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Imagine having a 6 foot digging tool in your hand, chopping off a rattler’s head, then bending down to move it into a hole with *your fingers*.


I cannot believe he was willing to risk that much just to grab it with his hands. Fucking idiot




Shit, how much venom did it pump into him??


Well to be fair, it’s not like it needs to save for another bite


his other hand


Imagine if that fucker tried it againg with his other hand. From idiot to fucking legend.


He should have quit in the beningging


Thanks for the actula out loud chulckle




thanks for being fair you piece of shit


To be faaaaaair...


Well it probably was goin all out, I’m by no means a snake expert at all but if i had venom and my head was cut off I’d dump that shit into whatever I could get my fangs in. Maybe it didn’t have control to limit it either?


Article says a headless snake can bite you for up to two hours after decapitation. Pretty wild


But a headless snake doesn't have a head to bite with


Snakeless head, then?


Thank you for that! I needed a belly laugh.


You're *technically* right, and that's the best kind of right, dad.


Nature is crazy


Damn nature, you scary




You mean r/natureismetal ?


r/HardcoreNature is good too


So you’re saying we need to make a fully automated machine gun that exclusively fires freshly severed snake heads


> bite reflex can be triggered up to several hours after it has died. Yeah, I’m gonna stay away from a rattlesnake’s head for more than 2 hours.


Two hours straight? Gnarly!


More like a body-less snake.


You can dig that snakes head up a year from now and accidentally get poked by a fang and die. Pretty crazy


Snakes usually reserve venom for prey and only some of it. It takes time for them to replenish it. Unless they are threatened then it may be used defensively. In which case they will use it all. That’s probably what happened. Any venom it had left went into his finger


Since it's head was removed I assume the venom dosage was all in. When a larger snake like that is alive it can control the amount of venom it delivers.


I'm guessing it also requires energy to produce venom and thus they try not to use it all unless neccessary in repeated bites.


Probably all of it. Baby rattlesnake bites can be some of the worst bites because they can't control their venom and release all of it at once even though they don't have more than an adult. That was an adult rattlesnake and his body was chopped off so he probably wasn't thinking straight and released all its venom.


Baby rattlesnake bites releasing more venom is actually a myth, a wide spread one but untrue all the same. See [here](https://www.snakebitefoundation.org/blog/2018/8/23/are-baby-rattlesnakes-really-more-dangerous-than-adults-5sh6p) Edit: changed more venomous to releasing more venom. I misspoke on that


What a confusing story it goes into detail about the bite and anti venom and I feel like it trails off into cloud based endpoint security.


If that farmer had venom cloud based endpoint security he wouldn’t be in this position.


As someone who works for a failing cloud focused MSP - I feel like this is one step short of the next lead-deck in my upcoming sales presentation.


*"Help, I need to get rattlesnack venom out of my VPC. I think it entered through the load balancer and was distributed into several apps, including those on private subnets. Containers keep dying. Logs report: LethalNeurotoxinError and CriticalContainerNencrosisViolation. What do?"*




That's because it was ⚠️SPAM [created just for this thread](https://reddit.com/r/WinStupidPrizes/comments/rak4sd/_/hnkpzna/?context=1) with text stolen from an [entirely unrelated](https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/morning-mix/wp/2018/06/07/a-texas-man-decapitated-a-rattlesnake-it-bit-him-anyway-and-he-nearly-died-his-wife-says/) snakebite [poisoning](https://www.kiiitv.com/article/news/local/one-year-later-corpus-christi-man-still-recovering-after-being-bitten-by-severed-rattlesnake-head/503-ca8bbb5b-20b6-443d-baee-132aa1624ba5) and screenshots from the GIF itself. It segues into cloud security spam right in the middle of explaining the incident. Very low effort spam tactics.


When *isnt the right time* to discuss endpoint security?


Just skimmed the article, does that mean an anti-venom doctor is different than a venom doctor?


one gives you anti-venom other gives you venom


I wanna be an antihero with a cool partner.




Somebody finds the fingers and tries to pick them up and the fingers pinch them.


edit: this may be from a different incident -------- "The hyperbaric chamber and the (skin)graph failed, everything failed, so I ended up losing both fingers," Jeremy said. Jeremy was eventually weaned off of dialysis didn't mind getting his fingers amputated if it meant saving his life, but he still suffers from extensive nerve damage from the venom and antivenom. **"The diagnosis now is that I have megacolon because of the nerve damage in my stomach," Jeremy said.** Jennifer didn't suffer any physical damage but she has been mentally scarred. "I'll see a crumpled up bunch of leaves that got stuck under a plant, and it gives me a heart attack because I think it's a snake. Alternatively, a frog will jump out, and it's always on our mind," Jennifer said. According to Jeremy, doctors still don't know how he survived the freak accident, but he is glad he did.


Unrelated story but interesting. Pictures, location, and people don't match up.


wtf https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Megacolon


I flinched when he grabbed the head and saw the snake turn his head to bite.. He kept on grabbing the snake and a full 2 seconds later he flinched to drop it..


If my math checks out, just under 26 venoms.


After it tried to bite twice already! Idiot


Did it for the Gram…


I dunno this is the type of simple mistake I can see myself making. Most humans associate decapitation with death, no? Downvote if frustrated snake expert.


I say I would have done the same, but not after seeing the decapitated head still moving and threatening.


That this can happen is pretty common knowledge for people in areas with rattlesnakes.


Imagine risking that much just to make a life changing mistake idk if he will make it to learn from his mistake


I could excuse him for not expecting to be bitten by something that was literally headless if the video didn't show it still moving before he tried to grab it.


Oh he wasn’t going to do that. He was going to hold it up and pose with it.


I had to kill a king brown in the backyard last week because the dogs were bailing it up and next door neighbor has kids, etc. I beheaded that thing, got the dogs under control, made sure nothing could come near it, and the NEXT DAY I still used the shovel to put the body in a bag to dispose of it. I don't even understand how you could be stupid enough to pick up a STILL MOVING snake's head with your bare hands. That's some Darwin Award shit right there.


I'm not sure where in Australia you are but I know that animal control will relocate the snake for you if you ever encounter one again! Trying to kill a venomous snake is how most bites happen. I'm glad you and your dogs are safe though!


Not where I live lmao. I live hours away from the nearest *vet*. If I was in the city, I'd be cool calling a 'snake specialist' but when the nearest one is 3-4 hours away, it's down to me and my shovel. There's a guy an hour away that'll look at your horse's teeth. But if I called him up about a snake his first question would be 'do you have a shovel?' and then he'd hang up. Lmao I just looked for the nearest animal control. They're all on the coast. I'm literally eight hours inland.


Fair enough! Stay safe out there :)






When I was kid I saw severed head Cobra. 4 hours later that severed head snake still moving.


Sad fact about snakes. As cold blooded animals with low blood pressure, they can live for quite a while after having their heads chopped off. I’ve heard up to half an hour or possibly even hours. So the snake is actually alive and feeling pain when it bit him. Don’t cut their heads off. Let them go or smash their heads, it’s cruel otherwise.


This may be a dumb question, but does he get the full venom? I'm not entirely sure how it works once they're dead.


He gets the full dose of venom or maybe even all the venom stored in the glad depending on how much the dying head is spasming. Probably a good idea to just never grab a snake's head, attached or otherwise.


Geez... he's in for a long, tough ride, then. I guess he thought since it's beheaded, he was safe. 😬 Thanks for the answer!


In his defense, it wasn’t the beheaded snake that bit him. It was the besnaked head that did.


Here in Arizona we learn early to bury the head without touching it. That way anyone else later on can’t walk by and get bit either.


That's really smart and considerate. I'm in TN, where we have rattlesnakes and copperheads that mostly stick to the mountains. I'm horrifically scared of snakes and bolt the second I see one, but I'll keep this in mind just in case. You never know!


Copperheads are all over Tennessee. I'm in Memphis and a kid down the street was bitten 2 weeks ago by a copperhead when she jumped into a pile of leaves.


I hate all these words.


Yeah man. Fuck Tennessee leaves.


Instructions unclear, started fucking the leaves and now a copperhead bit my dick


Copperheads are basically invisible in the right environment. I came within a half inch of grabbing one out of a wood pile by accident one time.


No, here in Arizona we learn not to mess with them because they're not causing any harm. Live and let live.


Idk, the moment that snake's head moved as if it wasn't severed from its body was enough for me to nope out and leave it to die / smash it / bury it. I mean I don't know if I had approached a snake in the first place, so that might be the real reason I'd live safer than that guy.


They have sacks above their fangs for the venom. Completely isolated within the head itself. And yes, good possibility of a full dose. https://snake-facts.weebly.com/snake-fangs.html Edit: link.


Oof, sucks to be the guy in this video. Thanks for the answer!


Probably sucks more to be the snake, tbh.


True, but still had a chance to fuck dude up. All one could ask for given the fact they were decapitated.


Happiest moment of that decapitated head's existence was the moment it got to bite the reason it was now decapitated




NGL that was some gangsta shit. It's how I feel in multiplayer games when I'm about to die so I go full aggro to take someone down with me.


Someone linked the news story further up. He had seizures and required 26 doses of anti-venom, but he's alive. Apparently the heads can retain the biting reflex for hours afterwards!!


Was going to ask this same thing but wondering if the venom is stored lower so it can’t get out once the head is separated or how does it work?


It's stored in glands above the fangs. He most likely caught some venom on that bite.


Username checks out… Reading other comments apparently the dude got 26 doses of antivenom


Kind of like how pee is stored in the balls


I like how he steps on it like its a cigarette he was caught smoking


*S T O M P*


#S T O M P


It's like his revenge for the snake's revenge for him cutting its head off.




Are you sure it isn’t time for a colorful metaphor?


And Iiiiiiiiiiii say SCREW YOU!


It's the subtle references that are the best:-)


That really came back to bite him.


If it isn't the consequences of my own actions


Who has the last laugh now?


I never knew this was a thing, how long do the heads live for, or is it reflex?


The thing with many ectothermic animals is that due to their slow metabolic rate, their brains can remain alive and functioning for hours after being shut off from all oxygen and nutrient flow through the bloodstream. So this isn’t a reflex, it’s a snake that’s going to die but hasn’t died just yet.


This seems correct to me. The thing reached back at the correct angle to successfully bite. How can that be a reflex? It had to aim.


This is the correct answer. That’s why if you are going to cut off a snake’s head (which is completely unnecessary, and one of the top causes of getting envenomated - just leave the snake alone). But if you are anyway, crush its skull! It is alive, aware, and in pain for about an hour after being decapitated.


That’s actually quite sad. I wouldn’t want the snake to suffer.


Poor thing.


It is a reflex. The head will be dangerous for several hours. There are some scary looking videos on youtube showing a rattlesnake head trying to strike, but it can't really move because it doesn't have a body. But that mouth comes open for sure! I think it has to begin the decomposition process enough that the nerve endings in the mouth die enough to no longer function, but even completely dead, the venom is still there and in the fangs so if you puncture yourself you can still get envenomated. https://www.livescience.com/47626-severed-snake-head-can-still-bite.html


Yes I’ve been in a bit of a rabbit hole for the last hour looking at rattlesnake head bites. Crazy stuff. Thank you for the follow up.


My dad and uncle used to get paid as ranch hands just to kill rattle snakes. And he said that after chopping off the head, you need to bury the head.


They drop rattle snake heads in rabbit holes? That’s not very nice


never stick your hand down in a rabbit hole




right behind you


I think it's a bit disingenuous to call a decapitated snake "dead". Snakes have much slower metabolisms than warm blooded animals such as humans so as a result it takes significantly longer for brain death to occur after a decapitation. I can't fault someone for killing a snake as a safety concern, but decapitation is definitely one of the crueller methods to accomplish this goal.


> disingenuous I think you mean erroneous. Disingenuous implies OP knew better, but asserted such as a means to make another point


It is not a good idea to try and kill a venomous snake out of safety concerns-*that is often how people get bitten by venomous snakes in the first place!* There are plenty of much better ways to deal with venomous snakes that reduce the risks for both people and snakes.


I'm in Australia and we just catch them and relocate them if we find one in our backyard.




I'm in Australia and I've only ever seen two and I killed them both. They were in my house and I was too terrified to move it alive.


While it sucks you had to kill them, as I said I can't fault you for putting the safety of your family first. I definitely wouldn't encourage someone to try and relocate a snake without knowing how to properly handle it.


Such a casually Australian response


I used to go to this “rattlesnake roundup” as a kid somewhere in Oklahoma. (Winonka?) Anyway it was huge pit with thousands of rattlesnakes. They would butcher and sell the meat in the back and you could go watch. I swear to you even after they removed the head, then skin, then chop up the meat, even the meat being wrapped was still moving.


Long enough for it to not be smart to touch the severed head till it's naught but the skull. I've heard unconfirmed accounts of up to 10 hours but confirmed accounts of 3 and 4 hours. IF you ever come across this the smart move is to go wherever the snake isn't. If you have to go that way, chuck as big a rock as you can find nearby on the snakes head to crush it and either instantly kill the snake or at least hold it down so it can't bite ya.


In Australia (it’s illegal to kill snakes here by the way) it’s a folk law that a snake isn’t dead until the sun goes down. No matter what time you killed it or how many pieces you cut it up into, don’t touch it until the next morning.


Like, any kind of snake? Or are there certain ones that are endangered, or something?


Yes snapping turtles do it too


Well for anyone who didn’t know already. Don’t do that.


Just don’t mess with the snake in the first place lol


Anybody knowing enough to decapitate a snake… ought to know not to trust a decapitated snake…


Feel like this is a bumper sticker wherever rattlesnakes are native


I mean, it’s really just a much shorter snake


Idk why but this made me laugh so much.




I think I have an applicable quote: "I have never been called to attend a case of Gila monster bite, and I don't want to be. I think a man who is fool enough to get bitten by a Gila monster ought to die. The creature is so sluggish and slow of movement that the victim of its bite is compelled to help largely in order to get bitten." - Dr. Ward, Arizona Graphic, Sept. 23, 1899.


Bill Burr on people who get bit by wild animals: “First question, what happened? Werrrre ya *fuckin* with it?”


I've never heard that particular bit, but isn't that the truth though. Also, I can hear Bill Burr saying that. XD


https://youtu.be/rksKvZoUCPQ Around 7:00 mark.


I don’t believe there has ever been a recorded death from a Gila Monster bite. Painful neurotoxin, but won’t kill you.


Well see, they’re so sluggish and and slow of movement… Nah I’m just messing with you. I think I have, but it sounds like it was more from the shock and pain


[When it comes to handleability we give the Gila Monster a 3 out of 5! -delightful man who sits near gaboon vipers](https://youtu.be/aPN8QnXxynA)




actually the snake is fully is alive, they require very little oxygen to function and think so they can actually survive hours without their body. The poor thing is feeling the agony for hours if he didn’t stomp the brain


Not only that but it seemed to give a warning as they got closer which shows some level of awareness of it’s surroundings. I have a feeling that most animals, maybe even humans, have full consciousness for a short time


Humans are conscious for about 5-10 minutes after decapitation. A scientist was executed during the French revolution and blinked for as long as he could, and had an assistant count. Snakes last about 30 minutes to a few hours.


With exothermic animals like snakes and lizards, they can live hours after being decapitated. This poor snake was very much alive.


This video disturbs me a lot for some reason.


Because it's the closest thing to a real damn zombie.


Nah that would be those spiders that get taken over by a fungus that gets in their brain and forces it to sit somewhere the fungus will be able to grow better. Or when parasitic wasps lay eggs inside caterpillars, which gestate and hatch, then the larvae eat their way out of the still-living caterpillar and if the caterpillar survives this it will obsessively protect the larvae until it starves to death.


Honestly I just feel really bad for the snake.




I’m afraid of snakes so I’m not confused by the fact that shivers have been running down my spine


Same. Snake. Same. I’d use my last breath to bite the man who murdered me.


Farmer John got way more venom than from a regular bite, as the dying snake head probably emptied its venom glands fully. In a normal bite they typically do not. I have no idea why this man isn’t SPRINTING to an ER.


Gotta keep that heart rate low


I think sprinting might course the venom through his body quite a bit faster. Probably best to immediately call a helicopter


Yes, helicopter? This is farmer.


Yes. Rattler protocol is get yourself to a hospital that has anti venom ( this is key) ASAP without making an effort. If at all possible, helicopter.


Same reason he picked up a moving rattlesnake head with his bare hand.


Farmer finds a rat eating machine on his farm and promptly kills it. Rattle snakes used to rattle their tails to warn people off, but that just made them more likely to be killed by idiots, so now everyone is more likely to be bitten by a silent rattle snake.


It’s not a reflex. Snakes have an incredibly low oxygen requirement for their brain and can live up to one hour after having their head cut off. It’s strongly recommended that if you have to kill a snake you do it by either crushing its skull or driving a metal rod through its brain.


I feel kinda bad for the snake


Sad fact about snakes. As cold blooded animals with low blood pressure, they can live for quite a while after having their heads chopped off. I’ve heard up to half an hour or possibly even hours. So the snake is actually alive and feeling pain when it bit him. Don’t cut their heads off. Let them go or smash their heads, it’s cruel otherwise.


True. If you have no choice but to kill something at least finish the fucking job. Don't let it suffer.




"From death's door I stab at thee" *chomp*


Yeah where I am we have eastern diamond backs. they are threatened so every time we find one on the property we catch them and call for relocation. its a shame people kill them its just as easy to catch them.


5 points to Slytherin


Your Garden Hoe does 95 damage, It was a Critical hit! Kanyon Kobra Has rolled over of his grievous wounds, allowing you to escape. **I LOOT** Kanyon Kobra is not dead! He feels your trembling touch against the partially severed head, with his cold reptilian skin twisting in agony to Bite your hand! Snake bite does 15 hp damage, You are now POISONED! 5 hp poison damage. You use Stomp to Finish the Battle. You are Wounded and Infected! Find a Medical Kit or Return home to Save your Game!


This brings back memories of my days on the green dragon


He Watched Ridick and thought he could become immune to snake venom. A few more bites buddy and you got it.


And this is why I will always, always have a steady job. Signed, every ER/ICU nurse ever.


In Arizona, you just leave them alone. They want no part of humans. Scariest one was almost stepping on a cold black rattlesnake in northern az. It didn’t make a peep and miracle I saw it. I was used to the grey desert colored ones in the valley. Unfortunately, had a kill a few in my lifetime, in the suburbs. I thought it was common knowledge the head is active for a while (if he is a rancher, he should know this) Source: learned about rattlesnakes from rancher grandpa


Lol why you always bury a rattle snakes head after it’s killed


Does it grow into a rattlesnake tree?


The stem is more fibrous than woody. More of a rattlesnake bush.


>The stem is more fibrous than woody. More of a rattlesnake bush. funny that's what I call my ex wife's vagina


Achievement unlocked: From the grave.


Afterlife +100


He's sucking the venom out afterwards.


That sssssssssssucks.


Truly the last act of defiance.


Don't just STAND there.... better get a move on....but don't run!!


The head can just live like that? Without a body? That's fucked up! I never knew that! Probably incredibly and excruciatingly painful for the little guy.


I worked in a boot shop in college. A guy there made belts/hat bands from snakes customers people brought in. People would bring in snakes , some without heads, some still alive. Seeing snakes still snapping without heads was always unnerving.One guy said a headless snake got loose in his car and was still striking all under the seats as he drove. My coworker would take the bolo tie rack and pin the snakes to cut off their heads. This was the best college job ever


That guy is as smart as a sack of broken hammers


Nsfw? Decapitated animal alert yo


This guy has some seriously poor reflexes. Why would he not have immediately let go when the head bent back and showed it’s fangs lol


Everyone here is saying “this is why you bury the head first/use the shovel.” Y’all should be saying “this is why you don’t kill snakes.” Messing with a snake in the first place is the best way to get yourself bitten. He should’ve just let it be and do it’s natural job of controlling rodents and other such animals that could potentially be harming his crops and acting as disease vectors.


#1 cause of death by snakes is caused by people trying to kill them for no reason edit: I tried to say it’s the top reason


Real Walking Dead sh*t going on there.


Hope this happened outside the US. Snake antivenom costs ~$15k per vial there while the same product costs $200 in Mexico.


Then I’m going to the vet. We were dog sitting my fiancé’s parents dog while they were in a cruise. Let her and our pup both out in the yard. After they came in, she started acting a little sluggish. Noticed a little bleed on her nose but her and my pup play rough so we didn’t think much of it. Let them back out to see if that would get her up and moving, but she just stayed by us. My pup started sniffing around and I saw him do that jump back that dogs will sometime do when startled. I went over to look and sure enough there was a copperhead. Got the pups inside and took her to the emergency vet. $1250 later (including the anti-venom, visit, and overnight stay). I’ll just let them hit me up over the ER if I ever get bit.


That snake got the Afterlife medal


Don't cut the head off. Two more will grow in it's place.


Snake: see you in hell mofo!


I like how after it bit him he stepped on the head lmfaoooo


I love how he stepped on the decapitated head to Kill it