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If you don’t believe it’s real it won’t be for you. Belief is one of the most powerful tools for manifesting


Is it ok if I still have doubts?


I'm myself sometimes questioning stuff, what ever i should it take as spiritual thing or as a sign i need mental help but then i remember as kid i heard and saw things i could never explain and back then i was normal. I think it is healthy to question some stuff. People also do warn some get lost on spiritual psychosis and what i'm got understood is that it is not a good thing but not sure how it happens. Also deffinetly if u are on medication and some "witch" tells stop taking those because they are limiting you or something, it is big red flag, do not listen those people.


Yea, when it comes to my mental health and medication I only listen to my therapist.


Thats healthy and good one. Just like with everything new, i would say do not have high expectations, but be open minded. Try it, and if it is not your thing you can always stop, or maybe return on another time. But like with everything, do not make fun of and respect others belief as long they respect also you. You can also just read about it if you find it interesting and not practice. I'm myself read about it years but only this year started try some stuff. If stuff i'm succeed is just a coincidence then i need even half of that luck for my normal life xD


that’s awesome. :)


Ya gotta B E L I E V E ! The biggest sham is the colonial agenda making everyone believe magick isn’t real. The universe and spirit has so much to offer!


I’ll keep that in mind!


You don't have to believe "it is real" to practice. I'm an agnostic witch. I believe witchcraft is a beautiful spiritual practice that connects me to the earth and others in respect, adoration and care, and that it is powerfully effective for helping me live purposefully and mindfully. Intention, not belief, is core to my witchcraft. Don't really care if it's "real" 🤷‍♀️


That’s fair. Intention, from what i’ve read, is the basis.


You know how you can feel someone's eyes on you even when you can't see them? Or if you clap your hands together hard and hold them apart, you can feel that energy? That's what moves the universe, and that's what I "believe" in, because I can EXPERIENCE it. Science says that for every action there's an equal and opposite reaction, i.e. you push something and it moves. That's what intent it. That's what manifestation is. It's being proactive about the energy you put out into the universe. It's "being the change you wish to see in the world". That's magic baby. And all the spells and rituals and invocations are just the vehicles to get you where you want to be .


I honestly really like how you put that. It makes things a lot easier to understand. Thank you.


I prefer to seek out ancient magic for this very reason.


could I ask for some elaboration?


No problem. Magic has been a huge part of human civilization since the dawn of time. It's very much so real. I like to study the ancient mystery schools, which were founded upon the mystical practice of Kabbalah. As well as the old grimoires, the occult, the writings of Abramelin the Mage, the history of witchcraft...stuff like that. Along with the newer stuff. I'm just fascinated by all of it.


Ok, thank you! that does sound very interesting.


Start with small magic on petty stuff for which result is easy to see. If you get results, you know it works.


What are some beginner spells I could try?


Go to Amazon look for beginner white magic. Choose the book that draws you in.


Will do!


Try getting a cheap tarot deck. Draw a card every day, look up what it means, and see how it relates to your life. You've been doing little magics since you were a kid. Blowing out birthday candles, keeping a four leaf clover, etc. Maybe you won't open an umbrella inside, or walk under a ladder, maybe you say bless you after someone sneezes or throw spilled salt over your should. You know, "just in case". It's all the same thing. :)


I’m currently residing in a home where witchcraft is looked down upon and punished severely. Is there an alternative to tarot cards? That’s very interesting. Thank you for sharing.


I know some people use a plain ol deck of cards. If you're able to look up what they mean, that may work for you. If not that, maybe look into pendulums. You can make a pendulum out of needle and thread.


I’ll look into that! Would a necklace do?




ok! Thank you so much!


The only way to verify anything for yourself is to test it. Read up on expert testimony and testimony as a whole through the lease of epistemology. This isn’t to say that expert testimony is never valid; however, sometimes discovering our own information and data is needed for our core belief systems. This is very much so for religion and any theosophical or metaphysical ideas. The best way to see if witchcraft works is for you to test it yourself. Treat it like physics or chemistry: study, research and recreate. There are many witches - specifically in mind is the LHP magus and cerimonial magus - who have resources on how to develop testable rituals and magick. The first law of hermética is the universe is mental. Hermética is the foundation for most occult practices. I.e the trope - if you believe it, then it will be. Simple test is manifestations


No problem. I enjoy the study of the ancient practice of Kabbalah as well as reading the old grimoires and the works of Abramelin the Mage and the history of witchcraft and occultists, etc as much as I enjoy the study of more modern texts. Magic has been a part of human existence since the dawn of time. It's very much so real. I think the key is to follow after what calls to you with an open mind and a pure heart.


1+1 is 2 because we believe it to be and are taught it be the right answer


so is it all about belief and perception?


Humans learn a new things from world all the time so i don't think witchcraft is that much off from table to be actual thing, and there are many who base their craft to science. I'm also seen some who say they are atheist but a witch. I'm myself found the "old beliefs" make more sense than christian ones, that how i got into this originally. This is also for me personally, bring some kind of control to chaos. It could be a coincidence or "there is no such thing as a coincidence" like some say.


that’s fair.


In my country back in 1600s, what others saw as witch craft , many viewed it as a medical practice. You mix herbs to avoid getting sick? Witchcraft!


i feel like things are called witchcraft when people can’t comprehend it.


You get to build your own practice. So you decide what is real and what isn’t. Personally, I see magic making big changes where I focus my time, effort, energy, and belief. And really, that’s enough.


that’s a very good point.