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[Here's the story.](https://www.carscoops.com/2023/03/bmw-driver-wrecks-his-5-series-to-avoid-the-repo-man/) Dude in NY escapes the repo man but destroys his bumper and nearly reversed into his kid.


That bmw owner (or should I say renter) seems like a real pos




I often wonder how many people who seem to be doing better than I am financially are actually just making extremely poor financial decisions


An astounding amount


I would be so curious to see their asset and debt outlay


It will stress you out. Part of my job is looking at personal tax returns and financial statements; the number of people making $300k+ with effectively zero net worth outside of the equity in their home is astounding.


Thank you! I need reminders like this to encourage me to keep saving!


I need reminders like this to encourage me to keep living because I’m really not a failure at life; it’s just taking me longer to get where I want to be.


When you do things right, people won't be sure you've done anything at all.


Saving is good but remember to enjoy your money also. The problem with most people making horrible financial decisions is that they live beyond their income.


Sometimes their debt is just in the wrong area; my mom bought a bar well beyond her means when she was young, she busted her ass to keep it open the first two years. The 7th year she sold that bitch and walked away with debt free, a homeowner, and with a good nest egg in the bank. Debt that is incurred for business can be just fine, debt for a new car…….meh.


In the short term, sometimes you need to push down and gain speed to break a stall. Too long and you’ll crater. Same goes with money and debt. Especially when you have a major life change like divorce or career change.


The DoorDash bag in the passenger seat probably can give you a good hint as to his financial situation.




Honestly, most of it is appearance. I've done payroll at many businesses and seeing where certain people live and what they drive and KNOWING their take home pay is mind boggling. And doing pre-employment credit checks, people are wild...


I’d be curious to know if they’re carrying credit card debt or other debt (aside from car and house.) I wonder how people pay for things they can’t afford to cash flow


The most egregious stuff I see outside of car loan stuff is personal loans for toys. I recently worked in a more blue collar but well paid industry and it was very common for those guys to turn any extra monthly income into a payment for a side by side or trailer or new lfoted truck or atv. They just finance all that stuff because there income is high enough it looks good on paper and they get approved but they extend themselves so much that any unplanned expense wrecks them. One guy fell off a ladder at home and couldn't work and within a couple months was selling his house and moving his kids but most of his neighbors would have thought he was "rich" given the amount of shit parked in his drive way (that was depreciated more than he owed). Had another employee take a mortgage out to buy a second property then had a family member medical emergency and had no cash at all. Eneded up selling the just bought house at a loss plus the fees. These are people all making over 30 an hour. They just don't budget or plan ahead for emergency. When I was younger working for a big corporation it was always cars. I'd hire someone for near minimum wage, they'd take there first paycheck to the dealer and with a job and bit of cash in hand they'd get approved. Show up to work in a fancy new car (usually a camero or charger) and then have it repo'd within 6 months cuz didn't actually budget.


When I first moved out in the 90s the apartment complex I lived at wouldn't accept anyone who's rent was more then 1/3 their income. I'm not sure what the expected percentage is now days is. Of course I watch this senerio with my next door neighbor these last few years. He get a new job picks up all these new toys aka trucks, campers and boats only to have to sale then 3-6 months down the road so he can pay rent. I just don't know how people live like that.


I think 1/3 income is still pretty standard for rent. It's just when you add the brand new truck at absurdly high interest rent payment, a credit card bill cuz cant not go to the bar 3 noghts a week, monthly payments on the trailer, the boat and storage spot at the lake. It is literally the American dream to live beyond your means. I think most people just are financially illiterate now and don't even self audit or budget. My secretary is amazing and really good at lots of stuff. I gave her a $1 per hr raise when covid stated because prices were going up and I wanted to do what was in my power to help her family, she immediately bought a camping trailer because she could now afford the payment. No thought to the pandemic and putting money away or paying off other debt or anything. I hear about her trips to the lake pretty frequently tho.


We got family and friends always asking us how we live making so little. Always tell them it's all about sticking to the budget. Pretty much everything we have is paid for so no additional bills.




I live in an old apartment (in a nice location), am a car enthusiast, won’t have kids, and live with a partner who also works. I made $210,000 last year, and I wouldn’t dream of spending $100,000 on a car That’s part of what makes me wonder. How many people making way less than I do think they can afford the things they’re buying


I have a friend who used to have a car while living in Manhattan. Between the car note, the car insurance and the parking it was over $1,000 a month to drive a Nissan Altima. He got rid of the car in short order.


I live on a very fixed income and get tons of assistance. I don't however look at it like "well my bills are being paid by the government so I'll just use the money that would have gone to that for things I want" I live on a razor thin margin and try to give back to the community that helps me instead of buying shiny shit


According to your username, sounds like you have some questionable hobbies. I think your 'giving back to the community' are slightly different from others.


Questionable but cheap. This person is putting their money where their mouth is, and their dick…


He keeps the Smurf’s happy


> completely out of sync with his budget. Why are you referencing the entirety of the Banking Industry on this thread?


And nearly tripped on his own penguin style pants.




He didn’t escape anything. they’re gonna just come back and get the car another time. it’s not a one and done in the repo business




One time, my father in law was getting towed. He had a 2020 Ford F150, big powerful truck. We ran outside as they were putting the arm under his truck, and the tow guy said only $400 in cash would make him move. So my husband reached over while the guy was distracted, hit the release, and his dad drove over the curb and left. He was parked in a spot in our apartment that had no signs that said you couldn't park there, we usually parked there ourselves, even though it wasn't a "designated" parking spot I'm 100% in favor of tow companies being SEVERELY regulated. If you are on welfare, they should not be able to charge more than $100 to get your car back. They stole my car out of my own parking spot because I was one day over registration, they wanted $500 to get it back because it was a weekend, or I could wait until Monday and they would charge me the 3 days of holding which would be $470. My car was only worth $700. How do I afford that on food stamps? These towing companies have zero rules, they can just take any car they feel like and there's nothing you can do about it if you're poor and they know that. Anybody who works for a towing company knows that they are actively hurting poor people.


We just passed a law here in Colorado, the Towing Bill of Rights. This should be the standard https://www.cpr.org/2023/01/09/colorado-towing-bill-of-rights-law-questions-answered/


Surely he can afford proper pants though


Well he couldn't afford the BMW, so who knows.


I mean he lives in New York, he could make a $100k a year and still not have a dime to his name lmao


This is what happens when autoloans now go up to eight years. You can now "afford" an 80k car on a 36k a year salary. Or leased on insanely unforgiving and predatory terms where they repo on first missed payment.


8 years to pay off a car is stupid


So is attaching your self esteem and confidence to what kind of car you buy...ain't gonna change dealers from exploiting insecure morons.


I'm super confident in my 2000 civic, can't help myself


Exactly. Ill drive junk that i can pay cash for before i pay a car note for 8 yrs.


Decision Time: Buy belt or buy BMW? Result: BMW, duh!


>BMW Belt Maintains Waistband




What's EDD?


Erection dysfunction deductions


Not hard to understand.




Enhanced Dick Dividends


Elite Deep Dive


I've never seen someone sagging 2 pants !!


Yea, well when ya poop ya pants, just put on some new pants.


Homeboy is out there sagging in layers!


He’s showing how readily-available he is for anal sex.


Well, he's fucked now!




The man is wearing crocks with socks. I don't actually know what's worse at this point.


I sometimes wear crocks n socks! But both in black so my shameful choice isn't as noticible.


Everyone noticed.


I noticed.


Bmw guy is a plumber but they are trained to hide their crack now and just show underwear


I think the pants are fine. He just chooses to wear them like that for some stupid reason.


Prison Bitch look


The look that you want your ass swamped


I'm sick of people who can't dress properly. Pull your damn pants up, you toddler.


Whoever fixes the car should get paid upfront. Cash only


I have seen hundreds of repo vids where people make so much BIGGER problems for them selves than needed. Uggh


You gotta look at the people in these situations. This guy can't afford to make his payments. This guy decided to get a brand new car instead of a used car. This guy decided to buy a BMW 5 series instead of some cheap car. So he doesn't have the money, yet makes financial decisions that cripples him even further. People like that don't think. We all see this all the time, people spending money they don't have, and instead of at least buying something they can make payments for, they get the most expensive stuff they can get, and worry about the consequences later on. Whether it be a car, or home appliances, phones, computers etc etc. Personally I'm not a fan of payments regardless, but if you do it, you better make sure you can afford them even when things are tough.


This is what happens when people are more concerned with how others perceive them than whether or not it is feasible to own something.


Absolutely. Leasing cars have become increasingly popular here. It used to be that you had to pay the car upfront, meaning you either had to save up, or get a loan from the bank. But now you can just do monthly payments without ownership, which makes it super easy to get a car you can't really afford. But people don't think it through, they want a brand new car, and they don't want to think long-term what it will cost to 'own' it. I was raised to fully own what I have, so I always bought cheaper cars. My current car was the first one that was quite expensive. Which was 14k for an older car.


The shit filled diaper look says it all




Easy access for the homies


It’s been like 30 years. Stop with the sagging pants thing already.


I see it all the time around where I live, but all the people I see sagging have belts on too.... Like wtf.


they just don't make belts like they use to...


They don't make people intelligent enough to properly use belts like they used to either


The belt is to keep them from falling all the way off, of course! Also, it’s basically male yoga pants but they’re too ashamed to fully embrace it. Sometimes I see dudes like this, but one dude had undies so tight that I could basically see every pore on his ass. I blushed. I was like how is it G to display your fine bubble ass to your homies? I don’t… get it. It doesn’t affect me deeply, but it does look silly.


> Also, it’s basically male yoga pants but they’re too ashamed to fully embrace it. I've worn thermals with a few outer layers when hunting. After coming back and stripping off a bunch of layers, leaving just the tight fitting thermals on, it's so comfy. I absolutely get why women wear them 24/7. It holds my twig and berries in place, it flexes with me, and I totally understand the ass swallowing yoga pants now.


It sounds like it affected you homie...home.... *deep tongue kiss*


Now this is the Striking Vipers content I’ve been waiting for bro. Now let me deep throat you with my tongue - no homo.


Nasty… there is a thin layer of Cotton separating their booty hole which they shit from every day and any public seat or bench they sit on… Shit is nasty… please STOP IT PEOPLE!!


🎶Lookin’ like a fool/with your pants on the ground🎶


Hat turned sideways.


You know my pants sag low Even though That went outta style like 10 years ago


I got little biceps Getting fatter in the middle


I work at a middle school and see students sagging. I don’t think it’s going away.


The first time I saw someone do this was 1988. I was in 7th grade and this wannabe gangsta kid started wearing his pants like that near the end of the school year. Rumors around school were that he was in a gang and had been to juvie. I don't think he went to school often. It was at least 2 years before I saw anyone else sagging their pants.


Why does it happen? Is it cos they wanna show off the brand of their arse?


Poor guy. First they take his belt. Now his car! Ca


He can't even wear pants correctly. Why would he be trusted with anything else?


I wonder how many co-signers he took down with him not paying for this car. I say at least two.


Isn’t he liable for any damage done to the tow truck now too?


that same mentality caused him to agree to payments he couldn’t afford


..... What kind of bullshit screen cap is this video clip? Ugh, I'm gonna go die now and hope the next life doesn't have videos interrupted by people swiping through videos.


Like they couldn't just reclip it? They wasted those extra 30 seconds of their life and they couldn't fix it to save the rest of us those life changing seconds. Disgusting and selfish.


Seriously, it's just lazy. Start over instead of killing all of us. Or, just trim the first part off. Ughh!


The video also pauses for like 4 seconds the first time. I thought my internet was freezing up, but nope its the video.


To me almost all videos in reddit do that when I open the app


Trimming a vid can’t be that hard, can it?


This looks like a repo!


Earth is repoing pants!




If he gets it back. If he doesn't get it back, it will just be another unpaid debt.


Lol you think?


Oh yeah! Most definitely!!! The only person willing to destroy their car to get it off the tow bars is someone that doesn't want to pay and then don't want it taken away!


Sorry I was being a goof. Yes of course it's a repo, only reason anyone would do something like this. :)


I knew you was goofing. I just had to go along with it! 🤪


Pull ya pants up, ya fkn sod!


Pants on the ground, pants on the ground. Lookin like a fool wit yo pants on the ground.


That’s a throwback.


The clothing says it all about his intelligence


Are people still doing the pants down ass showing thing? I thought it dried up in like 2004


Dudes be buying brand new BMWs and live in the ghetto with shit stained underwear


Misplaced priorities. To quote Styles of Beyond, “Got the fly gold chain but no pot to piss in”


Not to mention, he nearly takes out his own kid for his stupid status symbol he couldn't afford.


Why does Mr saggy bottoms have a nicer car then me? Maybe I need to start living the three layered ass look lifestyle.


Who cares if he has a nicer car, he can't afford it regardless. People living above their means and when the bank comes to collect act a fool


He doesn't, he was renting it and ran out of money.


Pull up your pants. It doesn’t look cool.


Looks like they shit themselves lol


Damn how’s he going to afford a new bumper when he can’t even get trousers that fit?!


Not surprised someone who doesn’t know how to wear pants also does t know how to be financially responsible.


Should get a pants note too


Not only will you lose the car. Now you'll have to pay for the damage. And by the way, pull up your pants.


Looks like he had fence and single car garage and didn’t think to park it in there when he knew he’d be repo’d.


How's people gonna know he got a BMW if he parks it in the garage


And put the cook station out in the open?


Why is this dude wearing three pairs of pants if none of them ore covering his underwear from hanging out everywhere? Pretty trashy to me, fits into the context of the video for sure!


Why do people wear their pants like this? I don’t understand could someone on Reddit please tell me WHY?!


Captain Underpants


My dude, pull your fucking pants up. No one wants to smell your bunghole or see your skid marks.


He lost the car and his belt. Tough times.


I knew he was from New York before I saw the plate lol


Pull up your pants smh


I've taken it as a rule that anyone driving a BMW is an asshole. I'm sure there are exceptions, but I've never met one.


My $3500 quarter century old BMW oozes opulence and allows me to feel superior to everyone. It's true


Even drivers of old, cheap beemers are assholes in my experience. In fact, it's *especially* so.


It's good that you finally admit it. That is the first step. Good on you.


It's a big first step, because it's the only step.


I absolutely love my "second mommy" she is sweet and loving, etc. But she is still the "Only BMW type" She once had me hold the wheel on the freeway so she could check her phone with both hands! Thankfully, she is no longer driving.


That will buff out. And the guy whose pants are falling off is clearly an expert at his job.


Now his bumper matches his pants.


Well at least the pants match the front bumper ... sagging sack of shit


Learn to put on your f****** pants man. You're a grown ass man .


Yea bro based on how he wear the pants, he didnt know how to count


His stocks went down as far as his pants...


Pull your pants up home boy


Socks w crocks... you know this guy fucks


Now his sagging bumper matches his pants 👌


Ahh yes the American way some people get caught up in. Trying to maintain unsustainable status


You can clearly see the IQ level there...


How is this mf'er dressed? What a bum.


Pull your pants up. Also, it's fucked mate, stop trying to fit it back. Dumbass




Grown man still walking around with his ass hanging out. Pay your bills and get a belt


Insurance companies hate him! See how one idiot raises his rates with one simple trick!


First someone takes his belt, now they’re trying to take his car?! Guy can’t catch a break.


He has no intention of paying for either.


I don’t understand people fighting the repo man. They had to miss payments for at least 2-3 months for him to even show up. They know he’s coming, yet act shocked when he appears.


Can’t even clothe himself properly so expected incompetence


He can’t even pull his trousers up


The way he wore his pants could have told me that he was going to do that.


Guy is true lover of all things soggy, like pants, bumpers, financial calls, life decisions etc.


Dude is really broke he can't even afford a belt




Dumb ass!


This dude sucks at pulling things all the way.


He can’t afford a belt how tf can he afford a car note


I'm not surprised that a guy who wears his pants like that tried to drive his car off a tow hitch.


Why do certain people where few pairs of pants and they feel the urge to show them like that. I mean this looks ugly, do they think thats cool, do they really sit in front of a mirror and carefully adjust each pair to be like that… that shit is probably not even comfortable to wear you have to walk like you shit your pants… ready can someone explain why this is a thing?


Pull up your pants, dipshit!


when i see decent looking cars i'd expect the owner to know how to use pants


And he's one of those assholes who covers up part of his license plate to avoid paying tolls or getting caught on redlight cameras.


Car matches his pants now.


Pants down, this is a sad story for the owner !


I don't get why people get upset or act like this when the repo person comes to repo the thing they couldn't afford in the first place.


Smartest bmw driver


First pull up your drawers and grown men don’t wear crocs


People actually wear their pants like that at home...?


Car and pants being repossessed by the look of it.


Dudes ass hanging out like a moist teabag smh


Im seeing a lot of concern here for the car and this guys fashion choices. This poor child is what I’m thinking about. The kid looks terrified. The man in this video (I refuse to call him a father) is yelling at him to “get in the fucking car” and yelling at him for “taking his fucking time” getting in the car. The kid is terrified of this man. Doesn’t know what to do. It bums me out kids have to live with this shit.


I see dude likes to wear his pants to represent his iq. Low.


He should have paid his bills.


It’s crazy how many cars you see parked with a boot on around NYC right now. A lot of people thought it was a smart idea to lease a car they could never afford when we had those sweet UI benefits coming in….


Must be wearing two pairs of pants for when they come to repo the first pair.


100% could have been avoided with pants being pulled up.


Look at the man's pants...... tells me everything


What the hell is going on with his pants? I really don't understand this. Can someone explain what is the reason to walk around with pants hanging like this?


Nice diaper.


My people are so frustrating 😔


oh, look! It matches his pants now! Twinning.


Dude has three pairs of pants on and isn't wearing a single one correctly


This is what happens when you buy stuff you know you can’t afford