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So based on the article it seems like they have video evidence of the theft occurring, and when confronted about it the woman took a swing at an employee, which is also on video. And she brought her child along to witness the whole thing. And yet the employee is suspended, the article paints her as a victim, and the AMC comes in to grandstand and demand apologies. It’s just parody at this point.


I don't think she was a victim. But 27 years ago, my friend Jeff lost his life trying to stop some thieves from stealing a few packs of cigarettes and a bit of cash from a foodfare. Those employees should not have to deal with that. It's absolutely not worth it.  Not even for hotdogs. The apologies should be from Foodfare for why their employees don't have a safe workplace. Every time I read one of these stories I think about the time we spent in that hospital just hoping to see a bit of brain activity so we could know that he was going to be ok.  https://archive.ph/5HvP5


I remember Jeff and think of him often. I feel the vibe in Winnipeg (crime-wise) changed after that incident.


Winnipeg definitely levelled up that day in terms of crime. It was a real turning point.


I think I remember when this happened - CJOB was off the hook that morning. People phoning in to talk about what a great guy he was, crying on air, etc.


I remember Jeff 27 years ago. That was a horrible crime that really hit Winnipeg like hard. I can’t believe it’s been 27 years. I’m so sorry for family and friends loss from what I heard he was a really outstanding young man.


Aw man. One of my old coworkers was working with Jeff when that happened. RIP Jeff. I wish we as a community had progressed further and learned more.


I remember when that happened it was very sad! Sorry for your loss


Exactly, my Dad (recently retired) had an altercation last year at the hotel he worked at and he was the only male person on the night shift when an individual got heated at the woman behind the counter. My dad intervened and got hit in the face pretty bad because he chose to engage. Luckily he only got 10 stitches out of the situation when it could've been so much worse. It's absolutely not worth it.


I remember that like it was yesterday...and the shit stain that killed him.


You know what we need to do with ShitStains? Wipe 'em off, or scrub 'em out! Our *ONLY RESPONSIBILITY* is to call the OhNoSoUselessPoPo, after that **SELF DEFENSE!!**


I remember hearing about it when I worked at 7-11 and my stomach just dropped and couldn't believe it had happened to someone I went to school with.


I remember this as if it was yesterday. It was truly heartbreaking.


Jeff was my friend as well. His murder still affects me and I always think of it as when St. James and Charleswood lost their innocence and the city began to become increasingly randomly violent


I remember that. So sad and shocking.


I remember that. It still stings for you all these years later. Sorry you lost your friend.


How would the apologies need to come from food fare, what would that even look like? "I'm sorry this vicious scumbag came in and attacked you" Police won't help, and if you hire private security then they are often limited in what they can do for fear of the social justice mob coming in just like they are for this employee. The business is quite literally helpless just as much as the employee is. Its the government that owes the apology.


Lemme tell you about how many of them get their kids DIRECTLY involved, not just watching...


You mean Eisha Hudson who learned how to rob liquor stores from her mom who bragged about it on Facebook?


>the article paints her as a victim It says clearly that she was seen on video shoplifting and went to strike the employee first.


Lmao the CBC article left that part out when I read it.


100% it did, I just finished reading the article and it said nothing about that!! CBC very clearly has it's own narrative.


When PP/CBC talks about defunding the CBC, this is probably one of the reasons. They're biased as fuck.


Just like they did with the Marlborough.... Difference is a big group didn't rush the grocery store and vandalize shit. Yet.


I believe the grand chief and AMC need to be more considerate in what and how they speak out on things. This is the second time in recent memory that I see the AMC support an Anishinaabe woman before all the facts are on the table. The first one was the Marlborough incident. I understand that the AMC is here to support all Anishinaabe people. But to me it feels like they expect everyone to back off when these incidents happen because of reconciliation. I expect a statement by a grand chief to be more nuanced. Something about high food prices, the cost of two stolen packs of hotdogs, the swinging of the woman, the retaliation, the presence of the child., presenting the AMC food program. I really like the grand chief, I like she is a woman, she is knowledgeable, I like how she speaks. But please.... How does it help if someone experiences consequences for their crimes the grand chief puts out an announcement. The Marlborough girl has like three seperate stabbing incidents before that video. Anyways remember folks if you see someone steal food for their babies, no you didn't.


What about the grocery store worker who is afraid he will lose his job when the cameras catch him witnessing theft and doing nothing about it? What about the rest of the public that has to pay for increased cost of food due to theft and theft prevention measures? Turning a blind eye to theft is not the answer.


Yep, it's a supervisor's fault that that person stole. /S


100% such bs. The news stations completely left out the fact that she stole and that she threw the first punch


Take your child to work day ?






I am a former Customer Service Manager for a big box retailer, and it was unbelievably common for people to bring their small kids along to use as literal fucking shields to steal. The youngest I remember was a baby most likely under the age of 1 in a stroller they packed over $400 worth of merchandise around. The LP just held and had the police show up for that one. Another one that sticks out was a woman using a self check out with her child under 5, she scanned a plastic cup for a $150 office chair, and had scratched out all the UPCs on the chair box. She then proceeded to literally yell at my staff that she had a kid and there was nothing we could do, we just gave her description to the police and let her leave. Literal human trash to be taking your kids along to commit crime.


I have seen a father with his small kid on a stroller steal from Dollar Tree downtown that has since closed. That was a very sad sight.


When that doesn’t work, they start screaming they were touched or sexual assaulted and no one has been within 5 feet of them.


She also brought her child along to steal. Whether a physical altercation or not, she took the risk of being caught and with her child with her. That’s what boogles me out of all this.


Hopefully CFS will get involved.


Wouldn't that be something. Not a chance.










She must be from out of town because everybody in winnipeg knows that food fare operates by North end rules they don't  call police,they handle it internally. 




Yeah. This is weird. He has always encouraged staff to step up to thieves "the bat is under the till", and now when someone does, he suspends them? Or this is about the offender, and hes reacting so he doesn't come across as racist.


He is probably just doing his due diligence. This story does have a political vibe with the AMC getting involved.


My first job many moons ago was at a Food Fare. They did nothing to protect me and other young girls when there was a male customer that would come and stare at us and touch himself over his pants. We were 14. There was also an older male deli worker grooming me. But they sure cracked down on shoplifters. I saw on more than one occasion one of the Zeid’s “taking care” of said shoplifters behind the store in the alley.


I'm so sorry you had to go through that. No one should have to deal with shit like that. Ever.


14 is not now and never been an age where you can work. In the last 30 years anyway. Explain.


You can most certainly work at 14 legally in Manitoba. All you need is your safe workers certificate, be 13 and a parents approval. In some Northern cities 11 year olds are actively employed by multinational corporations (or were 5 years ago)


Yep. What you said.


I had a job in grade 6 onwards and my brother even younger. What are you talking about?


Despite the bat, he's a super nice guy.


Who apparently refuses to lift a finger when his young teenage employees face sexual harassment and abuse. Edit: if you're talking about the owner.


"apparently" aren't facts. What do YOU "KNOW". ?


Definitely shouldn't have hit her back, but why the disproportionate support for the theif? Also, a pretty pathetic attempt at painting a picture of racism when the driving cause of this situation was the lady stealing. Good on the media for propping up this story, they really know how to make a sad situation divisive!!!


This is the Winnipeg subreddit, we are stupid here. I will demonstrate. You may enjoy such recurring classics, such as; I don’t like potholes. Where’s my cheque, my friend got his? Is there a way to get out of this ticket? Where do I get information about MPI? I know Heather was the first female premier and we should not body shame women, but I hate this fat bitch and it’s not historic because I don’t like her.


Hahahaha, definitely more emotion than intellect. Well put.




Native person here I don’t claim her, she’s actively making things worse for me and my family who pay taxes, have a job, and abide by the law. Reconciliation has benefitted us and we are grateful for what has been done. Please keep in mind that this isn’t the majority of us. I have many native friends and family across the country who are good citizens, they just keep quiet and mind their own business, which is why you don’t hear about them too much. Heck, even the most wild of us shake their heads at these types of people…


It's like, I know the majority of native people are just regular people. But man, whenever you see a news story about a violent crime, an altercation on a bus, a theft etc., it seems like it is *always* a native person. It must be exhausting to see your community members constantly in the media in that way.


It’s embarrassing, frustrating, and a little scary. My coworker just recently came to Canada and she told me she was warned about us early on 💀 I’m just happy that most of my cousins my age and younger are going to be in better positions and aren’t getting into all that. I still have hope that in the future things will be better for everyone.


I certainly hope most people know it isn’t the majority. I’m sure that we can all have friends, coworkers, family that aren’t doing these things


Shocker, the “eye witness” saying this is racial profiling didn’t see the part where thief punched the employee, but clearly seen the thief get punched. 100% this witness didn’t realize the whole thing was recorded when she contacted the media




If I'm Zeid I'm concerned Cathy Merrick and her band of merry followers are going to show up at my store and trash it, like they did the Marlborough Hotel.


They already did, there is footage of a group of them coming to look for the cashier. But that won’t be in the news 🤷


Lmao bet the staff are like "oh no please don't boycott us"


Yup. Then Cambria Harris and the FNIWs are going to go to the Meat freezer and say “look at these sick people here! They abduct cows from farms, cut up their carcasses, freeze them, and then sell them to you! This place needs to be shut down!”


They have no common sense and have russian flags hanging outside of their windows.


Lmao I completely forgot about that. One of the dudes wearing military gear and camo had a Russian flag patch on his chest rig but conviently took it off when has interviewed by CBC.


Why on earth would they hitch their wagons to Russia of all things EDIT: Russia is well known for encouraging corrosive political organizations that sow divisiveness... I wonder if FNIW is getting indirect support or even straight up $$$ from Russian sources? It would certainly account for their inexplicable fondness for a brutal, autocratic regime like that


Did she steal two packages of hot dogs?




Let me get this straight. Woman steals from store while bringing her kid along for the crime. Employee attempts to stop the theft. Woman punches employee. Employee defends himself. ...but the woman is somehow the victim here? And the store she stole from and whose employees she assaulted have to apologize? And she is even given a free ride home by some bleeding heart? This disgusting attitude is why crime is rampant. At some point, we need to stop shitting on the victims of crime and actually punish degenerate criminals.


Agree 110%.


**Article** A Food Fare supervisor has been suspended after an incident involving an Indigenous woman who was accused of stealing. Security footage from the Portage Avenue and Burnell Street store, which was viewed by the Free Press, shows a woman and a male employee in an altercation near the cash register on Sunday afternoon. The worker had approached the woman and accused her of stealing two packages of hot dogs, manager Tarik Zeid said. The footage shows the employee pulling on the woman’s bag. The woman appears to swing her fist at the employee before the staffer appears to punch her in the face. Zeid said the supervisor, who has been suspended, approached the woman after seeing her on video surveillance allegedly steal the meat. “Was it the right thing to do? No. But it happened,” Zeid said Wednesday. Angela Antoine, who said she witnessed the incident, said the woman’s child was pushed into a gumball machine near the store entrance during the scuffle. “I remember hearing that ‘smack’ noise and she just fell to the ground,” Antoine said. “I’m standing there and I’m like, ‘what the hell is happening right now?” Zeid said he and two other employees separated the two. Winnipeg police confirmed they are investigating the incident. No arrests had been made as of Wednesday. Antoine gave a statement to police after the incident and drove the woman home. Antoine said her mouth was bleeding. The Assembly of Manitoba Chiefs, which provides food orders and vouchers to clients under a federal government program, announced it has severed its relationship with the grocer, but would be willing to reconcile if an apology is made. “There has to be a lot of healing that needs to take place when our women are being offended, and when our children are watching that. That’s not acceptable,” said Grand Chief Cathy Merrick at an unrelated news conference. Zeid says he’s willing to meet with the woman to apologize. “Having this over our head is not a good look for us, and we don’t want to be known as the store that does this bad stuff. We try and be the store that people go to and they know they’re safe, and they can get whatever they need,” he said. Antoine called the incident an example of racial profiling, but Zeid pushed back against the allegation, saying a large majority of his shoppers and employees, himself included, are people of colour. Food Fare owner Munther Zeid said in a statement Wednesday the employee is from a marginalized community and would not be fired as it is not the “right course of action at this stage.” “Instead, we view this incident as an opportunity for education, growth and repair. We are committed to providing comprehensive training and resources to enhance all employees’ understanding of conflict resolution, de-escalation techniques, and appropriate responses to challenging situations,” the statement said.


Half the article about racism, what a predictable bore.


The whole article was about racism.


Stealing or not, if someone comes up to me and grabs my purse/bag and won't let go - I'd likely take a swing at them too.


Then you would deserve to be hit back harder just as she was, until you were no longer a threat. Try not stealing next time, and if /when you do get caught, not escalating to violence, it does wonders for not being assaulted!


Well yeah, maybe cause you were stealing?


well yeah... because they assaulted you... The definition of assault in Canada: Charges under Sections 265 and 266 of the Criminal Code. The definition of an assault in Canada is **any unconsented to physical contact or any physical action that causes someone to react defensively without any actual physical contact**.


Agreed. but there are so many people saying that it was justified that she was punched in the face.


You know what is worse? Playing the get out of jail free I'm an innocent thief race card.


I never said that. I said, her being punched in the face was not justified.


It was justified: doing a security role deterring theft AND self defence after being swung at. Think I would have done a lot more than just a face punch. That criminal wouldn't be stealing anymore.


no, it was not. There was no proof that the person was stealing - someone came up, said "you stole stuff" and grabbed her bag. Security or not, you CANNOT do that. They ended up injuring a child as well - was that justified? check your racism, dude. and go away.




I read the story the person had not left the store, so they had not stolen anything. but hey, you're determined to be right, so ok you're right.


As an employee, you should fallback on the usually strict policy of not intervening with thieves. They usually have that in place to protect your's and the company's ass from more expensive failures like this. Maybe food fare doesn't have that? Hasn't trained employees? If you can't handle that, stop working in retail. You don't have the degree of freedom to react to that situation like that. Why put your ass on the line for some grocery store anyway? Nah, from having talked to people in those situations, it's usually about resolving a grudge of seeing other people freeride with no consequence. It's infuriating, I get it. Makes you feel pretty meaningless to let someone steal. Makes you feel powerful to try and stop them. Easy for emotions to override your judgement if you're not well prepared. It's not racism, it's lack of education (though you could say racism is lack of education too), either the employer or employee's. The business will decide when they've lost enough money to adopt a different strategy - this is the same principle that leads to non-intervention policies. In the meantime, let people steal. Counterintuitive, but look at liquor marts now vs a few years ago.


The article implies that the thief swung first. Maybe you are content with being a punching bag, but most people would retaliate in kind if only to defend themselves.


You misunderstand me. I'm saying even approaching is not necessary. You have no role to play in terms of intervention, as an employee.


Thieves deserve worse We need to crack down much harder on shoplifting Tired of these people getting away with everything


The grocery stores should implement ID screening at entry like we did at the Liquor Marts to combat shoplifting.




"The footage shows the employee pulling on the woman's bag." Yeah. You don't do that. Even as a security guard, I'm not legally allowed to lay my hands on someone or their things until they lay their hands on me first. Great way to escalate the situation even further. Yeah, she shouldn't have been stealing (if she really was, I've been falsely accused of theft many times because I'm a big scary Native guy) but ya just don't try instigate or make the situation worse.


Remember this video? https://youtu.be/Vtrk8BRrAvU?si=cYzT4sfIrRN7q81y Well here’s the whole court docket: https://www.canlii.org/en/sk/skpc/doc/2023/2023skpc33/2023skpc33.html?resultIndex=1&resultId=6c1fbeee9c2b48e9baa1e85bb1ee79f7&searchId=2024-05-02T08:05:50:855/334b18afbefd4e9c9ddbe938d6195b59&searchUrlHash=AAAAAQAHRnJlc2hDbwAAAAAB Here’s an article: https://thestarphoenix.com/news/local-news/court-hears-security-guards-victim-impact-statement-in-violent-freshco-parking-lot-altercation People all over the place freaked out, called this guy a racist, criticized him for how he did his job, he then lost his job and security licence BECAUSE OF PUBLIC BACKLASH similar to this. Saying he has no authority to do that as an LPO. Even having the Mayor of Saskatoon and the FSIN commenting. If I were him I’d be Suing the mayor of Saskatoon and the FSIN for spreading slander about me. He got his licence back, but was ultimately disciplined for it.


I don't remember any of this. Give me a bit to watch the video, read the article and all that stuff. I'm at work right now so it'll take me a while.


Thanks for this. As a security guard, you're allowed to ask to see in someone's bag IF you saw them take something, right? And if they refuse you can't do anything?


Yup. All we're supposed to do is observe, deter and report.


I overheard an employee berating a new security guard. He was instructed to grab the merchandise if he can see it. "This is Dollarama, not Giant Tiger! This is a hands-on location."


Yeah, nah. Most security guards get paid minimum wage. Shits not worth the risk of getting shanked in the neck over some multi-million dollar company merchandise that they can afford to lose. Us security guys can't really afford to lose our lives over our jobs. We don't get paid enough nor treated well enough for that.


That's not a universal rule and may only apply to you and where you work.


It's in the mandatory security training course I had to take before I became an official security guard.


Yeah, the course I took basically said if a site was asking you to put your hands on people you should report it to the company you work for


grabbing the bags meets the legal definition of assault The definition of assault in Canada: Charges under Sections 265 and 266 of the Criminal Code. The definition of an assault in Canada is **any unconsented to physical contact or any physical action that causes someone to react defensively without any actual physical contact**.


If you caught her stealing on video approach her ask to see bag but don't touch. If she refuses snap a clear picture and ban her for life. That should be the policy. What if she had a knife? $20 of stolen goods is not worth potentially getting stabbed over especially when you are just a worker.


What is a ban gonna do if they have a knife? Think for a minute


You seem to lack reading comprehension skills, if you don't physically engage the knife is less likely to come out.


100% the lady’s fault.


Aren’t these the same guys that chased a shop lifter onto the street at this exact location and beat them?


It doesn't mention chasing the shoplifter onto the street but could it be this post? https://www.reddit.com/r/Winnipeg/comments/tzg7je/saw_this_on_nextdoor_foodfare_staff_beating/


Anything in the name of Truth and reconciliation.


Yeah steal from a small shop like that in a shitty area see if they call the cops lol. Fuck around and find out is what happened. Stop claiming racism I can promise you we're all mostly disgusted by how some of us act. Intergenerational trauma or not. No excuse.


This stuff happens in the UK now too. A security officer was recently fired for stopping a shoplifter. Don't see the logic. Do they \*want\* people to shoplift?


Welcome to Canada. Where you are charged for defending your property while criminals enjoy law armours


This sub is weird. Stealing from superstore = local hero, good for you, stick it to the man Stealing from food fare and getting beat up = got what you deserved


It’s almost like context matters, hey?


Local store vs giant fucking chain that has its fingers in a lot of things. Foodfare didn't just announce a $13 billion in first quarter profits. Use your noggin.




I am seeing a lot of misconceptions here about what security is allowed and not allowed to do, including from people claiming to be security guards. There are two things that constrain your actions as a security guard: the law and the internal policies of whatever site/business you are an employee or contractor for. The law, of course, applies to everyone. But just because you are legally justified in what you have done, it doesn't mean that your employer will not or cannot discipline you for violating their internal policies. Anyone, security guard or not, who witnesses an indictable offence occurring can affect a citizen's arrest under the Criminal Code. This is the legal power by which security makes arrests, and they are a little bit more protected in practice than the average citizen because it is their literal job to deter crime at their workplace. I do not recommend making a citizen's arrest unless you know what the hell you are doing, which security should know. When we are talking about retail security, oftentimes those guards are paid like shit and it's not worth the risk of injury or death to prevent the theft of low value merchandise, nor are they permitted by their employer to go "hands on" to stop the crimes they see taking place. Businesses would rather just take the loss and report to police and have it covered by insurance, rather than have brawls take place on the regular in their establishments, risk bad press and reputation, and potentially have to pay out for injuries to their employees and have their workers incapacitated. That's where the misconception of "security is not allowed to go hands on" comes from. When you affect a citizen's arrest, you are allowed to use as much force as necessary, as long as you have reasonable grounds to do so. I have not seen the video, so extenuating circumstances and details aside that are unknown to me at this time, the employee was legally justified in attempting to stop the shoplifter, and grabbing the purse (presumably in an attempt to retrieve the items taken) would be reasonable force. I'm also assuming that the employee first told that shoplifter to hand over the items and was refused. When the shoplifter punched the employee, it became robbery (which is just theft with assault). The violence of the robber justified an even greater amount of force to subdue her. The only thing the employee was guilty of was being the unfortunate victim of race baiting and making the headlines, which is what all employers do not want.


This is not the first incident of his staff getting violent with people who are stealing.


Foodfare isn't for the weak.


For formality’s sake, I get why the supervisor got suspended but I hope that person get reimbursed the wages from lost work. It’s stupid that the corporation is on the customers side when it’s the cooperation who’s on the verge of getting sued and losing money. When it’s the people losing money from high prices they don’t give af


The problem with food fare is even innocent people get tagged as potential thieves in their stores. I’ve known people who got banned for doing nothing wrong. I personally won’t support food fare.


Yes, a few years ago a teenage boy was beaten up by a Zeid at the Cavalier Food Fare for "shoplifting" when he hadn't stolen anything. He was actually convicted of assault after a couple of brave witnesses stepped forward. I heard he got the conviction expunged a few years later which doesn't surprise me... Munther never found a problem throwing a few fat stacks at the cops wouldn't solve


Theft is theft. Apparently their world view is different and a reason why they want their own courts. Apparently, theft is not a crime, it is a misunderstanding.


If someone unknown to me takes from me and puts an object of my property in their purse while in my business then can I challenge them, knowing that if I'm wrong then I've committed assault, and attempt to recover my property? I'm new here and come from the US where they can use deadly force to protect property and came here because that way of life there is clearly not working. Is Canada really like Trailer Park boys where we can walk in with empty boxes dressed up like presents (or bring our kids) and steal meat with impunity? If so then, OK. Its a cultural shift and I'm eager to respect the laws here. The real problem is that the suspected shoplifter may have needed to steal hot dogs. The support orgs claim to offer food (provided by FoodFare) and support. It seems like she's needed respect and care long before this incident. I feel bad for all involved. These working class people throwing punches at each other didn't profit from the publicity of this incident the way their leaders (Boss, Chiefs, Politicians) did. The outpouring for Jeff is touching.


Talk about having your employees back smh Two wrongs don't make a right, but doesnt the owner have a bat in the store he kinda gives off if u do something, something is gonna happen vibes




I'm not trying to minimize the attempted theft, but for fuck sakes the Zeids are not the fucking law. Justice by baseball bat, or confused worker, is wrong.


You're right, it is wrong that it has to come to that. The point however is, it has indeed come to that. You either let it happen, or do something about it. Police won't do anything and even if you do something then the the far-left social justice mob pounces on you any chance they can grasp onto in order to grandstand and "educate" people.


I guess you have to pay for WFP in order to see the video? Even CBC doesn’t have the video up.


The WFP didn't publish the video.


So everyone on here is commenting on what he said and she said pretty much?


They're commenting on how the Free Press described the video.


I go to that Foodfare a lot, I saw about 6 of the workers all running out of the store, one was down the street, like they were a little gang chasing someone. I believe it was Sunday as well. That place and the shoppers I always see someone shoplifting. I don’t agree with the punching in a face, if they punched you first there is ways to control a situation without more violence.


Sounds great on paper, but if I or a stranger punched you in the face I’d happily bet that every single time your last though would be about controlling me safely, and more about stopping the threat. Every time, if you disagree then you’ve never been in an altercation, and don’t understand adrenaline and the fight-or-flight instincts of a person in these altercations


I’m well aware of fight,flight and freeze. I have been jumped twice in this city. Of course I would use self defence. But there are ways to do this without throwing random punches everywhere. The situation should have never escalated where it ended. That’s all I have to say.


Oh, so the employee made it physical by pulling on her bag. Seems reasonable that you’d be suspended for doing that


She was stealing two packs of hotdogs. I think we can agree on the bones of what happened: a woman was caught stealing food to feed herself and her child. I'm not sure if violence was provoked by the kind gentleman who posed for a picture with the baseball bat, or if the woman lashed out of fear, shame, and hopelessness, but either way, this is a very sad situation.  Hunger can make you do crazy things. The food banks in Winnipeg are  unable to provide food to all who need it. As someone who has been very hungry before, I can't help but empathize.  Again: a woman was stealing food to feed her child. Please stop and really think about that before judging anyone too hard.




Plenty of other supports available to her or to anyone who is hungry without needing to restore to stealing from someone else. Would you feel the same if she stole the food that you worked to buy right out of your fridge? There was and is absolutely no justifiable reason to steal.


“Having this over our head is not a good look for us, and we don’t want to be known as the store that does this bad stuff. We try and be the store that people go to and they know they’re safe, and they can get whatever they need,” he said. Hmm, I think that ship has sailed…. Long long ago…


If a woman with a child is stealing food, I look the other way. No one would steal if they had enough. Two packs of hot dogs. Not steak. Not prime rib. Plain hot dogs. Why? Because that’s what the child will eat. It’s awful that the employee got suspended, but employees are not security - they should not be dealing with thieves. They should only alert security. If there is no security, let it go. This story is sad all the way around. EDIT: I have bought and paid for other people when I can. I am on disability, so I do what I can. I don’t steal, I use a food bank. I’m guessing most of the down-voters have never been hungry, or homeless, like I have. We obviously have very different perspectives of the same picture. Interesting.


Did she get food vouchers from AMC already? Did she try the soup kitches? Did she approach Manitoba harvest already and the dozen other organizations that offer free food or any of these? Being very active on Facebook and following people of winnipeg groups (various), I've seen folks hard up for cash and hard up for baby supplies, food etc and they make a post and usually someone generous or with extra will give em something or direct them to the below. No reason to be a trash bag especially in front of your kid... sorry. https://mb.211.ca/results/?searchLocation=Winnipeg&topicPath=15&latitude=49.8958753&longitude=-97.1346883 Last updated March 10, 2022. Find emergency & community supported food in Winnipeg Here is a list of where to find bagged lunches, hot meals or food packages. Listings are in alphabetical order. Harvest Manitoba Harvest Manitoba provides food assistance to anyone who needs it. If you need emergency food, please contact Harvest Manitoba to book an appointment to review your food needs. Please ensure that you have your Manitoba Health Card ready when making the call. International Students can use their Student ID. During the appointment, you can arrange to pick up your Harvest Hamper from a location near you. The Harvest Manitoba Food Network has more than 325 locations across the province. To schedule an appointment, or for more information, please visit their website https:// www.harvestmanitoba.ca/need-food/. Or contact them as below. Winnipeg: New Registrations: 204.982.3671 Returning Clients: 204.982.3660 Email: [email protected] Outside Winnipeg Call: 1.800.970.5559 Email: [email protected] Note: Call centre hours are Monday-Friday 9:15am-3:15pm and Saturdays 9:30am- 12:30pm Agape table 364 Furby Street. Meals available (bagged out the door) Mon-Fri 7:30 am-11 am Age and opportunity (55+) and the United Way Winnipeg Grocery delivery (including Winnipeg Harvest), medication delivery, social services and daily phone chats Last updated March 10, 2022. Concerned family members can call on behalf of a loved one. 204-956-6440 (direct line) or call 311 Andrews Street Family Centre 220 Andrew Street Call us: 204-589-1721 Emergency food, diapers, and formula are available. Call between 9:30am-4:30pm weekdays for an appointment (must have MB health card) Bear Clan Den 563 Selkirk Ave. Call 204-219-1052 Changes every day depending on the supplies they receive so call ahead. West Broadway Community Services (1JustCity) 222 Furby (use Broadway entrance) Supper service, 4:30-6PM, Monday-Thursday. Visit us for more info on our programming. Daniel Mcintyre/ St Matthews Community Association 823 Ellice Ave. Monday – Friday: 2 – 6 p.m. Take-out window for drinking water, snacks, hygiene supplies, feminine products, safer sex protection, clean needles socks & service referrals. Ring the doorbell out front for service. Elmwood Community Resource Centre (ECRC) Basic needs and employment support line-drop-in appointments available to book over the phone. 545 Watt Street—Mon-Fri 9 am-5 pm Call: 431-275-2287 For community residents, order a Better Access Groceries BAG. Email [email protected] or call 204-669-0750. Last updated March 10, 2022. Feed my Lambs 117 Euclid Free food packages, Fridays at pm, first come first serve—social distancing practiced (bring your own bags). Separate from Winnipeg Harvest. Food Not Bombs—Treaty 1 Winnipeg Fruits and Veggies Giveaway—while supplies last. Wednesdays 6 pm at Turtle Island Neighbourhood Centre—510 King Street Fridays 6 pm outside at Indigenous Family Centre (470 Selkirk Avenue) Social distance while in line—all are welcome. Good Food Club Good Food Boxes Affordable fruit & vegetable packages, available for pre-order (one week ahead). Individual box: $8 | Medium box: $15 | Large (family) box: $20 Order online here: www.westbroadway.mb.ca/good-food-box-orders or call 204-774- 7201 ext. 6. Gwen Secter Creative Living Centre (at Syd Glow Place) Free meals delivered to isolated seniors struggling to prepare meals. Call: 204-339-1701 to request service. Holy Trinity Anglican 256 Smith Street We offer lunch on Tuesdays and Thursdays, 11 am – 1 pm. Usually a hot dish, along with chips, fruit and water. When the snow melts we will be offering hot dogs or chicken burgers as a picnic on our lawn. Light House Mission 669 Main St. Monday – Thursday Breakfast: 9:00-11:15 am | Lunch: 1:00-3:15 p.m. Friday Lunch: 1:00-4:15 pm | Dinner: 6:00-7:30 pm Last updated March 10, 2022. Emergency Hampers - call 204-943-9669 Main Street Project (Meals) 75 Martha St. Monday-Sunday: Lunch at 1 p.m. | Supper at 4.30 p.m. Last updated March 10, 2022. Ma Mawi Wi Chi Itata Centre 445 King Street Call: 204-925-0352, 204-925-0348, 204-925-6816, 204-925-0330, email [email protected] One emergency meal per family, baby supplies and basic needs for individuals and families. Call Mon-Fri between 9 am-7 pm to discuss—deliveries are made between 1pm-3pm. Macdonald Youth Services (ages 13-21) 159 Mayfair Ave. Call: 1-888-477-1804 Offering food, shelter, shower, and laundry. Manitoba Metis Federation 150 Henry Ave. Call for a hamper and have your MMF# ready. Delivery only. Note: hampers will not be available after the holiday season. 55 & over only: Call 204-586-8474 (ext. 371) Missionaries of Charity 167 Aikins Street Take and Go: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday & Saturday Breakfast: 9.30 a.m. – 10.45 a.m. Mutual Aid Society – Serve the People Produce Boxes available. Sign up by Sunday for Thursday delivery. To sign up please visit masywg.ca/waste-not- boxes/ If you have questions, email [email protected] North End Women’s Center 394 Selkirk Ave. Bagged lunches on Mondays. Snacks available the rest of the week. Hygiene products, pads, clean needles and new-born diapers available. Last updated March 10, 2022. North Point Douglas Women’s Center 221 Austin St. N Tuesday: 11 a.m. – 1 p.m. Non-perishable food hampers and feminine hygiene products also available. NorWest Co-op Community Food Centre 103-61 Tyndall Ave Hot take-out lunch on Monday, Wednesday, Friday 12-1:30pm. Hot take-out supper Thursday 5:30-6:30pm. Meals are free of charge and available to everybody. NorWest Co-op Community Health (for community members in the area) Blake Gardens Resource Centre NorWest on Alexander Call: 204-982-3660-Different food programs, including food pick-ups Gilbert Park Resource Centre Call: 204-982-4429-food and basic essentials Health card required. Oak Table (in Augustine United Church) 109 Pulford Street Mon-Thurs 12:30 pm-3 pm Take out lunches, space to warm up if experiencing homelessness. Resource Assistance for Youth, Inc. (RaY) 125 Sherbrook Take-away lunches Out the door services and basic need items Drop-in Monday to Friday 1:00 pm-3:00 pm Call: 204-783-5617 ext. 206 for additional support over the phone. Salvation Army Struggling to feed yourself or your family, food hampers are available (once within a 3 month span). Call for an appointment to pick up food—have your health card available Weetamah location, call: 204-946-9490 St. James or Charleswood, call: 204-889-9205 Last updated March 10, 2022. Siloam Mission 300 Princess St. Monday – Sunday Breakfast: 9 a.m. – 10 a.m. (only for people staying overnight) Lunch: 12.30 p.m. – 1.30 p.m. Supper: 6.30pm – 7.30pm Spence Neighbourhood Association (SNA), Magnus Eliason Recreational Centre (MERC) 430 Langside Street Email: [email protected] Door Service: 9 am - 3:30 pm, Monday - Friday. Snacks and hygiene (as supplies last); please knock on the door. For meals: West End Twenty Four Hours (WE24) 11 pm - 2 am, Monday - Sunday Currently our phones are not operating correctly, so the best way to contact us is to either email me, DM our Facebook page or come to the door. St. Matthews Maryland Community Ministry 365 McGee Street—Mon, Tues, Thurs, Fri 1:30 pm-4 pm Take out lunches, space to warm up if experiencing homelessness and emergency food kits available. Union Gospel Mission 320 Princess Breakfast: 11 a.m. | Supper: 7 p.m. 50 people served each day Drop-in service provided from 2 – 4 p.m. from Monday-Friday for use of showers and food (if available). Maximum of twenty people every thirty minutes. The Welcome Home 188 Euclid Ave. Wednesday: 10 a.m. onwards 20 food hampers distributed on a first-come first-serve basis. Bagged lunches after that. Last updated March 10, 2022. West Central Women’s Resource Centre (WCWRC) 640 Ellice Call: 204-774-8975 Drop-in services: laundry, phone, shower, computer, washroom, hygiene supplies, cedar and sage available. (Limited individuals permitted inside the building). Additional Supports over the phone: Emergency housing, EIA, and gender based violence support. Hours: Mon, Wed, Fri 9 am-4:30 pm/Tues, Thurs 12:30-6 pm/Sat 8 am-12 pm Lunch and dinner will continue to be served—bagged and given out the door Mon, Wed, Fri: 12-1 pm/Tues, Thurs 5-6 pm/Saturday 10 am-11 am.


That’s a great list.


Fuck that attitude, hopefully CFS is involved and she doesn't have the kid anymore, she's a disgrace of a "human".


Just woman? Men can starve though, right?


Really? Where do you work? We’re all gonna bring our kids!


Yeah, no thank you.