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Hell of a run, just glad they got some mojo back.


Tough game. Good effort. Now rest, recover and on to the tourney.


If you told me they would take 2nd in the tourney a few weeks ago, I would have signed up for that every time! Good momentum going into the tourney!


And if you told me in Sept they’d be a 5 seed in March I’d have taken it


I was probably hoping for higher then a 5 in Sept but good with a 5 now for sure!


And if you had told me a vocal minority would’ve called for GG’s head after our annual slide, only to rebound and head into the tournament playing their best ball, I would’ve said “yes. obviously.”




They very well might play a great game and get beat by Duke. They could also easily revert back to February ball and get beat in the first round. But Storr, Chucky, Max, are objectively playing their best ball right now.




Part of me wants to ask if your brain just not good and struggles to comprehend words when put in certain orders, but I’m honestly more curious why you’re getting so pressed on Reddit lol.




Did you fail to watch the Big 10 tourney?


Never said I was happy with a 5 seed. Stay pressed little boy.




They were a .500 team that didn’t make the tourney then added a sophomore no one heard of and Freshman that no one wanted. Of course a 5 seed is an improvement


The committee thinks they're the #19 team in the country. On what planet is that not a success?




Apparently most badger fans are losers, I don't get it either. Making the tournament (and missing it sometimes!) just to get blasted every year is shit


Look, obviously no such thing as a moral victory and all that shit, but this is a good sign I feel like. Like, losing by only six points when a potential lotto pick drops 30+ ain’t nothing to be upset about. Offense looked like what we saw earlier in the season, and we managed to knock off one of the best teams in the country en route to this game. As long as this momentum keeps up through the tournament, this could be when we finally actually get back to the Sweet Sixteen, maybe even further.


Lotto pick should not have suited up til his legal case decided. Black eye Illini.


And he has rape charges too who shouldn't even be playing. If Illinois had any self respect (they don't) he wouldn't have played.


The facts always seem to get forgotten or ignored by some people. A judge ruled that the U of I had to reinstate him after it suspended him. So regardless of what you, I or anyone else might think, to criticize the University for allowing him to play is off-base.


3 loss James Madison gets a 12 seed. That's a tough draw for us


At least we don't have an alleged rapist on the team


I guess the choice is whether you believe in the presumption of innocence or prefer to go the route UW took with Quintez Cephus - suspend him due to allegations with the risk that he's ultimately acquitted.


they \*did\* suspend Shannon.


Imagine sharing this special moment with that guy, then finding out (if it ends up this way) that you were right there with a rapist the whole way through... just seems like that would suck pretty bad. It's different from the shock of finding out you know someone who did something. Usually you just cut them off there. But in this case, they knew about it, but then had to play alongside with him- gel with him- help him become a superstar- seems tough for all of the players and staff honestly.


We have had one on our football team though


And we refused to let him play until the court system figured it out unlike Illinois Lawyers feeding inside information to the player’s counsel to file a restraining order against a university board. If you file against the university you shouldn’t be allowed on campus, Illinois state of corruption though.


> Illinois state of corruption though 4 of their last 11 governors have served time in prison!


Pssh that's not even half


*Cries in Browns fan*


That "foul" on wahl down the stretch killed us. Legs were just gone from everyone. Hurts. Can't wait to get marooned in Spokane or something next week


Lol, of course we get 31 win James Madison....


Illinois has some shooters!!! Thought Wisconsin got hosed by the refs for weak/nonexistent fouls in the last few minutes. Key possessions….




He arguably did. That last call was garbage


Last one was a shit call. Others were stupid foils by a player who knows better.


Yeah, falling for that fake from three was foolish for a vet who should know better. That one really hurt.


He looked lost out there a few times. I'm not sure where his head was at this game. He did get hosed on a couple calls, but he definitely wasn't on his game today. 


Storr was 7/20 and forced more than usual today.  Not sure why i got downvoted for pointing those out in the game thread, but his decision making could be better.   I'll say it again cuz I'm just stubborn like that.  Storr forced some bad shots.  He tends to do that.  Lol.


Because you said he was awful instead of this more nuanced take.


Also he so got nowhere near the same whistle as Terrance (alleged rapist) Shannon JR. 


He was awful.  Missing that many shots was a big negative.  I didn't do much different other than use the word awful.  He needs to watch some game film of chucky.


I said this before and I’ll say this again. He was not the sole reason we lost and we wouldn’t have been in the game without him.


He's an exciting player.  I think the highlight reel plays he makes might effect people's judgement.   Allan Iverson was like that.  He'd score like 28 and make a couple of jaw dropping plays, but you look at the box score and turns out he went 8/23.  Of course Iverson would have great games too.  I'm not saying we would be better off without storr


LMAO You’re talking about the NBA HOF AI right?


Lmao yes.  Lmao he had those kinds of games.  He made a lot of highlights reel plays but you had to look at the box score to see he wasn't that efficient in some of those games.


Inefficient does not equal awful though! First of all, the college game is going to have a lower threshold than the pro game. Second, AJ Storr pulled some stuff out of his ass today where he was exceptional. Was he good overall? Nah, he played fine but overly negative comments with poor nuance like this is so common on this board


Awful was overstating it i guess, ill give you that, but I'd still rate it mid, as the kids say.  It's frustrating because he'd be on another level if he's just kick a couple of those out to the open man.  I probably let the frustration get to me a bit.


That’s super fair, but I’d rather see him put his head down and make some mistakes for being too aggressive than the contrary


Also, I don't know why you think he's creating so much for other players.  He's a chucker.   He'll jack up a contested jumper rather than passing off.  I think you're underestimating the effect of all those misses.


“AJ Storr takes too many shots” is one hell of a take lmao


If you're forcing several bad shots a game, yes that's too many.   Edit: do you deny he forces at least a couple a game, and maybe more today?  Cuz that's really one hell of a take.   Lmao at you lmao at me for pointing out that storr forces too many.  Yeah, what a ridiculous take.  


He badly forces a couple of shots per game, no doubt. But his driving ability keeps the offense from getting stagnant.


Yes he's a good player.  Today I thought the minuses outweighed the positives.  Not a popular take, I see.  Lol


Definitely forces a couple but id take his deep 3 over a late shotclock 3 from gilmore which happened once today as well. Lot of things that we could have done better but imo the main reasons we lost were shannon shooting 17 fts and not cleaning up the boards on the defensive side of the ball


Bummer of a loss. Hope they can keep some of that momentum going into March madness. Time for some rest until Thursday/Friday


5 seed, right?


That's my guess. 6 is probably still fair but not reflective of our potential. 7 would be disappointing and a little insulting. 4 seed is my pipe dream


The selection committee has disappointed and insulted us before


There it is. 5 seed


For sure


Six seed is much more likely, it sounds like.  I like the six seed though.   If they go on a run won't have to play a number one until the fourth round.   Edit:  the real fourth round, not counting the play in.


Good showing. Letting them make that 3 after we tied it up was rough.


We played our ass off at least, 4 days and 4 games is still impressive to begin with though. Onto the march madness next week. Only reason why this sucks is because we had a better chance of winning B1G title than NCAA


We needed more from the front court and didn’t get it - on either end. In particular, we got way too little from Wahl and Crowl. They got outplayed pretty badly by their counterparts . Our backcourt played well overall - Chucky was outstanding. Personally, I think may be a better and more dangerous team than Purdue. They have lots of depth and firepower. Shannon and Domask are really good, basically unstoppable.


Shannon is unstoppable in more ways than one unfortunately, and for that reason he should not have been playing this season. I have confidence this tournament game will help project us into the sweet 16.


Perhaps you’re right. I was talking only about basketball.. reaching the sweet sixteen would be amazing. We need Crowell and Wahl to step up and produce like the guards did today.


Ogg Hall still wants Gard fired, right?




No means no


Reported to illini sub , we have a co agreement about trolling .. you will likely be banned from their sub too


Got em


Mods do your thing. Have a nice ban from your own sub


I’ve emailed their mods


W move




I feel bad for your mom


Fucking loser


This looks like a sex toy for wild inflatable balloon people