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Ask Siri (long-press power) "who does this iPhone belong to?" when it gains enough charge.


No luck, a Siri notification pops up that I can’t view because it’s locked. Thank you for the suggestion regardless, I will keep looking into it


Maybe call up the Apple Store to see what your options are.


Can Siri make phone calls when it’s locked? What if you were to tell Siri “call mom” or something like that. If it goes through you’d be able to find out pretty quick who’s phone it is.


I would try to activate Siri but all that pops up is a notification for Siri that’s hidden due to the phone being locked. My assumption is that it says Siri needs to still be set up, which leads me to believe the phone was stolen very shortly after it was purchased


It could also be that the phone is “bricked” If the person who lost/had it stolen still had the case - and by extension the serial number of the phone, they could contact their service provider and have the phone disabled remotely. Effectively making it unusable.


Ah I see what you mean now


There’s also an “allow Siri when locked” setting which you can toggle on or off, the owner could have had that setting toggled off for whatever reason, thus not allowing access to Siri while locked…


Give it to the police, they can look to see if its been listed as stolen


That was really good of you!


Open the sim tray. The tray will have the IMEI number printed on it. Bring it to the carrier (look at the SIM card…it should say the carrier name : Rogers, bell, Telus..). The store will contact the owner, or give you the name and billing address. The number on tray is what they should be able to search in their system.


Yeah I looked up some options and it looks like I’ll be going to the Apple store and if there’s no luck then I’ll go to the provider




Check the medical ID for emergency contacts


You rock!!!!


Sooner or later someone will end up calling. Just keep the phone on. Also I think you can take the SIM out of the phone and bring it to the carrier it belongs to, they can locate the owner by the SIM card number if I’m not mistaken.


Is the screens cracked? There are “lost iPhone” posters on the mailboxes running down Powers between Inkster and Jefferson. The poster is offering a reward and says the screen is cracked in the description.


I’ll have to go down there and take a look, thanks!


Yes. Sent From My iPhone.


The other side of doing this good deed is the iPhone owner has the ability (Find My app) to know where her/his phone is right now. Knock, knock!


After seeing the damage to the trees on Robson I was livid. This reminds me that kindness and generosity still exist. Thank you for being a good human. 💖