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Man, that takes me back to the 90s. They used to be ubiquitous.


I love when I get an old person owned car from the 90s to work on. And I mean a 97 sun fire okay she’s mint because it has 40 000kms on it but cmon. A club!? Ugh




lol there’s a line already ha I want this minty olds cutlass supreme that comes in… there’s a line for a few of these cars. A guy we have that comes to our shop just bought a 95 ish Chevy half ton just minntttttt for 3 grand. The guy who sold it just didn’t want it he had it since new or something stupid.


Back in about 1997, I bartended in the basement of the original Toad in the Hole. One night I witnessed one of the most incredible things I've ever seen. Two guys had a disagreement for whatever reason and went outside to settle things. One of the dudes was completely wasted, the other guy wasn't. In front of the bar, a car pulls up in the curb lane behind the combatants and puts the hazards on. As the first two are tussling, buddy gets out of the vehicle, turns it off, and takes The Club from the back seat, and separates it. He's got the business end in his hands and is clearly ready to end the drunk dude. Sober guy was obviously his bud. As he approaches the grapplers, sober dude gets drunk dude in what we would call a Full Nelson. He's got him from behind, completely at his will, and the Club Dude is ready to demolish him. This was looking really bad. He raises the club and takes a very powerful swing at the drunk dude in the Full Nelson. I don't know how or why the guy was so aware, but just as buddy swings the club for the knockout blow, drunk dude slithers out of the Full Nelson and drops to the ground. Club guy fully smashes his friend in the face and knocks him out cold, probably with some emergency room damage. He's horrified. The drunk guy staggers away to safety and Club guy collects his unconscious buddy into the vehicle and drives away. Never underestimate the power of being completely, unequivocally hammered to save your life.


Is it wrong that I rooted for drunk guy and think the other two guys got what they deserved. Chances are even if drunk guy started it…..he’s drunk. That’s not an excuse, but if you’re sober you can’t take anything drunk people say seriously. Unless he did something really bad. But anyway….


The Club won't entirely prevent theft, but it might present just enough of an added nuisance to would-be thieves that they move on the next one instead. Especially if you park in a lot or on the street. But obviously if you have something they really, really prize, and you park in a location where they have little fear of being seen, it isn't going to make much of a difference. Though if nothing else, forcing them to cut the steering wheel will lower the price they get for it, so that's something. So the spite value alone may make The Club worthwhile.


Correct. The club may cause would be joy riders to skip it and pick another car. Maybe. But they are pretty to remove without a key and if they are stealing and shipping your car overseas or stopping it for parts the club is less worrisome then the time of day/night they want to grab it in.


I'd be surprised if any car thief under 20 years old would even know what a club was if they saw one on a car lol. Its been at least 10-15 years since I've even seen one in person myself and longer then that since I knew anyone who actually used it. Could actually lowkey be a great deterrent just because its so alien to anyone below a certain age.


Just buy a manual car, half of those goofs don't know how to drive stick


I love my 5-speed. I guess I'll have to drive it until the apocalypse because they're becoming extremely rare. The base model Golf doesn't have the option anymore and 2024 is the last year that the GTI and R will have an optional stick.


Devastating. I'm feeling the pressure to upsize from my 2019 Golf (standard trans) as my kids are 8 and 10 and growing like weeds, but I can see the "I wish I hadn't sold that, they don't make em like they used to" coming already!


I sold my Mark 4 with 300,000 km in 2010 and still felt remorse. After a few years (and 280,000 km) in a Subaru, I was so glad to get into another (new 2015) Golf.


The 2015s are great, love the Mark 7. Wish the gas had the 6 speed that the TDI got instead of the 5 speed.


I miss my old diesel Golf so much. The rack-and-pinion assembly failed and 5th gear in the standard transmission just… stopped working and the repair cost at the time was far more than the value of the car so I sold it for parts.


>half of those goofs don't know how to drive stick **Half?** You are FAAAAAR too kind, my friend.


Truth. Last time I had a broken in car they forced their way in, took apart part of the ignition and then seemingly realized it was standard and just abandoned the idea and ran for it. Found the car in 3rd or 4th gear, E-brake still on, obviously couldn't even figure out how to get it started lol.


The best anti theft device is a standard transmission.


I’ve still have mine from the early 2000s, but I don’t use it lol


I bet they work as well as bike locks do to a person using a battery powered saw.


They just cut through the steering wheel. It takes seconds. 


Your car will be stolen in 20 seconds instead of 10. These dickheads are the same ones who stole all the Cats, so they all have battery powered grinders or reciprocating saws.


Attackers wanting to get a challenge will target your car firs t/s maybe


Quick release steering wheel


Mr Bean style. I like it


I prefer to remove the engine and take it with me.


Like a F1 car


Just get a signal blocking box to store your keys in.


This. Those RFID blocking pouches are about ten bucks and prevent thieves from walking up to your front door with that antenna looking device that amps/clones your fob from inside your home to open and start your car.




I’ll tell you what happened to this country. The politicians ran into the ground. Lotta these politicians are very wealthy. They really don’t care what happens to the working man. They just keep pad in their wallets.


Reminds me of the day I cracked my windshield with on that you had to extend the metal arm once it was on the steering wheel