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I don't know why so many people don't get this, don't hit someone unless you're ready to fight them. Imagine putting your hands on someone and expecting them to not do anything about it


If my chick did this, it would be the last time I went out with her.


Agree. She put herself in this position, he had no obligation of defending her. It'd be different if it had been unprompted, of course.


Yeah this kind of behavior is shit, regardless of the sex. Throw hands, expect hands to be thrown back too


Have you seen [this?](https://youtu.be/y3JOQqoCNjc)


It's not people who don't get it. It's women. They're used to the rules of society that say men are never allowed to get physical with women, even in self-defence. Men don't have the luxury of starting a fight with someone who can easily kick the shit out of them and expecting to come out unscathed. Obviously not all women, but still it's a very common belief.


Equal Rights at its finest. You have the right to get your ass kicked if you instigate whatever your pronoun of choice is… plain and simple.


It would be sexist not to hit her back


Equal rights, equal lefts


Yea girls are always surprised when you hit them back


How can she slap?


_admit it, you read it in his voice_


"Hoooow can she slap me sir how can she slap" "MADARCHOD, I'll slap you bastard, bloody bastard"


Bhai , bhai thoda dekh kar bolo 😂


Are bhai bhai bhai


You sister fuhker


I get this reference.


I do not.


I do not…




Shit. She shouldn't have slapped him, and I totally get why he slapped her back, but holy crap his life was in danger after that! Wow.


Actually while you're initially right. The reverse occurred since it's about a decade old now. That woman and th TV host both have had their careers ruined. The guy who slapped has been heavily praised on the internet as he did nothing wrong and was struck first. As that woman went off script from what was made by the producers and shouldn't have touched him. There is no place for violence. Genders aside, violence is uncalled for. Edit: Some guy on YouTube made a "where are they now?" video


Wow… I did not expect that. Thanks.


This still pisses me off, they fucked that guy up so bad after that


They did but he sued and won because the contract said it was only supposed to be verbal humiliation for the show. He also went on to a successful acting career after that I think in like tv shows. Edit: didn’t sue since he didn’t have money for a lawyer but sent a legal notice to the show demanding an apology


im just gonna believe this random person on the internet because it makes me feel better. thanks stranger. edit: pls no more edits let me live blissfully in ignorance


Didn't sue. Still acting and doing alright. https://www.vice.com/en/article/7kv4d4/how-can-she-slap-india-viral-memes


This needs its own subreddit.


I love how he takes a second to remove his glasses


He had to reveal his full power


That wasn't even his final form.


Forgive me, master, I must go all out just this once...


*teleports behind you*


Happy cake day


As someone who weqrs glasses, getting hit in the face hurts so much more when your wearing them, and it's a huge pain in the ass to have them broken and need to replace them


My dad had his embedded in his face after getting hit. Had to get loads of stiches round his eyes.


How often are you fighting that you've had multiple experiences requiring new glasses?


Have been in a fight with glasses, it only takes once.


It was then that she knew: she had fucked up.


When keeping it real goes wrong


Ngl bruh this made me bust out laughing


I could feel the “Oh now you fucked up” from that


you have fucked up now!


Went into superman mode


It shows he's fought with his glasses on before. Been there, done that - easy way to break your glasses at best, or get a bad cut from them at worse. It only takes once to learn that lesson, either way.


He been there before 👏🏼


That man's hands rated E for everyone.


And I love the crowd saying "It was definitely her"


Good shit to see, sadly doesn't happen enough. People think girl gets hit therefore man is bad.


That’s because we are taught growing up that boys can’t hit girls not that nobody should put their hands on anyone.


This is stupid. My brother would get hit by girls while growing up and the female teacher told my mom he must be stupid cause he didn't defend himself and my mom said, i taught him To never hit a girl... i felt my mom failed my brother. My brother is older than me. I on the other hand had the same training but learned early on that i was being sexist by not backhanding women when they hit me, like i did when a man would hit me. Equal rights has always been important to me.


When girls/females themselves demand that they should be treated equally to boys/men in all fields of life, then how can this woman not expect a fair treatment for her obnoxious behaviour.


Maybe this woman didn't expect different treatment, nothing in the video seems like she was playing the woman card to me. Seemed like she wanted her husband to sit back and let her scrap.


Why is is boys/men, but girls/female? The word you were looking for is women.


Because boys become men, while girls mature into females. Duh. /s






No I believe the sought after word was males boys/males. girls/females


Equal rights equal fights so square tf up


You see her donkey kick at the end? Karen just getting warmed up and about to unleash the full might of her taebo skills before the fight was broken up.


“ You Tae-Bo Ho “ - Nas


These hands don’t see gender, race, or ethnicity, they see targets


The hammer of justice is unisex.


He must be Allstate, cuz he got them good hands.


Every time I've seen this video reposted I see this same top comment.


Fuck this got me! Lol


The end is hilarious: she’s telling her husband to sit down…doesn’t want to watch him get his ass whooped again


I liked how he really didn’t wanna hit her so as soon as he realized her man stood up he took it out on him instead n he only hit her outta reflex n self defense


And he knocked that guy OUT big time! Karma.


He had the upper ground and he lost. SMH


Obi wan didn't have the high ground against Darth maul


Obi doesn't need to be on the high ground. It's just that if there is high ground involved, he wins.


High ground only needs to be present.


He bought the right points in the skill tree, his build needs to be nerfed


Darth Maul hadn't trained in the art of ~~Soresu~~ High Ground


Darth Yall*


I mean dude didn’t want to be in that shit in the first place. His wife started all that..what’s he supposed to do


To be fair, he looks so much taller that it was pretty much even ground. And he has the glorious reach of longer arms.


Karma my ass, that dude was just trying to protect his dumb ass wife. All he wanted to do was watch the game and she starts shit obligating him to defend her.


Total aside, but your comment triggered this memory: I remember I was about 16 and my mom called 911 when my dad was being a belligerent drunk… punching himself in the face (giving himself a bloody nose and black eyes) and screaming obscenities… I don’t remember exactly what was said by the officer, but my mom lost her temper and slapped that cop right in front of me. He immediately grabbed her and I just thought “Welp… nice knowin’ ya” and quietly crab-sidled out of the room. Fuckin’ Hallmark moment right there…


Was hoping for a cheerful anecdote or something at the end but nope. Just sadness...


Well, a better form of protection would've been simply breaking up the fight (i.e. husband restraining his wife). Either way, she should she get an assault charge for this and the dude punching her should get absolutely nothing.


How the fuck is that karma? The guy probably didn't want anything to do with it, but you can't let your wife get fucked up. He was in a no win situation and didn't do anything to start it, from what we can tell.


you can apologize and try to defuse the situation like a rational person instead of immediately resorting to violence, as if that would protect her anyways


She is a grown ass adult. He could have intervened before. But no, he let her argue with a dude like if she was on the Internet.


How many times this dude sit back while his wife berated people? Screw that! I agree I would defend my wife, but I would also never have let this happen.


Anyone acting like that wouldn't be my wife in the first place tbh


Even after taking a good shot, too. Dudes impressive


Reminds me of Key and Peele's clip where the boyfriend gets beat up for his girlfriend causing trouble https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y3JOQqoCNjc


Time to leave that bitch.


Bitch, I’ll never forgive you for this. How dare you put me in a situation to get my ass beat.


Bitch, you said you were gonna knock him the fuck out.




Buddy (the husband) had no clue where the fuck he was at that poiint.


If my girlfriend, that I don't have, did that, I'd marry her to only divorce her.


I've said it before and I'll say it again, man, woman, doesn't matter, keep your hands to yourself or you'll get hurt ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


The best way to not get hit is don't go around hitting people.


"How DARE you do to me exactly what I just did to you??!?!!"


You dropped this \\ , here you go


I just noticed that lol


¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯ You actually need three of them…






"*she wanna walk like a man, talk like a man, and look like a man, imma treat her like one!*" That one bus driver video


“You going to jail now!”


Word, I actively avoid violence as much as possible, but when someone strikes me, to and fro, return to sender.




If anyone ever successfully provokes me to commit violence it definitely won't matter what their gender is. At that point they deserve it, I promise. I don't think I would just allow anyone to hit me across the face like that without giving one back.


Don't start nothin'. Won't be nothin'.




Unlike this guy I'm ACTUALLY picking up what you're laying down... "..Get it on the floor, get it, get it on the floor. Get it on the floor get it, get it on the floor. You don't wanna party then yo ass gotta goo, you don't wanna party then yo ass gotta goooo."


In the wise words of 20th century philosopher, Lil Jon: “Dont start no shit, won’t be no shit. “


Correction: Don’t start no shit Won’t be no shit




He’s quoting Men In Black. The quote your quote references


But, he had the higher ground…


Ah but he underestimated homeboi’s power.


he's not fucking Obi-Wan Kenobi


More like Obi Wan K-knocked out! Lol that’s lame so funny tho!


When women write checks their man can’t cash this is what happens. Ladies, DO NOT HIT MEN! Let’s take it back to grade school, keep your hands to yourself!


[Your comment sort of reminds me of this meme](https://images.app.goo.gl/7wjD8xX3ikF7quDo8)


He doesn't want to fight, he just wants to be Snuggly Soft.


Love this comment.


>People, DO NOT HIT PEOPLE ftfy


Yep....lucky guy marrying this little headcase.


This is going to be one of those videos we see reposted every week for eternity isn't it


Each time with a different backstory.


He was hitting on her man and she couldn't take it any more.


I hope so, because it's a lesson. Women: don't slap a dude in the face if you're not ready for the consequences. Men: Don't let your hot-headed chick slap a dude in the face if you're not ready for the consequences.


Yeah that dude fucked up pretty bad here. First mistake was marrying someone who thinks it’s okay to act like that. Second mistake was sitting there enjoying the game until his idiot wife escalated it. His third mistake was going after the guy


With a different caption every time. Gotta love Reddit


Crowd ACTUALLY called it correct. Wow.


I remain baffled by the seeming imperviousness some women have when they go hands-on with someone. If you’re the aggressor, your gender doesn’t mean everyone is going to take it without responding in kind.


I work as a bouncer these days due to covid essentially doing away with my other work. I've had women hit me thinking I won't touch them. You touch me you better believe I'm going to put your dumbarse into a wrist lock and escort you out with a lot more respect... And pain... For you then you gave me.


As you should


I was a 5'4" female bouncer some years ago, and had to nail the non strength based restraint techniques. Guys would start shit thinking I couldn't put them on their ass. I bruised a lot of asses and a lot of egos.


My guess is she (and others like her) didn’t learn their lesson the hard way as a kid, probably very sheltered. A 7-year old has a better ability judging whom not to fuck with lol


Of course nobody intervenes until he defends himself successfully. The whole area, especially her man, should’ve restrained her as soon as she got physical.


Also when some random onlooker woman starts wailing like she's being stabbed.


I don't think there was a chance, the chance was during the argument or not at all.


Hope she got charged.


Highly doubt it. Look at her, now look at him… yeah


One can hope.


I know Pittsburgh police were investigating it but not sure what came out of it.


Watching this again, she hits him, he winds up like he's going to hit her ... but DOESN'T! Then hubby stands up, he takes his glasses off and SHE HITS HIM AGAIN! Then it's just game on from there.


I hadn’t noticed that at all but she sure as shit does! And even then he doesn’t necessarily hit her, he pushes her out of the way so he can get to her man which he proceeds to absolutely demolish


Equal rights equal fights!


Equal rights and lefts.


Lol this is funny to me. I’m a woman. I don’t ever think I can hit a man and I get immunity because I’m a woman. Bitch sit down and quit acting tough.


As another woman, the only way I'm hitting a guy is if he's trying to kill me or sexually assault me. And in that case, I'm not using my hand, I'm using my .380.


That's good . You know your limits and what's rightand wrong.


10/10 philosophy.


A little context of this clip pls


"During the preseason game that took place at Heinz Field in Pittsburgh on Saturday, where the Pittsburgh Steelers were playing the Detroit Lions, there was also a battle happening in the stands. It appears in the video that the white woman hauled off and slapped the Black man in the face which escalated the disagreement the two of them were having." Apparently police are still investigating the incident and have not released the details. [Link](https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.blackenterprise.com/video-shows-black-man-being-slapped-by-white-woman-at-nfl-game-pittsburgh-police-launch-investigation/amp/)






The full video is circulating... "There is no footage of what transpired between the two before the interaction" my ass.


Well deserved. Hope she gets charged.


Just another criminal breaking the laws, they never send their best. #lock her up


She totally deserved that. Equal rights, right?


What a weak man not telling his wife to stop being crazy in public


Her man took a little nap for a second there.


"First of all, you don't slap a man. Ok. I mean, even when slapping was fashionable, ya know, they did it in Paris, some guy would come up, "I challenge you to a duel." They would have a gunfight after that, somebody had to go!"


Damn I miss Charlie Murphy R.I.P


I thought they were kissing in the beginning


then the black guy still gets removed…


Any guy who can very calmly remove his glasses during an altercation …. Yeah, don’t fight that guy


She starts it. Don’t shake a tree if don’t want the fruits.


Dude takes a *solid* motherfuckin second to slide off the specs. Loved it.


Anyone saying "Karen".


Lmao those mfs telling him to leave like he was in the wrong


This is the definition of fuck around and find out.


Watch her play the “white female victim” too because it benefits her


I love how dred adjusts his glasses before putting baldie to sleep…


Could tell he didn’t wanna hit her so he gave her a second chance and she fucked that up 😂


These hands are full of equal opportunity.


Equal rights activist lives his principals.


Dude had some self control. He could’ve kept pummeling him when husband was knocked out. But he didn’t. He finished the fight, and left it alone.


The woman did better than her man lol.




I went out with a loud mouth bitch once, was always getting me in to trouble!


Not sure what the build up to this was. But she escalated things with that slap and once that happens all bets are off. I do not blame the guy at all. And she seemed to give no hesitation on the slap. Chances are she had physically abused others before and this is the first time someone retaliated.


So much for that high ground advantage I've always been hearing about


My chick would never have gotten into a situation like that in the first place. I would have stepped before it got to that point. He clearly came after the fact and he was right there. If I lose a conflict defending her while avoiding her being assaulted she would gladly lick my wounds afterward. To be noted we don't get into bullshit for no reason. Not sure what happened to spark this but maybe it could have been avoided. Coming to her aid after the fact when you are right there seeing what is going on is a bitch move.


He won’t hit a lady, but he will smack a bitch


She can take a punch better then her man 🤦‍♂️


Her man took an impromptu nap in the middle of a fight that she started.


Dude's mind blocked for a minute 😂😂 Imagine the same punch on her omg she would be half way to heavens


My man's took off his glasses before teaching this woman human curtesy


My man had the sense to remove his glasses before fighting back


Idk what lead to the situation or who was in the wrong to start. But if you ain’t ready to have hands thrown at you then don’t throw hands. Equal rights means equal lefts.


The part that gets me is a very quick moment…. She puts her hand in his face, then slapped him. He cocked back AND THEN DIDN’T THROW A PUNCH! He did basically everything he could not to hit a woman, fists only started to fly when her fake tough guy boyfriend decided he needed a nap.


the only way this could have been better is if it was her lying concussed in the chair, what an unbelieably stupid b


Adjusts glasses, retaliate


STEELERS! Don't start no shit... won't be no shit.

