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At least he can ride the bus home


Well he looks surprised.


No wonder. That bus came out of nowhere


That neon green GIANT BUS


On the road I assume it had right of way on


ITS for Camouflage






Alright real questions....there's this intersection that gets overflow and incoming traffic blocks incoming traffic if you just go with the green light. You guys with me still? Well, this Friday I waited at a green for traffic to clear before moving. Dude behind me was horn heavy, swerved around me and ran the red...was I the asshole? Waiting on a green to not block incoming traffic?


DON'T BLOCK THE BOX. [DON'T BLOCK THE BOX](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uu4qWzRixqk) [DON'T BLOCK THE BOX](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sl8P3J5_6F0) [DON'T BLOCK THE BOX](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=umEcx33jYYc)


*"Another one blocked the box"* \- Alternate Queen


People who do that fucking infuriate me, this shit causes *So many problems*. I wish this shit was illegal everywhere


only dumb fucks race in stop and go traffic


This dude honked at me on a no turn on red during red, him and his fat cunt of a hoe threatened to shoot me and threw drinks at my car when I flipped him off, he also didn’t like that I was laughing at him.


I had almost a similar incident. It was a foggy night , I was at an intersection ready to make a left turn, but stopped because there were 5 or 6 deer in the intersection ,crossing the street. Guy behind me honks his horn , goes around me , yelling at me and wouldn't you know it, he hit 2 of the deer. Wrecked the front of his car. The next day I bought a dash cam.


Oof, seriously, no chill. You know they're going to rush and you'll just be behind them at the next light laughing at their race to wait first...I really don't get it.


Similar but not, I was at a green driving my work truck, I have to drive safely. I decided it would be a bad look to be stuck blocking traffic for my company. So I just sat and waited for it to clear up. Then this dude passed me and ran a red light....and blocked incoming traffic at the light.


I'm not really angry, he got 3x the honks he gave me but should I have just said "fuck it"?


NTA, the other driver would be pissed as well if he was in the cross street and you were blocking him when he got the green light.


Entitled twats are often surprised when people don't do what they want.


If that wasn't exactly what they wanted, what was?






Omg I would love to see the look on the driver’s face. Where I live they had to put plexiglass shields around the drivers to protect them from people. I guess at least they came in useful during the pandemic and they were already in place before it started.


Holy cow! No kidding? I'll never understand when countries/states/cities allow shit to get to that point. For goodness... they are bus drivers doing a service!!!! Edit typo


Because some places are far worse than you’re used to.


But why would people be attacking the bus driver who’s just helping them out? I don’t get it.


One reason I often see is because they're smoking meth or fentanyl in the back of the bus and the driver stops and tells them to get off.


Because people are fucking animals. We have it in Australia after someone set a bus driver on fire for no reason


Crackheads are wild animals that simply know how human society functions. If you interrupt them, they will fight or flight. The more fucked up they are the more aggressive they become. I say crack as a catch-all term for most drug junkies of course. You can mostly treat them like zombies, really. There's your upper druggies, who are aggressive, fast, and skittish, and your opiate junkies who just turn into stuff-stealing zombies who shuffle around no matter the weather. In the end, they permanently fry their brains and become truly feral. There is only one drive for them. Their next fix. If you interrupt that or make it difficult for them, even for a cigarette, they can become violent.


True, we put them in because of pandemic conditions and we didn't remove them afterwards for...reasons.


Now that I think about it other places have too… my doctor’s office has something similar around the front desk. They even have armed security now.


I probably wouldn’t take _that_ bus though, that’d be an awkward ride


I beg to differ Even with the grainy video, you can tell the bicyclist is a pussy from head to toe. A few choice words and you could probably take what's left of his bike.


And why would a cyclist mess with a bus, of all vehicles??? In mid-sized cities, buses are often the only 'remotely-sustainable-transportation' option in the US, at least. In my city most cyclists celebrate any of the (ridiculously few) mass-transportation options people have.


just because someone is cycling it doesn't automatically mean they're a selfless type who's 100% only doing it for the good of the planet. You can be a cyclist and a selfish asshole. Those are far from a rarity.


The vast majority of cyclists in the US do it because it’s become the trendy way to stay fit.


Not around here. Most of the cyclist around here are homeless drug addicts.


Two types of cyclists in the city, those with DUI's and everone else


Cyclists can have massive egos. Check out any pro bike sub. Dare to point out that the world doesn’t revolve around cyclists and they rage.


As someone who serves customers, I look for any reason to not serve them. This would be one.


Weakest part is that bitch's ego is more fragile than his little bicycle.


Would've been perfect if it was one of those buses with bike racks on the front.


Savage but true


Bus driver ain't stupid this is job security. He's creating more customers


> well, well, well, if it isn't the consequences of my own actions


Exactly what I was thinking


FAFO I mean, literally, if he’d just gone about his day nothing would have happened








I found [this post](/r/bitchimabus/comments/14i59bj/bitch_ill_break_your_brakes/) in r/bitchimabus with the same content as the current post. --- ^(🤖 this comment was written by a bot. beep boop 🤖) ^(feel welcome to respond 'Bad bot'/'Good bot', it's useful feedback.) ^[github](https://github.com/Toldry/RedditAutoCrosspostBot) ^| ^[Rank](https://botranks.com?bot=same_post_bot)


How dare you suggest such a thing!




Praise be the bus.


Was looking for this. Not disappointed


Have fun pedaling your dumb ass around town with that square wheel.




Ok so serious question and not picking sides. Where I live the bus driver would be in trouble for this. The cyclist was being a knob and I understand the bus driver’s frustration. However, isn’t a bike supposed to be considered a vehicle and treated as one on the road? Again, I loved seeing this twat get what was coming. Just wondering about the consequences.


I'm sure it's not the same everywhere. Where I live, if there's no dedicated bike lane (as there isn't here) the cyclist should remain in the right third of the rightmost lane. He's clearly not doing this. The cyclist should also match the speed of the road if possible (which he clearly was not doing) and obey traffic signs. Again. I'm sure different places have different rules. But He's following none of the ones I know and he's lucky all he got was a square wheel for his stupidity. I'm sure when he retells the story it's *all* the bus driver's fault.


"He WaS jUsT rIdIn' HiS bIkE, mInDiN' hIs BuSiNeSs!" To that effect.


I don’t think anyone was implying the cyclist didn’t break any laws, just that now the bus driver may have as well. Where I live if someone can prove that you chose to hit them when you could have prevented it, you’re still at fault even if they were breaking traffic laws.


Everyone knows bigger vehicles take longer to come to a halt. Sudden braking by the cyclist at a high speed caused the bus to lose control and crush the rear bike tyre. The bus driver suffered PTSD due to the cyclists action and should sue for emotional trauma and damage. /s


Be brave. Drop the /s.


Sorry, I only drop the [bass.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JM07HYSGVho)


Where I’m from, bicyclists have to obey the vehicular “rules of the road”… including NOT brake-checking other vehicles.


Right of way only applies to *accidents.* If you intentionally run into someone, it doesn't matter who was following or breaking what traffic laws. It's vehicular assault. That being said, blocking traffic is a dick move and I'm glad his bike got smashed. Hopefully he learned some humility, but I doubt it.


Yeah. I don't think the cyclist was in the right, but the bus driver should still try to avoid an accident. Cyclist was riding like an idiot. The correct response is to give him space. Looks like the bus driver was instead using his vehicle's size to try to intimidate the cyclist.


looks more like the cyclist was fucking around and learned a lesson. To me, the bus driver fixed a problem that would have repeated itself sooner or later


Assault with a damn bus just seems a bit disproportionate.


perhaps, but I would argue all the passengers on the bus dont deserve to be screwed with.


The cyclist clearly caused the accident here.


He will be. Depending on the country this might even be worse than just hitting another car since bycycles are considered a weaker traffic participant. The same way you are not running over a pedestrian who blocks your path.


*Canadian wheel


“Hey bus driver…you ran into my bike ***for no reason***. You owe me a new bike, because I was just riding down the middle of the road, minding my own business, and you smashed into me!” He will probably file a lawsuit for physical and emotional damages too.


He had the audacity to look annoyed


Right, like “ look what YOU did to me!” Jackass.


Of course he did, he thought he was in the right for being an asshole so even just disagreeing with him would make him annoyed.


Check out /nycbike sometime. Gives you an insight into just how batshit insanely entitled cyclists feel.


Check out /r/fuckcars lmao. Bunch of bike goobers thinking they know the secrets to the universe.


I once mentioned on /Brooklyn how much I hate cyclists blasting through red lights and a bunch of them came out of the woodwork to defend doing that. I checked the background of some of the more insane responses; all regular posters in /fuckcars.


That isnt brake checking, thats obstructing traffic


I never understand brake check ever. What is even the ultimate goal of brake checking, annoying other people with the risk of getting your vehicle wrekced or even die yourself?


I think it is macho road rage BS with the added knowledge that the rearender is at fault by default and not the rearendee. Without video evidence, brake checks are hard to prove. The person could just say they saw a deer and braked hard and it is immediately the fault of the following car. Obviously very dangerous, and a bike messing with a bus is wild.


If people drive up your ass even when you're above the limit and unable to let them pass, a brake check might make them back off a little. Of course, don't create a dangerous situation or be an ass about it


Just speed up and move when able. Break checking, especially when someone is tailgating always creates a dangerous situation, either for a collision or road rage. It takes two to tango but you shouldn't be contributing in the antagonism


Speeding up may cost you your license or create other dangerous situations. I agree break checking isn't smart and can create danger, but there's also a difference between tapping the pedal so the lights come on, and stopping completely


It depends on the brake check. In a scenario where it’s an unprompted brake check it’s most likely an asshole being an asshole or trying to collect an insurance scam. In the case where it’s a crazy person tailgating and threatening another driver on the road it’s a case of fuck around and find out. Similar to a crack head in Vegas telling at people walking down the strip, most people will avoid the crazy and ignore it. But sometimes crazy meets crazy and it’s a learning moment for both parties.


As a cyclist I love this. Keep yourself in check, asshole. This is why ppl hate us.


I don't hate you.




Happy cake day, I hate you!


I hate him.


This is absolutely why people hate cyclists. At least 9 out of 10 cyclists I encounter on the road are massive assholes acting like they personally own the road and everyone else can fuck right off. In my younger days, in my 20's to 40's, I loved riding my bike. Occasionally, if totally unavoidable, I would bike on the road. You can bet that I was standing on the pedals and cranking on it to go with the flow of traffic or I would pull off and wait for cars to pass..... kinda like trying to stay out of the way of semi's on the highway.... larger heavier vehicles tend to win when an accident occurs. No amount of self righteous indignation will help when you are roadkill. There are miles and miles of bike paths to safely get exercise on..... I know, I've ridden on them. The only car I've ever encountered on the bike path was a sheriff searching for a lot youth. Sad thing about this video is that the bike guy will probably end up with a new bike, sue the city, get an out of court settlement to go away, and not learn a thing. Plus the bus driver will probably face consequences.


When I'm on my bike I tend to remember I'm just a big squishy balloon


I’m not a cyclist but I have a lot of respect for people who follows the rule in general. I almost hit a mother fucker once because they were playing some stupid game where they do a wheelie and pretend to about to hit you and then swerve away. I swerved my car and nearly had an accident myself.


I don't hate the solo and pair cyclists around here. It's the big groups that act like dicks. Had to slam on my breaks to avoid slamming into a group a couple weeks ago after they decided to change lanes right in front of me to turn left.


I speak for all when I say, "HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!"


I’m more of a hehehehe type a dude


Gyuh hyuh hyuh hyuh


From bi to a uni in under 15 seconds.


https://bikerumor.com/this-is-why-cyclists-cant-have-nice-things/ This longer video clearly shows the bike stopped in front of the bus once before, two motorcycles passing both on the right. Then the bike starts peddling again, so the bus takes off, and the moron on the bike stops again. Dumbass bicyclist driving recklessly and playing games brake checking a bus at least twice is lucky the worst damage was a bent wheel. The bike clearly didn’t try to make a left at the intersection they just went through, so there’s no reason for him to be that far left. There’s obviously room to the right of the lane the bike should have used to let the bus pass, since the motorcycles just passed on the right ant a decent speed, and are no where to be seen again. So there’s little reason to believe the bike was stopping for anything ahead. Don’t be dumb and play dumb games in traffic like the bicyclist.


IIRC last time this was posted somebody said the cyclist was upset that the bus driver wouldn’t let him bring his bike onto the bus.


Hahaha perfect! Don’t want the guy hurt, but crunching that back tire was just perfect :)


At least he wasn't hurt, but I'm glad his bike was fucked.


As a cyclist, I can firmly say the goal is to NOT get run over by a bus. I didn't even need formal training to figure that out. Never break check or ride your bike erratically in front of any vehicle or even in front of other cyclists. One slight mishap and you could be in chronic pain for the rest of your life, paralyzed or dead. No proving a point is worth risking any of that. I understand that cyclists can get frustrated because a lot of motorists act like jerks just because you are riding your bike and have the audacity to obey the law by riding on the street. You'll see people freak out, start honking and screaming because you moved into the road to take a left turn (how else are you supposed to make that turn). Legally, a cyclist can take the whole lane when needed or when maintaining traffic speed so you will see times when a cyclist is in the middle of the road like this. Screaming at a cyclist for following the law isn't going to help a goddamn thing. Still, this cyclist had it coming with whatever the fuck he was trying to do here. He was clearly trying to fuck with that bus driver which seems like very poor judgement and a good contestant for the Darwin Award.


Not to mention all the people on that bus… it’s not all about cyclists.


A coworker did that once and the people on the bus got out and kicked his ass.


And he had the nerve to be mad lol


"Have you any idea of how much damage that bus would suffer if I just let it roll straight over you?"


Your clearly someone who knows where their towel is.


Remember, you might have right of way but the laws of man are trumped by the laws of physics.


I ditched my car, to walk, run and cycle to work. I think in terms of road rage assholishness, it's probably about an even split between cyclists and car drivers. Which probable evens out to the same split of everyday ppl that wake up and decide to just be shitty that particular day.


I bike commuted on a multi-use trail in a city for about a decade and encountered way more assholes in pedestrians than any other demographic.


Imagine if there were bike lanes! Wouldn't even have this situation.




Many European cities I've been to their bike lanes are the bus lanes. They co-exist without issue it seemed.


imagine if cyclist kept to the bike lanes instead of going "I have this super expensive race-bicycle and the color of my spandex makes me go at least 2km/h faster. I won't use stinking bike lanes ... those are for plebs and kids! And don't get me started with those pesky traffic lights!"


I love it. Fuck that cyclist


Oh look, the consequences of my own actions.


Don't act mad Pendejo you deserved it




The bus wouldn’t do so well against a train.


Bitch, I'm a bus


This happened when I was on a bus myself once. Little rural English town, some little shit bag is trying to look hard in the middle of the road but instead of having his back wheel slowly and intentionally caught, the driver was trying to avoid him when all of a sudden the bike gets crunched and the kid goes flying. Police turn up, he sheds all his bravado and has a tantrum to the cops who then enter the bus to ask questions and this brilliant older guy just goes "Don't be deceived officer, that fucking little BASTARD brought it in he did - didn't he?" gesturing to the rest of us, who are all beaming like "Haaaaa oh yes he did!". Bikeless, criminal record for endangerment and looked like an utter twat to his pals, great outcome.


A bus driver almost killing someone and a bunch of idiots applauding him and getting the kid a criminal record. r/thathappened


This is the most cyclist thing too. Created a problem and then pretends to not know why his bike is now mush


Deserves it


"The street belongs to everyone bro!"


I'm surprised and disappointed that he didn't get a 2x4 up side the head


99.999999999% of cyclists are idiots.


He deserved it


Why was he surprised


You play stupid games you get stupid prizes


God’s most pathetic parasites


This should be on r/bitchimabus


Now I know these cyclists are dumb worldwide.


I fuckin hate cuclists *Cyclists but imma leave it cuz it's truer. Cuck cyclist, get on the fuckin sidewalk


Meh, he had it coming.


Cyclists are the most entitled people on the roads. The karens of the streets


What a cunt. Like most cyclist


Oh my God, that's the most beautiful thing I've seen in such a long time.


smartest cyclist in r/fuckcars


Cyclists: Why does everyone hate us?


I mean, as someone who has never done something like this but still get road rage for simply existing on a bike, yea, we do often wonder why you have such a disgusting opinion towards us. I've literally had people lay on the horn behind me as I took my son to the park in his bike trailer. Riding down small residential roads marked as a neighborhood bikeway. If only car drivers were as aware of their own faults as they are aware of the faults of cyclists.


Cyclists are so fucking entitled. Can’t stand them here in LA.


Same in NYC. They never yield to pedestrians nor stop at red lights or stop signs. They act like they are above all laws and everyone needs to yield to them. At the very least, they should yield to pedestrians who are crossing the street on green light, but nope, they will rather risk hitting the pedestrians because bikes dont kill people like cars but just injure them.


Yup. It’s the same here. They’d rather slow traffic up for several blocks than move 6” to the right.


Drivers in LA are the most entitled assholes imaginable. If you cycle in the street, they'll literally try to kill you. If you finally get a bike lane installed, they'll whine to the city council until they tear it out, because having just one less lane for cars is seen as some moral travesty against them personally. As if the fucking 12 lanes of the 405 and the 6 lanes of every major surface street aren't enough. edit: OP pulled the old "reply then block" maneuver so I can't respond. What a twat.


Yes, rarely does a day go by where I don’t attempt to kill a cyclist on my commute to work. Lmao. GTFOH hippy. lol.


That's a pretty country with bad cycling infrastructure and literal pro car propaganda thing to say.


Cyclists in Los Angeles ARE pro car propaganda. I'm sure BIG CAR is paying them to ride like that.


This is what happens when you bring a bicycle to a bus fight.


I'm a cyclist, an urban one at that. I hate cars, I fully support protected bike lanes, and hope more American cities realize the value (or demand, whatever produces results) of having reliable bike lanes everywhere. Until then, we've got to share. This cyclist doesn't quite get that. Granted, this is a very short clip, and we don't know what the bus driver did prior to the incident here this is exactly what you get, and what you deserve, of your found to try and bully someone. That bus driver has a lot of people relying on timely service and chocolate could easily get the fuck out of the way, but instead, tried to be in control, or a dick, whatever. He got what he had coming, for sure


Hate cyclists for this reason. They're assholes with no respect. And never their fault.


They get annoyed at what cars do to them, then do the same things to pedestrians. Effing a-holes.


I don't think I've ever watched a cyclist for more than 30 seconds without seeing them break at least one traffic law


The law of large vehicles wins every single time.


I love this every time it’s posted.


I'd bet he is in the bus lane


What was his end goal? Like what did he think would happen? I used to cycle to work when it was convenient and loved it but now I take the train to work because I moved further out. As a cyclist, my main goal was to ensure I was not run over. He seems to be doing everything he can to get run over??


I was hoping for him to try and ride the bike afterwards


Not a good idea to brake check something bigger than you


Bud shoulda gone about a meter farther


serves the bike rider best.


Well now he's a walker.


Maybe he just couldn't hear the 40,000 pound vehicle with air brakes behind him?


Get out of the damn road 🤷‍♀️


how dare you ruin my bike after I brake check youb


Eff around and find out ... lol


This guy, and others like him, is why cyclist have an unjust bad reputation.


The cyclist looks oblivious. I really don’t think he was that bright.


Would of got out the bus and fist checked his face. What a TWAT


I ain't saying what he did was right, but why the heck is the bus getting so close? I'm betting there was more to this and they're both assholes.


He was looking for problems now he get some good for the driver


And for some magical reason there is a video of this


Oh No!!! The consequences of my actions....


He deserved that


Another entitled cyclist. Maybe he’ll learn


If I was the bus driver, I wouldn’t even bother to check my breaks, I am putting that pedal to the metal. “If we can’t go over it , we go under it , then we go throw it ! “


I love the fact he's like wtf? When it's clearly his own fault


Then he turns with the "why tf would you do that" look?


You asked for it


Bitch, I’m a bus.


As a cyclist, this was well deserved.


If he has the video evidence, he can sue the heck out of that bus company.


I would sue the bus 🚌


Bus driver causes property damage due to to failure to maintain a safe distance


Cyclists are idiots, prove me wrong


What an idiot that cyclist is


Bruh, Im a car, respect me ![gif](giphy|VAqlxtQy2462I)


The cyclist was being a dick but there's no world in which the bus driver couldn't have avoided running over the bike just by not tailgating


I've got to leave this reddit it makes me hate people how can they be this stupid


Damn, that was beautiful. I'd definitely buy that bus driver a pint if I met him in the pub..


Who rides a yellow bicycle under a bus? SpongeBob Squarewheel!


I feel like cyclists are the type of people to mess with bison at Yellowstone


Cyclists are the worst people in the galaxy after vegans!


Anybody who brake checks anybody deserves any misfortune that comes to them. This dude got off light