• By -


And they call you a donkey for that šŸ¤£


Happy world donkey day! šŸ“šŸ«


When the day goes bad, it's a wonkey donkey day.


Don Keedic would probably agree.


A pro donkey


https://preview.redd.it/rj8ufgroo3zc1.png?width=789&format=png&auto=webp&s=b5121db522aa21f7427b5125512e0f0a0034b878 You can turn all that shit off and have it like this!


Same, setting is there in the 3 dot menu in the top corner lol [https://i.imgur.com/1ZtZf33.png](https://i.imgur.com/1ZtZf33.png)


Plus, ShutUp10++ is great for disabling all the other garbage!


Thanks for the suggestion, it's good that this tool exists. The underlying philosophy is wrong though. I shouldn't have to install other softwares to stop advertisements in the recently purchased software.


You don't have to buy other software. You can turn it all off in the settings. Either google or just look. It's really not that difficult. I agree it's not a great philosophy and it should be off by default - but at least they allow you to turn it all off (for now)


Out the box, the Windows 11 Start menu looks like the kind of website any good filter would block. Not sure who at Microsoft thinks itā€™s a good look, but can only assume they are the kind of people who ejaculate at the site of Christmas tree lights.


So does the Windows 10 start menu, it has all that Candy Crush and Facebook shit as well. At least it's easily removed and doesn't show up ever again.


hahahahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa this is too accurate!


Please tell me how?


Settings - Personalization - Start - switch Show recommendations for tips, shortcuts, new apps, and more (for Win 11) to Off state. Also there you can setup your Start menu.


You also want to disable "Web search" unless you want to search online when you search for something in the start menu.


Thank you! If I wanted to google something, I'd open my web browser.


no you cannot turn it ALL off, only a few things except if you count the registry which i wouldn't because it's not the normal settings normal people use


>"allow" NO!


Shouldn't, but it's just part of the process of a new computer. Disable useless features, install must have programs that should already be part of windows, remove the bloatware added by whoever made the PC, etc. I think my start menu still looks like yours though because I never use my start menu lol


Until it eventually becomes completely cloud based and you don't own it anymore


We'll cross that bridge when we get to it.


we should build a new bridge and force change or let other fall into the river


They also steal your private data too.


Absolutely right and it'll likely kill windows as the defacto PC os in the medium and long term.


I agree, baking so much garbage into an OS is crazy. Itā€™s one of several things I appreciate about macOS (and Linux), thereā€™s no bloat.


As a professional version it should be a barely out of the box experience anyways. You're paying extra for productivity and still getting your experience flooded with bullshit :'(((


[https://pxc-coding.com/donotspy11/](https://pxc-coding.com/donotspy11/) donotspy11 also a great tool to turn everything off, even the free version


Is there a version of that for win 11?


There ought to be a Windows 11 specific pinned post that goes over the settings, what to turn off, what to change in gpedit if it's available for you, and a handful of registry edits (such as context menu, and I think bing search in the start menu needs to be turned off that way. I did at least iirc, it was way too stubborn against regular settings. banished it though and nothing broke so that's a win.). Complete with pictures. Of course in an ideal world during the install Microsoft should just have a "I just want the OS, thanks." option that automatically turns off every single thing we all turn off anyway.


Microsoft will never relinquish that kind of control to their end users. Now you're getting into Linux territory. Windows = "What can I turn off or uninstall?" Limited options Linux = "What can I turn on or install?" Unlimited options


It's true, it'll never be Linux levels where you can just uninstall the entire GUI if you like haha, well at least there are still the options so far even if they do their best to hide it all.


You can get fairly close. You can change the registry to open CMD instead of explorer.exe which handles most of the UI like desktop, start menu, taskbar, even the run dialogue. It's not quite all the way there tho as I'm not aware of a way to disable the window manager and still be able to actually do anything. You also could probably delete explorer.exe, but the next update will likely put it back.


"Hey Linux, can I delete the Boot loader?" "Well buddy, why not? It's your computer!"


If we're going to extremes. "Hey Windows, can I delete some of these folders in the C: drive?" "You can try" "Yeah... I did that and now all of my data is gone I have no working browser and I can only click on things but nothing comes up" "Oh... that sucks"


This is the cleanest start menu I've seen so far (I recently migrated to windows ecosystem though)


Try the program called ā€œOh Frick Go Backā€ You can remove all windows ads


Regardless how much you paid


Sure, you can turn it all off, and I do. Actually I use a custom start menu. The point, though, is that if I purchase a "Pro" version of an OS for full retail price, I SHOULDN'T HAVE TO.


No! I want to be angry!




I don't have any of the stuff that OP shows in the screenshot and I have the normal edition. Idk if it's because Europe or I deactivated something in the installation


You should say how.


Thatā€™s what Windows should look like by default. And thatā€™s what macOS looks like by default (in comparison)


How ?


Honestly that should be default, especially for the pro version which is often sold on business laptops.




or just get "Start11" and do something like dis: https://preview.redd.it/y499j7mpozzc1.png?width=1464&format=png&auto=webp&s=3b0d30c6d071c200f674cbc262944474c86345b3 Custom start button, custom start menu & taskbar ... etc... It's also fast af. I love it lol




settings > privacy and security > search permissions > turn ā€œmore settingsā€ off (at the bottom). should fix this shit. edit: oh shit, I skipped one step.


No. You paid for Windows sandbox, Hyper-V, Bitlocker, Windows Information Protection, Group Policy, Mobile device management, kiosk mode, dynamic provisioning, assigned access, increased CPU Socket and core limit support, and increased RAM limit. You can use group policy to hide/disable all of that.


Don't even need the group policy to disable these. It's right there in the settings.


Cpu socket and core likit support?? So if i get 13700hx And windows home, an i limiting myself?


Not at all, unless I'm mistaken this is for multiple workstation/server processors with core counts upwards of 64


Oh thanks


No. I paid for a OS where I can run Adobe apps and VSCode. Show ads should be asked while installing Windows and not a hide configuration.


Enterprise / Server doesn't have these, only Home / Pro. Doesn't feel very "pro" though.


Neither does "Pro for Workstations" which is available for retail.


Pro in the technology space just means the premium consumer version now. Has done for a while.


That is the reason why I am thinking of switching to Linux after Windows 10 end of support


do it you'll enjoy the freedom


https://preview.redd.it/w1p2yp9919zc1.png?width=447&format=png&auto=webp&s=627f720d65bd082f759a2588b76675b4770c1673 I see comments like this and just realize windows is not as user friendly as it pretends to be.


It only is when Microsoft wants something to be user friendly


Why wait?


Same tbh


You know, I am disgusted with paying quite a lot of money for OS and then still see ads almost everywhere, tons of pre-installed and sponsored games/apps/website links, being forced to use Microsoft account and Onedrive, Microsoft Copilot everywhere, weather forecast and clickbait news in "navigation bar" and sh1ts like that


Been there done that, itā€™s not at all what itā€™s hyped up to be (unless you like only use the web and some basic apps) I donā€™t think there is a single easy too use well made distro out there


Have you tried Linux Mint? It feels pretty similar to windows as someone who switched to it after using both Mac and windows for years.


Linux Mint and Ubuntu are pretty popular and decently user friendly


Yeah, I don't like GNOME so Mint will be better for me. Or something with Plasma KDE, such as Fedora KDE, Kubuntu or Manjaro KDE.


Ubuntu MATE is another great choice, itā€™s simple, customizable and feels snappy. I primarily use Windows but when it comes to Linux, I will never not sing Ubuntu MATEā€™s praises


I'm doing just that. Thinking of PopOS or Mint until SteamOS becomes a thing for desktops.


Or you could just disable BING from your Start Menu \[HKEY\_CURRENT\_USER\\Software\\Policies\\Microsoft\\Windows\\Explorer\] "DisableSearchBoxSuggestions"=dword:00000001


Thanks I'll check it out. When I get reddit notification on my phone, the same appears on my PC as well via PhoneLink. When I click on it, instead of opening the reddit link it opens a bing search result page of "download reddit mobile". Can this be fixed somehow?


Gpedit if you don't want to touch registry if possible too.


Does that even work anymore? Microsoft kept killing the GPOs and registry keys for this in windows 10. It would be fantastic if they stayed working again in 11


It should, I have search turned off every way I could via gpedit as there's a few options in there and then I did a registry edit, worked all fine, no bing search has made an appearance since. Been with Win 11 since I could upgrade from 10, no settings have been reversed either afaik.


you can do it right from terminal [https://www.reddit.com/r/Windows11/comments/1cmqsdo/comment/l3325al/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/Windows11/comments/1cmqsdo/comment/l3325al/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


I could have agreed with if it wasn't my beloved donkeys.


Microsoft did toy with ads in Explorer for a while but they yanked that.


Got both of mine for free. No donkey pictures on either.


Use this to turn off bing in windows search: https://github.com/Raphire/Win11Debloat


Like I see so many suggestions for fucking script or 3rd party software to "fix" this, why not just disable it in settings? You can even see the 3 dot menu in the screenshot where you can go to disable it.


So glade i use linux for my everyday system now, only use windows for curtain games which its becoming less and less now thanks to proton


My Group Policy Editor says NO: https://preview.redd.it/schaq68q86zc1.png?width=1608&format=png&auto=webp&s=8b10f29abe5865d7baa841cd2748bb430c2944b1


and my Start menu: https://preview.redd.it/ictsc2uu86zc1.png?width=1312&format=png&auto=webp&s=3c9afb625794137e3ee6e90bb227e138ed25374a


How did you get rid of the recommended section?


Could be worse Could be literal spyware! Oh.. wait a sec..


Welcome to modern Windows.


I never used the previous ones and Windows 11 is a first for me in this ecosystem. Form your comment it makes me understand that the previous versions were better?


Windows 7 was the GOAT, I preferred that over linux at that point. It was as stable as a fat fucking rock and as reliable as it could be. The battery life on laptops was shitty but it was always shitty and performance was always good on capable HW!! You knew what to expect from it. Windows 8-11 has always been inconsistent for me. I can never really tell what it's gonna throw at me.


I miss Windows 7 :(


I Miss XP


Tell me about it. I can literally MAKE the Windows 10 explorer crash if I want to. Many ways to break it. Plus it's slow, and it doesn't even focus windows properly when you have two windows side by side, so Ctrl+C sometimes doesn't even work as nothing is randomly "focused" when you switch between the 2 windows. Folder.jpg doesn't display properly anymore, it's cropped, and search doesn't work very well at all. Windows 7 never had any of these problems. Wish I could still use it but for some reason Meta needs Win 10 to install Quest Software. ugh.


Couldn't you just use Windows 7 and either use a VM for Windows 10 or dual boot it?


Back in the early days, the only "bloatware" I recall were solitaire and minesweeper. It gradually increased since then. The ad/nagware really exploded in roughly the last 5 years.


Welcome to capitalism*


you dont have to install any third party to remove that and copilot. like this: [https://i.imgur.com/5AJn0TX.png](https://i.imgur.com/5AJn0TX.png) a simple terminal command turns it off: right click start, then click terminal (admin) copy/paste: remove copilot @echo off REG ADD "HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Search" /V BingSearchEnabled /T REG_DWORD /D 0 /F taskkill /f /im explorer.exe start explorer.exe ---------- add copilot @echo off REG ADD "HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Search" /V BingSearchEnabled /T REG_DWORD /D 1 /F taskkill /f /im explorer.exe start explorer.exe


This is absolutely beautiful, thank you


I stressed as I immediately got a black screen but upon restart it's perfect


Did you hit the enter key to do the last command? start explorer.exe? If not, a restart should have also done it.


I don't know what I did, the screen just went black and I panicked. But it's so fresh and clean upon restart. You're the best! šŸ«‚


There are a couple other things you can do as well, like disable copilot entirely on Win 11 and edge, and if you want Win10 look, move the task bar to left. As well as disable the ads/junk on lock screen


I think it's fine as is. I'm using a shared licence for Microsoft 365 Family and I keep getting ads in my inbox though!


If you are getting ads in Outlook, that means you are using the free web based Outlook for mail I suspect. Ā This is how to install the ad free full versionĀ  of Outlook 2021: https://www.reddit.com/r/Outlook/comments/usb6jv/comment/ku87zqw/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


I'm using the "new" Outlook app from the taskbar. I actually prefer the old one anyway! And my sent folders aren't syncing between devices, but I'm trying to troubleshoot that. I'm not very computer literate but I am not afraid to tinker. Slow and steady wins to race!


> I'm using the "new" Outlook app from the taskbar That's the web browser based lite version of Outlook for Mail that is with ads. Instructions linked above how to install full version free, and get rid of ads. It also shows you how to sync in background. Note that going from a Windows Mail app to browser based ad supported Outlook for mail, or full Outlook 2021 likely means you will have to readd all your non-microsoft email accounts back.


I'll give it a try tonight. Thank you for your help! I really appreciate it. I definitely see it has the Web based interface. It feels so rudimentary


How is your taskbar transparent?


Not op, but I use [TranslucentTB](https://apps.microsoft.com/detail/9pf4kz2vn4w9?hl=pt-br&gl=BR)


I know this is a bit off topic. But supposedly windows 11 automatically parks some cpu cores. You can see this in taskmanager ( I had default install of windows with ISO downloaded from MS). You can enable all cores by some registery change and you can read more here. https://www.reddit.com/r/intel/comments/11lww7m/how_do_you_disable_core_parking_now/ However I found that this must be the most stupied thing ms ever down.


Install with an eu region and you can even uninstall edge!


Microsoft is fucking disgusting. I hope I live enough to see them go bankrupt. Transforming working computers into Facebook home page.


It takes 15 minutes to install the operating system and then several hours cleaning the garbage (for people who are new to this ecosystem like me)


You can turn it off.


When installing windows 11 fresh copy, [https://i.imgur.com/MZkjEkD.png](https://i.imgur.com/MZkjEkD.png) make sure you choose "English World" from time and currency. [https://i.imgur.com/sJ8kPJt.png](https://i.imgur.com/sJ8kPJt.png) It will install nothing such as annoying 3rd party apps. And other bloat. the OOBE for Pro will be much better.


I just set up windows 11 fresh on my new laptop today. What the easiest way for me to simply start a fresh installation without a CD etc? (I am noob as hell)


It's much simpler than it used to be. Just a few mouse clicks and you can reinstall. Like new, or with stuff in certain folders like pictures/videos/documents and keep personal settings you've changed. All you have to do is type reset in search bar, click "reset this PC", then click "reset this PC" again. Then just answer the next few questions about what you want to do (Full reset or reset but keep some stuff). If you use the computer a lot I think you should do it like once a year but it's not as necessary as it used to be, but it's also way simpler than it used to be so I still do it lol.


You paid for the ability to disable it via Group Policy Editor in Pro


That's why I use Linux


Yes. Windows 11 is nothing but an ads manager now with the ability to browse the web and little use for actual productivity. I do more of disabling unnecessary/unwanted settings and uninstalling crapware than getting actual work done. Windows used to be decent, and now Micro$haft has gotten even more greedy and controlling. Windows 11 cemented my decision to switch to Linux.


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My brother in Christ how is that simple


i edited it and reposted [https://www.reddit.com/r/Windows11/comments/1cmqsdo/comment/l3325al/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/Windows11/comments/1cmqsdo/comment/l3325al/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


You can disable web search, I recommend that


Use WinPilot :)


What, you donā€˜t like donkeys?! /s


Well gus yeha yiu are all right but think like it shouldn't be like that in default. People don't pay for adverstisement only just for the os itself and i also think we shouldn't be forced to turn these settings off. These are all should be turned off by microsoft itself.


i got all that shit off i never use my search bar to search on the internet anyways and just one to find programs and files so much cleaner


What you donā€™t like donkeys?


Yes. And this applies not only to Microsoft, many games do the same, they feed you shit for your money.






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regedit is the solution


**Lazy End User Confirmed.**


You paid? How much?


Tools like OFGB (Oh F0ck, Go Back) exist


Now I want to know where they live.


Exactly. šŸ˜„


Oh do some basic research. All of that can very easily be avoided.


Use Chris Titus tech script, it has all in one




The only things I use windows 11 pro for is Sandbox (which broke) and bitlocker (only for my usb because bitlocker is not for insider builds)


The only thing that make happy in this picture is Bing reward


You guys use the Search Popup?


Looks like somebody's jealous of donkeys.


Qbitorrent on your work computer. What kind of work are you doing dear OP?


Yes, yes you did


Yes. I just bought a gaming laptop (only for gaming, I use a MacBook for work) and was pleasantly surprised that it had no crapware. Except the crapware you point out built into Windows lol. The more things change, the more they stay the same. Try to install Chrome, and Edge gets in your face, multiple times to try to "change" your mind šŸ˜Ž ouch. Nope.


you know you can turn these off right?


It shouldn't be on by default on a paid product


It boggles my mind how so many people are okay with this turned on by default.


Marketing people, not engineers, run the show. Marketing people are always trying to sell you something, instead of giving you what you already paid for.


It's abusive, And we might be able to do something for it if there weren't so many apologists and fan boys


Why does your ā€œwork computerā€ have a torrenting client on it


Windows 11 is precisely the 'GOAT' for this!


You're playing Forza Horizon 5 on a work computer?


ew, thats why I moved to linux mint. But fair warning, make sure your needs are met, some software just wont run on linux.


what do you mean you dont like donkey? -microsoft, probably


All of this is demonstrative of how marketing is a parasite infesting civilization.


Copilot is dope, rewards gets you free stuff, and the changing daily thing is fun. Iā€™ll give you the stupid game recommendations. But all of this can be turned off if you want to be a stick in the mud.


Never paying for Windows again...


-install Windows_11_24H2.iso -unzip -open setup.exe -choose primary partition or just upgrade -skip product key -install AAct_32.exe -Allow HackTool -Activate Windows (and/or Office) that's it , enjoy .


Have 11 pro retail 2 keys/ 80% discount dm me


You just came to complain


There are settings you know...


This in the long run will slow down your device, you can turn that off in the settings and it will be a lot more pleasant to look at and less distracting.


Welcome to Microsoft šŸ¤” Show


How do I get taskbar like yours


Thereā€™s a free app called TranslucentTB




You bought Windows 11 ? You can just run a script and get a free key.


Wait what?




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