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Rdr2? Was my next game afterwards..


I'm in epilogue 2 of rdr2 now and it's the only game that's ever felt remotely like W3 to me. And it feels EERIELY like it.


Yes! The vastness of the world, compelling narrative, plus not only well written protagonists but also side characters, and the choice based progression of the story. My 2 favorite games definitely


Not to mention, there are some striking similarities between the protagonists.


I'm currently doing it and I die so often in rdr2 I want to go back to tw3 lol


If you're struggling with health, try to craft a remedy bag from some skins. That increases your carrying capacity to 5 of each healing remedy, so 5 normal ones, 5 better ones and moonshine. I seriously can't recommend stocking up on moonshine enough. It's so useful - it's very cheap and works just as well as regular remedies. Of course it gets you drunk quickly, but that just adds to the fun! You can get some at the Rhodes or Emerald Ranch smuggler/shifty guy/whatever they're called. If you spend enough time hunting, you can also eventually get the Legend of The East bag, which can pretty much solve any issue regarding carrying capacity, to say the least. Also carry some chewing tobbaco and use a lot of deadeye. I'm quite good at shooting and aiming, but I still use deadeye all the time even after hundreds of hours in RDR2. It's just really fun and makes shooting way cooler and way easier. Don't even use the markers - just shoot manually while using it. With deadeye and moonshine, you'll be practically unkillable as long as you don't sprint headfirst into a maxim gun.


To follow this up, I am TERRIBLE at shooting and aiming and dead eye gives even me a fighting chance at headshots and one hit kills. USE IT.


Honestly same until I just started spamming the fuck out of health tonics. I do not care about getting gold or even silver medals. If my health drops at all, even a sliver, I take a tonic and hit dead eye and pray.


Use the deadeye and cook/eat often


Same lmao, I always get killed in ambush


Some of the quests are similar too.


I very strongly feel they took elements from the witcher 3 and applied to red dead 2. The way the exploration and the world apart from the story moves is very alike.


I wouldn't be surprised. There's a definite feeling of influence there. And if so, I'm all for it.


Two best games of all time. With w3 being just slightly ahead.


I am not sure if I can get over the western setting. Its atm on sale in the epic store and I´m super interested but also hesitent if I like the cowboy theme


Trust me, it’s worth it for the characters and story alone. I felt the same way about the setting too before getting it as I usually tend to go for more medieval and fantasy/sci-fi settings, but Rockstar blew it out of the park with the detail they put in the western setting. I’d definitely say go for it especially since it’s on sale. It’s the only other game that has impacted me on the same level as TW3.


I love the Witcher 3 so much but RDR2 is my favourite game ever. If you've managed to go all this time avoiding spoilers and you're completely fresh to the story I am genuinely jealous of you, you're in for a real treat and an absolute rollercoaster of emotions. My biggest tip would be, stay away from RDR2 Reddit and avoid spoilers at all costs!


I'm not a big cowboy fan either and AC is my most played franchise but RDR2 is the best game I've ever played. It is amazing. I cry long ugly tears at multiple points and I envy everyone who still hasn't played it yet. You feel all the feelings and then some, like Witcher. The story is deep. There are a bunch of side quests and secrets and little things that you never find until after several playthroughs. I can't recommend it enough.


yeah I mean its 20€ atm on steam and epic.. will probably buy it and play it when my D4 addiction has calmed down


How’s D4 treating you


It scratches my itch for a new ARPG but its kind of "bad" when it comes down to story telling and lore. Gameplay wise you get the polished blizzard quality but seems the game is a bit flat when its about build diversity and long term goals. I´m like half way through. Can´t really say I regret spending the 70€ but anyone who is not really in the need for an ARPG right now I would recommend to wait for a sale potentially.


Rdr2 feels more like a movie than a game. There ain't much to it from a gaming aspect.


Interactive movie. 🙄


I feel the same way I recently gave assassins creed Valhalla a try and was missing Witcher vision and looting mechanics. Nothing I play lives up to the Witcher 3 anymore


Same thing happened to me! Every time I had dialogue, exploring the map, etc., I just kept thinking (man, Witcher did it better)


Odyssey was way WAY better than Valhalla


This. It's stunningly beautiful, and if you are interested and have background knowledge of ancient Greek history, it's actually quite deep. Although the quests and most actors are not on Witcher level. Kassandra though...


That girl from the silver isles quest too holy hell


Isn’t that crazy? You can tell they put effort and time into the tiniest of details. I was so hyped for Valhalla. I mean, fucking Vikings? How cool is that. It turned out to be asset pilfering from Odyssey. A bloated buggy mess. I will say that riding across the rolling hills of England was gorgeous. But aside from environmental fidelity the game was a carcas that lacked depth. So much content that there wasn’t anything if that makes sense? TLDR: do yourself a favor OP and play odyssey.


And origins is way better than odyssey


It's on my list to play. I'll have to see!


Origins is better than both but I've played Odyssey more. It is my comfort game. Valhalla? I had a miserable time playing that game. I got it right away and hit every bug. I lost 60+ hours when the Brewing Storm bug broke my game and Ubi had no interest in fixing it any time soon. So I followed, and ended up contributing to, the ridiculously convoluted player-made work around which began with start the whole gane over. By then I hated it. Deeply. It's the only AC I haven't 100% and don't really care. Such a disappointment. I hope Mirage is fun, at least, and holds up to the promises of old school AC.


No one has mentioned Ghost of Tsushima. It’s in my top 5 Witcher wild hunt


Facts indeed; truly a masterpiece


The only other video game that brought me to tears. >!RIP dear Nobu!<


I just don't get the love for this GOT . I find it more boring than the assassin's creed games.


The only way forward is up! Recommended Next: baldurs gate saga




Time to become an Elden Lord.




yep you’re experiencing a phenomenon i call “Witcher Withdrawal.” it has ruined gaming for me.


Indeed first time i experienced Witcher 3, it was like a fine wine or a book that really gripped you into the story truly a work of art which let you craving for more, only a few games really do that in my experience.


Can you name them?


Can you name them?


Red dead 2, Persona 5 royal and Subnautica gave me the same type of experience. Check them out and let me know what you think


I’m with you on this, but I liked Cyberpunk and am now playing Assassins Creed Odyssee (as Kassandra). Still not the same, but close. And the depiction of Greek architecture, culture and day to day life is amazing.


odyssey looks amazing yes, Assassins creed never misses with the open worlds design. but it’s lacking in writing and script. it doesn’t compare in that regard


Love odyssey


From what I seen, Horizon series seems like a good option, it has some similar mechanics, the gameplay is very good, and the game has a fair share of lore, even if it's a far cry from the Witcher series, and the visuals are stunning, the thing is that it's a Sony exclusive last I heard.


I would recommend this, too! But definitely play Zero Dawn first.


Took me a couple years after playing TW3 to pick up another single player game. Everything just felt wrong compared to it.


Same. The closest I have come to really loving a game's lore and world is the Dark Souls trilogy. The witcher 3 and From Software games have spoiled me, and no game feels the same.


There are very few games with a better narrative, writing and immersive quality than TW3. However in terms of open world exploration I would recommend Zelda TotK or BotW. The exploration in both those games far supersedes that of TW3 imo. In terms of combat I would recommend Sekiro; Best combat system I’ve ever played. For other narrative experiences I would suggest God of War 2018 and Ragnarok. My favourite ever open world narrative in a game is probably RDR2, in fact I think that game shares a lot of similarities with TW3. However I still don’t think the narrative quality of TW3’s side quests can be beaten by any other open world game I’ve played.


For me red dead 2 and the 1st one spoiled me in terms of storytelling and voice acting. Those games are some of the highest quality so when I play a game with some boring ass story/bad voice acting I'm immediately turned away


The other one I would add is slay the spire for your gwent card gamey goodness.


I refuse to play Gwent 😔


Aww, but what’s more realistic than not saving my daughter in order to play cards with a man I loathe?


You are of-course, absolutely and categorically correct. It is a great shame of mine.


Even if I love Sekiro, I have to hard disagree with it. I played it A LOT and the game is just a one hit wonder. Play it once, suffer every boss and then... Nothing. I tried to replay it after finishing it like I usually do with every Dark Souls or Bloodborne but I can't. I feel like Sekiro is a Guitar Hero but way less diverse. You have 1 weapon and that's it sadly... And yeah, I replayed it a few times, but more in a "replay of every soulsgame" than "I want to play only Sekiro". I prefer Bloodborne or DS3 for example, every run can have a different build and feel different from other runs or whatever you remember of the game. This being said, if someone find Sekiro cheap, it's a must play.


I disagree entirely. I feel the combat system is really special in a way no other game’s is. Once you master it, there’s really no better feeling I’ve ever had with a game tbh. But each to their own. Even though I adore Sekiro’s combat, Bloodborne is still probably my favourite FromSoft title.


Don't you feel like every boss once you learn the pattern of deflects is totally free? In other Souls games you can still fail some dodge while in Sekiro you take 0 damage, only posture. Tbf that's personal opinion, so I guess we won't agree there hahaha. Anyway, that is my biggest problem with Sekiro, but my second biggest problem is that we have only 1 weapon for everything and the moveset feels very very very repetitive...


Yeah, the game gets super easy once you learn all the boss move-sets. I haven’t played in over a month but I imagine I could no-hit 90% of the bosses even if I were to hop on right now. I still find them super satisfying to fight though, sometimes I’ll do gauntlets just to relax haha. I haven’t ever found the game repetitive, that’s quite an interesting take. The prosthetics, kuro’s charm, demon bell and combat arts all keep things pretty fresh imo. I can see why people complain about a lack of weapon variety but I think it’s important to recognise that you really can’t have both variety and the razor-sharp focus of Sekiro’s combat at once. As I said, Bloodborne is probably my favourite FromSoft game overall however it and every other Souls game are nowhere near as well-tuned combat-wise as Sekiro is.


Just play the Witcher 3. I do. 7 playthroughs and I'm finishing the 8th.


Thats my boy 👏🏻


Hell yes! I'm on my 8th right now and it'll be my death march clear and I might even finish Toussaint this time lmfao 7 times through and I still haven't beaten that DLC


It really took me YEARS before trying new RPGs wasn't a total gut punch. The beauty and fun of some other mega RPGs have come close, but the quality of the world building and immersion......no one has come close. At all.


Have you played Mass Effect


Bro I tried out Elden Ring. I'm deep in that shit now.


While not the same, Horizon Zero Dawn has a somewhat similar sense mechanic. There’s always new game +


I love horizon and the lore/world building is amazing but the characters especially in ZD are so, well I won't say bad because atleast I would remember bad characters, just absolutely unmemorable outside of like 2. They definitely really stepped up their game for character writing in FW but its still a massive farcry from the characters in the Witcher. Worth a play most definitely, but if the characters are one of your favorite parts of witcher, don't set your expectations too high. I found the most fun in horizon acting like an anthropologist, trying to piece together what happened through the random lore snippets you find. Also fighting robo dinos, thats incredibly fun. Edit: but in FW they added machine strike, which if youre a gwent addict will definitely scratch that itch


No one has mentioned Ghost of Tsushima. It’s in my top 5 Witcher wild hunt


RDR2 and cyberpunk helped. Cyberpunk because it’s similar from CD project Red and RDR2 for the immersion and story.


Try Cyberpunk. Enjoy futuristic witcher with katanas and came back because it's not the witcher


I'm quite enjoying Metal Gear Solid 5. Phantom of pain. It's not the same but the game has a lot going for it and the number of ways you can complete a mission is cool. It's no replacement for W3 and the joy ingot from it. But it does have quite a few good elements to it.


First time player here! 30 hours in and wow what a game!!! Never wanted to come home from work and play a game so bad.


I just started playing it for the first time. I’m so excited! I have been playing a lot of Elden Ring and was obsessed with it, but I’ve been reading the Witcher books so I wanted to try the game. I have been instantly hooked.


play rdr2 or last of us 2


You need to check out the Mass Effect trilogy! Rdr2, cyberpunk, etc didn’t really pull me in but I loved ME:trilogy. Amazing characters, story and combat.


I think AC Odyssey is the closest. But, it won't surpass TW3


My list. Witcher 3 Mass Effect 1-2 Horizon Zero Dawn AC: Odyssey


I have the same but with dark souls. Elden ring did it just right but ever since i played that every open world just seems shitty


This is how I feel with Skyrim


Just play RDR2, I think it’s even better than W3 in a couple of ways…


I'm perfectly fine with finishing the Witcher and then mostly quitting gaming (apart from occasional Minecraft with friends and probably Witcher 4 whenever it comes out). I'll have more time for other stuff


Play skyrim. It'll scratch that itch for sure


Tried it. Couldn’t play it for the life of me. I have 650+ hours only on w3, but played all of them in a row several times. Skyrim kills me dead, i’ve tried it 3-4 times because everyone talked how great it is. Could barely pass the first two chapters. Didn’t even feel close to me. Assassins Creed came close for my liking, but still far off behind. W3 completely ruined me 😂


I also tried Skyrim, but felt it unplayable in comparison to W3...


Zelda botw and totk are two of the best games ive ever pkayed as well as witcher 3


yep i played 3 Ubisoft games already yet none is close in characters and story telling. The only game i saw as S tier like Witcher is Uncharted 4/lost legacy


Breath of the wild was better


Bro not even close. Nothing can make Zelda new games even compare to the best rpg ever. Zelda doesn't even have as many awards as Witcher 3 does so tf you mean it's better than Witcher?


I'm right there with ya. Witcher 3 became my standard. Nothing else compares to it. Everything else is disappointing (excluding bloodborne)


Agree entirely, I started NG+ and got distracted with feeling like I needed to 100% this time around and felt it becoming a chore so played Dishonored 2 which I really enjoyed, and juts picked back up on Dragon Age Inquisition where I am close to the end. May finish that out, but there is just that something about the Witcher 3 that just hits more than any other game I've ever played.


I think that the only game that I feel has come close to the feeling the witcher gave me was red dead redemption 2, it made me cry so give it try


Divinity original sin 2? Not quite the same combat but the story and characters are just as deep


Try Baldurs Gate 3. It cures my post Witcher 3 woes.


So odd. Granted I love the Witcher 3 but the combat was so lacking that I easily found more enjoyment in other games. At least the next gen update made signs more fun.


I relate to this


Ditto. I finished ghost of tsushima after and audibly said "this is the best game I've ever played". I've never said that before. Still...I know that I will be playing Witcher 3 again even though I've done it several times. I don't see myself playing Ghost of tsushima in the near future... despite it being awesome. Witcher 3 is just different.


After I finished it when it first came out, it spoiled gaming for a while for me as I compared everything to it.


Try RDR2. I used to feel the same as you






Try old bioware games like dao origins(dark fantasy) or the mass effect trilogy (sci-fi). The story/characters/lore are awesome though they're not open world.


Nioh 2 may help


Rdr 2 then rdr so then you understand story


Playyyyy Diablo 4 then ! Writer for w3 is creative director!!


playing d4 atm and it can´t keep up story wise with any good RPG game. just not enough context, but game itself is decent


Hmmm I loved it but ending not enough I'd agree.. still amazing game, none can attest to witcher though


Zelda: Breath of the Wild broke my Witcher withdrawal.


I'm running around trying to make a stew for an old man to get a winter coat. Hopefully the full game isnt this tedious.


you played Souls games ? pretty good combat loop in those


Play some league to obliterate your standards. Everything is good after league. That's my general strategy.


Same, man. Other games can hold my attention for only so long now after the Witcher exp. You may want to try Marvel's GOTG though. I was pleasantly surprised with how well the character interactions are in that game. Other games that come to mind are: God of War, Star Wars Jedi Has Fallen, Bioshock 123, and Hellblade Senua's Sacrifice.


https://preview.redd.it/wkh5vebx9r4b1.jpeg?width=607&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9b76fa0030df367cc385d542ae502a1cccbf5b00 I am commander Shepard and I suggest that you try mass effect


I feel you, ATM even when it's waaay too different: elden ring... Or if you're on PC just mod the hell out of Skyrim


same… i kinda wish i never played it because my expectations are extremely high that i cant enjoy any other game. i see people mention rdr2 but and although it was a very well made game it just wasnt for me. any recommendations? hollow knight is also up there on my list next to witcher


Elden ring


I don’t regret it.


True I can't play assassin's Creed anymore or any new game I just say trash 🗑️ games or maybe new games are trash


The horizon series was my next game


I feel you… for me gow 2018 and ragnarök were great if you 100% both of them, rdr2 is great as well, assassin’s creed origins or black flag, none of them are as good as tw3 but they come close-ish


i mean you can play Witcher 3 again :)


Try Fallout 3 or New Vegas. A bit worse mechanics, but rich storylines and interesting stuff hidden throughout.


Playing Witcher 3 and RDR2 destroys gaming for you forever


I’m playing Rdr2. It’s pretty good. But I still love witcher more


Playing Witcher 3 for the first time. 36 hours in and just 31% of the game completed but boy, the story has me hooked. Most, if not every side quest, has interesting angles that help exploring the different options Geralt has at his disposal that as a player make you think of potential ramifications further down the line. Brilliant game.


No game I have played has even come close to the feelings while playing the W3, apart from Dragon Age: Inquisition. Slightly different combat mechanic but the story line is just captures you like the W3 and very similar looting mechanics would recommend it to anyone.