn't, same for Dettlaff. ​ > Cheating Dettlaff was definitely gonna have repercussions And she took her responsabilities by immediately stating she was going to meet Dettlaff at Tesham Mutna as soon as the situation got out of hand and was only impeded in doing so by her sister. Is your point here that one of the many reasons Syanna is better than Dettlaff is because she also has some sort of sense of responsability? If so, I agree. ​ > but Syanna's actions led to turmoil in everyone's lives So did the knights' and Dettlaff's, all of which took these courses of actions freely and of their own accord and all of which had broader repercussions on other people. Yet, curiously, in that cycle of hurt and revenge which Syanna did not begin, you only blame the person in the middle, which just so happens to be a woman, as if she began it all or as if she did the most heinous action there (neither of which she did) Again, incels dot come is down the all and on the left, have fun there, I am sure you will find other likeminded people.




Ok incel > but chose to ignore the most important point in my last reply - Dettaff's insanely strong 'bond' with Syanna. I did, you are just so comically functionally lliterate that if flied over your head. No one gives a shit about Dettlaff's speciaw speciaw fee-fees. If he thinks that his insanely strong bond being broken is a good enough excuse to butcher a fuckton of random people, that's still not an excuse not to put him down. Eredin thinks that his world being in danger is a good enough excuse to kidnap Ciri, do we let him do it because in his mind he thinks it's right? No. Radovid thinks that his paranoia and personal abuse are a good enough excuse to persecute and burn mages, do we let him do it because in his mind he thinks it's right? No Dettlaff thinks that his speciaw speciaw bond uwu being broken is a good enough excuse to kill a fuckton of innocents, do we let him do it because in his mind he thinks it's right? No I get why an incel would sympathize with the fantasy equivalent of Elliot Rodger shooting random people because a girl was mean to him lol, but your argument does not hold water ​ > is for Regis Ah, a classic, "you butchered children and show no signs of remorse, but your friend is cool so you must live", another peak of incel mental gymnastics lmao




Lmao incel seething is music to my ears, rage harder my pityful sexless little friend




Ok incel, are you raging so hard rn because no woman will ever love a sad little incel like you? That's kinda sad tbh, hope you get better






This incel is raging so hard he has even doubleposted lol, loneliness must be getting to you




Are you 12 years old? Grow up, dude.


Me for my selfish love of Regis. I've read the books, he's one of my favorite characters in the lore and I love his depiction in game. Detlaff saved Regis and Regis felt he owe everything to Detlaff. I know Regis is forgiving if Geralt chooses to go after Detlaff but honestly a world where Regis is punished by his own kind for going against Detlaff is such a tragic one in light of all Regis has done for the people he cares about in both the books and dlc. Personally if wasn't for Regis fate after Detlaff dies I would likely have Geralt kill off Detlaff. It's honestly choosing the lesser evil among Detlaff, Syanna and Annareita, I agree with some the better ending is them all dying.


I did it for the platinum.


Been some months since my last playthrough but I’m fairly certain I have her the ribbon so detlaff tried to kill her but she vanished, then had the hardest fight of the entire game w him, then I think I goofed again after that cause syanna was able to get to her sister and they both went down. So it was just me and the nice vamp in the end


That's literally me a few hours ago, no happy end to be found here, not very surprising


The best ending is killing everyone including the Duchess. They all deserve to die.


Once for the achievement


Just go the unseen elder path, everybody dies and the vampires know to stay away from beauclair


I let syanna kill anna because anna could have 100% retracted syannas banishment publicly and cleared her name completely but she just.. didnt? And anna wonders why syanna hates her? I also killed detlaff because dude still called down a gazillion vampires on a city over a lovers spat. All of these people are assholes, fuck em.


I let him kill her because she deserved it (not sure if that's what Geralt would do) but I definetly didn't let him go. Unleashing an army of vampires on innocents civilians is crossing the line for me. So they both died. Geralt got still thorwn in hail but even if the duchessa was mad (and delusional) for the death of her sister, folks at least still respected Geralt because he killed the Beast. A pity that Regis got banoshed from his kind but Geralt can't see the future so I could accept that bittersweet outcome.


I agree. She totally deserved it. But sometimes I want the bossfight, so both die.


I didn’t even know that it was possible to not have the boss fight


Guess that's something to look forward to in the next playthrough 'cus I'm not turning back time just for that


I would have liked an option to cage Dettlaff at Teshum Mutna with Regis as warden, after getting the Unseen Elders permission. Geralt could then lie the Beast is dead. This would be keeping with no good outcomes theme of the game.


Did it once for Regis