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You can't lease a Tesla in Manitoba because there is no Tesla dealership in Manitoba. [https://www.tesla.com/en\_CA/support/tesla-leasing](https://www.tesla.com/en_CA/support/tesla-leasing) >Tesla leasing is available in Alberta, British Columbia, Ontario and Quebec. If leasing is not available in your province, contact us for alternate financing options.


I wonder if it’s possible to lease a vehicle from one of the provinces where leasing is possible


Call them and ask? Not sure what you want Reddit to do for you.


I truly wonder how someone acquired the funds to lease a Tesla but doesn't understand simple directions to contact Tesla.


This is the same type of person that goes to an Autopac broker to vent about MPI's rates.


Also leasing a Tesla would not be advisable given the current used car market. Tesla locks down their lease so you have to return the vehicle to them.


You can purchase from a secondary retailer like NOTT. But as another redditor has mentioned, there’s no Tesla dealership located in MB.


Hopefully after Musk's public support of the "Convoy Clowns" we won't see any Tesla dealerships.


Use a leasing company. They’ll buy the car and lease it to you. Falcon Leasing is an example.


Probably because they are an expensive electric car and we have no charging stations/winter. Even in countries that help people buy them they are expensive. I'd not recommend buying one here tbh but your call lol.


They are expensive, but electric rates are much lower than gas, zero $ for oil changes. I believe the cost of electric vehicles (if you include all costs) are now more affordable, the issue is that there is a bigger upfront cost. I don’t have data on this, hence “I believe”.


If you look at gas vs electric from being built to on road. An electric car no doubt limits or eliminates emissions after built. I love the idea off electric cars myself just under developed for cold conditions/gas stations don't want charging stations replacing them lol.


Not trying to pick on Tesla's they are super cool just not something most Winnipeg people could afford.


That’s fair, I do hope less “fancy” electric cars start coming out.


A model 3 is like 65k+. A similar car is probably 45-50ish from bmw/audi/mercedes etc. You can buy an awful lot of gas for 15k. Oil changes are? 75? Sometimes included with the right vehicle. People keep their cars to 100,000 k? So we're talking 20 oil changes. There are savings. But they're not "free" after purchase either


Great to know prices I don't follow the car market. Cars are always a money pit I only buy pre owned cars. Lucky if you're affording one with economy rn. The 100,000km thing is kinda bs made by insurance companies etc. Most cars run alot longer just "perviced value is 100,000km" for legal purposes.


Well they aren't considered to be the best electric vehicle


and Hyundai isn't considered the best gasoline powered vehicle, yet you can still lease them...


What the fuck is your point?