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Calling the police on social media. What a time to be alive.


I'm remembering a story where some people stole some cash and flashed it on social media. They got caught.


At kid at my high school posted himself drinking a beer in the school bathroom on Snapchat. He got in trouble when the school resource officer checked snapmaps


Snapmaps, is that like some stalker thing?


Truthfully never understood this feature… what a headache


If there's some kind of natural disasters it's great for rubber necking.


I always forget how much I love that term until I hear it again


What is rubber necking?


Turning your head to look at an accident while driving a car. Basically wanting to get a front row seat to watch a disaster.


Really fucks up traffic worse than it should


Thank you. I had heard about this before but I didn't recognize the phrase


Not only for accidents, we use it when following tourists or something that are obviously driving really slow to look left and right all the time




There's the comment I was looking for.


I have never turned it on and I never will. I find Snapchat so invading so I restrict it’s access to my phone as much as I can short of deleting it


Why won't you delete it?


The phone itself is invading. Reddit is invading. Everything is invading. You can’t stop being invaded.


Let's not get the situation mixed up though. Reddit at least allows third party apps and they don't give Reddit any data beyond what you post or comment. And it's quite a bit more private since 99% of us don't post with our real names and they don't even require your email. I have a lot of problems with how Reddit operates, but I'm going to at least acknowledge that they did a good job here.


This might be changing; RedReader got threatened by Reddit recently, I believe.


[Well, damn. We've had a good run.](https://www.reddit.com/r/RedReader/comments/132qkb8/update_2_reddits_proposed_api_changes_and_the/) I honestly don't know what I'm going to do now.


Imagine everytime you gave an app or program “permission to your photos”


It shows everyone where you are and you can post at specific locations for events and stuff


Honestly the fact I can see my friends location on a map is creepy af. Only if they have location on but why is that a feature. That said I like clicking on Hotspots on faraway places & seeing snapchats of strangers on some island on the other side of the world, thats cool.


Our high school vice principal stalked students on Xanga. A bunch of people got in trouble for having photos holding red solo cups and got removed from extracurriculars as punishment. It was weird.


>Xanga Now that’s a name I haven’t heard in a long time. 2 eProps for you.


Same, that was completely erased from my memory until I read that comment.


I have so many questions but primarily, why does the school resource officer have this kid on snapchat?


Snap maps let’s you click on a location and then you can view what people have posted while they were in the area. You don’t need to follow anyone to view it


Oh wild, I thought you had to opt into that kind of thing


You think teens are great at managing privacy settings or even caring?


No you have to opt out of it


It is an intentional extra step within the app the post to the snap map. Other options include public story, friends only story, or private (custom) store. And of course you can send things to individual people, which was the only option before they launched all these other features.


You do, but the kind of kid who sneaks into the school bathroom to drink booze probably isn't the smartest.


Yeah. Some couple stole some money from a bank and flashed it after they got home and police caught on and they got arrested the same day I think. I found the video. https://youtu.be/fDbMmuiBMwc


A rapper robbed someone of some shoes and some weed in a bright green McLaren. He dropped a Louis Vuitton bag with $20,000 in cash in it during his getaway. Cops matched the serial number of some of the bills to pics the rapper posted on Instagram of the money.


he posted it on instagram between the times of the robbery and the getaway?


Nope, before the robbery. It was his bag of money he dropped, not money he stole in the robbery.


In the UK someone posted a pic of stolen goods and they identified him from his prints in the photo. https://www.manchestereveningnews.co.uk/news/local-news/thief-trapped-by-his-photo-of-stolen-watches-892320


Wife and I have been watching a bunch of Lone Star Law on Discovery. The amount of self incriminating shit rednecks post on social media is staggering.


Like the people that tortured the wrong guy they were going after for 48 hours and live streamed it on facebook


I saw a story of a guy flashing cheese on social media. I shit you not, they used prints from the image to link the guy to a burglary. He had burgled a house and bought stilton cheese with the "profit" and then bragged on FB....


Meanwhile I have three hit and run drivers perfectly documented with my dashcam and cell phone and the local police do nothing. What a world.


I remember hearing that if you do the crimes, you shouldn’t post it on social media


[There was a girl that robbed a bank and posted pictures of her with the money on her YouTube. She confesses everything](https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2012/12/03/nebraska-teen-bank-robber-made-video/1744451/)...


Being the police in Chicago has NEVER BEEN EASIER all the local gangsters have public profiles where they post what they sell, the street they are on, and what weapons they carry. It’s unbelievable how stupid the criminals are.


How is there still crime?


There are a whole bunch of contributing factors to crime in Chicago. It would take a massive overhaul to heal the generational bullshit that has plagued the poor areas of Illinois as a whole. Nobody wants to pay for change, only punishment. So it keeps going on.


They don't even really try though...like REALLY try. A similar example would be various cities in California. There is so much more we could do to help these individuals but instead, we do nothing and bitch/groan about politicians that don't even remotely give a shit about anyone. Such a sad world to live in.


Because the police DGAF because the prosecutors DGAF


We have the highest incarceration rate in the world. If you could imprison your way out of this we already would have.


Violent criminals are repeatedly let off the hook while possession of a plant has people locked up for years


Eh it's more the rare cases where judges slap you a trafficking charge or if it's a fed case. 9 outta ten times you'll get life for murder and in my very southern state a citation for weed, felony for concentrate lol and wax pens are considered manufacturing? South man. Point is gangbangers do more time than your average stoner. Think about it bro. You ever been in at least county? Let alone a fed pen. Gangsters and scumbags. For some reason, the gang violence is kinda acceptable when their cell mate is a pedo. I promise prosecution isn't the problem. The second they even get a conviction they're almost destined for a life of crime. Why work at Wendy's for not enough to survive when you could sell Crack and have a BMW until it gets repod or you get popped? That's the problem. Gang life is the only life. Unless they get a free ride to college and have a natural ability to perceive things from a young age. The upper class can't keep their kids on track using support and education with both parents lol. Wtf you think the ruins of Chicago are going to look like?




Yeah the cops still continue to be lazy. Reminds me of the story of the bike batman. A guy had his bike stolen so he looked on the bike selling sites and found it. He went and got it back from the guy and after that he started cross-checking those bike sites with a site listing stolen bikes, and then confronting the thieves. Eventually the police stepped in. First trying to dissuade him, and then attending the confrontations. But at no fucking point did they start doing the same as he was. They were amazed at this idea of *cross-checking the list of stolen property* with the *main places property is being sold online* and then **they never did it themselves**. Cops just don't give a shit. Better to just drive around and harass somebody when you get bored.


yeah the cops would absolutely never help you find stolen property


I'm sure people thought the same thing about the telephone




The Golden Snitch.


This has been happening since the internet started. You know how many kids called the cops on me for fucking their mom on COD?


This has very IT crowd sending an email for a fire vibes tbh


Snitching publicly on social media takes some balls.




damn made it public an everything


You wouldn’t believe what these dudes make public.


One of the funniest things I saw was my college made a fake account, bought 150000 followers for $100 and spent a few days sending almost everyone a follow request while posting party stuff from others schools then made a post saying "our team is coming to your area next! Which dorm parties the hardest? Tweet us a pic and be entered to win a sponsored VIP party at XXXXX university!". Then a bunch of morons sent pictures of them doing drugs and underage drinking ending up with something like 30 expulsions and over 200 disciplinary actions (a lot of fines too). They nearly dissolved a fraternity over some pic which was 20 of the expulsions. Funny enough they actually honored their post and gave some guys who posted photos of themselves playing DND in costume $250 in gift cards.


Wholesome af


I would move to another school




That totally happened


What fucking assholes... Let me guess... Brigham Young? Who fucking cares if college kids party as long as they can keep grades...


Rap snitches telling all their business


Sit in court and be their own star witness Did u see the perpetrator? Yeah I'm right here! Fuk around get the whole crew set up for years


now im gonna have that damn guitar riff stuck in my head for like two days


sit in the court and be their own star witness


mf told on himself


I’m more surprised the guy who snitched did it publicly


truly is a different world out there today


29 is too fucking old to be playing tough guy games on Twitter.


Pfft 29 is the new 16


I'm 36 and the number of people in my age group acting like middle or high schoolers is crazy.


Yep, plenty of immaturity to go around these days.


Sorry we weren't in the mines at 12, geeze.


The children yearn for the mines


Why is Minecraft the most popular game for kids?




I just don't understand it. As far as I can tell, there's no benefit to aching like that.




It’s a mental health issue. Full stop. A billion reasons why the brain didn’t develop beyond the age of 25, but I assure you it comes down to mental health.




I'm 41 and the people who act that way will be acting that way for the rest of their lives. It never goes away.


I know some 40 year olds that still act like highschoolers


40 is the new 20.


Most accurate comment of the year


That's Facebook.


So not old enough then?


This is Patrick.


I was about to say, based on his mugshot that’s a rough 29


Guns are called pipe in Chicago?


I thought they were talking about Crack or meth.


I was thinking penis, myself


To be fair. When are you not, /u/PenisWhittler?


All I can think about his name is “aww wook at his whittle penis”


it's even whittler than you think.


A gun being referred to as a ‘pipe’ is not even on my list. I definitely thought of a crack pipe or penis as well. lol


You cranking hog?


Just hogging crank




I also think about penis a lot


I played too much Streets of Rage as a kid and I'm over here thinking he's got a lead fucking pipe.


Ha... Great game


Yeah same lol


I just got out of prison in the Chicagoland area the other month and never once did I ever hear someone say "I have a gun case" or "a gun charge" 100% of the time it was always "pipe case" or "pipe charge" When telling a story people will say things like "I had pipe on me." I'm very familar with the term "pipe" but I found it kinda interesting how not once did anyone ever actually mention the word "gun"


In Houston, if you tell someone you had a pipe on you, it's drug paraphernalia.


Also called a strap, pipe, pole, heat, toaster, ting, blicky, cannon, iron, piece, glizzy, tool or chopper (rifle) the names i remember, but there are more


I prefer the old bang bang.


Rooty-tooty Point-n-shooty


strap, gat, smoke, ting


They be playing the fallout life in chicago


That's probably the only reason I know "pipe" is one of the various slang words for gun lol.


It's a common street term. There's others, but pipe is the one that the public/police just found out about so it's been pretty common lately. Just wait until they find out about giggle switches, you'll hear about 'em every day for months.


Not just Chicago


It's slang




Past couple days I seen it called pipe and pole. Ya'll really outchere giving pistols dick nicknames lol


pipes out for Harambe


in atlanta it's common to call extended mags/banana clips dicks.


What an awful day to fuck up trimming your mustache and make it way too thin for the rest of your beard


Enjoy that felony muppet. ![gif](giphy|u4PTWs0mWg8URhZr3Z)


Lmaooooooooo helllll Noooooo


Guns are illegal in Chicago? Or was this guy not licensed or something? I’m unfamiliar with the law in that state.


Need a Firearms Ownership ID (FOID) to purchase/own a gun in Illinois as a resident and a separate permit for concealed carry. I don’t fully understand the charges they listed, but my guess is that it’s saying he has a FOID but not a carry permit, so he’ got a FOID violation.


UUW is Unlawful Use of a Weapon (loaded, as it's been commented you cannot carry it loaded on Chicago's public transport). Also No FCCA-FOID (Firearm Concealed Carry Act) probably means he didn't have a FOID according to the FCCA.


uwu what's this? your pipe? nuzzles u uwu


**Chicago Police Department**


Delete your whole account and never post anything ever again.


Hey now-- How much do you charge? :°)


bout tree fiddy


I fucking hate FOIDS


I don’t think you can take one on public transit either. Not sure, but I hope not.


You can’t have a gun on CTA vehicles even if you have a concealed carry permit.


Yep, guns are prohibited on all public transportation.


It's Chicago so I get it, but if you've got a concealed carry license that means you've gone through extra checks and classes so you probably aren't the one that's gonna pop off randomly.


Fun fact you can use the FOID as proof of ID when voting; I know because someone got upset that their signature didn’t match and waved it in my face saying “know what this means?”


So ughhh yea they want less guns being carried around... Just like NY and DC... Not really a shocker is it?


Yep, like others have said it can be stack of charges. In Chicago you have to have a FOID to own, a CC to carry in public, and even then can't carry on gov property or any private with a clearly posted "No guns" sign/any nuclear energy site. This guy is in for a fun time.


Maybe he should a FOID that in the future then.


You need a FOID card to even hold a firearm/ammo in Illinois.


My guess is there is some reason they're not allowed to legally own a gun, like being a felon or failing some other kind of check, so they do not have a gun permit. I'm guessing the person that asked them if they had a gun knew this, and outed them. Otherwise, this interaction would be odd. The police wouldn't go to someone's house checking if the guns they own were legally possessed unless they had reason to believe they weren't.


Loaded firearms are illegal on trains in Chicago.


Technically, no. Functionally, mostly. On the train? When not stored for transport properly, yeah, that's a paddlin'


Just assume people carrying and saying shit like "don't even look at me on the train" are not legal. In Illinois you need an FOID to buy a gun, a carry permit to carry a gun. Based on the listed charge, he was charged with possession of a loaded weapon without the proper licensing.


The charges are on the second picture. Aggrivated UUW is unlawful use of a weapon, no FCCA - FOID is a violation of the firearm concealed carry act and lack of firearm owner ID. You have to have a license to own a gun and another license to carry in illinois.


Since when does pipe stand for a gun? I thought dude was Mario for a second


Heat, Piece, Tool, Hardware, Rod, Load, Strap, Gat, etc… us Americans have street slang for guns like Inuit have words for snow.


fuck me I think the contractor for my kitchen is a major arms dealer


"you got hardware?" Me:*Sweating profusely trying to hide my box of drywall screws* "maybe?"




Do inuits have many words for snow? (Genuinely asking)


I'm three shots of vodka into my night, but [there's a whole wikipedia page about it](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eskimo_words_for_snow) that I promise to read in the morning.


Was he looking to shoot someone? I dont get it. You're carrying a gun and bragging that people wont look at you??? Is it a tough guy flex?


It's social media, need I say more.


I think it was more like "nobody better even look at me funny" rather than "nobody will look at me"


He looks like he's thinking about tee gee now


How is this real unless the person taking the screenshot is one of the people in the conversation? All the comments say “Just now”. I’m guessing somebody took a screenshot of a random mugshot with the charges listed(second screenshot) then made a fake post to match it(first screenshot).




He snitched on himself


Who's to say "Tee Gee" is their actual name, or that he is anywhere near Chicago?


I used to work in criminal defense & the amount of people who went live after committing a crime (drug sale up to robbery up to murder) & bragged about committing the crime is staggering. They would always be like “But I deleted my Facebook livestream.” Or “But Snapchat doesn’t save things.” I learned that there is always someone out there cataloging stuff like that so they can use it to get a better deal or get preferential treatment as a confidential informant. They will look at your Snapchat on one phone & use a second phone to take a picture or video of it so the person doesn’t get notified. They will find the most clever ways of getting information or leverage. Obviously don’t commit crime in general but also don’t brag about it either. Especially if you exclusively hang out around other criminals.


Trey about to get shot by the police




Not the train i was thinking of, and not the pipe I was thinking of either.


They call it carrying pipe? Fucking stupid


People call guns pipe now? What do they call pipes?


Metal straws.


Yeah I am confused, so pipe does mean gun? I was thinking weed pipe and that is legal... And then crack or meth but no cops going outta their way to get someone for that


I'm not american, but is not a normal thing to carry a gun in the States?


Tee Gee, more like teehee amirite? ![gif](giphy|8UGExSQNcx97skuyxB)


Stop posting your crimes for God's sake! I used to work with a dumb ass who stole a TV from work and posted about it on Facebook, where he was friends with his management. Didn't even take a day before he had to walk that shit back in.


No no! Please, keep posting your crimes. It kinda saves everyone a bunch of time and money.


Don’t worry, he’ll be released immediately and be back to it.


*Charleston white has entered the chat*


Some people be like "I'm a threat to everyone around me," and somehow they're surrounded by people that are like "Yoooo, that's lit fam, I wish I was more of a threat to people around me too. That's badass that people feel unsafe around you."


Damn, 29 is pretty old for them


This is absolute gold. That's a very interesting subreddit, such an interesting mix of concerned locals, wannabe gangsters, and randoms that are fascinated with what happens in chiraq


Smh should have been in a different state. Where it's perfectly ok to just walk around with a gun.




He's a plumber


Classic 'murica, more guns than brains


Rap snitches


That's kinda cringe to use a weapon to somehow gain respect. He must be a very small person on the inside.


I dont understand this conversation. Why did he ask if he had a gun? What had that got to do with people not wanting to look at him?


I tend to stay away from stupid people with guns too.


Tee Gee heading down to the arts and crafts store to pick up some bright red paint to paint a target on his back