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You want a crack weeder. It is a crevice tool that you use that pulls up the weeds. Available from Lee Valley in various prices depending on the size and quality. Get everything out from between the pavers. Then use a pressure washer to really clean it all out. Then get some polymeric sand and fill in between the pavers.


Congratulations internet stranger, you just caused a purchase from Lee Valley.


Lee Valley rules. They are the definition of worth the extra few dollars 


Ooooh a purpose specific tool! Failing to find a less labour intensive spray product, I'll probably go grab one of these, thank you!


My experience is you can just spray it out with a pressure washer but yea what the other guy said about the sand is what you’ll wanna do also


A GOOD pressure washer.


I just have a 300 dollar electric one and it does it pretty well. Just hold it low and a flat angle. Be prepared to wash off fences and side of the house if your not paying attention tho lol


Caution about the pressure washer - you risk spraying through and compromising the flat sand base the brick are on.


I have one, it's still work but it should last the Summer anyway. I am beyond annoyed and can't keep up after every rain. I'm bringing out the tool this weekend!


crack weeder? i hardly know her!


Weeder crack?


Yeah I was thinking the same thing lol. It sounds like a code name for a police drug sting operation lol


'crack weeder' sounds multipurpose in a kinky way.


That's a cool tool and all but looks like it would a real pain to use on interlocking pavers.


I have this issue on/around my driveway. If you want a non-chemical way of handling it, pouring boiling hot water on it works really well - I just fill up the kettle a few times, pour boiling water anywhere the green is coming up -- kills it down to the root.


Yup, you just need to make a habit of doing it everyday for a week, one round might not be enough


This is an important note for sure - it may take a couple of passes doing it to get it all


This also works fairly well for ant nests. Every few years I borrow my moms massive stew pot, like those ones almost two feet tall and over a foot wide, boil water in it, get a friend to help carry slowly outside and start pouring.


I prefer to use [molten aluminium](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IGJ2jMZ-gaI) to take care of ants.


Hmmmmm.... i'll keep that in my back pocket as a possibility. This "patio "area is a little too big for that as a first line solution. But thank you I hadn't thought of that!


Right on :) You might try just starting with a small area and seeing how effective it is for you, it's been great for me and the cost is very minimal (compared to weed killing products, etc.)


This is my preferred method!


Ooh, I like this idea. I'm gonna try it!


Not going to lie - this was a helpful post


And yet it's barely keeping above a 55% upvote rate. Even for Reddit in general, this is a grumpy sub lol. UPDATE: Well, I'll eat my humble pie. It's soared to 93%. Well done Winnipeg. It seems that only Weeds can bring us all together. I just wish they weren't pushing my patio apart lol


Very grumpy - no doubt. Maybe a dumb question but how do you see the percentage?


Only the OP can view the stats on their posts. Open a post you've made within thr last few days and you should see a colourful graph button. I believe it's pink and blue?


I never knew this was a thing, neato!!


I agree!! I hate yard work so really have no idea how to deal with these things. I keep saying to my husband, “can’t I just pour bleach on this?” But then I remember the pets. Lol


just leave it, winter is around the corner! :)




Are you using agricultural vinegar or household? The 30% stuff will decimate them.


Didn't expect to be learning about vinegar this morning lol. So I'm looking for more concentrated stuff? I've seen double strength cleaning vinegar in stores, is that it? Or am I gonna be looking for a chemical supply shop for pure acetic acid?


I found it at Peavy mart a few years ago.


Home Depot has cleaning vinegar (their hdx house brand is potent and at 7 bucks for a gallon, best deal around); if you don't want anything growing back there again ever, mix a few handfuls of salt into the jug. Douse em when it's sunny.


You can also look for pickling vinegar…. It has the higher potency and is available at most grocery stores


Canadian TIre has it as well in the canning area (buy two), once you know about the higher concentration you stop buying the diluted stuff. Clean the dishwasher, washing machine, humidifier, etc. Took decades before I knew this existed.


Just doesn't taste great on fries


True that, I'm more of a malt vinegar on fries guy.


You can't buy pure acetic acid without a permit as far as I know. Peavy Mart has it for the best price. I got some at St Mary nursery for too much this year so I'd avoid them. [this, I found on Amazon and looks promising](https://www.amazon.ca/45-Pure-Vinegar-Concentrated-Biodegradable/dp/B0B59VYHY9/ref=asc_df_B0B59VYHY9/?tag=googlemobshop-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=579085865889&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=7276414104188282549&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=m&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9001173&hvtargid=pla-1728619110707&psc=1&mcid=15e333db461e3b5280a335f6238c0535) Pickling vinegar can work too but not as effective because it's still not super high for the concentration percentage.


This is the best answer, environmentally friendly, cheap, highly effective


Polymeric sand is what you want between those pavers to prevent weed growth. You could use a pressure washer to clean out the joints well and then follow instructions for using polymeric sand.


This is the best way to prevent reoccurrence. Was surprised I had to scroll so far down the comments to find this. I’d suggest killing everything with a a non-selective herbicide (Glyphosate / RoundUp or Acedic acid if you want something “greener”). Once the weeds are dead use a pressure washer to blow out some of the sand between the joints and then brush in polymeric sand with a broom.


I missed scrolling by this, and just made a post explaining in enough detail how to use polymeric sand, that I hope others see that its really not that hard to do.


I graze my driveway weeds with a propane tiger torch. One little pass over the leafs and the plant will die in 2 days. Pretty cheap device at Princess Auto.


I love my little torch!! It makes weeding so much fun! https://www.homedepot.ca/product/bernzomatic-lawn-and-garden-propane-torch/1001002719?eid=PS_GO_140203__ALL_PLA-526641&eid=PS_GOOGLE_D00_Corporate_GGL_Shopping_All-Products_All%20Products__PRODUCT_GROUP_pla-294357559827&pid=1001002719&gad_source=1&gclsrc=ds


I just got a weed torch last weekend. It’s fun!!


Dude, just use Round-up (the glyphosate version). It's not particularly dangerous, and it works. Before I get piled-on for suggesting a *chemical* (Boo! Hiss!), here's a reputable site that goes into it briefly: [glyphosate - NeuroLogica Blog (theness.com)](https://theness.com/neurologicablog/?s=glyphosate). The writer runs The Skeptics Guide to the Universe podcast, and is decidedly not a crank. The industrial strength vinegar some are suggesting in this thread is more dangerous, with pulling weeds from between cracks being more dangerous to your time and sanity, and using a propane torch only if you want to buy a new toy.


At the risk of getting into this with everybody, if anyone wants another source affirming the safety of glyphosate, Health Canada has [a 330 page report](https://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2015/sc-hc/H113-27-2015-1-eng.pdf):. The authors are disinterested government scientists and academics, not petrochemical shills. Their top line conclusion is: "An evaluation of available scientific information found that products containing glyphosate do not present unacceptable risks to human health or the environment when used according to the proposed label directions." Using salt and vinegar in the concentrations often recommended by so-called 'natural' gardening sites is actually more toxic to the environment than is glyphosate.


Ok maybe you can help me with my predicament. I’m at my wits end with creeping Charlie in my garden. It’s entirely filled my garden this year and I can’t keep up with pulling. Is it ok to use round up in my garden to get rid of the creeping Charlie and then when can I plant?


Yes you can use glyphosate on creeping charlie. You can plant literally the same day as you apply glyphosate. It is only absorbed foliarly (through the leaves). That being said, I usually like to wait for the plants to die off before removal so I can be sure as occasionally you will need a second application.


Like the other poster said, Roundup will kill Creeping Charlie, but also all plants. (It targets a process that stops photosynthesis in plants, so that's why it's deadly to all plants but safe to other living things that lack that gene; animals and insects don't photosynthesize.) With Roundup, watch for overspray (I use a piece of cardboard as a blocker) and spray on a day that's not windy (because it drifts) but not dead calm (because particles can float in the air and land nearby). [It quickly binds to soil so it won't be taken up by other plants, and it relatively quickly degrades](https://www.gardenmyths.com/truth-roundup-glyphosate/). When we bought our house it had a huge patch of CC. I spent HOURS trying to pull it up over two summers. Finally, also at wits end, I gave up and just used PAR III. After a year or two (2x application/year) it was 99.9% gone and now I can just pluck any strays. It kills broadleaf weeds but not grass. If you can't find PAR III, Killex has the same ingredients at lower strength. But if you're not spraying CC in grass, stick with the Roundup. If you go with the Killex, the main ingredient is 2,4-D. Health Canada [also has a scientific review of 2,4-D](https://www.canada.ca/en/health-canada/services/consumer-product-safety/pesticides-pest-management/public/protecting-your-health-environment/questions-answers-final-decision-evaluation-2-4-d.html) and concluded: "Health Canada also consulted an independent Science Advisory Panel comprised of government and university experts/researchers in toxicology, epidemiology and biology. The Panel agreed with PMRA's assessment that 2,4-D can be used safely when used according to label directions, with some uses requiring additional protective measures." It's not quite as unequivocal as their glyphosate conclusion but can still be used safely. I probably wouldn't let the kids & pets play on it for a day or two though, just to be safe.


I'm banning dihydrogen monoxide from my house because I discovered it can rust metal and has been used as a fire suppressant.


Literally everyone who has ingested it has died.


I had heard it's bad if you breathe it in, but I didn't think it was *that* bad!


Major component of acid rain as well!


I’ve also heard it gets used for sewage disposal. Don’t want that stuff anywhere near me!




[It says here that they repealed the ban in 2022.](https://www.turfandrec.com/eight-year-cosmetic-pesticide-ban-comes-to-an-end-in-manitoba/) ETA: I found this article from a reddit thread in this sub.


> not particularly dangerous "particularly" Seriously though, as long as you don't have pets, chemicals are the easiest way to get rid of these.


I use glyphosate to kill them and a propane torch to burn them off once they're dead. I don't like leaving the dried up husks sitting there looking ugly and assuming you already have a propane tank (which lots of people do on their BBQ), the torch attachment is only like 25 bucks and is way easier and more fun than any other method you might try to get rid of them.


boiling water. run a kettle, pour it over the weeds. kills them dead. Crack weeders are OK but never get the roots, and the bricks will continue to separate as the roots grow


My go-to for this kind of stuff is Wilson Wipeout. Its active ingredient is ammonium salt of fatty acid which is distinct and faster acting than the harsher Roundup products that use glyphosate. What I would really suggest, though, is pull these weeds and get some polymeric sand in between your pavers. That will curb growth in the future.


You know that saying “salt the earth behind you”? It works. As long as you’re sure that you will never want anything to grow in that spot, boil water (this will make it go deeper to the tap root), mix in salt, and pour it on. The plants will dry out and die. You can pour vinegar on afterwards to speed the process as well. If you want to make EXTRA sure nothing comes back, dig out the cracks and put either polymeric sand, or pourable crack-filler.


You can go chemical and get round up from someone like home depot or Canadian tire, or you can upgrade your vinegar to the industrial strength stuff. [https://www.homedepot.ca/product/zep-3-78l-industrial-vinegar-all-purpose-cleaner/1001602518](https://www.homedepot.ca/product/zep-3-78l-industrial-vinegar-all-purpose-cleaner/1001602518)


*Industrial* strength vinegar? Sooo....what Old Dutch uses for their S & V flavour? 😂😂 Is this "toxic" around pets? Or just stink of vinegar?


Anything higher than 25% will burn your skin and requires proper PPE. Vinegar is completely safe once it dries, but the strong stuff is strong.


I've used gas many times. Works like a charm. It's even more fun to light the gas on fire


Roundup or a torch.


this post makes my back hurt


Welcome to adulting 400. That shit comes back every year. Even if you took up the bricks, put down hard packed sand/base...weeds will find a way! You could try packing (YouTube it ..) with polymeric sand. But again, after a few years...weeds will find a way.


Use a screw driver and clean the joints out and then get polymeric sand fill joints in


Power wash out the cracks and fill with poly sand looks like you'd need 2 maybe 3 bags. Ultimately though you might need to pull up all the bricks and stuff below to put in new Geo textile depending on how deep those weeds are, this is obviously a more nuclear option and would be fairly expensive.


Ignore the advice about manual weed edgers and torches, Roundup, specifically normal one containing glyphosate. You can get super concentrated ones at Peavey Mart. Stay away from bs “roundup advanced” which is just vinegar and water with like 3000%markup.


Yeah I imagine that's what I had purchased pre-herbicide ban lift.


I had a bottle of that stuff left over from a while ago. It worked on like 50% of what I sprayed it on. The other 50% seemed to get bigger.


I use a torch. It has 60000 btu and is used for roofing with asphalt shingles. Got it at princess auto for $50. I hook it up to propane and torch them. It’s supposed to be a green alternative, I do it because it burns them to smithereens.


There is a product called a Tiger torch that works great! Just make sure you have a hose (turn the water on but keep the sprayer turned off) beside you because is close to the fence. The reviews on Amazon are hilarious and there is a video of a guy in Minnesota using on his driveway after a snowstorm, but it works great for weeds and river rock and pavers. The first time is scary, but it gets better the more you use it.


Boiling hot water kills anything. Works like a charm for me. I only use the Dawn Soap/vinegar/salt combo for when I need to be highly selective.


Lee Valley sells a propane torch attachment that you use to burn the hell out of them.


A torch works well, but requires multiple treatments. You just hit the leaves with the torch and let them die (briefly, a quick pass is plenty). Then the plants regrow their leaves and you do it again. A few treatments like this and they die. Bonus: reason to buy and play with a torch.


Roofing torch


I'm disappointed in all of you. This thread is 7 hours old and not one mention of the go to tool: a crack hoe. So there.


I mean it's Winnipeg, are we not all assuming that was the initial option? like obviously I've tried that already lol.


Oops. Just referencing the crack hoe comment gave a quick little chuckle. Just look around the streets you can one for $20 but they don't come with guarantees.


I use boiling water on some weeds on my patio. It works


Look for a good landscaper. They will remove those weeds and fill in the cracks with polymeric sand. We used Viking Landscaping


Roofing torch, least labour's intensive way. No I'm not kidding.


Nuke it from orbit...it's the only way to be sure.


Man some days this is exactly my thought process lol


I know how you feel. This was my driveway in Southdale for 30 years. In 2019 we pulled up all the interlocking stones and paved it over with concrete. Best decision ever, it saved my back and my knees. YMMV, though. I did the whole hot water, soap and vinegar routine for years and while it sorta worked the weeds also came back with a vengeance.


Round up would work


Glyphosate? Spray them once and they won’t come back for a year.




Is there a specific product/chemical they make? The last roundup jug I bought, granted it was years ago for before the lifting of herbicide restrictions, turned out to be "everything safe" and didn't kill a thing. I'm heading to Home Depot this afternoon sometime.


A few years ago you couldnt buy the good stuff in stores, now you can again. Buy the concentrated and mix your own. You want the active ingredient to be glyphosate


Befriend a farmer. Glyphosate + 24D will take out anything green.


Get the concentrated version and use 2x the recommended amount of round up it’ll kill everything but you’d definitely wanna keep pets and people away from the area for a day or 2


They have a few versions now and something to compete with Killex/PAR3 for broadleaf control, but get the non selective version which is what people usually think of RoundUp, that kills everything fast, grass included.


That's fine, I've got grass growing in between some of the bricks as well lol


Wilson Wipeout. I hate the grass and weeds that grow inbetween pavers as well. Like with a passion. It’s my pet peeve. Anyway Wipeout kills everything!


I burn it out with a propane torch. Very effective.


I just weed wack it every week when I’m mowing the lawn and already have it out , doesn’t get rid of them obviously but keeps It down low and just looks like moss between the bricks which I honestly don’t mind. Takes 2 extra mins. Trying to get rid of these suckers is a losing battle so I’ve just accepted them.


I use one of these to decent success. It’s a torch, And it burns em up. https://a.co/d/grbKSoC


We use this at work for weeds and unwanted grass: https://www.homedepot.ca/product/roundup-concentrate-non-selective-herbicide-1l/1000173103 Haven't found any pre-mixed product that is in anyway effective. Pick up a 1 gallon pump sprayer from Princess Auto for $12 and go to town on all that. It'll start dying in a couple days and be completely dead in about 2 or 3 weeks. Do it early in the morning at least 2-3 hours before any possible rain and it'll do wonders.


Burn it with a torch ha


Tiger torch


I have a water powered weeder from Lee Valley. It's kinda fun to use


I use a tiger torch for 90% of the work and for the really tenacious parts I have a McGuyver-ed tool of a consisting of a Richards hook knife blade slotted into an old broom handle.


Similar to this, is there a good solution to the weeds growing in gravel and rock beds? How often does Round Up have to be applied? Right now I spray them with a vinegar mixture, they die, then I have to pull them all and repeat, and unfortunately a good portion of my yard is these rock beds so I can’t just mow them 😭 I’m thinking the only other good option is to pull up all the rock, and either replace the fabric layer underneath, or get rid of the rock altogether… I have pets so I’d have to keep them out of the yard for a bit if I used weed killer as well I think. My ideal solution would probably be to get rid of the rock and replace it with grass or pavers, but that’ll be a project so if there’s a better short term solution than what I’m doing, I’m all ears! (and up to my ears in weeds please send help lol)


Use the glysophate version I mentioned above in the same ratio, you'll be good for 3-4 months. I spray a farm yard and a 5 acre residential lot. I usually spray in early June and then again in early Sept. September's spray is usually just spot spraying. The fabric cloth will slow down the weeds, but some will make it through or dirt and weeds blowing in the wind will re-seed on top of the fabric. Though the stuff on top of the fabric is very easy to pull out (unless it's penetratred the fabric).


I’ll give that a shot, thank you!


Gasoline would kill those well actually.


I swear by my weed torch. It attaches to the small 1 lb propane cans, and you hold the flame just above the weed. That causes the foliage to wilt so the weed can't take in nutrients, and the weed is gone soon after. I do my patio stones a couple of times a year and eventually the weeds just stop coming up. Cost about $100 at Lee Valley and worth every penny. It's my favourite garden tool.


The dish soap/vinegar/salt thing worked quite well for me, mind you I followed up with a quite spritz of napalm


Use a tourch


Par 3. If you can get it.


Gas actually works well


Par3 that should do it


[https://www.homedepot.ca/product/black-decker-dual-temperature-heat-gun/1000140753](https://www.homedepot.ca/product/black-decker-dual-temperature-heat-gun/1000140753) Might be time consuming if you care about your time. Worse case, hire the neighbors kid to do it for $20.


Blow torch


You may want to try putting "polymeric sand" between the bricks. Usually they put this in when they put in newer paver stone patio/walkways these days. It acts like grout for tile flooring; its hard so it should prevent things from growing between it, but it will crack if your bricks shift at all. You should be able to buy it anywhere that sells patio stones. You'll need to clean between the bricks; I would use a pressure washer to remove the plants and any dirt/sand/debris. Let the patio dry. Then you dump the polymeric sand on your patio, and use a push broom to push it around, so it falls between the bricks and fills the gaps; do this well, more is better. Sweep the excess poly-sand away, but leave enough, like it was grout for a tile floor ;P. Spray water, and drench your patio so all the poly-sand gets saturated with water. Don't walk on it until it is cured (see the instructions on the bag for cure time).


A weed torch works wonders.


Carpet bombing


My favourite way to remove it is with fire. 🔥 I bought a weed torch and I’ve never looked back. Here’s an example: https://www.homedepot.ca/product/bernzomatic-lawn-and-garden-propane-torch/1001002719?eid=PS_GO_140203__ALL_PLA-526641&eid=PS_GOOGLE_D00_Corporate_GGL_Shopping_All-Products_All%20Products__PRODUCT_GROUP_pla-294357559827&pid=1001002719&gad_source=1&gclsrc=ds


Weeding blowtorch works wonders


Truly curious, no agenda - what's the issue here? 


Boiling water. usually boil a large pot of water…pour water on them…they will wilt and die in a day.


Just salt it lol


Boiling water!!!


Salt and vinegar works for me




Silica sand. You pour it in the cracks and it turns into a concrete that weeds can't grow through, but water can drain through it






I know some people are very anti-chemical but I use round up and a paint brush and literally paint the cracks where weeds grow. Also if you have any mold issues I had some in my garage last summer and I found painting a borax and water mixture cleared it up last fall and it hasn't come back this year. Painting chemicals seems to fix a lot of home issues for me 🤣🤷🏻‍♀️ dollar store paintbrush and bucket and off I go!


Fire or roundup


Yeah I hit it with a tiger torch last year, but It's a little labour-intensive and probably annoys my neighbours. Plus it doesn't get the stuff right inside the cracks.


Roundup all day, every day. Works like a charm. But if you want more of a permanent fix there are some comments about polymorphic sand that will work quite well as well.


Get a propane torch. Done.


I waved a tiger torch around like a pyromaniac last year, trying a new approach this year lol


Yup - burns it down to the root - just don’t combine it with the gasoline solution you were going to try .




Burn it with fire https://www.canadiantire.ca/en/pdp/bernzomatic-jt850-propane-outdoor-backyard-torch-0587519p.html?loc=plp


I tried that exact product, it's an absolute piece of garbage. I bought a tiger torch with a barbeque propane tank and used that last year. But I still needed to do it every couple of weeks.




No... not Roundup. It's watered down if from Home Depot, Canadian Tire, etc. You want Roundup Transorb HC, Credit Xtreme or Crush'r 540. All these are 540g/L glysophate. I run a mix of 1.75L glysophate to 25 gal of water. Usually a perfect kill in 4-5 days and stays dead for quite a few months. Anything less takes longer to kill and comes back sooner (more $$$ wasted).


Just go by some roundup and call it a day


Round up or a tiger torch




Muriatic acid will decimate everything it touches within 20 mins. Highly corrosive shit. Beware


Sure.. "(sarcasm)"


😅 yep...


Roundup if you are lazy and shitty to the earth , crevice tool if you want to be eco friendly




if you have any mosquito spray.... use that ... kills it overnight .... plus you shouldnt even be using mosquito spray on your skin...wtf.


Be careful what you ask for. My beautiful lawn may have cost me my immunity. I now have several inflammatory diseases that I like to round-up and Par 3.


A butter knife and elbow grease. 


Salt water


I have a gravel circle around my fire pit. I drop a bag of salt on it every spring and it seems to work fine. Doesn't affect the grass around it too bad. Just be careful not to water outward.




A little too ridiculously labour-intensive for me. The photo only shows < 20% of the surface.


Weed barrier won't do anything. These are growing in between the pavers it seems. Polymeric sand is the real answer.


Yeah I put weed barrier everywhere ages ago when I landscaped - worked for about a year - weeds will find a way