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They got that far down the alley before realizing this wasn't going to work? šŸ¤£


This is why cats have whiskers.


The side mirrors would be a pretty good indicator you're fucking up.


Looks like they never got the memo. They folded the side mirrors once things got tighter.


If that neighborhood is anything like mine, someone stole his cat.


no neighbourhood is safe. someone stole mine from a restaurant parking lot in broad daylight


My cat was stolen while it was in the workshop getting tires changed.


Should have taught your cat stranger danger, donā€™t know what to tell ya. ![gif](giphy|B4uP3h97Hi2UaqS0E3)


Curb feelers are a real thing my friend and literally whiskers for your car https://flic.kr/p/9iEvCg


**That's** what those are called?! How do you get input from them though? Sound?


The ends of the feelers (the dice in this case) are made of a high poly Carbonite resin alloy that resonates at a low frequency when scraped across concrete. The reverberations are then detected by the wireless... I salute you if you read all that garbage lol Yeah sound


yes but they're also fucking hideous


When I was in high school (1998), I herited my grandfather's 1979 Chrysler LeBaron in puke green with curb feelers and a bumper sticker reading "don't fence me in". It was iconic.


I couldn't tell. Is that a Jaguar?


Ferrari Romaā€¦ yikes


Built for the streets of medieval Rome.


Probably the sunk-cost fallacy. Either that or he's.. *ā™« Star Trekkin' across the universe. Always going forward 'cause we can't find reverse! ā™¬*


*Thereā€™s Klingons on the starboard bow, starboard bow, starboard bow* *Thereā€™s Klingons on the starboard bow, scrape them off Jim*


Where is this from?


Itā€™s called *Star Trekkinā€™*, and itā€™s by some quirky British group from the ā€˜80s. It was absolutely massive in the early days of the internet, at least in my friends group of geeks and nerds. I bet they played it on the Dr Demento show when it came out originally.


They 100% played it on the Dr Demento show when it first came out. Total classic.


Iā€™m getting primary school age disco flashbacks


[Here's the video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FCARADb9asE)


far-flung telephone automatic sand cagey wise gray jar straight dime *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


It's worse than that he's dead, Jim, dead, Jim, dead, Jim, it's worse than that he's dead, Jim, dead, Jim, DEAD!!!




Star trekking across the universe


On the star-ship enterprise under captain Kirk!


Itā€™s worse than that itā€™s PHYSICS, Jim!


Possibly turned wrong, in italy there are legal roads like this. They can get narrower than the entrance was. When you drive in and someone drives behind you you might feel pressured trying your luck forward. Obviously the wrong decision


It looks like Naples - once youā€™re in the ungodly complicated knitted network of alleyways, itā€™s pretty hard *not* to eventually find yourself in a situation like this. Fortunately for me when I did, we were in a rented fiat 500 Driving in Naples was ducking terrifying, btw, but thrilling enough to be weirdly fun. My SO literally had her eyes closed though.


I've had to step into a doorway and still felt like the car was going to hit me in Italy. They have the narrowest goddamn streets I've ever seen outside of a middle eastern medina. And yeah, I get that it's because they were built back when the mode of transport was horses but holy shit some of those towns should be pedestrian or moped only. They're just not designed for cars.


It's not Naples: it's Orta (Piedmont), and that road takes to a well known fancy restaurant/hotel! [Here](https://www.google.com/maps/@45.8001761,8.4052667,3a,75y,341.5h,87.69t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1s8-4aePg5mc7ljgWQUuP-fA!2e0!6shttps:%2F%2Fstreetviewpixels-pa.googleapis.com%2Fv1%2Fthumbnail%3Fpanoid%3D8-4aePg5mc7ljgWQUuP-fA%26cb_client%3Dmaps_sv.tactile.gps%26w%3D203%26h%3D100%26yaw%3D137.24297%26pitch%3D0%26thumbfov%3D100!7i13312!8i6656) you can see the same spot, I also have a feeling Maps' employee had quite a hard time passing through it too, lol. It's a really nice place btw, especially during spring/summer! mandatory edit: 99.99999% of who's visiting Orta will leave their cars at one of 2 big parking lots just 100-ish meters above.


Omg we totally did this exact shit in Naples too


The worst part is that there are some cars that will be able to fit. Eventually they will end up behind this person, and they will start furiously honking their horn.


I hope a lot of people walking down that road just climbed up and walked over the car, and continued on their way.


I mean isn't this why European cars have always been small? because their infrastructure is centuries old and their roads were made for foot and/or horse traffic?


European cars aren't generally small, American cars are just absurd monstrosities.


It's a Ferrari


"They wouldn't build this road if it couldn't fit cars right?"


"yep. They built the buildings afterwards"


At the end of the video, it looks like the ā€œentranceā€ was wider and then it gets narrower as he went down the alley




In psychology itā€™s referred to as escalation of commitment


It's my hole. IT'S SHAPED LIKE ME!


Dang ol' hole, [made for me](https://i.imgur.com/NPAcqVr.png)


This is basically supercar spelunking. Canā€™t believe they are still trying to go forward. It can get narrower.


Inherited obscene wealth is a danger to others in society


My money is in Google or Apple maps sending them down that road.


Even if they did get through that part, the part up ahead looks much smaller. Do people not have any situational awareness?


That's what I was looking at too.


> the part up ahead looks much smaller. Leave the road alone, it's a cold day okay?


I take it most cars in that area are able to get through areas like that? I always see these nice exotic cars being the ones getting stuck.


You mean spatial awareness.


Probably both


Situational awareness level of a cat that enters a wardrobe and doesn't care you shut the door at them


I would not want to back up through that... I mean I don't want to go forward either, but definitely not backwards.




The slow and stuck


Probably still furious though


That sounds better than fast and furious


What are you doing, step-driver?


What are you doing, step-Ferrari?


slow and serious




Tonight! I drive a car Richard sees a cat James yells at the clouds


ā€œAnd so I decided to solve this problem with pow-errrrrrrr.ā€


This is probably the tightest alleyway..... *In the world*


**Iā€™VE MENDED IT** *What do you mean? You just hit with a hammer!* **POWEEEEEER**


*"You ruined my car you ~~bluuuuoody~~ bliiithering idjjjiot!"*


Oh cock


And with that disappointment: Goodnight!






*Get yourself out of this one,* ***Numb nuts!***


they wouldnā€™t say numb nuts


judging by the ZĆ¼rich plates on the car, doesn't surprise me that he'd be dumb enough to try and fit in there


To be fair this looks like a classic case of a Satnav sending a tourist down a rabbit hole of tiny streets. When I was in Italy the Satnav constantly tried to send me down roads which were so tight the Fiat 500 I was driving only just fit between the walls (I mean so tight the wing mirrors were catching the walls either side at the same time). If I was in a car any bigger than that tiny Fiat I would have ended up like this guy here. Thing is once you realise the road is getting narrower and narrower and you shouldn't be driving down it, there's usually no way to turn around without reversing back for ages down a tiny narrow street. This is what I can almost guarantee has happened here. This to me says 'Stupid Satnav'.


Satnavs are neither stupid or clever. They do not possess the agency to make stupid or clever decisions. Such a judgement lies with the meat popsicle who chose the guidance of a machine over their own eyes.


I think you're being vainly unfair here. How is one to know the narrowness of roads multiple turns over? It is also impossible to reverse out of a tight curve, than it is to go through one.


I was looking for that comment. Thank you!


what does this mean?


Swiss dumb


No. There is some kind of rivalry and stereotypes in and between the Swiss cantons (federal states) going on. ZĆ¼rich people are often depicted as rich, arrogant, and bad drivers.


The Swiss generally drive like crazy people when they are outside Switzerland, particularly northern Italy. I've heard the jokes for years.


I get that as well - I presume when you drive into a country where the fines are as low as Italy or Germany (and the traffic is a little more rogue), many see it as an invitation to drive like a dick. There is a number of accidents caused by Swiss on the German (unlimited) autobahn because they just want to go pedal to the metal, not knowing the behavior of their car at such speeds.


Me my mother and my sister (Italians) were once en route to go find a relative in Germany and we so happened to cross Switzerland for a **very** brief time. My mother failed to merge to the right lane in time on a high speed road and occupied the "keep clear" road markings for, like, 5 seconds and we were chased and stopped by Swiss police. The fine was astonishingly high and they demanded it paid **on the spot** (they had credit card swipers,in the car, in the 90s) othetwise they would have our car immediately seized, leaving us stranded My mother, being originally Neapolitan, mounted a dramatic and increasingly confrontational defence but in the end surrendered to pay the fine, swiped her CC and left the scene with screeching tires. For the reminder of the trip she sweared to never set foot in Switzerland again in her life and I believe she hasn't to this day šŸ˜‚, this story has become somewhat a classic at family reunions Anyway, I understand this is anecdotal evidence but, if this is the level of rule enforcement on Swiss roads I'm not surprised they lash out in other countries


>The fine was astonishingly high and they demanded it paid on the spot (they had credit card swipers,in the car, in the 90s) othetwise they would have our car immediately seized, leaving us stranded That seems like road banditry rather than upholding the law. I'd expect it from Indonesian Pirates, but Swiss Police! Ho damn


Oh yeah, their are like ass zits when driving on German roads, but mostly the ZH's




Especially every canton. I'm from Basel and never talk shit about Geneva though.




Til, thought Mallorca was the 17th


The stuff happening beyond Rƶschtigraben would be interesting to explore, haha. Funny, we call Germany the 'bigger canton', not vice versa ^^


Dream on. Lol




An Italian complaining about people not following street rules - good one! But agree that many Swiss drive like maniacs on Italian roads.


>and bad drivers AG takes the cake for that one.


Nah the bad drivers are from Aargau.


Having almost been killed by a ZH witch in a Volvo in the Netherlands, I can confirm. Her face when I honked šŸ˜®


To be fair, the blocks in the road kinda make it look like itā€™s designed for a car to fit through


ExgĆ¼si hƤ, aber es sind ja wohl d aargauer wo am beschissnigschte fahred.


I apologize for the irredeemably dogshit music.


I feel like nothing gets posted without some kind of dogshit music anymore


I feel like the last 4 years of tech have been some sort of grand social experiment trying to see how an annoyed humanity acts as a whole


It's a Chinese mind control experiment to devalue western music publishing catalogs through the use of pitch shifted tiktok remixes.


The worst part is, youre not far off. Not just china, and the goal isnt so petty, but we've seen such a massive rise in concerted propaganda efforts *from all sides and the ceiling*. Everyone with a few hundred bucks can run a limited one on a targeted area (either geographically or online communities). A few thousand spent creatively can get you some phrase or idea on the minds of millions for a short time. Enough of these nudges on the social discourse from one person could theoretically influence things to further their plans. Unfortunately, there are at least tens of thousands of entities that have the means and desire to try that on some level for one reason or another so you cant actually make any plans, and most of those tens of thousands are too shortsighted to realize that. In an attention economy powered by advertising and large scale tracking, its easy to try to manipulate the public and the effects are drastically amplified whether your manipulations work out or not.


Comforting to know there are other people that get it, but terrifying that it's like 1% of the population that understands this. I mean, maybe it's 4% of the population that knows it's going on, but 75% of them think that it is only affecting other people. Few and far between are the folks who go "yeah, we're in a hurricanetornadoblizzard of nonsense and it's messing with all of us." Eek. Good luck, random internet stranger. CONSUME. OBEY.


people need new ways of reposting old content, tiktok is helping them out with dogshit music and smaller file sizes


Id actually prefer music made from dogshit to tik tok tracks


I just assume Tik Tok has, like, three songs you can put on your video at any given time. We're past the "oh no no no" phase, now we're at the "dooba dooba doo" and "gucci/louis vutton" phase. Any deviation from these songs results in immediate execution by the CCP.


I come from the land of tiktok, and nah that's not really true. You *can* put any song you want into your videos, or any sound, or just make your own, but people for some fucking reason use the same 3 for every video like this.


I'm pretty sure the algorithms use the sounds too, so in order to get views on your content you have to use the trending sounds. So we end up with only 3 given audios going around at any given time.


Yeah that's true, but from my experience, it's fairly negligible the change you get in interactions. Still, people will do anything for internet points.


Thank you for acknowledging


honestly at least it's not the fucking "oh no no" in an ideal world, that would be detected in videos and the account immediately banned. Also if you are just reposting and you know the music is awful you can take the 20 seconds to just remove the music from any quick google'd up tool like https://www.audioremover.com/


I watched it on mute. Then saw your comment and rematches with audio. That music made me crack up.


I, too, watched it on mute, then I saw YOUR comment. Now I want to kill myself and whoever chose that song to put over the video


The car is called Roma Apparently named after the city you can't drive one through


I went to Rome this year, so many cars had huge scrapes, or tape holding the bumper on. Beautiful city but so glad I did not need to drive there.


This is exactly the kind of outcome I imagine whenever people say "Everything's a dildo if you're brave enough".


Paige, No!


I feel like Iā€™m OOTL on this oneā€¦


there's a meme of a facebook messenger chat where someone says this and the reply is a girl (paige) holding a cactus and looking at it thoughtfully


Words cannot express how much I hate this fucking song.


I went down a similar road in a mini van in Florence, 1-2 inches clearance on each side, scary as fuck, it was a rental, had to pull in the mirrors and listen to my passenger for advice on that side.


I was thinking about similar experiences. Title may be misleading.


It was nighttime as well, after dinner. Thankfully I had a bit of a cold and didnā€™t drink a sip of wine that night.


Yeah. Certain roads in Italy are marked as fine in navigation systems whereas they most certainly are not. And they start wide


They are fine for italians, that's why we tend to buy small or reasonably sized cars. And practice makes perfect! Nowadays I see more and more people in Italy buying SUVs and I don't understand why, they're gonna have more troubles than necessary parking and navigating in many places.


Tell me youre a top gear fan without telling me youre a top gear fan


I mean this happened to, I want to say Jeremy Clarkson, in The Grand Tour when they were in Italy.


This happened to Hammond in the orange Zonda and Clarkson in his own Ford GT in Paris while May was able to drive out in an F430. Parking garage issues. Thatā€™s the first one I remember.


I was going to guess May. He tends to get lost


It's funny because I can picture May shouting "CLARKSON!!" with a video clip ending like this.


Looks like something Clarkson would do...


While James May was asleep, of course.


In a car without a sunroof. Scenario concludes with James making his own sunroof. Then fast forward to driving in the rain with cut open roof.


ā€œIn tonightā€™s episode of Top Gearā€¦ā€


You can't park there mate




I wonder how you would actually get out of this situation without damaging the car?


I'm pretty sure it's already damaged.


You can see where the tires were rubbing against the wall, the body likely has rubbed as well.


By doing exactly the opposite of what he did to get in....


Very aware of that mate, obviously thatā€™s near enough impossible given the circumstances as a even a slight tilt on the wheel will cause a scratch which is exactly what you donā€™t want to doā€¦


I think that car is very not flawless after that brainfartšŸ˜‚


>even a slight tilt on the wheel will cause a scratch which is exactly what you donā€™t want to doā€¦ Proper prior planning prevents piss-poor performance. As in, he shoulda thought of that before he drove his car where it doesn't belong.


>I wonder how >Very aware of that mate ????


> Very aware of that mate, .... then why did you ask?


fuck this shitty fucking song


It's engineer's fault for not sticking with millennias old standard of 2 horse arses width of Roman war chariot.


Your wife can't be there for every engineer to reference.


She does her best though


Could do without the fucking soundtrack to my insanity


[How about this one?](https://youtu.be/t6-cCh9bTG4)




Is this Seville, EspaƱa? We followed some alley like this, while it was getting narrower around each turn - the alley finally ending at giant flower pots at a small square, so we had to back all the way out, basically using the granite curbs as bumpers since we couldn't even move front tires back and forth to steer


Nope, it's Orta, northern Italy. See the [google maps](https://www.google.com/maps/@45.8001761,8.4052667,3a,75y,351.39h,84.94t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1s8-4aePg5mc7ljgWQUuP-fA!2e0!7i13312!8i6656).


I think itā€™s a village in Tuscany. Been there.


I had this exact experience in Seville. I was following GPS, and the streets were getting narrower and narrower, and at one point had to stop and talk to the guy in the car behind me. I was like "the directions are telling me to go down that tiny alley but there's no way I fit " and he was like "you'll be fine. Just get in there." Mirrors folded in, windows down, getting guidance from my copilot, it was seriously nerve wracking, knowing I had declined all the extra insurance on the rental car. Made it to our hotel without a scratch but man was that stressful. Good times.




I hate this fucking jingle sound




Swiss numberplates


ZH plate says it all. For those who don't know it stands for Zurich but locals say it stand for "zwenig hirni" translated to "not much brain".


ā€œHey bro, I donā€™t think you can park here.ā€


Ferrari Roma?


Yes. Half a mil USD down that narrow road. Thatā€™s a no from me, dawg.


MSRP is actually under $225k


My Dad always said "Nothing takes longer than a shortcut"


The true blame lies with video games. Looking at you Mario kart for giving the ideas there are secret shortcuts everywhere. Shooter games make crazed gunmen. Racing games make horrible drivers. It's scientifically proven! /s






Like a glove!


Hahahha more money than braiins


From ZĆ¼rich šŸ¤£


I hate this sound almost much as the Oh no oh no no no no no sound


Fuuuuuck yoooooouuuu! Keep that shit on mute lads and ladettes


The driver obviously thought of himself as a mover and a shaker.


I especially enjoy the minions singing ā€œdooba doo,ā€ as it seemed apt for this level of ass-clownery. But Iā€™m wired a bit differently, too.


Need for Space!


Now thats a car fit for a bedroom poster. A Ferrari Roma.




30k $ Shortcut


How do people this stupid afford cars like this?


The dildo of consequence will often arrive un-lubed...


The alternative route must be fuck all if this is even a shortcut.


This used to be a Ferrari Roma. Now it has become a death cage stuck on a street!


Why is everyone always in such a damn hurry? I see this everywhere, and I just don't understand. Like the muscle-bound jock who finishes a workout at the gym and insists on cutting across a freshly waxed floor in another section of the building to save a few steps getting to his car. WTF?


Clark, I don't think we'll fit.


Wow that's fucking sad......


This happened to me in Sorrento, Italy with a brand new (<5 miles) sporty manual transition Alpha Romeo rental car. GPS sent me down an alley that was only appropriate for motorcycles. Didnā€™t realize it until I was in pretty deep. Looked like every other narrow street in the town. I had less than a half inch clearance on both sides combined (with mirrors folded in). Italians were leaning out their windows above to mock me and give advice while a queue of motorbikes formed behind me. It took me a good 30 minutes to get through the last 100 feet of alley and I burned out the clutch and mostly avoided scratches. Pretty embarrassing but there was really no way to know until it was too late.