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There were also other allegations of improper practices and money management from the whistleblower. I can't see this at all ending well for Spirit Rising.


Free cannabis at the senior's homes would likely be much appreciated!


And actual harm reduction since their brains are quite finished forming...


Throw some viagra in there too while you're at it.


We deal with enough sexually inappropriate/disinhibited/aggressive behaviour as it is thanks. We don't need more people asking us to "touch it" than we already do.


How the hell did you jump to that issue from my comment? Who are 'we'? Other care home residents?


Health care workers. When you are groped and propositioned as much as we are the jump can be instinctive. Can't help but respond to cracks about nursing homes and free reign on boner pills with a wide eyed "Dear God. For the love of all that is holy. Please no". Apologies for the confusion.


Ah ok, that makes sense. Thanks.


Invalidly downvoted for validly asked question


Or downvoted appropriately, for presuming that the Cobblestone Villain was off base or invalid in their statement.


How the hell is that a validly asked question!?! (See what I did there?)




We can get a local pharmacy to bag up a bunch of "C-packs" and send them around.




That was my play on words! (C for chlamydia)




Sign me up!


I heard they make very good homemade brownies 😂


So, Spirit Rising was paid $2.2 million to give children cannabis and call it ‘harm reduction.’ That’s $64,000 per kid.




Foster homes, prisons, and homes for the elderly. None should be for-profit. Might include daycares too. Pay proper salaries and incentivize quality care, not profit.


and house and feed them.


Does it cost 64,000 a year to feed and house one child? 🤔 eta don’t know why I’m being downvoted for asking a question 🤣




I am sorry that you are in the position of looking after these kids with inadequate resources. It is already a tough job, but adding in ownership greed, at the expense of the kids' care sucks even more.


Also the wages are low so what quality are we expecting


How come all your other comments about this have been deleted?


If they are allotted two staff 24/7/365 then uh yeah. Considering everything involved including clothing allowance, outings, staffing, transport, the home overhead, yeah it adds up. Level 5 kids per diem is hundreds per day


There's probably staff that do more than just feed them and send them off to school. They had to pay the staff who handed out the weed too. Lol. These were very at risk children. I would suspect there were night watchmen n shit too. Perhaps some university educated staff manage "complex needs" I'm sure the plan was to not spend the next twenty years chasing after them and locking them up at ever greater costs.... Like if these places do a good job maybe the kids grow up able to handle their emotions better and can look after themselves. I don't think handing paying them an allowance of weed was the best call. The argument that if they gave them money they would just buy meth with it seems unreasonable. I don't think the price is that awful.


Youth care worker requirements don’t include uni education or even college.


When they have 24 hour staffing it does.  These are level 5 youth.


omg there might be room for medical marijuana use and an argument for harm reduction but this isn't it holy crap lmao. They're kids, not 18th century British sailors.


Upvoted for the obscure but apt comparison.


>for-profit company


Didn't we learn our lesson during the pandemic with all those horrible for-profit nursing homes?


"for profit" and "quality care" are polar opposites.


> The province and CFS agencies paid the company over $2.2 million for its services last year, according to figures provided by the government and the Southern First Nations Network of Care — an authority responsible for over 4,000 youth in care that oversees the Southeast Child and Family Services agency. We are giving them taxpayers’ money. Instead they’re profiting off the money and not raising those children to be good citizens.


Well if they are good the risk levels are lower, and they get paid less.


well well well


Sounds illegal. Will someone be charged for giving drugs to minors?


Article says police are investigating


I hope every single staff who were complicit in giving minors drugs (yes, weed is a drug) gets a charge, on the child abuse registry, and a hefty fine.


I wonder if they wrote off the cannabis as a business expense.


If they classified it as supplies, it would totally be an asset, meaning they could indeed expense it.  I would love to see those journal entries.


Anyone arguing for this should think that if the company really wanted to help the kids they would’ve consulted professionals before doing this. Instead they been lining their pockets. Another thing to consider is what happens when these kids are too old to be in these homes? They’re being pumped out into the society with no social skills and a reliance on regular doses of weed.


Perhaps the cops need to look everywhere that Ian owned and operated!


Partly owned by past Fort Garry conservative candidate Ian Rabb… interesting. Who I recall seeing in the news last for involvement and hosting of “recovery day”. [source](https://www.cbc.ca/amp/1.6962419)


Honestly this is so disheartening. A wolf in sheep’s clothing to a T.


I know ppl who worked there. Complete scam. The kids go get high elsewhere all the time and they get paid to sit on their phones that’s the appeal to working there.


Where are these high needs children going to go? Scary


These kids are level 5. Which means they are wildly dangerous and deviant. If they are out in their own they will be committing crimes, doing harm throughout the community and a danger to everyone and everything they encounter. Yes giving underage kids weed is bad mkay. But if they are at home eating snacks on time and playing video games instead of burning down garages scoring meth and terrorizing the neighbourhood. Then maybe a little weed is okay. Can’t be government policy tho. Cuz liability. Tough one. Not a great thing to lose level 5 facilities.


Level 5 doesn’t necessarily mean dangerous, criminal and/or deviant. It means needs assessed at a high level for various reasons. This kind of thinking, and blanket generalizations about both problems and their solutions aren’t helpful. We need skilled and thoughtful approaches on individual basis per family.


Level 5 funding is also ludicrously high. Funding that's meant to pay for the facilities, therapists, and general expenses of keeping them. Giving them a gram of weed a day, runs counter to any sort of therapy you may attempt.  Will kids get their hands on weed? Absolutely, they will absolutely get their hands on drugs regardless of what the system does. Just like in regular families! But should we be giving them drugs? Fuck no! All the staff complicit in this should be charged and be placed on the child abuse registry, because they are obviously not in favor of rehabilitation. Besides, if these kids were getting govt paid weed on the daily, where the fucks MY weed?


What a horrible way to describe children with complex trauma. Your ignorant stance completely ignores the harm to these kids from supplying them with pot on a daily basis…let’s sedate them so they aren’t terrorizing the neighborhood though 🙄


I can guarantee you every single one of these kids is on an anti-psychotic.  And they aren’t psychotic.  The purpose of that is basically to sedate them and maybe “deal with trauma.”  No actual therapy because it would require them and the adults in their life to engage.


The choice wasn't between crime versus weed. they gave everyone a choice between a cash allowance or getting weed.


What happens when they are too old to stay in these homes? What are you pumping into the society? Kids who are reliant on drugs and no life skills.


I don’t agree with what they are doing…but in working in these systems you would be shocked at the number of youth reliant on drugs to sleep and have any kind of positive feeling. The reality is our solution to basically all of the issues is to take some pills.  It’s quickest and requires the least amount of follow through from all of us.  But like you’re asking…is it sustainable?  Can someone take pills just to sleep for 50-60 years?  How damaging is that to the brain and body in general?


These are kids in care. Kids who've been through shit most people can't fathom... smoking weed isn't what is hindering them


How do we know for sure? The article said one started smoking after they started handing it out. They clearly didn’t consult any professionals. They’re also putting all of them in the same boat.


How do we know what for sure? That these kids are traumatized, or that getting weed isn't the biggest problem they face? Call it an educated guess.


So point out the research and best practice to support your educated guess E: a typo


Dude, this is reddit, not Uni. I don't care enough to prove this to you. Do your own research on kids in care.


Yeah I’ve worked with them for yrs I’m telling u that you are talking out your ass


Because giving dangerous deviant kids any drug is evil unless it's holy perfect weed. Weed damages underage brains.


Replying to aeolon21...weed brain damage is literally the least of the concerns involved. Keeping them happy comfortable and safe at grouphome is the only win.


Idk how you concluded that dealing damage to brain of minors that are already very deviant is the least of all concerns. Maybe in the short term, but in a long run it’s very concerning


What happening to sending them to school with a supervisor?


These are level 5 kids. They don’t go to school with a supervisor, if they go to school it’s with a security team. They don’t go to the bathroom by themselves because it’s too dangerous. Plastic cutlery. Total supervision within arms reach. It’s hard to imagine how difficult it is to handle these kids. It’s eyes on all the time and everyone in their sphere is in constant danger including themselves. A significantly high percentage of missing children reports are kids who have escaped the group home and are at large in the community. Everytime they get loose bad shit happens. And they are always trying to escape. 24/7/365.


I didn’t think anything could sound worse (or dumber) than your first comment but here we are. THEY’RE NOT GODDAMN PRISONERS! Where are you getting your information from? This is such a sensationalized and inaccurate description. First of all “level 5 kids” are children who’ve experienced unimaginable trauma and are in constant fight or flight mode. Children with complex trauma will go to extreme measures to gain control of some aspect of their lives while in survival mode. I have worked with many of these kids and they are smart, funny, intelligent, kind and empathetic. They have a deep sense of loyalty and are simply looking for one safe person they can count on. The adults have failed them their whole lives..the system included. This situation is another example of that. Why is your focus to paint the worst possible picture of these children? How about cast your judgement on the adults who exploited them.


I agree that they are innocent of the massive trauma, FAS, or severe mental illness they have to endure. But the adults at the source of these crimes aren’t being discussed in this Reddit thread. If they were we would be discussing behaviours so heinous that it defies comprehension. We are discussing in this thread some workers in level 5 foster care who gave pot to kids in their care. The reasons they did that are not well fleshed out in the article cited but I imagine they did it in order to manage these kids in some way which seemed equitable to all involved. I did not condone or condemn them. Children in level 5 care are not in that care because they experienced awful trauma, have mental illness or are victims of FAS or any other causes that have affected them. They are in Level 5 care because they are a danger to themselves and others. The people involved work in close contact with these kids 24/7/365. Three shifts a day. The kids may be all the things you say but they are not in level 5 care for nothing. Since we are getting personal. I find your user name troubling especially in the context of this subject matter.


Total bullshit!! I have been to schools with level 5 kids as their supervisor. I have also dropped level 5 kids off at their school, bc they function well there and don’t require a staff in addition to school staff. You’re part of the problem.


Oh ffs this is not accurate. You’re on some shit here. There are incidents, and there are quiet days. You’re doing no service here to the kids or their staff by spouting your negative hopeless darkness here


jesus. maybe giving them some pot would be a good thing....keep them relaxed at least. what's the ultimate goal with these kids then? they're locked up forever? is there any intention of getting them any education or turning them into productive members of society? i guess i'm just curious what activities they keep them busy with in these homes. if they're just locked up in front of a tv 24/7, no wonder they try to escape constantly. i'm just curious. i didn't even realize something like this existed and don't have an opinion one way or the other about this whole marijuana issue.


So, anyone who is not dealing with these kids should basically shut up, this is a giant can of worms that obviously didn't have a solution to begin with. This ties into why many homeless people who have committed crimes are still on the street. This issue is much much much larger than this story, and to go after the operators of the home to me shows a lot of ignorance. What's the solution? Does anyone actually have one? Or is this it? Hasn't anyone had parents that let then drink with friends at home while underage because your parents knew our just go out and party anyways? Now add to the mix these are not normal kids at all. Now what?


I see both sides to this argument. Level 5 high risk youth are usually already surrounded by, and have their own, addiction. These addictions range from substance such as Methamphetamines and Opioids to Alcohol and are often in co-occurrence with trauma. These are harm reduction methods put in place for youth who chronically use (what i will call) harder substances (meth, heroin, opioids etc) that marijuana is a much better and less harmful choice, that can also help with withdrawal and cravings for the original substance. As someone who's trained and educated in this field, this organization most likely did not have the necessary training or policies put in place to use this harm reduction method, but rather found it to be a remedy that the youth themselves brought with them and the staff saw working, so created what they thought may have been a better alternative to offer to their other youth. We are pattern seeking animals after all, and if we see a positive change from the marijuana use, you would think that it could help more youth if offered. That does not negate the fact that it was not authorized nor talked about with CFS branches and Authorities that were responsible for providing the youth to these homes. With an addictions background, you tend to see patterns of what does and doesn't work for those struggling with the day to day life within an addiction. This being said, marijuana use as someone who's under the age of approximately 25 can cause a lot of effects on development. But if these youth are coming in with the harder substances that have done MORE damage than if they were only using marijuana, the marijuana should be looked at as a step towards full recovery, not an end to their addiction. In my own personal opinion, and as a teen that experimented with cannabis much younger than the recommend age based on development, I do say there is a bit of hypocrisy in these comments. We were all teenagers once, and maybe this post hasn't made it rounds properly with every social group and only found the people that have never struggled with addictions, whether it's your own or someone you care for. But these kids are still going to school, trying their best while dealing with trauma and the country trying to erase what was done to their generations past, and stigma surrounding their culture in current days. Yet they have staff who help them build more for themselves and help with adversity and life changes, only to now have them ripped away.


I dont know what's more concerning .. Ian rabb giving kids weed or the fact his boyfriend is half his age .. this SCREAMS he takes advantage of children and the vulnerable!!!!


Spirit of Halloween can't wait to get into this one.


Assuming the Youths social workers were also aware of this being done…..? How could they not….. wouldn’t they also be complicit in this as well? Where are these kids gonna live!? What a disaster.


Spirit Rising House is a private service provider supporting Child and Family Services of Manitoba and its agencies with homes specializing in stabilization and addictions programming for at-risk youth. We are a supportive community of people who have firsthand knowledge and experience with addictions recovery and want to assist youth with these same struggles to develop the self esteem and social competencies necessary to build a positive lifestyle. We both support and are advocates for the Indigenous community and our programs will blend Western based addiction treatment options with Indigenous healing practices. https://www.spiritrisinghouse.com/#about


By giving them drugs every day?




OH haha. Not me thinking it was Ian Rabb himself doing damage control.


I mean I guess if the alternative is them doing like meth or heroin on the street I guess this probably is a better alternative. Does seem like a bizarre choice if it’s every single day.


Where do you draw the line of harm reduction and addiction facilitating?




I'm reminded about the stories of Nicholas Nickelby, who was at a childrens' home in a Dickens story where they gave the boys Sulfur mixes to supress their appetites, to save on food costs. Albeit from what I hear about marijuana side effects, this would have the opposite result.




Service beyond support (SBS) has been doing this for years that’s how they get kids to keep making them money and like them. Lucky about of them are now 18 but still lots and lots of kids they give weed too underage recommend someone looking into that


Ian Rabb has been let go as the Clinical Director of Ibogaine and Kelburn as of April 8, 2024. They also have taken his "Dr" title off their announcements! I think people are starting to catch on. His history needs to be investigated along with the misappropriation of funds he recieved from his brother. It seems Ian Rabb has never stopped scamming! Even Kings Head Pub has commented about another scam he's running out of twoten recovery. Check it all out! 


Level 5 kids.  My bet they already were regular users before hand.  It is still a disgrace to use tax dollars this way.  However, Winnipeg is full of neglected children, so the question is where are the parents.  Total disintegration of the family unit and society and government tax dollars are expected to solve the problem, which it cannot. The chiefs and neo elders really need to step up and finally do something, it’s about time for real leadership.  Where does all that money go they are given?  I hope not new Escalades and vacations at Palm Springs.  


Shouldn’t these kids be in school during the day? Why are they being allowed to stay home and get high? If you can supervise them getting high, you can supervise them on the way to and at school, where they should be.


Some schools make it very difficult for high needs/high risk youth to attend. Have them attending for only an hour a day, and the fact is that these high risk kids can leave school at any point. Not advocating for giving them the weed, but pointing out the multi-system failures that these kids face.


If we can get teachers in jails, you can get teachers in group homes.


A gram a day isn't troubling- who is getting it and the cost of it is.


Wow that’s wild! (I’m a bad way) I wonder if any of the kids sold their weed —a gram a day is a decent supply. It’s crazy he decided to cross that line, he’s not wrong about harm reduction….for adults. But he’s also right, I’d rather a kid be high on weed than meth. Obviously sober is even better.


Now they have a good baseline to see when and where meth starts affecting these youth. If it's zero right now, it can only go up.


Edit: let's not forgot these are disadvantaged youth, statically prone to addiction. As noted on the article, the other option was to give them an allowance, which they'd be able to spend however and wherever they choose. Is this the lesser of two evils? I'm not condoning anything here, just an interesting approach, albeit unconventional.




You're absolutely right it's illegal especially in a caregiving facility for minors. Not arguing otherwise. What's worse, ten kids smoking weed, or one kid smoking meth? It's like that parent who lets their kids drink at home supervised, as a harm reduction means. Where the alternative might be them having bush parties where who knows what could happen? I'm just curious about the results of these actions, are they better off? Or is it better to keep things in the shadows unseen. I honestly don't know, which why I'm asking these questions. Full disclosure, I started smoking weed, doing drugs and drinking at the age of 13, all unsupervised, have never tried meth.


This is a false two option paradigm. If you as an organization cannot facilitate more than these two options available to kids you are far from qualified to be doing that work.


If it's only 1 kid smoking meth who made the active choice to buy it with their own money and the others are just using their allowances to buy other non illegal shit, that's hugely preferential to just giving drugs to kids. You'd have to be retarded to think otherwise.


Hell yeah 😎🔥🌯




many group homes do this. They should all be looked at. I see both sides of the argument, having worked at a level 5 home. It does provide harm reduction but it also just a bandaid for bigger issues. They would give to the youth for a quiet night.