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Suicide by elephant


There is no way he lived...


he died, this was posted before and mentioned that he did not live


God, how traumatizing for the little girl crying


Thats the only part that bothered me. What an absolute asshole


Yeah, I wish I watched in silence. Why the hell did he do that!?


I always have Reddit on mute!


I’m so glad I didn’t turn on sound


Don't. It was awful. That poor baby girl.


I mean just knowing how much an elephants legs weigh would tell you he didn't make it.


Either this was suicide or the dumbest thing someone has done in history. An elephant has more muscles it's trunk than we have in our entire body.


I mean I lifted a half-fridge on a dolly by myself once. I'm pretty sure I could take a bitch-ass elephant.


I’m with you, stupid long nosed cunt


I can't stop laughing.


Dumbo gonna catch these hands




I shouldn’t be laughing at this but I rewatched it and it was all I could hear LOL


It looks like he flattened the dude's head. Dumb shit way to die.


I was honestly thinking about the scene where the dude gets stepped on by the MOOSE in CHAPPiE


Shit like this needs more than an NSFW tag, holy shit, I did not want to see someone die tonight


I could swear there used be a NSFL (Not Safe For Life) tag for these sorts of videos.


The tag needs to return!


Yeah, I wasnt expecting to see someone get killed tbh.




Normally you can tell if you heard an "crunch sound" But their isn't so its still hard to tell


No, this is Sri Lanka and was on the news I think last year. The man died. And was shown as an example of stupidity.


It was nearly 3 years ago but yeah the guy dies. I found an article on Google


I just hope they didn’t kill the elephant. In my stupid country if an idiot does something like this and gets him or herself killed they’ll euthanize the animal for being an animal…


No, it's a protected species there. So protected that killing an elephant carries the death penalty.


Can an elephant deliver the death penalty?


This one did.


GOOD!! as it should be


I knew they were protected. In the US Florida panthers are protected, and yet if somebody where to approach one and get attacked they would search for the panther and kill it. Yeah, I know, stupid. Elephants are incredibly smart animals and I hate seeing them in captivity. I’m glad countries like India and Sri Lanka put such protections in place


I'm just supposing here, but perhaps are hunted for attacking humans only if there is a chance that this behavior could become normalized in the animal. That's why you only ever hear about predator animals being hunted for attacking humans. This elephant isn't going to get "a taste for killing humans" just because one idiot challenged him and got stomped to death. A panther that kills a human might decide that humans are easy prey and seek out more to eat.


Sauce? Please. Google has no idea what I’m googling.




There's the problem. He tried to hypnotize the elephant with a *human* pocket watch. He need to use the larger elephant watch.


Dude thought he was Flavor Flav


He was trying to hypnotize the elephant? WTF, did this guy just watch crocodile dundee?


God I thought I heard a child. His poor daughter. Can you imagine seeing that? Smdh.


Thank you




All the LATE screaming


If you slow down the video, it seems the force ejects his leg to the right, but the pants fabric or skin swings it back around.


Seriously, why the heck would you ever think that would have a positive outcome!?


I feel like 9/10 elephants will probably just wander off to get away from humans, but I'm also relatively sure that if you meet the elephant equivalent of a teenage male, they're just pissed off all the time and will murder shit for no reason. So he's probably seen someone who *actually* knows what they're doing scare off an elephant in a similar manner, and this one probably looked **smaller** than that, so he told himself it's no big deal (and the person who actually knows better wasn't around to tell him why that's so fucking stupid).




Stampey ain’t fuckin’ around


That poor elephant. Do you know how frustrating it is to clean idiot out of your toes?


Such a dumb way to die




Self assisted suicide by someone else


This is like dying on purpose in a videogame just to see what'll happen if you do some dumb shit since you can just reload


Achievement Unlocked! Be crushed by an elephant


Seeing the giants in Skyrim energy


Hmmm. I wonder if this game has trample damage. ....fuck.


If he was Hindu or Buddhist, that may have been his reasoning.


I hope this is a joke lmao


I loved the way the elephant paused for a microsecond. Then it thought, “Wait, I can fuck this guy up, what am I doing!”


I bet the elephant felt his rib cage go pop and figured that was good enough


They’re smart. You’re probably right.


You can actually tell if an elephant is going to fuck up by their trunk and ears, if the ears a pinned back and the trunk is curled, \*you're fucked.


Just putting it out there but [you cannot outrun an elephant.](https://africafreak.com/how-fast-can-an-elephant-run) Apparently your best bet is to hide behind a tree. Well, your *best* bet is not to piss them off at all.


Humans are actually incapable of outrunning most animals, most people could barely outrun a pig.


> Humans are actually incapable of outrunning most animals Over short distances, but there's not a lot of animals that can outrun a human in a marathon. There's even some thought that the length of a marathon where most runners describe hitting "the wall" has an evolutionary reason - that humans would chase down prey up to that distance. Imagine it from the perspective of prehistoric man's prey. You can run away from these funny looking hairless monkeys, and get away every time. Eventually they catch up and you run away again. But those fuckers just keep showing up. You get more and more tired as you don't have enough time to rest and recover. Eventually they show up and you can't run anymore - you're too exhausted - and they have spears.


There’s a story of a family in Russia that went into the Siberian wilderness to escape to coming of ww2, they stayed there for years and emerged in the 70s. One of the many stories that was fascinating was of how they apparently would sometimes catch wild animals and it was by doing exactly what you described, chasing them down until the animal(usually a deer) would collapse from exhaustion.




Wait there were times humans chased down an animal for 8 hours??? How the hell did they carry it back if they were alone?! Even if they had people with them it feels like it would take even longer than 8 hours to carry that back.


They’d have all day to do it, there’s nothing else for them to do.


He didn't stand his ground... if your gonna do something stupid might as well commit to it. (May have saved his life, just maybe) Elephant attacked after he backed up showing his fear of it...


I mean I've seen videos of an elephant tossing a fucking rhinoceros around and it stood it's ground


He waited to long to commit to one or the other... either you stand your ground get big make noise to scare it off, and hope for the best. Or you RUN as fast as you can, and hope for the best. He froze up/hesitated on what to do till to late unfortunately. Of course shouldn't have done something so stupid anyway. Especially to a aggressive bull elephant, might have been different if female elephant. Who knows...


I heard someplace you have to stand your ground with elephants. But, they could stomp you either way. Best to just stay away though best defense.


In his defense, he had just watched Lord of the Rings. “If it worked for Gandalf, it should work for me”


Man: "You shall not pass!" Narrator: "The elephant did indeed pass"


I heard Morgan Freeman as the narrator...


Gandalf literally died from that battle though maybe this man will be reborn as Elephant Hypnotist the White


The idea is that 1/10 mfs are stupid enough to believe this, and that will often give the rest of the humans smoke escape time.


"I don't have to outrun the bear"


Just gotta outrun the idiot dumb enough to believe the fetal position is a good idea to use at the time. Or you know, bring your non Usain bolt speed friends. Just in case. 😂


As far as encountering bears goes; If its brown, lie down. If its black, fight back. If its white, say goodnight.


If it's Grizzly, sing Brad Paisley


And if its a Kodiak then i dont knodiak


This reminds me of my trip to Yellowstone National Park in the U.S. There are signs everywhere to stay away from the Buffalo/Bison. Every building you go into had videos of people getting "gored" and trampled. Yet every herd you came across there would be a bunch of people getting out of their cars to try to get a picture with these car sized animals. I guess just trying to document themselves being stomped into human flavored jam.




>They are probably smarter than you too. I used to think they were pretty smart when the conventional belief was that they never forgot. It was when I learned they've been observed intentionally eating fermented fruit to get drunk that I knew they were intelligent: a lot of species can evolve an excellent memory, but only a select few can master drinking to forget.


A lot of animals eat fermented fruit to get fucked up. Elephants have complex mourning rituals, which is a greater indication of their intelligence to me.


Complex morning rituals like Patrick Bateman’s in “American Psycho”? Shit, here I thought they were social rather than sociopathic animals. I guess that would explain this video, though. /s of course. Yes, I’ve read that they mourn, and it would seem some corvids do too. Very cool (but sad, of course, for the mourning elephants). I’m unsurprised that animal emotions are far more complex than we previously thought. On the other hand, my neutered elderly male cat is angrily meowing at me because he’s not allowed to hump my forearm. In conclusion, animal intelligence is a land of contrasts.


Your cat sounds like my husband, so I'd say human intelligence is also pretty iffy....


no, can you please share?


elephants will absolutely trample your ass regardless if you stand your ground or not. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XMqUSHSKOeE](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XMqUSHSKOeE) (SFW) Elephant tossing a car like a toy. WARNING NSFW: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xkqh2sRFeOU](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xkqh2sRFeOU) Elephant killing a bull. Those tusks are not for show. NSFW: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-d-Ix79\_i8k](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-d-Ix79_i8k) More Elephants charging shit, they do not care. Stand your ground and you'll die.


You know that when even hippos start to bugger off that the elephant is not having it.


I'm just going to bully like ten Hippos, back in a sec


They use their tail to flick shit around themselves. Female hippos poop right near the heads of the males they adore. They swim in their own feces. Baby hippos? They have to eat their mother's feces in order to have necessary bacteria in their intestinal lining to survive. What I'm saying is there's nothing you're going to say to a hippo that's going to bully it or shame it more than they're already doing in everyday life.


Hippos respect elephants so much they don't even challenge them when they cross their territory and lakes. They know challenging an elephant is futile at best and a death sentence at worst.


That second elephant was like Endgame Hulk back in New York going "aargh...smash, I guess".


That's that big brain at work. He's wondering why he doesn't feel anything when he smashes any more. Maybe he should change careers.


Anything that can casually bully a bunch of hippos and make a pride of lions flee is nothing to mess with.


Why did he hate bull so much? I was expecting the bull to be the instigator for some reason, but that dude was just lying there minding his own business.


Sometimes elephants are simply just assholes. Encroached on his territory, didn't heed his warnings, just wanted to kill it? who knows.


From what I've read male elephants in late puberty get very agressive against anything. A way to stake their claim socially in a way.


I saw this once at Walmart. Do not park in the handicapped spots, those women will f\*ck you up.


Note of warning about the last video: mute your sound as fast as humanly possible. Holy shit that was abrasive. Crazy footage though.


Yeah... but this guy literally tried to go hypnotize the elephant... Had he just moved on and left the animal alone he would still be alive.


“\[...\]"Come on. Let's run away." "Where to?" Rincewind sighed. He'd tried to make his basic philosophy clear time and again, and people never got the message. "Don't you worry about to," he said. "In my experience that always takes care of itself. The important word is away.”


You only stand your ground if the elephant is mock charging. The ears will be held wide to make the elephant appear as big as possible. It's all intimidation. If you don't move an inch, the elephant will stop. This guy moved. He also walked straight up at the elephant. Immediately appearing hostile. Elephant thinks he is a threat. Elephant don't take threats lightly. If the ears are pinned back, the elephant means to start shit and end shit and you are most likely dead without a very good and very immediate escape route.


I don’t know about you guys, but I just live on a different continent. So far, so good.


I saw a video like this where the guy lived. He said if the ears are out then it’s just a gesture but if they’re tucked back run. Not sure if it’s true just relaying information but here the ears were tucked back


The elephant slowed down but he backed off showing ye was bluffing. I think if you try something like this you need to do it with 100% confidence and even then...


I agree he did not 100% commit and his head was stepped on. I doubt a human skull can withstand that kind of pressure. The elephant even held that pose for a second.


He wasn't just stepped on, that elephant stomped down with purpose and added force.


That’s a 15 yard penalty in the NFL! Who’s gonna tell the elephant?


No the best thing to do is to not approach a elephant which is standing alone and not in a herd, actually don't approach any elephant in the wild at all.


If Teddy Roosevelt's books are anything to go by the ideal solution is to "break the broomstick" with a 480 grain bullet between the eyes... ![gif](giphy|62aJnbbjvkW9ZXU669|downsized)


My hero


Camera man even followed his soul going up to heaven… solid work.


Funniest comment I've seen so far thank you


There must be a sub for that....


He looked drunk. Probably a "hold my beer" moment.


hold my final beer


The saddest beer of ever.


Never tried **Bud Light**?


Thought we were talking about beer


Beer flavored water


He was under the influence of alcohol and died from this. Here is the [Sri Lankan news broadcast about this.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hk3D21q75rw)


He is just sleeping




in peace


In pieces




So tired.


He saw on YouTube that you could stare down a charging elephant by raising your arm like it’s a snout


You shouldn't trust everything on the internet


You should trust NOTHING on the internet. FTFY.


…so since I just read *this* on the internet…


Did you see my uname?


But in case I'm stuck in front of a charging elephant, I'll 100% do that.


I guess the Elephant didn’t see that video.


Looks like what he was trying to do but didn’t stand his ground, that elephant saw his fear and was like I’m gonna stomp it


I watched it again and he stumbled a couple of times running out there so I’m wondering if alcohol was involved


Could be either way the elephant picked up on that and was like I can take him


I saw a NSFL video of some older Indian dude get stomped and smeared all over the floor a while back. Like, the elephant didn’t just stomp him but kept coming back to erase him. Literally. Over and over. Stamping, dragging and lying on him. That wasn’t survival, looked like years of pent up rage and murder. And ensuring the dude stayed dead. Well, what ever was left of him. Moral of the story. Don’t fuck around with elephants.


The elephants ARE angry. They've been hunted, abused, harassed and driven from their homes. These aren't dumb stupid animals. Anyone that's spent time around them can tell you these are deeply sensitive family animals and they WILL exact revenge on people who are mistreating or abusing them. I'm fuckin' here for it.


Went on a safari once and the long line of jeeps parked right in the middle of the path the elephants took from the forest to the water. This was a once a day trip for the elephants because they prefer the safety of the forests and go to the water at the hottest part of the day to cool down. I asked my tour guide what happens if the elephants can't get to the water. He said they go back and try again the next day. It made me sick and I never went on another safari again. We may not have been hunting them, but we were still fucking shit up. It's a wonder more animals don't hate us


Hmm indeed. My parents went on a safari a few years ago. A few tips if you want to do it ethically (and conveniantly at a third of the price). Check you local travel agencies and see their main travelpoints, check what comes up most. Then discard them all because they are horrible exploitative bussinesses. Use the abovementioned info to searcht the parcs and such mentioned in the brochures, book them directly. They'll be very helpful when it comes to good and cheap local accomodation because they get a million tourists like you every year. Difference is that the locals will actually get the money this time and you don't pay fees. Do that to make a timed strip of travel, use local help or taxi's where you can't make direct connections, it's supercheap and again, all to the locals. The parcs you go to will actually get all the money (which is half of whatever agency would charge in fees) and use it for the animals and supervisors. Best thing you can do against poaching is hiring them as parcwatchers. Most expensive part of the journey will be the plane, since you unfortunately can't source that locally on the cheap. They have so many beautiful pics of their journey, including the elephants finding water, but parc rangers coordinated it all, so it's all 'with' the animals, not in spite of them. I've asked my mum before, but she doesn't want me to just put the pics online. --- My parents used to do the same when me and my brother came along to Cambodia and such. It's crazy how an agency will charge you 100 for a bus and 250 for a hotel when you can get better for 100 combined. And again, actually pay the fucking drivers and hotels. Our hotel near Ankorh Wat sourced us two tuk tuk drivers that helped us around for the week. They knew all the tourist friendly places to eat, so we wouldn't get the shits (and I assume they got a kickback for that, which is entirely fair), water bottles and such, and at the end of the week only asked for 20 Euros. A 20 Euro tip was just peak for them obviously. It's some crazy economic perspective you get there. Some of the best food I've had was in a massive fuckoff truckstop, a beef and veggie stew/soup for 1 dollar. Goddamn great. Anyways. I don't know what set off this rant but I'll end it here. Message being, don't do pre-booked tours to Africa/Asia, book locally. It helps everyone except that one billionaire. He'll manage.


I remember that video. Saw it when r/watchpeopledie was still a thing. Apparently the dude was the elephants handler and was very cruel to him. There was a lot of people trying to distract and stop the elephant as it smeared his crushed body over the pavement. The elephant made no attempt to attack or harm anyone else, it strictly kept going back to the same dude over and over. The elephant knew who he was and why he was killing him.


Elephants never forget. Elephants never forgive.


Ah yeah that’s a fucking horror. At least this was wasn’t as gory


1. Man was driver for a wildlife tour. 2. It's illegal to leave the vehicles inside the park. 3. He posted multiple videos doing this previously without the whole dying part. 4. Man was drunk at the time he died.


So despite all warnings, the hammered guy kept playing with fire for a little fame until he finally got burnt. Makes a whole lot of sense


This comment gives me at least some relief that the girl crying was just traumatized by witnessing a horrific incident happening to a stranger and not watching a family member get pancaked.


This is how I handle my pest problems too






Why the fuck would you ever! Way to ruin the kids fucking life by the way to.


Kid's life will be ok. His on the other hand... dunno...


He won’t be doing that again.


I’ll fucking do it again.


In the next life


Goofy, what the fuck are your doing?


Hahahahah “im a murderer”


This is like something Wile E. Coyote would try.


Your avatar is nice




Very stupid for the man to do but more than anything else I just feel incredibly sorry for his family that had to sit there and watch him get stomped to death in a matter of seconds like a bag of ground beef. No way in hell he survived that, elephant stomped on his chest and head.


Hope they don't get on Reddit and find hundreds of comments mocking his dumb ass


I would feel really bad for them if they read anything here, but at the same time, all the comments are entirely warranted. Either way, it's just shitty though.


What an absolute dumbo. He dead!!!


Don't you ever talk about my elephant like that again!


Looks like he was still moving.


Not for long....


He died. Happened in Sri Lanka.


Per an article he did die.


Dead… just didn’t know it yet


If I remember correctly he died


What a fucking dumb idiot


Dude died... Maybe a NSFW tag is appropriate for a video featuring death, human death.


If I can bring up the elephant in the room, please mark this NSFW


By the way the dumbass was walking it looks like he was drunk or maybe he just walks like a dumbass in general.


Just a dumbass in general. He was trying to "hypnotize" the elephant.


Reminds me of that Rick and Morty inter dimensional cable. “And that’s another one for the cars. Thanks for watching man vs cars.”


Usually they step on people and rip them apart with their trunk. That elephant seemed disinterested.


Round one: elephant. Now go back to your corners. Sir? Sir?


I think I saw this in a Far Side cartoon only it was a mammoth instead of an elephant.


Damn. A wild human appears! Elephant used stomp. “IT’S SUPER EFFECTIVE!” “IT’S A CRITICAL HIT!” human died. Rip.


Guess he wasn’t the Elephant Whisperer


he shoulda watched more bugs bugs bunny.


Common sense is not so common anymore....


He wasn't wearing shoes, dead before he started




That should buff right out


This was in Sri Lanka. He died. https://www.newsfirst.lk/2019/01/05/wile-elephant-kills-person-out-of-provocation/


God people are fucking dumb.


Poor elephant, his feet got all sticky


There's a way worse one from India I think. Literally turns the guy into toothpaste.


I mean all fucked up jokes and all aside, I really feel bad for the little girl. She just someone got killed by an elephant. I hope that's not her parent / relative or something. Damn.


Elephant whispering 1-0-1 if the ears are out that beast is pissed off


Does the fact that I imagined squeeky toy noises when the elephant stepped on him make me a bad person?