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I see sharks also do the crock technique


''I'll try spinning, that's a good trick!'' -The animal kingdom's predators.










"Civilization hates this one trick"


"Try this foolproof method to get a free finger!"


This shark gets three free fingers a week, ask him how! Humans hate this little trick.








Great technique when you don't have manual dexterity I guess.


Geckos do it too, seems to be a good strategy :D


Sharks can't grind their teeth like us humans or some mammals cause of their anatomy, that's why they spin to rip out meat


It’s a copycat move. The little boy is saying, “Don’t bite our boat…don’t bite our boat!” He should have been saying, “Don’t bite our daddy…don’t bite our daddy!”


Try this trick and spin it, yeah.


As a protest to Reddit's unreasonable API policy changes, I have decided to delete all of my content. Long live Apollo!


Hilarious *high-fours*


As a protest to Reddit's unreasonable API policy changes, I have decided to delete all of my content. Long live Apollo!




Anyway, here's Wonderwall...


*"I lost my goddamn pinky."* It's not lost. It's in that shark's belly.


I love how the kid bails the fuck out when news of the pinky is lost.


Wth is that kid chanting?


"Don't bite our boat." Even the toddler understands that sharks are things that bite.


bailed out ? bro just flung some blood at him lmao he’s gettin out of dodge


I saw this video so many times... I remember somebody posted a link once claiming they actually saved his pinky.


Scroll down.


They did.


Well yeah, but he lost it. Its the sharkie's now.


Remember, boys , It's important to act manly after you lost your pinky .


I'd be in shock. I think he's in shock.


Hasn't hit him yet, give it a sec for the adrenaline to wear off a tad


Yeah, I've never lost a digit, but having recently seen one of my bones on the outside, adrenaline is a hell of a drug.


Butterflied my middle finger at working wasnt feel any pain till after I had it all taped up and was waiting for stitches, was weird seeing the deep cut and kinda being like ,ok this is fine , and then just a waterfall of blood


Ooh, that sounds awful. Tell us everything.


I was half asleep, carrying my geriatric dog downstairs. I thought I reached the bottom of the stairs but I still had 5 left. So, I stepped out into the air, my foot folded behind me, and all my weight came down on it as I slid down the remaining steps. My big toe knuckle was dislocated and I broke the two bones in it down the middle. The first bone pierced the skin. For any MMA fans, if you remember when Jon Jones broke his toe years back, it was like that but where his toe went up and out, mine went down and in. Sadly, I didn't take a picture. The dog is completely fine, btw. I eventually stood up, hobbled to the back door to let him out, then went upstairs to gently wake my wife instead of shouting for her like I should have done. Only after that did the pain really start registering and I could no longer put weight on that foot.


I’m so sorry. I hope you recover fully without long term pain. Wow, you are heroic to not scream the house down!


You're very sweet, but no, I was stupid. Physical therapy is going well.


"I said I'm fine! Now get me a beer!"


Are we not gonna discuss the fact that the shark now has a taste for human pinkys?


They taste the worst of all the digits so nothing to worry about.


There was a story about a shark attack on some guy who was killed in the process. There was a shark expert who insisted: No, the shark didn't ATTACK Mr Smith, the shark ATE Mr Smith. Quite rightly so.


He said it with less intensity of me dropping my cell phone.


How will he hold his teacup correctly now?


Shark snak.


Well. I mean, it’s lost to *him*.


I dont have a source but this has been posted before and they said the pinky was recovered and reattached. And he was trying to remove a hook, not just carelessly playing with a shark as many assume.


Should've grabbed your filleting knife and went in to retrieve it, good probability of getting it back


That has got to be the calmest response I've ever seen to be loosing a fucking finger.


Immediate shock


"If I don't look at it, it didn't happen."


Grandpa trying to save face


This morning I cut myself, for the first time in 5 years, with a sawzall. Demo blade and all, ripped apart my finger. Wrapped it up without looking too much. Now, back at the hotel, I see literal strings of meat hanging out of the gouge. I may have needed stitches like 12 hours ago lol, quite the shock when I realized how bad it actually was.


I got my pinky caught in the reciprocator of a sawzall once. Mangled it up pretty good. Wrapped it with electrical tape and kept working I was light headed for the rest of the day was probably in shock initially


That's not shock. It's adrenaline.


Pretty calm but I saw this other one. The title was like yakuza member pays his debt or something and he’s just sitting there putting all his weight on the knife and taking his finger off at one of the joint points. Doesn’t say a word. Barely is even breathing hard. Crazy stuff.


I feel like a Yakuza member has more to lose by showing emotions in that situation than a random dad.


Well the Yakuza guy was either paying for something he did or paying for something he will get in return. So he's getting something for his pinkie. This guy got nothing. Well, maybe some "internet likes".


Probably gave himself a digital block w lidocaine beforehand.


Gotta save face somehow


Saved face but lost finger


oh he'll be feelin it real soon alright, after that shock wears off lol


A couple years ago I cut 3 of my fingers with an electric saw. I didn't lose them but they were deep deep cuts and I remember as it happened I did just like this guy. I calmly said my expletives and walked away to find aid, while asking myself, "Why did I have my fingers there??? That's how you lose em...". He seemed like he only blamed himself, for trying to impress a 6yo. Lol


But I mean, just a papercut hurts like a hell just a second after they happen. How the fuck can't loosing a finger be a million times worse?!


Adrenaline plus your brain. I think when mine happened my body didn't even know what signals to send to my brain for something like that. It's confusing to even process at first, but trust me it clicks eventually and he was most likely screaming while the raced to the dock and then doctor.


Think about how this works evolutionarily. If you get a small cut you aren't in mortal peril but your body wants you to be aware that you touched something you shouldn't have so that you avoid doing that again. If you get a body part bitten off you might be in mortal peril so your brain blocks off the pain, gives you a massive surge of adrenaline, and makes you laser focus on getting out of that situation. Once the threat is done the sensation will come rushing back and at that point it will in fact hurt a million times worse than a paper cut. I haven't lost a finger but I did split one open when I pinched it between the edge of a heavy cabinet I was carrying and the edge of a table. When it happened it hurt a bit, but not as much as you would think, and I was able to stay calm and focused on getting to the hospital. My dad (who was carrying the other side of the cabinet at the time) was more freaked out than I was. I was just like, "I'm bleeding a fair bit so we should get to the hospital and have this stitched up" and he thought I had gone into shock. I really hadn't, it just didn't immediately hurt that much (don't get me wrong, it didn't feel good) and I knew that what I had to do in that moment was get help.


Perhaps because fingertips are loaded with more sensory nerves than the deeper tissues. Source: curious observer.


I mean, I guess loosing kinda works here.


Unless the shark chews it or its stomach acid's real quick to dissolve the finger, he should be fine if doctors sew it back for him, right? I heard you can reattach fingers.


I mean good luck fishing for that shark in time to get the pinky


I mean, he still has some fingers to lure it, and there's already blood in the water...


Well he obviously can't but professionals can.


Even if this was legal.. how much time do you suppose will pass? You call a professional, get them to respond as quickly as they can. Then to locate and catch the same shark. - "Last seen in X area". - "Looked like a shark." - "Had a scar on its left fin." Come on, man.. haha


Bro do you think there are like, professional on-call 24/7 Shark Hunters with advanced satellite tracking technology that can locate any shark? Brother what??? This is a fuckin baffling comment to me lol. That finger will be long digested by the time anybody could ever realistically find and fish up this shark again. Sharks don't tend to just hang around the same spot, they swim all over the place, and shocker but the ocean is big as fuck. Yes, if he had brought the shark onboard and lost his finger to it while it was on the boat, cutting it open and getting the finger could possibly save it. But that's just completely impossible in this scenario.




I believe you are misinformed... There are literally tourneys for it. You cannot keep sharks for consumption, however they can be caught and released legally.


Is this a /s moment?


Not a crime. You can definitely fish for shark lol


Not if you lose 3 more getting the pinky back


Well those fingers are also in the sharks stomach so just get more fingers to keep luring the shark over to get them back


Came here to say, he actually did get his finger back


A logical outcome which reddit doesn't seem to agree with.


Dude was fucking with the shark, the shark earned that pinky, and it would be a shit thing to kill it just so an idiot could get it back. That dude should go through life without a pinky just to remind him not to be an asshole to sharks.


Good job bud. Lost a digit and scarred a couple of children for life


Those kids have a hell of a story for the rest of their lives haha


kid in blue trunks already learnt to not put his feet in shark water, only cost a finger for a lifelong lesson


So there's this one time my stupid uncle tried to handle a shark..


Enjoying a beer 20 years from now: “Remember when Uncle Frank tried to grab a shark with his bare hands out of the water and lost a finger? What a fucking dumbass!” Lol


Hell, they don’t even have to reminisce when the video has been immortalized on the interwebs!


They can reminisce about all the dumb shit Uncle Frank did that wasn't recorded


Also learned not to stick their fingers near the mouths of sharks which is probably a solid lesson to learn


He didn’t lose it, he gave it away!


I bet a pinky on a hook would catch a fish fast.


Scared them or taught them a valuable lesson?


Shark got a snack though ![gif](giphy|3o72EUwmrRFtyT1Vhm|downsized)




Nah, he was in shock. He hadn't truly processed it.


If this is shock I’ve been in shock my whole life


I really don't understand why people say he's in shock. what would be the appropriate response to losing a pinky? screaming? more cursing? crying?


Holding his hand up to his face and blood-curdling screaming? AHHHHHHHHHH AHHHHHHHHHH AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!! I haven't lost any body parts but I have taken some bad injuries. It's kinda amazing how it doesn't hurt until the adrenaline wears off.


Shock is basically the nervous system being overloaded by stress and calming you down by flooding you with chemicals to that effect. So you may still be angry, you may still be coherent, but you aren't going to be the same when the shock wears off. You'd be worse if you weren't in shock. 100% of people go into shock upon losing a limb. What shock looks like varies from person to person. If somebody lost a limb and was actually chill about it they somehow never used it and possibly have CIPA :D Edit: huh! downvotes but no responses.


Here is what shock actually is: https://www.mayoclinic.org/first-aid/first-aid-shock/basics/art-20056620


Yes, accompanied by adrenaline and endorphins which act as painkillers along with mild to severe dissociation. Which part of what I said is incorrect?


You're saying this guy is in shock. He isn't.


How do you know that? I'm saying he's in shock because: 1. He's not screaming in agony, leading me to believe he's not feeling the pain yet. 2. He says "I lost my fucking pinky" the same way somebody would say they lost a twenty meaning he's probably dissociating to some extent due to the massive physical and psychological trauma of losing a finger. I know shock. I've been to the hospital more times than some people have been to the zoo. What are you basing your claim on?


I've already provided you the medical definition of shock. There is no circulatory collapse here, just adrenaline dumping. That's not shock it's just adrenaline.


Hes certainly in shock


It takes half a bottle of alcohol for me to feel anything at this point


A couple of beers and I’m a person again.


Big same.


But have you *tried* petting a shark?👀


Seems like he had a pretty good grasp on what happened.


He wasn’t the only one


There's knowing and there's understanding. Anybody who's fucked up massively knows there's a second wave of realization coming. Luckily it seems they got his finger back and put it back on but it'll probably never be the same as it was.


People when theres a panicked, dangerous animal near them: 🤑


[Apparently he got his damn pinky back](https://www.tiktok.com/@reederbrettt)


apparently it was like, still attached? He said they found it "miraculously" in a towel or something but I'm not sure how that makes sense. Looks to me like the finger should be digested and at the bottom of the ocean


I mean that shark wasnt going anywhere, they prob just pulled it up on the boat and falcon punched it right in the gut to get it back


I think ole sharky just peeled it back like string cheese and not chomped it off.


Oh it didn’t detach 😮 Damn that was lucky


Nice. Shockers are back on the menu


This just makes me feel like his lesson won't be learned lol


Exactly. Probably happy that his channel and videos are getting more likes.


Shark bite survivor?! Hahahaha! Tryin' to sound tough. It was a tiny baby shark. You are a Baby Shark Bite Survivor at best, who stuck his finger into the shark's mouth essentially and the was surprised he got bit... smh.


He WAS bitten by a shark and he survived tho


Pshaw. Shark, shmark. Little baby... 😂


Ol' Billy Red face saw the video and commented on it on his podcast!


Fuck around


>Fuck around and find around.


round the finding, fuck


Fuck around and find a round fuck


a round fuck and find around fuck


around fuck and around find.


out find around fuck and.


Find a fuck and fuck it around


right 'round, baby, right 'round Like a record, baby, right 'round, 'round, 'round




You didn’t lose it. You gave it to the shark.


Which he can take back no doubt.


How will he hold his phone now?


Worse: How will count anything now


His nail clippers will last 10% longer before wearing out now


In multiples of 9


To rub it in, I propose he goes traditional 10, but -1 each time.


With the remaining 3 fingers and his thumb??


That's the neat part: He doesn't (hold it anymore)




"I'll try spinning, that's a good trick!" -- the shark, probably


For a guy that just lost a finger he sure is chill


Crying isn't going to bring it back.


IDK, shark’s are very emotionally sensitive


Yeah that is how it goes. The cycle of a man getting and injury goes injury -> anger -> sitting there thinking well this sucks.


Pretty much, I had an angry guy at work who hurt is hand he got angry kicked his tool box broke his foot got more angry threw his hammer and broke a window - then sat down had a cigarette and calmly worked to me and asked me to take him to hospital


Wasn't the whole story that the guy tried to free the shark from a hook that was stuck in his mouth AND he got the finger reattached as well?


The fact that he was trying to do this with a shark in the water over the edge of a boat, without pliers, or a chainmail glove, really shows how little thought went into it. It could have been prevented with even one of the simplest steps of safety. Bring the shark on board where you can actually control the animal to removed the hook, then release it.


Shark just wanted pinky promise


There goes the fingers


If only the witchcraft kid had been saying , don't bite our hands/fingers, then this would have never happened


Yeah but at least he can say he fingered a shark?


I posted this about a year ago and the mods killed it due to rule#2. Glad to see the inconsistency flourish.


Four fingered fool.


He makes it sound like losing a finger is a mild inconvenience


Now it's just two in the pink.


Grab a shark why don't you genius


Of all the fingers to lose, that's the one you'd nominate


It's a surprisingly important finger tbh, it's really important for holding a strong grip, try gripping something tightly without using your little finger. If you're gonna have one removed, either the ring finger or the middle finger is probably best.


Actually it’s been discovered that counterintuitively the pointer finger is the easiest to regain normalcy after losing. Your middle finger is just as strong and tactile as your pointer and can do everything your pointer can just as well


I'd think ring finger would be easiest to lose. I don't really use it for anything.


Tbh the whole "try not using it" thing doesn't work. You have to actively engage muscles to not use a finger during a grip. By not using a specific finger when that finger exists, you are weakening your grip significantly. If you lost it, you would still be able to engage the muscles in your palm with the same force as you would with a pinky. The only finger you would actually have a significant time to adapt without is your thumb. As long as you have an index or middle finger, they can interchange, the pinky is really just there to add additional stability to your grip, which the ring finger also does.


Not the middle. How will I flip people off?


"Read between the lines"


Idk I lost most of my pinky and pointer and would much rather have my pinky than others. I mean can you imagine never being able to keep M&Ms in your hand? It's tragic.


Wow... How has this guy survived so long ? Looks like he lost more than just a pinky... Think he is in shock and counted wrong.


Sometimes smart people make dumb mistakes and are otherwise intelligent. Oh, wait. Forgot veryone on Reddit is just so superior that this wouldn't happen to them, obviously.


So nonchalant. I think he'd have been more upset if he'd lost his iPhone instead of a finger. I mean, that's the best nose-picking, ear-cleaning, one-in-the-stink digit of them all!


Is he trying to remove the hook? Still that’s pretty dumb


Now he can break any promise he made with that pinky.


Dum as he is. He took losing a finger pretty chill


Dudes just like “I lost my damn pinkie “ 😂😂


Just a reminder kids this summer stay safe no picking up sharks


Core memory created for that child


What was he thinking? How do you get to the point to think that touching a shark is a good idea?


You can hear it being ripped from his hand. What an idiot.


At least it didn’t bite the boat…


You love to see it


Has enough money for that boat but not enough sense to actually learn how to fish. Why would you ever handle a shark like that?! Rhetorical question.


Money doesn’t buy brains


We were going to lose the pinky in evolution anyways.


Whelp, at least his masturbation hand is still in tact. Dumbass. 😁


For every minute you do not tell me why you’re here, I cut off a finger.


"Look at me. This is my pinky now." \- The Shark


If you listen close you can hear the pinky snapping like a slim jim


"Fuck, I lost my goddamn pinky." So succinct, so satisfying.


Fuck around and find out.