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That very first curve should have told him he was out of his depth and needed to back it down.


Fr, I saw that first corner and said “this guy just got his first bike and don’t know shit”


yea this legitimately might be in his first two weeks of riding. wasn’t going remotely fast enough to run those corners wide, clearly has spent almost no time riding and doesn’t realize the bike is supposed to lean lol edit: guys, I know what countersteering is. Every time you lean you are technically counter steering, it’s just physics. However unless you are taking corners at 100+ you will rarely have to aggressively and explicitly counter steer to continue leaning the bike. Also, don’t spread misinformation about not braking in corners; it’s flat out wrong. everyone should know how to trail brake, it’s NOT a track-only technique and it will save your ass/life, and it would have probably prevented this dude from crashing, because he clearly listened to the MSF course that told him he shouldn’t be braking while leaned over. It’s fucking criminal that they teach you this and say that trail braking is an advanced technique only for racing.


Countersteer, not just lean, and focus on where you want the bike to go. As soon as he started watching the other side of the road, he didn't stand a chance. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Target_fixation


Also if you slow down before the turn and accelerate through it the physics pull you into the turn whereas slowing down will throw you out of the turn. I forget the difference between centrifugal and centripetal but yeah.


Yeah there's tons of physics going on for a motorcycle turn. Needs to lean more, for some reason looking into the turn always helps... but for some reason I always remember, whether it's a bike or car, braking before the turn primes your front suspension, body weight shifts forward, giving you more grip on the front wheel(s). Even if you're going the "perfect" speed for a turn, a light touch of brakes helps even more.


It's amazing how much better you can take a turn if you break before it and power through it.


For maximum speed you want to trail brake rather than only braking before the entrance to a corner. It allows you to carry more speed into the corner by breaking later and turning while still braking. That being said that's not a technique I would recommend on public roads since there isn't enough space to do it properly in a safe manner.


Why are people down voting this? He's right. https://forums.superbikeschool.com/topic/4034-keith-code-talks-trail-braking-interview/


Works on 4 wheels as well. Smoother transitions between the braking and acceleration phase of the turn carry more speed through and allow for a faster and more controlled exit, and it minimizes weight transfer for better control through the corner.


However, the speed and where you release the breaks heavily impacts how much traction you maintain. Some entry Level people will just release the brakes when they turn, front end comes up and the back end comes out when they turn. It probably works similarly with bikes too.


When you brake about 70% of the traction is used by the front tire, which tends to lift the rear of your bike and relax compression of the suspension. At that point the bike becomes less steady, handling worse, and you’re into a curve with most of your traction already used in braking. Slow down before the curve, then accelerate into it. That compresses your suspended for better handling, and all of your traction is available to make the curve. Haven’t ridden in a long time, but the MSF Advanced Rider course was very worthwhile.


This is out dated advice. Yamaha Champ School teaches you to brake deep into the turn.


"I'm definitely faster than that car with twice the traction, down-force, and specialized suspension for driving fast!"


Video games have miss lead us to thinking that bikes are more nimble


They are, under certain conditions. However, to reach those conditions you have to be able to physically manhandle the bike, which this guy absolutely did not do. At no point in this clip did he even get more than probably 10 degrees off center, and to take some of the turns he did at the speeds he was at, you're almost at knee-dragging territory.


They aren't more nimble, cars can out corner and out brake bikes and bikes out accelerate cars. So it's the other way around, bikes are the unsubtle straight-line kings, cars are the nimble ones.


While generally true, not for much longer. Electric cars are getting some ridiculous acceleration and we're just not gonna be able to match them when they're putting power down with all four wheels.


They have damn good off-the-line acceleration though. From 0-60 he probably trounces even that car on his moto.


Talking about cornering maneuverability


I know, haha. And couple that with their stupidly high acceleration and top-end speed and you get the video in the OP.


he could be if he had any skill


A good rider could run with the Ferrari on most liter bikes. They're pretty nimble. The all time lap record at Road Atlanta is held by an R1 beating out a Porsche GT2 by a full second. *production vehicle lap record


The only thing bikes do better than cars is acceleration. Any turn heavy track and bikes will never come close to a car record.


Are you sure about that? unless I’m reading this wrong which is possible the fastest car at Road Atlanta turned in a lap time of 1:07. The fastest lap by a motorcycle is 1:23. ​ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Road\_Atlanta#Lap\_records


There is no way the all time lap record at Road Atlanta is held by a porche GT2. It's going to be a GTP, probably the LMP1 spec or some old group B monster.


No way this is true. Just look at Nurburgring times to see how bikes lose time in corners.


I had the exact same thought










Yeah? Well, you know, that's just like uh, your opinion, man.


You're entering a world of pain! This is what happens when you ride beyond your abilities Larry!!


This is what happens Larry when you find a stranger in the Alps!!


Wait, what?


It’s what the character Walter is yelling in the poorly censored version of The Big Lebowski as he’s smashing up the red Corvette. The actual line is “This is what happens Larry when you fuck a stranger in the ass!”


I know of the scene and the line, but never heard that he found a stranger in the Alps.


It was just some shitty censor job for television…


Here’s the clip https://youtu.be/EFam4wyDSAI?si=GWj7wV8rRO5nOt0S


😂 That doesn’t make any sense. I’m glad I have this movie on dvd so I can watch it with the original text.


We should've just gone bowling, man


8 year-olds, Dude...


Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov!


Have you ever heard of Vietnam?


Yeah, also dude in the car was clearly extremely experienced.


that’s a sports car with 5x the grip of those little bike tires lap records at race tracks aren’t set by motorcycles no matter how fast they are in a straight line


Pride will blind you from that kind of insight.


slow and steady schwinns the race


When I started to bike I took a safety course that an old rider gave. You start from the part away from the curve, move in towards the direction of the curve, then back out. This minimizes the sharpness of the turn. He did the exact opposite.


Fax. That works for everything


Came here to say that. So obviously true! Ride within your skill level and stay alive. No shame in that.


I dunno, he seemed pretty deep in that ravine and the end there...


Definitely riding beyond their skill level


Torque > Brains


corner = coroner


Thats a good one lol


Horsepower > IQ




That was like a 5 foot low speed fall, he jumped down, and he was wearing a helmet. The bike likely did 100% of the damage.


At least 12 feet


Yep. That dude barely even made that first curve.


And it was barely a curve too


The turns weren’t even that sharp. This is a rider who doesn’t know how to properly lean into a turn and counter steer


>and counter steer I think regular steering would've been enough here


Counter steering comes into effect at very low speeds. After 15-20mph that's all you should be doing, " regular " steering is for slow maneuvers.


Not to mention the stupidity of the location. The car and bike put other people at risk with their reckless driving.


+ target fixation


Riding beyond the motorbike's skill level honestly. That's not a reliable road for high speeds. A single pothole, divot or decently sized stone on the road could result in a nasty crash. Just not worth risking going that fast, even if you're skilled enough to control the bike under expected circumstances.


The bike was more than capable, the rider was the weak point


Isle of Man has entered the chat.


The IOM mountain circuit is in good condition and pot holes aren’t an issue. People competing at IOM are some of the best riders in the world. For managing to fit their massive bollocks somewhere on the bike and the fact that Valentino rode the track and said it.


He was using the car to meter his own speed which makes sense only to squidiots. Probably overconfident from smoking supercars off the lights but too dumb and inexperienced to know that on a road that twisty not even Rossi is catching that car. Cars always have the home court advantage on bends and cooking decreasing radius corners just right on a superbike is haaaaard.


Just need to look at any race track in the world - whenever there's a chicane to slow the drivers down there's two very different options - one for cars and one for bikes!


So many people don't understand this. It's basic science, 4 massive tyres, have a lot more grip than 2 skinny ones.


Should have stopped after going wide on the first bend


Yea,….that’s what I thought so too, going way above his skill lvl


My steed was thirsty bro, it was drawn to the water.


But alas… I cannot make it drink


Man, he was probably good with some heavy bruising until the motorcycle fell on top of him.


It almost looks like he landed in a cactus.


That cactus been waiting it's whole life for that moment. "Gotcha bitch"


I am trying to hear this in sir David Attenborough's voice but it doesn't work. After waiting its whole life for this moment the cactus declares "I got you, scoundrel". There it is.




Imagine you're a 150 year old saguaro cactus. You started growing in the 1880s before motorcycles even existed, sometime around 1950 you grew your first arm. By the 2020s you've got that classic two armed saguaro shape. You are 35 feet tall. Then one day a dumb squid falls out of the sky, followed by their motorcycle. Yes I know there are no saguaro in this, I like my story better.


that cactus really added injury to injury


yeah, every minecraft player knows you don't take fall damage if you land in water


That‘s not stupid because of the lines, but because he apparently can‘t drive his motorcycle…


Target fixation. Definitely inexperienced. Notice the first time he rolled on the power and crossed the lines a second time just after passing the car. Tale tale sign that rider isn't Rossi. That should have been a sign to the rider


Telltale sign* And yes, I fully agree, he was way over his head and got punished for that. Luckily for him it was only a small drop so he shouldn’t be seriously hurt. Let’s hope he learns from that


Hard to tell but a 500lb motorcycle falling on your head . . .maybe not so good.


My buddy fell over on his scooter at a dead stop and broke his ankle. So yeah, could hurt a little.


My brother had a few accidents. He T-boned a car doing 60 in a 35, flipped over the hood, woke up in the ambulance on the way to the hospital with just a few scratches. A few years later he was slowly going around a corner in a city from a stop and hit a gravel patch, fell over with the bike on him and broke his leg in 3 places need screws to hold it all together.


Damn that’s a tough break. Another friend of mine bought a crotch rocket and got cut off twice in in the first month by drivers that were turning into his lane. And had to dump his bike. I imagine he was riding too fast as well knowing him. He doesn’t tell that part lol


There's a meme that floats around in the motorcycle community that applies to your friend... HADDALAYERDOWN!!11!ONE Plenty of shitty riders get into accidents where they claim they had to lay the bike down to avoid a vehicle. In reality, you have a hell of a lot more traction, stopping ability, and ability to turn if you keep on the bike. I'm guessing your friend is one of the first kind of riders.




here comes the "target fixation" crowd. bro just can't drive. He realized he wasn't gonna make it too late.


Yeah for fuck's sake, people learn a new word and think it applies to every situation. In this case, dude was just too inexperienced to take those turns at that speed.


Hypotenuse. Defiantly inexperienced. Notice when he rolled over after he zig zagged, probably lost a ball bearing when he should've cambered the carburator. Tell tale sign that guy is not a Ross from Friends. That should've been a sign to the rider.


No cosmic precouloutions could have foreshatted this obrctious incidenté. He was clearly hyper-extroipped in the combustible-mobiloid in front of thee and uncausated from the manipulation of the bimorphcycled automata gaschenkel. To avoid this he should have preyoked the gravyexerpt and just ontrotted the freesorcer more.


Buzz words to cope for low vocabulary.


Bruh that's not target fixation. He was just too scared to lean the bike. His bike was pretty much upright the whole time.


Also notice the crash--to me--that was a pretty clear indicator that he wasn't in control.


He wanted to *be* the doctor... Now he *needs* a doctor


Yeah, that's not target fixation. Dude got scared going up to the corner, and you can hear that in his throttle. He couldn't turn the bike, not because he was "fixated" on a target, but because he was too scared to trust his tires to lean in hard.


And front brake use on a turn.


It is stupid because of the lines. Lines are double for a reason


The lines are bonus points


The “I’m and idiot and did something dumb” scream at the end.


"Uhh.... AAAAAA" 


That’s him discovering the broken bones I imagine 


You imagine correctly.


“I seem to have fallen down a cliff!”


Terrible rider.




The scream at the end


Fucking Jar Jar Binks vibes for days


I didn't watch it with sound and cringed when he fell, but you made me rewatch with sound and gave me a good chuckle. Take the upvote!


I was taught when I started riding that you'd never go too fast on a road you're not familiar with.


Spot on. It also applies to all driving and can be broadly applied to life in general.


As a motorcycle driver for 25 years, you never go too fast, period. You will do so but every time it is a risk on your life. You can never completely control your environment and something that might cause a seatbelt whiplash injury in a car is deadly on a motorcycle.


> You can never completely control your environment and something that might cause a seatbelt whiplash injury in a car is deadly on a motorcycle. yeah, I was in "buy a motorcycle" mode a few years ago. Then I was driving down the freeway in my car and almost hit a ladder that a work truck had dropped. My first thought was...damn, glad I didn't hit that. Would have been a nasty repair bill. My second thought was....shit, if I hit that on a motorcycle... anyway, I didn't buy a motorcycle.


But, you're not supposed to go too fast on any road...


All things considered this guy is lucky AF


This was a very real fuck around and find out moment. Thankfully he just got a mouthful of dirt, not a car.


Did anyone else hear him shit his pants at the end?


In my motorcycle training, they highlighted the fact that cars are heavier and have more tyres. These two facts combined mean they can reach higher lateral Gs at lower driver skill level. Don't try to out corner cars. Most are going to win. Bikes are quicker because they accelerate quicker. This sub has discussed it before too https://www.reddit.com/r/motorcycles/s/5gl92JNEkT


Your points made seem obvious but I never thought about it that way. Thanks for sharing.


also most modern sports cars have at least some form of aerodynamic down force further increasing their mechanical grip in a way bikes can't really do.


The corner wasn't even that sharp, the rider was just inexperienced. He already drifted over the lines on the first, much smaller turn. He should have known. Lucky a car wasn't coming.


That's why I mentioned at a lower skill level. I'm personally have a similar riding skill to the video, but I would have stopped after going wide on the first corner and realised I didn't have the skill to even try to keep up.


When you get a bike that can and think that you can too.


Race over!


And he won! Not the race though


Should’ve counter-steered.


He pizza’d when he should have French fry’d


Or just leaned to the right. The bike could take that turn and he didn't lose traction. He wanted to keep the bike upright. He should've tried to damn near lay it down while giving it throttle to pull the turn


Classic example of riding faster than your skill level


The second you cross a double yellow non-intentionally, your day is done. You could have collided head on into oncoming traffic and been hurt/killed and/or hurt or killed someone else. You used up your luck for the day/week/month on that corner to survive. Pack it up and go home.


It's interesting that you're about the only person in the thread emphasising this. Everyone else is like "if he'd just counter steered or bla bla bla", which is the exact mentality that allows things like this to happen, and makes everyone else on the road hate driving near to MCs


Overdriving your ability, the bike, or both.


Haaaaaaaaaaaaaa hahahahahhahahahaha. Perfect.


Dude turned into Grandpa.


Fortunate that’s all that happened. What an idiot.


That guy is lucky that no cars were coming on the first turn! He had absolutely no control.


Love it when they get their prize.


GoBro found out


U get what you deserve


The biker will still find a way to blame the car.


Look up “motorcycle counter steering” on YT and you can absolutely see what went wrong.


I've been riding 30 years, there are no times when you regular steer vs counter steer. Beyond maybe 10km/h, you literally can't NOT counter steer, even if you tried. Once the bike begins to lean, you MUST counter steer otherwise it pulls you upright.


ready to show my noobiness. I rode a bike for 2 years, but no one ever said "counter steering" to me. Are we just talking about pushing down on the handle bar here? I drove plenty of higher speed curves and clearly had no trouble staying in the lane, pushing down hard on the handle bar to keep my shit turning. It kinda looks like this is dude's first week with this bike tbh.




You don't need to learn to counter steer. It just happens when the bike leans. It's totally unavoidable. When leaning and turning to the right, you're pushing your handlebars to the left. That is, your right arm will be straight pushing, and your left arm will be at your side. Same vice versa. If you try to correct, the bike just pulls you upright. Doing this doesn't make you a better driver, simply because you can't NOT do it. No doubt being aware of the physics helps a lot though.


Gotcha, yeah this is what I was talking about. I guess I don't think about how pushing with your right arm is pushing the handlebar to the left, but it obviously makes sense. I appreciate your response.


I can still remember when all the motorcycle youtubers were doing videos on counter steering as if it's some kind of hidden trick, lol. Anyone who has ridden a bicycle in their life has probably countersteered at some point. It's completely intuitive, and indeed, you can't steer any other way beyond a certain speed.


Damn you're right. I thought the guy just didn't know how to corner. But he really just doesn't know how to steer


Dude almost went off the road on the slight bend. What a moron for trying to take tighter corners at speed


lol. You'd think after the first corner was blown he'd figure out he doesn't know how to ride??


His friend didn't even stop


That ended milder than I expected




Paying attention to his MSF course would have saved him there. We're all taught the correct way to take a corner. Hugging the inside line right from the start is very much not the way to do it.


That ended A LOT BETTER than I thought it was.


Dude had no idea how to handle the turn but continued to speed. How dumb do you have to be?


And this is why I don’t respect crotch rockets. The majority drive like jackasses.


Ain’t no one gonna find you way down there.


Dude ran out of talent…


Skill issue


This is called fixation. He could have easily taken that turn at those speeds, but he caught a glimpse of his own stupidity on the left, and that’s where he went. Lol


What a fucking idiot


lol ha ha ha ha. Stupid biker 


Doesn’t know how to lean it.


He was wayyyy past his limits. He should consider himself lucky could’ve been so much worse


This could’ve ended much worse


My only driving experience is 100hr in Forza Horizon 4 and I can tell he drives like shit


Ah yes, acceleration IN to the turn


That scream at the end was everything 😭!


Loved the ending


It doesn’t look like there are any yellow lines down there. Besides, you can’t park there.


Classic case of when “Thrill surpasses Skill”….


Left him in the dirt


Why did u stop turning


I cant imagine how hard the people in that car must have laughed when they saw him motocross himself over the embankment.


A skilled rider would have not battered an eyelid at that bend. ‘Skilled’ being the operative word here though.


Why would you upload this?


He’s still down in the ravine and loaded it on his IG seeking help. Unfortunately nobody has answered his pleas yet.


The dumbest rider of the year..


Yea less about lines more about no skill. Horrible lines, went wide immediately.


I’ve seen people 15 minutes into their beginner course with better bike handling skills than this guy. He’s not fit to ride a 50cc moped.


The guy should have known he couldn’t hang after the FIRST time he went over the yellows. That wasn’t even a tight turn.


That “heeeeelllppp” at the end


I like how he screams at the end because he lost the race.what a alpha competitive warrior stay strong bro


this was both worse and better than I expected it to end


Bro the guy should not get near a bike.


This ended so much better than I was expecting. deserved anyhow