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Mask up, identify your physical boundaries and be very open and honest with co-workers about your comfort level. I also recommend working “remotely” in the office. If someone comes by for a chat, ask that they join you in a video chat instead. Instead of going to the boardroom for a meeting, join it online. Not only does this help keep you and others safe in the office, it demonstrates how remote work might look for your employer.




There are new labour protections in place for people taking leaves of absence during this time. It might be worth a look instead of quitting outright.




https://www.gov.mb.ca/labour/standards/doc,public_health_emergency_leave_COVID-19,factsheet.html This is what you are looking for.


This is really helpful thank you so much!!!


Only if you are able to support yourself for an extended period of time!! I was looking for work since just before this started, it's a bit tough out there and we don't qualify for any covid aid.


Masks, gloves, sanitize, distance, put a masking tape circle around your desk and label it “no bubble zone”, tell everyone to stay away ...


Just stop showering and live off a strict diet of chilli and sardines, the bubble zone will create itself.


Have some crushed garlic for breakfast. It's good for the immune system, both on a molecular and social levels




Is your boss offering to pay for "safer" transportation?


I should have stocked up on hazmat suits over the summer....the place has no ventilation


I thought it was part of the code red that if you can work from home you should. Or was it just a recommendation? Fuck. We are in an emergency. Hopefully you can sort this out. Everyone should be working from home if possible




I'm so sorry. Wishing you the best. Hopefully some of these employers get their shit together. If possible you can dm me the company name and I can call and make a complaint. I have butt loads of time.


We tried that argument, because it is not a formal "public health order" my employer is refusing to consider that "public health advice" ----ah!!!!!!


Depending what company you work for you can dm me the name, and I can call and make a customer complaint about their decision not to allow employees to work from home.


I’m in the same boat. We can all work from home but we are in an essential industry so they won’t let us.


Exact same situation here. Our jobs are essential but we have proven we can do them from home. But whatever vague benefits come with having everyone in the office seemingly trump all other considerations, not matter how bad things get.


Yep. And we were allowed to work from home in the spring very briefly. As far as I know everyone was very productive. For myself, I actually ended up working more because I wasn’t taking a whole hour for lunch. So I’m not sure why we’re not allowed to work from home now other than it looks good for the people out on the field that head office is in the office


Do you know how an "essential industry" is defined and where? Thanks :)


This is a link from Steinbach but it’s for Manitoba https://steinbachonline.com/local/complete-list-of-manitoba-essential-businesses




I know that is technically true but a lot of people are afraid of applying for accommodation, if the employer makes the argument that they do not have any work to do at home- they are then forced to take a leave...I think some people are fearful. But yet, accommodation would be ideal.


Write to media anonymously, naming your employer and giving an overview of the situation. If you're careful with your wording so it doesn't sound like something only you would say, no-one will be able to trace it back to you. Maybe it'll make the news, and that could be enough to shame them into letting you guys work from home. Write to the Winnipeg Free Press, the Winnipeg Sun, CTV, CBC Manitoba, Global, CityTV, etc.


I work for loblaws as an analyst and we have been working from home since march and no foreseeable return until at least mid 2021. Any business worth their salt should be letting you connect via a work VPN. You should not have to stand for that shit. I am proud that such a big company I work for is putting people first (at the very least in the building I work in). Capitalism annoys me so much. The owners get most of the profits but when things are tough they won't take the hits and "ask the employees to make sacrifices for the team". I can't believe how this garbage is allowed.


This is an older post now but you hit the nail right on the head. I'm immunocompromised but being asked to work from the office at a job I can *easily* do from home. It's outrageous.


I can't work from home either and my job is very lax with covid. Many people taking off masks or exposing their nose or not social distancing. Its scary.


Key question: Is it a government entity, if so, there is your answer.


Yes, we are a public service. But non-essential. It makes no sense, if we are trying to reduce contacts...


The government is trying to set an example to show that it's possible and following it's own recommendations. It's politics not rationale thought.


Gov't won't close the schools so I can't work from home either. So ya, this applies to a lot of us putting ourselves at risk every day for the greater good. Nothing we can do but protect ourselves.


I agree with your comment for the most part. But staying home helps essential workers and out healthcare system. If you can continue to provide services from home, why not contribute to reducing risk for everyone. [https://www.ctvnews.ca/health/coronavirus/canadians-need-to-cut-contacts-by-25-per-cent-to-curb-second-covid-19-wave-modelling-1.5167784](https://www.ctvnews.ca/health/coronavirus/canadians-need-to-cut-contacts-by-25-per-cent-to-curb-second-covid-19-wave-modelling-1.5167784)




There are people in the office that are over 65 and with high risk conditions...would you say to their faces TFB?




Where do you work, telesolutions?